Since When Were You The Villain?

Chapter 110

Feeling like it wouldn’t be good to hold him for too long, Sofia slightly stepped aside to make way. As expected, Mikhail passed by her, saying, “Then…”

However, as if changing his mind, he soon stopped and turned to look at Sofia.

” Lady Sofia.”


“…Please take care of Kilian.”

It was an unexpectedly hesitant request, making Sofia, who had been tense, smile lightly.

“Of course. Don’t worry.”

Sofia lightly patted her chest as if telling him to trust her.

“I just came out a bit abruptly earlier…”

Mikhail sighed as if his emotions were complicated, running his fingers across his forehead.

He felt bad because even though he tried to give encouragement and comfort to Kilian, who was injured during the game, it wasn’t enough, and he only came out angry.

Even then, he felt embarrassed, wondering why he would worry about a guy who got hurt just because he wanted to get hurt.

“Sorry. You must be worried too.”

“Are you okay? Your highness, you came running like this because you were worried about Your Excellency, right?”

As Sophia smiled brightly, Mikhail paused and nodded with a smile.

Sofia had a talent for soothing people’s hearts.

“Then I’ll see you next time. Lady Sophia.”

“Please take care as you go, Your Highness.”

Mikhail nodded once and left the room. Sophia, observing Mikhail leave, turned back towards Kilian’s room.

When she first came here, it was an area where she was told not to enter.

‘Come to think of it, why did Kilian warn me so seriously not to come to the west corridor back then? As if it were taboo.’

Sophia recalled something Killian once said.

‘The west corridor on the second floor is my private space, so please refrain from entering.’

At that time, she had deliberately avoided the corridor, fearing that if she went there recklessly, something might explode. However, now that she looked at it, it was just an ordinary corridor.

There were ordinary paintings hanging, ordinary doors closed, and ordinary lamps lit.

‘Maybe he’s handling Black Moon’s affairs here?’

Sophia thought as she passed through Kilian’s private study.

Looking at Garfield, who was leading the way, Sophia pondered.

Even Kilian’s closest aide seemed unaware that Kilian was the Black Moon.

How he had managed to hide his identity all this time.

Unless one had extraordinary insight, it would be impossible.

Passing through Kilian’s private study, Sophia wondered how he had concealed his identity all this time.

She even doubted whether Kilian’s closest aide, Garfield, knew about him being the Black Moon.

Garfield knocked on Kilian’s bedroom door, and a response from inside signalled them to enter.

As they opened the door and walked in, Kilian, wearing a robe, seemed like he was about to get up from leaning against the head of the bed.

“Oh, please stay seated!”

Sophia hurriedly asked him to sit again, considering that his injuries might not have completely healed yet.

Sophia carefully took a seat in the chair next to the bed.

Come to think of it, it was her first time entering Kilian’s bedroom.

Compared to a duke’s bedroom, it was quite modest.

There were not many decorations, like frames or vases, and the overall tone of the room was dark and heavy.

The furniture filling the room looked sturdy and substantial, though perhaps it appeared oversized to Sophia. For Kilian, who was tall, such-sized furniture might be appropriate.

After a brief survey of the room, Sophia turned her gaze back to Kilian.

“I saw Prince Mikhail leaving just now. He seemed quite upset.”

“…There was an incident.”

At that moment, Sophia turned around, checking if Garfield had left. Confirming that no one was present, she spoke in a hushed voice.

“Could it be that Prince Mikhail is also on the same side as the Empress?”

Sophia asked Kilian if Mikhail, too, was considered an antagonist in his eyes.

In response, Kilian quietly nodded.

“My brother is a really good person.”

Upon Kilian’s response, Sophia furrowed her eyebrows in a slightly melancholy expression.

Of course, he’s the male lead in the original novel.

‘In the novel, his psychology was well portrayed, and he really was a good person.’

Since the last ball, where Sophia and Kilian collaborated to create alibis, she had sensed that he was genuinely kind and naive.

“So, it must be more difficult for you.”

It might have been simpler if Mikhail were truly a villain.

Kilian chuckled as if agreeing with Sophia’s concern.

When the day comes for him to seek revenge against the Empress, what expression will Mikhail wear? He will likely experience the same sense of betrayal and anger that I felt.

Kilian bit his lip.

“Why are you contemplating so seriously?” Sophia asked, and Kilian raised his eyebrows slightly, gently lifting the corners of his mouth.

“It’s nothing.”

“It doesn’t seem like anything, but I won’t pry. I came here today to talk about something else.”

“If it’s something else…”

“They say you’ve been dismissed from the position of commander of the military police!”

When Sophia heard this news this morning, she couldn’t believe how shocked she was.

‘It’s such a different development from the original novel!’

According to the original storyline, Kilian holds the position of commander of the military police until he instigates a rebellion. Of course, a lot has already deviated from the original.

Originally, there was no story about the competition between the commander of the military and Ruchtainer.

However, Kilian’s dismissal from the military police is a slightly different story.

‘It’s like Kilian losing one of his weapons.’

What if he ends up fighting the empress later?

What if something happens that requires rebellion?

Killian, who does not have a military or police force, would have to fight empty-handed against the empress, who had numerous knights and troops.

Sophia was anxious.

What if the altered future makes Kilian’s path more challenging or leads him to a more unfortunate fate?

“It’s okay because I didn’t have any regrets about it anyway.”

Unlike Sophia, who had a complicated mind, Killian spoke calmly.

Then Sophia stared at him piercingly.

“…Your Excellency, it seems you don’t trust the military police.”

“Undoubtedly, there may be others who trust and follow me even more. There are those who resonate more with my intentions.”

Kilian said.

He had invested a lot of time and effort in the military police. The less he trusted people, the more carefully he took care of them. He examined them thoroughly, helped them in difficult times, hoping that when the time came for them to turn away from him, he could hold on to them even a little.

Perhaps when the issue with the Empress comes to the surface and he has to confront it, some members of the military police might stand by his side.

“The problem is me.”

Even if the military and police trust him, he has come to no longer trust the military and police.

Regardless of trust or disbelief, his heart has completely drifted away.

It might get better as time goes by, but now that an order has come from the imperial family, he doesn’t have the strength to endure and go against it.

Always following the palace’s orders obediently, if he rebelled now, they might use it as an excuse to attack him.

‘Even at the ball, it seemed like they were suspicious of me…’

In many ways, he wanted to step back for a while.

Sophia silently observed Kilian’s expression. Despite his calm tone, his face was filled with deep concern.

He must have thought and decided on this matter more than anyone else.

There was no need to add more weight to the decision he made.
If it’s already decided, all one can do is accept it and prepare for what comes next.

“Yes. You did well! The position of the military police commander, what’s that anyway?”

Sophia said it quite energetically.

‘In times like these, I need to stay strong!’

It won’t do any good if we both get depressed.

‘Yeah, the changed future shouldn’t be a problem!’

After all, when I first possessed this world, I didn’t know where this place was?

But with Ropan big data and my own manual, I managed quite well.

Well, I made the hasty error of being too sure that Kilian is the original male lead, but anyway, didn’t everything work out well?

‘There’s also the protagonist buff…!’

The original female lead is Estelle, but since she’s not the protagonist of this story after Sophia’s possession, and the male lead is Kilian, in the end, everything will be fine.

There shouldn’t be any bad or sad endings… Absolutely not! That’s not happening!

Forcing a happy ending on herself, Sophia nodded.

““This kind of job loss is not a big hardship. It’s nothing!”

In the novel world where poisons, wars, dungeons, monsters, black magic, and assassins are rampant, losing a job is a trivial hardship.

As Sophia reassured herself, Kilian chuckled.

“Sophia, do you really think I care about being jobless?”

“If you say you don’t care, that would be a lie…!”

“Oh my, could it be that you are so disappointed in me as an unemployed person that you will ask me to break off the engagement…”

“It can’t be!”
When Sophia straightened her posture and retorted, Kilian smiled.

“Well, that’s a relief.”

He smiled and gently stroked Sophia’s head.

“I just wanted to make sure to mention that I can live without a position like the military police commander without any problem.”

“I’ve never been worried about that…?”

Sophia countered sharply at Kilian’s joking words.

With her puffed-up cheeks, Sophia looked quite adorable.




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  1. Keila lima says:

    Ia cute, Thanks for the chapter

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