Since When Were You The Villain?

Chapter 98.   


Having heard Sophia boast about Elizabeth, Estelle also became interested in her.   

“Even if she acts like that with Sophia, be careful because she’s not used to human touch.”   

With Beatrice’s warning, Estelle sat down beside Sophia and reached out her hand towards Elizabeth.   

However, as soon as Elizabeth turned her body to face the approaching unfamiliar hand, the atmosphere changed rapidly. Elizabeth began to show signs of caution, as if she might snap at any moment.   

Feeling the shift, Estelle paused, withdrawing her outstretched hand.  

“It seems like she doesn’t like me touching her.”   

“That’s normal. Sophia is the odd one here.”   

As Estelle retreated and stood up, Elizabeth once again allowed Sophia’s touch without any reaction.   

Estelle felt quite disappointed that she couldn’t touch Elizabeth.   

When Beatrice guided them to the table in the gazebo, Elizabeth followed closely behind Sophia. Soon, she leaped onto the table where Sophia was seated.   

“Elizabeth, I told you not to climb on the table,” Beatrice scolded gently, lifting Elizabeth and placing her on her own lap.   

The three of them engaged in a light conversation. Beatrice asked how Sophia and Estelle had become close, how the young aces were doing these days, and what their interests were.   

However, before the conversation could go on for long, Elizabeth interrupted, crying and seeking attention.   

Despite being almost three years old, it seemed that Elizabeth still enjoyed playing and having fun.    

Beatrice let out a sigh mixed with laughter and said, “Your Majesty, may I play with Elizabeth for a while?”   

Sophia asked the Empress, making it clear that she was willing to give them some space.   

Beatrice admired Sophia’s thoughtful gesture, as there might be private matters she wanted to discuss with Estelle when she called her separately.   

Beatrice entrusted Elizabeth to Sophia, which was quite unusual as she rarely allowed outsiders to handle her.   

“Actually, I have something for this,” Sophia said, pulling out a long string from her sleeve. At the end of the red string, there were fluffy tassels hanging.   

As soon as the tassel started swaying in the air, Elizabeth’s attention was fixed on it. Her thoughts seemed to convey.   

‘I’ve prepared the ultimate weapon for playing with a cat!’   

“Let’s go play outside, Elizabeth,” Sophia suggested, leading them to the garden outside the gazebo.   

In the small garden, Sophia and Elizabeth spent time playing. Elizabeth was thrilled by the tassel that Sophia waved, and she pounced and played with excitement.   

However, Sophia’s ears were perked up at the conversation happening between the two.   

“So… you want to join the Ruchtainers?” Beatrice’s elegant voice could be heard.   

“Yes, Your Majesty. Joining the knights has been my dream from a young age. Ruchtainer is a particularly honorable place for a knight,” Estelle replied.    

“It’s surprising that a pretty lady like you would apply to the Knights.” Beatrice remarked.   

“In the Niore family, wielding a sword is a natural thing, regardless of gender,” Estelle replied. She then shared her journey and expressed her desire to work for the Empire.   

Beatrice smiled contentedly. “Is that so? Then do you have no interest in any other knightly orders besides Ruchtainer? For example, Orhel?”   

Sophia was momentarily taken aback by Beatrice’s words, as she could sense Beatrice’s keen interest in Estelle.   

“Well, I prefer entrusting my protection to a reliable female knight like you, rather than male knights.” (Empress)    

“Wow, that’s impressive, Elizabeth!”  

However, just as Beatrice was about to continue asking Estelle about Orhel, Sophia loudly interrupted, causing both Estelle and Beatrice to turn their attention to her.   

Sophia used her entire body to swing the tassel, and in response, the excited Elizabeth leaped into the air to catch it, performing acrobatic moves.   

“Elizabeth!” Beatrice called out in surprise, and Sophia continued to play enthusiastically with Elizabeth, catching the attention of the Empress.   

“Your Majesty, look at this! Elizabeth…!”   

While Sophia panted from playing vigorously with Elizabeth, she managed to capture the Empress’s attention.  

‘She must not let Estelle get interested in Orhel!’ Sophia thought to herself, exerting all her effort to divert the Empress’s attention away from Estelle.   

Her desperate attempt seemed to work, as even Elizabeth’s playful antics managed to draw both the Empress and Estelle into the spectacle.   

Much later, Elizabeth seemed to lose interest in the tassel, and after a burst of activity, she lay down in the grass, grooming her long, white fur.   

Sophia couldn’t help but wonder, ‘Did I play with the cat, or did the cat play with me…?’ (T/L: 🤣)  

As Sophia was catching her breath and panting, a servant who had been looking after Elizabeth came to collect her and carried Elizabeth inside.   

“Sophia, it’s time for you to come in as well. You’ve worked hard,” the servant said.   

Sophia followed the servant back inside after a successful diversion.   

The two people who saw her fierce and passionate play clapped for Sophia.  

Sophia blushed and gratefully acknowledged their applause before sinking into a chair, her tired body leaning back.   

“After playing like that, Elizabeth will probably take a long nap,” Beatrice remarked with a smile as she personally poured tea for Sophia.   

“By the way, Sophia, I heard that you danced with Killian at the ball.” Perhaps due to Elizabeth’s influence, the conversation shifted from Estelle to Sophia.    

“Yes, I practiced not to embarrass myself in front of His Excellency the Grand Duke.”   

“You looked beautiful. You and the Duke made a good pair,” Beatrice complimented Sophia with a kind smile.   

But Sophia remembered Killian’s warning, ‘It’s better not to reveal your relationship with me in front of her Majesty. If she asks about me, say it’s just a political engagement.’   

“Thank you. It felt quite awkward dancing with him, but I’m relieved that it didn’t show…”   

Sophia replied with a touch of modesty.    

“Awkward? I thought the two of you seemed quite close.”   

“I’m trying to get closer… It still feels a bit distant.”   

 “Is Killian difficult?”    


Sophia hesitated, seemingly unsure if it was okay to admit that he was difficult in front of the Empress.   

“Perhaps a little, just a very little… but that doesn’t mean I dislike it! I’m truly grateful for introducing me to such a wonderful person in the royal family.”   

Sophia waved her hand as if to dismiss her earlier statement.   

“It’s okay, Sophia. I may have brought you two together, but not all human connections are necessarily good. You can be honest with me.”   

“It’s almost as if you’re too good for me… People around me often say that too.”    

Sophia forced a somewhat awkward smile.   

This should make it seem like her relationship with Killian is not all smooth sailing, right?   

“Right now, he might seem strange and intimidating, but once you get to know him, Killian is truly a kind and affectionate person.”   

Empress Beatrice advised Sophia about Killian, her acting seemingly not giving anything away.   

Sophia watched the Empress talk about Killian and felt a slight chill. She had thought she was the innocent victim in the novel. When did she turn into a villain?   

With that kind and gentle face, she had killed Killian’s parents and held Killian captive. And now, she was targeting Estelle. How could she be so audacious, using such cunning tactics? She was indeed a remarkable woman.   

“The Empress of the Empire isn’t just anyone…”   

She had fooled even the readers of ‘Blooming Flowers.’   

“But Killian is very busy, so it might be challenging to get closer. That day, you must have been very surprised.”   

Beatrice remarked.   

“We were surprised, but what happened to those who passed away was so tragic… They were innocent and yet treated so cruelly.”   

Sophia clenched her fists in fear of the serial killer, the Black Moon.   

Estelle nodded in agreement with the Empress’s words and said, “It seems that the military police are having a particularly hard time dealing with the Black Moon. I’ve never had such a difficult time before.”   

Sophia’s clenched hand twitched slightly at Beatrice’s words.  

‘Is she suspecting Kilian?’   

Beatrice seemed to suggest that Killian himself was the Black Moon and that’s why he couldn’t be caught. Sophia considered whether Beatrice suspected Killian.   

“I heard that the Black Moon is emerging suddenly. They say it’s a monster capable of defeating Sir Nicholas, so the military police must be having a tough challenge.”    

Estelle, with a serious expression, contemplated the Black Moon.   

“That’s what I’m saying. I wonder how many skilled individuals in the world are capable of outsmarting the military police. Such a monster emerging from somewhere is astonishing and terrifying.”   

Sophia swallowed quietly in response to Beatrice’s words.   

It was clear. Beatrice was suspicious of Killian. Even though Sophia had proven Killian’s alibi at the ball.  

“We closed the borders during the founding festival, if he isn’t captured during that time, it will be a bigger issue. I’m also worried about Killian’s health. Sophia, does Killian seem to be struggling? 

Beatrice asked with a concerned tone.   

‘Could it be… Is she asking me to tell her about Killian’s leg injury?’  

Sophia lowered her eyebrows and opened her mouth to respond to the Empress.    

“It looks like he’s having a hard time indeed. Losing close comrades and bearing such heavy responsibility.”   

Sophia expressed her concerns with polite words, worried that she might inadvertently reveal too much about Killian’s condition.   

“Yes, he must take good care of his health,” Beatrice murmured softly, raising her teacup.   

Just then, the sky darkened. Suddenly, it seemed as if heavy clouds were rolling in, and the three of them looked up in unison.    

They couldn’t see the sky due to the canopy overhead, so Sophia extended her head beyond the canopy’s pillars. In that moment, the screams of the maids pierced the air.




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