Since When Were You The Villain?

Chapter 76  


“No, it’s just that I’m worried about the scar on my back…” (Estelle)  

“Haha, you sound just like my grandmother. Most people wouldn’t say that about a scar.” (Sophia)  

“Well, scars are something that knights might have, right? It’s not that unusual.” (Sophia)  

“Right? Of course, this scar has been with me since I became a knight.” (Estelle)  

“Oh, is that so?” (Sophia)  

Sophia covered her mouth, wondering if she had made a mistake, and Estelle shook her head as if she were okay. 

“This scar was there even before I was adopted.” 


“But I’ve never really felt embarrassed about it. It’s been so long, and it’s more unusual for it not to be there. Besides, my mother used to say that it was a mark of my strong destiny. A newborn with a scar like this, surviving even after being hurt so badly, that’s a clear sign.”  

Estelle remembered the words of Lady Niore, her adoptive mother, and her face filled with a sense of pride.  

Estelle’s parents recognized her strong survival instinct and introduced her to the Niore family.  

She was a perfect fit for the Niore family, who appreciated strength.  

And indeed, she was strong.  

In the original story, she makes Mikhail the emperor by surviving Killian’s obsession and all kinds of evil. 

“You had good parents,” Sophia said, feeling a bit envious of Estelle, who had been loved and raised despite being an adopted child.  

Before her possession into the novel and even afterward, she had never experienced love from her parents, despite being their biological daughter.  

“I’m proud of my parents too. In the eyes of the other aristocrats present here, the Niore family may appear to be from the outskirts, with nothing much to offer.”  

“Why don’t you have anything to offer? I heard that the Niore family has been defending the northeast for a long time. In particular, it serves as a barrier to block demonic beasts.”   

Estelle’s eyes widened at Sofia’s words.  

“Do you know about our family?”  

“Well, not really, but…”  

Sophia had read some of the novel, and, after her memories of the original story came back, she had intentionally learned more about the Nior family of the female lead.  

The Niore family governed a small region to the east of the Grand Duchy.   

Life there was known to be difficult due to the large number of demons. It was especially rugged and not suitable for human habitation.   

Only a few people engaged in farming, while many others became demon hunters to make a living.  

However, because of the rare resources obtained from killing demons, such as rare hides, teeth, organs, and special minerals and materials found in the demons’ lairs, the family was not considered poor.  

In such a harsh place, Estelle had been found abandoned in the forest, which shocked the Niore family and led them to adopt her.  

“You’re the first person who has ever understood our family like this. People usually think of us as savages who engage in hunting and rough living,” Estelle said, gripping Sophia’s hand tightly.  

The female protagonist’s bright and kind eyes gazed at Sophia. It seemed that the heart of the female lead had indeed opened up a bit.  

“It feels like I’ve made a friend with whom I can communicate for the first time since coming to the capital. Lady Sophia, if it’s okay with you, please treat me comfortably.”  

“May I?”   

Estelle nodded her head.  

“Alright, Estelle. Then please call me Sophia.”  

“Okay, Sophia!”  

Estelle hugged Sophia tightly with both arms. Her strength was no small matter, and Sophia leaned into it as if drawn to her, even though the position was a bit uncomfortable.  

Nevertheless, Sophia smiled contentedly.  

‘Hehe, I’ve definitely scored some points with Estelle.’  

At that moment, a servant who had come to escort Estelle knocked on the door of the lounge.  

“Lady Estelle, the carriage has arrived.”  

Upon the servant’s call, Estelle released Sophia and stood up from her seat.  

“It looks like I should be going now. I shouldn’t keep you from enjoying the party properly because of me. Go back quickly, Sophia.”  

“It was a pleasure, Estelle. Take care on your way back.”  

Estelle put the torn waistband back together and said.  

“Yeah! Let’s meet again next time, Sophia!”  

With a smile that suited her well, Estelle bid farewell and followed the servant out.  

After the stormy encounter had passed, Sophia heaved a sigh of relief, her shoulders relaxing.   

She briefly considered taking a rest in the lounge, but the thought of Killian came to her mind, and she couldn’t stay any longer.  

Sophia walked back to the party hall, determined to find Kilian.  

* * *  

Meanwhile, Killian was summoned to the Empress’s private parlour.  

In the room, a white cat named Elizabeth was dozing on the windowsill.   

The Empress seated Kilian in the parlour and had a servant bring refreshments instead of alcohol.  

Once the arrangements were made, the Empress dismissed her maids and attendants to wait outside. In a quiet atmosphere suitable for conversation, the Empress spoke first.  

“It seems like you’re quite interested in Sophia, Killian.”  

The Empress spoke softly as she felt the warmth of the tea on the table. However, Killian discreetly pressed his lips together.  

‘…I mustn’t reveal my feelings for Sophia.’  

If his feelings were revealed to the Empress, she would definitely try to take advantage of him. 

He might approach Sophia and make her dig into his secrets.  

And Killian wasn’t sure if he would be able to stand firm when Sofia asked him for his secrets.   

In front of her, his resolve sometimes crumbled.  

Even though he knows he shouldn’t, he still ends up crossing the line.   

“I will do my best as the fiancé you have chosen for me,” he replied to the Empress in an emotionless tone, just as usual, concealing any signs of wavering.  

“It sounds like you’re just doing it out of obligation when you say you’ll do your best,” the Empress remarked.  

“Marriage doesn’t necessarily have to be based on love,” Killian said.  

Upon hearing this, Beatrice closed her eyes, chuckled, and set down her teacup.  

“Is that so? I heard that you allowed Sophia to stay at the Grand Duke’s estate.”  


“That’s quite unlike you. I was quite surprised when I first heard about it.”  

“It was… an unavoidable situation.”  

“In what way?”  

“As you know, Sophia Fraus was suffering from abuse at the Count’s estate. With my fiancée in such a situation, I couldn’t just ignore it…”  

“But that doesn’t mean you had to bring her to your mansion, Killian.”  

The Empress smiled gently.  

“There must have been other ways. At the very least, getting a new house for her should not have been difficult for you, even if it required some money.”  

It’s not that Killian couldn’t find a house because he didn’t have enough money.  

He could have gotten a nice house even if he paid more right away.  

But he took her straight to the Grand Duke’s residence? It was an unexpected move, even for those who had known Killian for a long time.  

“Moreover, I heard that Lady Sophia remained at the Grand Duke’s estate for over fifteen days. Was it truly so difficult to find her a place during that time?”  

“I’ve been quite occupied with military affairs lately due to a series of tragic events. I hardly had any time to even enter the house.”  

Killian explained that he was too busy with military matters to attend to Sophia during that time, which was indeed the truth.  

“With the deaths of Fideut and Percel, I’ve been so busy that I couldn’t even have a proper meal,” Killian replied.  

At that, Beatrice looked at him with her thin eyes.  

“Is that so? It’s a shame that you’re not interested in Sophia, then.”  

Beatrice took another sip of her tea leisurely and continued.  

“I saw you dancing with her at the ball. You seemed to be having a good time, and it looked like you two had become quite close.”  

Beatrice had witnessed Killian and Sophia dancing together at the ball, and she even saw Killian smiling at Sophia.   

Killian tried to hide his stiff expression as the Empress smiled.  

“So, don’t push Sophia away too far, and show her some love. She’s a girl worthy of being loved.”  

The Empress spoke with elegance and affection in her voice, advising Killian to cherish Sophia.  

However, Killian was afraid of such affection, fearing that Sophia might become a weakness to be exploited.   

He remained silent for a moment but soon raised his head to meet the Empress’s gaze. His red irises showed no signs of wavering.  

“It seems that Your Majesty truly values Lady Sophia.”  

His voice has now regained its composure.  

“You don’t usually lavish such praise on young ladies. Your Majesty.”  

The Empress was a strict person.   

While she treated the maids and other young girls kindly, her evaluations were stringent.   

Especially after Killian’s engagement, whenever Killian or Mikhail spoke with her, she often expressed disappointment in the younger ladies’ shortcomings. 

“Then, do you not like Lady Sophia?”  

“Can I be honest with you?”  

“Of course, Killian.”  

“In my opinion, I’m not entirely sure if Sophia is up to the standard suitable for me.”  

“Why do you think so?”  

Killian picked up the teacup and drank black tea with a calm expression.   

“She is a person with many flaws, isn’t she?” To the point where everyone had doubts about the news that Sophia and I were getting engaged.”  

Killian suggested that he wasn’t the only one who felt her inadequacies, mentioning how even Garfield initially expressed dissatisfaction with their engagement.  

“I can’t quite understand why Your Majesty is fond of Sofia.”  

He added quietly, “Maybe I do not have eyes for women.”  

Setting down his teacup, Killian finished his explanation.  

“I merely place my trust in Her Majesty the Empress’s insights.”  

Killian replied with a gentle smile, expressing his willingness to abide by the Imperial decision.  

“So, if the Imperial decision had not been made, would it be alright with you not to marry Sophia?”  

“If the Imperial decision were not to marry, I would also believe that it holds a purpose.”  

“You truly have a tear-inducing loyalty, Kilian.”  

“Is it not fitting in return for the grace bestowed upon me by the Empire?”  

Killian smiled warmly. (T/L: Killian is the standard.) 



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  1. Logorea says:

    Why do I feel like the Empress changed her mind and will now try to engage Sophia with crown prince xD
    Thank you for translations!!

    1. Yoona77 says:

      Oh my god that’s worse…

  2. Flare says:

    I feel so uncomfy with this 😔

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