Since When Were You The Villain?

Chapter 122.

Sophia widened her eyes, looking at him incredulously. 

‘What’s this? A princess carry?!’

While Sophia was still flustered, he walked a little ahead and reached the stopped carriage.

In the meantime, Ian was too close.

His eyes, nose, mouth, and visible jawline that she had never scrutinized before. Even his swaying hair as he walked.

‘Is this turning into a romance cliché between the male lead ..?’

At the thought, Sophia’s lips trembled.

‘Ridiculous. It can’t be a romance.’

No matter how bad their relationship was, they were still like siblings.

‘Then, is this… a transition to family regrets trope?!’

Right! That’s it! When the heroine becomes cool, the family regrets it and starts to cling to her, showering her with love!

That stubborn Ian Fraus is coming around too. The Countess of Rubisella and Count Fraus must have awakened a bit after the necklace incident.

‘I didn’t even think about it because I was so focused on other things, but this side is running smoothly without me worrying about it.’

Sophia nodded to herself.

Then Ian’s eyes turned towards her.

“…Why are you smiling?”

Seeing Sophia’s change from being angry just a moment ago, Ian’s eyebrows furrowed.

In response, Sophia replied with an infinitely gentle smile.

“Just stop with the sulking since it’s not going to change anything.”


“Saying all this won’t make me forgive you easily, so you might as well act nice from the start. If you don’t want to roll around in agony forever.”

It was inevitable that Ian’s brow furrowed even deeper. But that didn’t mean he would throw Sophia to the ground or anything.

When the coachman set up the carriage properly again, Ian personally settled Sophia into the seat.

“Don’t even think about getting off this time, just sit still.”

“Got it, little brother.”

At that, Ian glared coldly at her.

Sophia chuckled.

Ian stared at her for a moment before closing the carriage door.



Killian bit his lip.

He wanted to go after Sophia immediately, but he couldn’t leave Estelle and the empress alone.

“Killian, do you have other matters to attend to?”

Beatrice asked Killian, who couldn’t seem to take his eyes off the direction Sophia had left. She would know better than anyone else if he had other duties.

“No, Your Majesty,” Killian replied, turning his gaze away from where Sophia had gone.

As he raised his head, he noticed everyone preparing to move to the training grounds.

He followed the people to the royal training grounds, but his attention was still on Sophia and Ian.

What bothered him even more was Ian’s attitude.

Not only forcibly taking Sophia away, but more than anything, the way Ian looked at her was unsettling.

He couldn’t exactly put it into words, but strangely, it was a gaze with a high temperature.

It was a different temperature from before, when he treated Sophia like his own toy.

‘Should I go after them now?’

But could he leave Estelle and the empress behind?

If Beatrice had called him separately, there must have been an intention behind it.

Then someone tapped his shoulder.

It was Nicholas.

For a moment, Killian felt a coldness in his chest, but he concealed his emotions and raised the corners of his mouth.

“Sir Nicholas.”

“Your Excellency, it’s been a while.” 

Nicholas greeted him with his usual relaxed smile.

There was a time when Killian quite liked his smile. But now, his smile only brought pain to his heart.

“Is it the first time since the ball?”

Killian asked, turning his gaze away.

“I should have visited you again, I’m sorry.”

As he asked about his well-being with words that didn’t match his true feelings, Nicholas shook his head.

“I understand that Your Excellency has been busy too.”

Nicholas had heard about recent events through other members of the military police, and Nicholas followed Killian to lead the current military police.

“I should not have passed the burden to you, especially when your injuries may not have fully healed… Nick.”

“No, it is I who may have burdened Your Excellency too much…”

Nicholas said so, glancing at Killian. 

“I heard that Your Excellency also suffered injuries.”

There was concern in his cautious voice.

But Killian didn’t feel his concern was genuine at all. Perhaps, he thought, it was just an attempt to probe his wounds.

“Ian’s skill turned out to be better than expected.”

“I never doubted Your Excellency’s ability to win.”

“It’s embarrassing.”

“Ian may be a skilled knight, but from what I’ve experienced…”

“Don’t underestimate Ian, Nicholas. Besides, victory or defeat isn’t predetermined.”

“Anyway, I don’t think Your Excellency should leave the military police.”

Nicholas said it as if he hoped Killian would stay.

It couldn’t be just a coincidence.

“It’s already decided, Nick.”

“But Your Excellency must stay in the military police…”


Do you have to keep an eye on me? Is that the only way you can get what you want from the empress.

“Because, if Your Excellency leaves the military police…”


At that moment, the empress called Nicholas.

Nicholas closed his mouth, bowed his head to Killian, and turned towards the empress.

Killian observed Nicholas’s actions.

Estelle, dressed in training attire, walked nervously to the center of the training ground and stopped.

Killian watched the situation, keeping a close eye on Estelle and the Empress.

Holding her sword with courtesy, Estelle showed off her skills without hesitation.

Only one person was moving, yet the spacious training ground felt crowded.

The movements of the sword created a sound as it cut through the air, and the long, flowing pink hair left traces as it fluttered.

She didn’t care how high-ranking the person watching her was.

Having grown up in a place where she could freely demonstrate her skills without worrying about others’ opinions.

“It’s pretty good.”

“There must be a reason why Her Majesty the Empress recommended her.”


Zenon and Nicholas, who were watching the match, spoke.

From the way she held the sword to her stance, it was evident that she was not an ordinary person. She even seemed better than most of the military police.


At that level, she should be able to defend herself even if Nicholas were to approach in disguise as Rosarphi.

However, having demonstrated her skills in front of the Empress and Nicholas, Killian worried that they might use more cunning methods to threaten Estelle.

After showcasing her swordsmanship, Estelle soon took up the bow and demonstrated archery as well.

And it elicited admiration from everyone.

“Was such skill even possible?”

Estelle handled the bow as if it were a natural extension of her body.

Whether it was hitting distant targets accurately while riding or hitting three arrows into a target thrown into the sky, she did it all effortlessly.

“Even in Ruchtainer…”

Zenon trailed off, perhaps feeling a slight blow to his pride. And at the same time, he thought, ‘If Ian Fraus had seen this, there would have been chaos.’

It might have been better if Ian had returned early. Otherwise, he might have rushed into the training ground again with a sword, offering to spar with Estelle.

‘Talented indeed.’

When the Empress recommended the charming young noble to Ruchtainer, Zenon secretly wondered if there was some hidden agenda behind it, considering Estelle’s potential.

But as it turned out, she was genuinely skilled.

Killian, too, momentarily forgot his worries about Estelle’s abilities and became engrossed.

Her piercing blue eyes and tightly bound crimson hair exuded a powerful aura.

Killian also forgot his worries for a moment and immersed himself in Estelle’s skills.

There must have been a clear reason for her to arrange this gathering, yet the Empress appeared relaxed as she conversed with Zenon and praised Estelle.


‘Where did Nicholas go?’

Nicholas, who should have been beside Zenon, was nowhere to be seen.

He had been watching Estelle’s demonstration from here just a moment ago…!

Killian scanned the surroundings in search of Nicholas.

Then, he spotted Nicholas waiting below the training ground, as if expecting something.

‘When did he go down there…?’

Killian narrowed his eyes.

Nicholas paced around with a water bottle in hand before retrieving something from his pocket.

Though too far to see clearly, Killian caught a glimpse of Nicholas opening the bottle and tinkering with something inside before closing it again and glancing around.

As Nicholas fidgeted, Estelle perfectly hit the target with her final arrow, drawing applause and praise.

“You’re truly remarkable, Estelle!”

“Indeed, she’s worthy of Her Majesty’s recommendation.”

Praise and applause were showered upon Estelle.

Zenon seriously considered recruiting Estelle for Ruchtainer.

“I wonder if they’ll also want Estelle as a knight in the military police.”

Zenon smiled and looked over at Nicholas, only to find him absent.

Turning back in Killian’s direction, Zenon noticed that Killian, too, had disappeared from his seat.



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  1. Fara says:

    Such a bastard nicholas is
    I hate ians actions too…

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