Since When Were You The Villain?

Chapter 80


The ballroom is in full swing, so no one goes to the resting room in the corner.

In particular, there is no road behind the building, so people don’t even walk.

‘Why did you leave the door and come this way? Were you planning a Romeo and Juliet scenario?’ (T/L: 😂.)

It was a strange appearance indeed, but she ran to the window first and opened the locked window.

Then his upper body, which had been leaning against the window, leaned forward towards her.


Sophia, surprised, caught him and held him close.

What in the world was happening? She couldn’t fathom it.

“Is he drunk? Did he follow the Empress’s orders to drink and end up incoherent?”

As she supported his heavy body, a pungent smell reached her nose. A scent she had smelled once before.

On that day, too, Killian revealed himself by the window. A foreboding sensation had made her heart race.

“Killian, are you okay?”

Sophia quickly caressed his cheek and examined his face.

He was pale, just like on that day.

At that time, Killian barely got up, grabbed the window frame, and climbed over the window.

After crossing the high window, he stumbled and, unable to take another step, collapsed to the floor.


Only then did Sophia notice the deep wound on his thigh.

Seeing the bloody gash, Sophia felt like blood was draining from her own body.

The wound was so deep that it seemed like her fingers could sink into it.

It seems that he tore the cloth and managed to stop the bleeding, but that was not enough.

“K-Killian… Are you okay?”

Sophia held him with trembling hands.

However, she had no idea what to do.

There was no 911 and no emergency medical supplies.

“Is there anyone who can help? Anyone?”

Sophia’s voice quivered.

She wanted to remain calm as much as possible, but with such a wound right in front of her, she couldn’t find any peace.

She wished Killian would tell her what to do, but he remained silent.

“I’ll go to the medical room first!”

Sophia thought of the medical room prepared for any injuries or accidents during the party.

However, Killian held on to her.

“It’s okay.”

“It doesn’t look okay at all!”

“It’s okay, just… just stay like this for a moment.”

Killian tightly held onto her and didn’t let go.

Sophia couldn’t understand. It seemed like he needed to be treated immediately.

But Sophia’s heart sank when she saw his eyes looking at her.

She realized that his injury wasn’t just physical; it went much deeper. She knelt down again and sat by his side.

Killian buried his head on her shoulder without saying a word.

He was silent for a long time with his head buried in hers. There were no sobs, no tears, but he was crying, like someone whose world had crumbled.

She felt the tears in his breath, hotter than the crimson blood. Overwhelming emotions pressed on her chest.

‘What in the world happened to you…’

Sophia couldn’t bring herself to ask. She couldn’t pry open his wounds.

She could only hold his cold hand tightly, hoping that her own warmth could somehow reach him.

Sophia quietly embraced his back.

She was too small to wrap her arms around him entirely. So she ran her hand over his back several times and held his arm tightly.


“Lady Sophia, are you in their by any chance?”

A guest’s voice echoed in the lounge, and Sophia’s eyes widened.

“Is it Crown Prince Mikhail?”

Sophia raised her head, meeting Killian’s gaze.

Killian clenched his teeth and struggled to suppress his emotions.

‘It seems like the servants heard about it…’

Sophia remembered telling the servant about her whereabouts to inform Killian. When she tried to get up, Killian stopped her, shaking his head.

“I… think they already knew I was here. But don’t worry. I’ll handle it.”

Swiftly, she rolled her head and managed to lift Killian to his feet, using her small stature and limited strength.

“Killian, please come over here.”

With her petite frame and frail strength, Sophia couldn’t fully support Killian, but she could at least provide him with some support, like a thin wooden cane.

She seated Killian on the red sofa, covering him with a nearby blanket. In the meantime, Mikhail knocked on the door again.

“Lady Sophia?”

Sophia, feeling increasingly desperate, exchanged a glance with Killian, and a resolute decision shone in her eyes.

“Excuse me, Killian.”

At the same time, she ripped Killian’s shirt from both sides.

Under the opened shirt, Killian’s well-defined chest muscles were exposed.

“Sophia, what on earth?”

“I’m trying to send him back.”

Sophia frantically sprayed the perfume intended for ladies around to mask the scent of blood. At the same time, she called out to Mikhail, who was outside the door.

“Your Highness, what’s going on?”

Sophia pretended to be flustered and stumbled over her words, pulling down the shoulders of her dress and undoing the ribbon that had cinched her waist.

The dress now seemed ready to slip down at any moment.

“Oh, you were inside. Is Killian with you by any chance?”

“Well, he’s here, but…”

She replied hesitantly, tossing her shoes carelessly near the sofa.

“Her Majesty has something to tell you, and she mentioned that she forgot something, so she’d like to see you again.”

“Now?! Uh, that’s quite inconvenient.

Sophia moved towards the door and quickly ran her hand over her lipstick-coated lips.

“Could you please open the door for just a moment?” Mikhail asked politely.

Sophia stood in front of the door and took one last step to ruffle her hair slightly, letting some strands cascade down her shoulders.

Then she took a deep breath, grabbed the doorknob, and opened it. She quietly opened the door about an inch and poked her head out.

Lipstick smudged around her mouth, her dishevelled hair, and Sophia’s arms gripped the dress that was about to flow.

“What’s going on…?” Mikhail was taken aback as he faced Sophia.

“Well… it’s just that…” Sophia’s face turned a shade of crimson as she struggled for words.

Mikhail’s face also flushed red, and he couldn’t find a place to look. He intentionally averted his gaze, as if he didn’t want to catch a glimpse of Sophia’s cleavage, which would become visible with a slight slip.

“And Killian…?” he stammered.

“Your Highness, you said that Her Majesty the Empress was calling me, right?”

“Yes, Lady Sophia.”

“In that case, could you bring some clothes for His Excellency?” Sophia said, opening the door a bit wider to reveal Killian lying on the sofa.

The torn-open shirt, half-covered lower body under the blanket, and the overpowering perfume she had used in an attempt to mask the smell were all there for Mikhail to see.

Mikhail understood why Killian hadn’t come out himself and turned his gaze away completely.

“Ah, I see. I’ll send someone through a servant,” he said, quickly trying to leave.


“Your Highness!”

Sophia grabbed him once more.

Startled, Mikhail turned around carefully when Sophia extended her head through the door crack.

“You know this is a secret, right?” Sophia raised her index finger to her lips and met Mikhail’s gaze.

Mikhail nodded silently, keeping his lips sealed.

As Mikhail left, Sophia closed the door and leaned against it, her trembling shoulders pressing against the door.


Sophia exhaled, her tense breath releasing as she awkwardly tightened the ribbon on her back to fix her dress. She approached Killian again.

“Are you okay?”

“Thanks to you.”

Killian nodded with a calm expression, unlike before.

Thanks to her ripping off his shirt without hesitation, all the thoughts in his head flew away in an instant.

Truly, a fiancée beyond my imagination.

How could she act like this in such a situation?

“His Highness mentioned that he’ll send clothes for you to change into. As for treating your wounds…”

Killian watched his fiancée worry about him and ponder solutions. She seemed like a guardian angel sent by the heavens to protect him.

At times when he needed her touch when he was likely scared, she reached out her hand to him without hesitation.

He hadn’t asked for his injuries to be kept a secret from Mikhail, yet she hadn’t told him. It was as if she knew his heart completely.

But in reality, you must be scared too. That’s why you’re trembling like this.

Killian still looked at her trembling hand. The emotions she tried to hide but couldn’t, her attempt to act calm and natural despite them.


Killian quietly gazed at her. When he looked at her, it made the things that had been suffocating him settle down.

“You don’t need to push yourself too hard. This is enough.”

It was more than enough—way too much—so she didn’t need to strain herself.

Acting like everything was fine—not scary, not surprising, not curious, not needing to handle everything. Even I couldn’t bear this burden; how could you?

Killian kissed her forehead.

At that moment, Sophia’s lips trembled, and tears welled up in the corners of her eyes.



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  1. Flare says:

    It must’ve been hard for Sofia… like how could you love who you thought is a murderer, someone who you thought “loves” you as an obligation and “badmouths ” you with her supposed future mother-in-law.

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