Since When Were You The Villain?

 Chapter 104.


In the eyes of ordinary people, it seemed like a fierce back-and-forth match, with one side attacking fiercely and then suffering a counterattack, making the audience grip their hands with sweat. 

Judging by the reactions, it seemed that the audience might actually enjoy such a fierce battle.


So, whenever Killian clearly left an opening, Ian would stop attacking, and in the meantime, Killian’s counterattacks would pour in several times. 


Ian couldn’t help but admire Killian, who displayed incredible concentration and endurance despite his injured leg.


However, Ian respected him only to a certain extent; he had no intention of holding back.


At that moment, as Ian continued his attacks, Killian’s blade grazed over Ian’s arm. The crowd roared in the stadium as Killian’s counterattack, which had been building up, finally hit home.


“Damn it…”


Blood flowed from Ian’s arm, staining the hilt of the sword red. However, Ian did not release his grip on the sword; blood dripping down his wrist did not hinder him.


Holding the heavy sword tightly, he confronted Killian, whose sword was also drawn.


When Ian and Killian clashed evenly, the crowd erupted in cheers. 


Despite their injuries, both moved quickly and accurately, displaying an astonishing level of skill.


And at the end of the long struggle, Ian noticed a subtle crack in Killian’s movements that was different from before.


Not an obvious opening as before, but a real one.


Ian didn’t miss that moment and seized the opportunity.


Although Killian belatedly tried to evade, Ian’s blade grazed his waist.


Once again, a wound appeared on Killian’s waist.


The red blood spread, and Killian staggered.

In that moment, Sofia felt her heart sink and realised why Killian had asked her not to come to watch the match.


‘You better not come to watch the match, Sofia.’


The reason Killian asked that.


“Is he intentionally getting hurt…?”


It wasn’t because she was knowledgeable about swordsmanship and had keen eyes for reading movements. It was because every place where Ian was injured was where he had been injured as the ‘Black Moon.’


“He planned it from the beginning.”


Sophia tightly bit her lips.


It was because all the places where Ian had been injured were the same places where Killian had been injured as the ‘Black Moon.’


It was a crazy thing that no sane person would ever do.


Meanwhile, Killian bit his teeth and held his injured waist.


‘…The cut is deeper than I thought.’


He had hoped to escape with just a scratch, but the wound seemed more severe than expected. It was because Ian’s movements were much faster than he had anticipated.


Still, at this point, he had achieved the goal of the plan.


‘A really tricky opponent.’


If it were other knights, they might have seen a gap and attacked, but Ian was different.


Ian only tolerated Killian’s ‘real mistakes’ that he could accept.


As Ian didn’t fall for most tricks, Killian had to resort to deceiving his eyes with a performance to get through to him.


Killian deliberately exposed significant openings, repeatedly offering an attacking opportunity.


As expected, Ian did not attack those openings.


However, by repeating this pattern, one could become accustomed to larger openings and mistakenly perceive smaller ones—an optical illusion of sorts.


Ian fell into that trap.


‘Perhaps the injury to the arm played a role as well.’


Attacking Ian’s arm added to the excitement and played a role in making Ian more susceptible.


No matter how composed and rational a knight might be, it was challenging to maintain the same composure after taking a hit. 


Moreover, due to the injury, Ian was likely to become more anxious, and Killian had targeted that aspect.


‘While his skills are impressive, he still needs to learn more about hand-to-hand combat.’


Killian confirmed Ian Fraus’s skills and pondered. 


Although Ian had faithfully played along with his plan, displaying this level of skill at the age of nineteen made him a prodigy bestowed by the heavens. 


If a few more years passed, there might be no one in the world capable of defeating Ian Fraus in one-on-one combat.


‘Is it possible to be as good as Mikhail…?’


However, age and experience still seemed to be lacking. Nevertheless, the cunning and experience that come with age are still lacking.


Anyway, Killian had achieved the goal he had in mind for this match.

He no longer harboured any regrets about the match.


“Even if I declare my defeat now…”


Killian turned his gaze towards the audience.


Sophia was looking at him with an expression that seemed like she might cry soon. She also seemed quite angry.


‘…I somehow don’t feel like ending it like this.’


Originally, he planned to surrender at an appropriate time after the matter was settled. It wasn’t a match he desperately wanted to win, and he felt sorry for using Ian. 


He even considered giving him the victory as a gesture of goodwill.


‘But somehow, I don’t feel like just ending it now.’


Even if he couldn’t win, he couldn’t easily let Ian win either.


‘It’s going to be tough to endure longer than expected with these deep wounds, but I can repay the debt of losing to Ian.’


Killian changed his mind.


‘Shall we play a little more?’


He shifted his grip on the sword differently than before and confidently approached Ian.


Ian’s eyes wavered at Killian’s suddenly lightened movements.


‘Why…?’ (Ian)

It was just a moment ago that Killian deliberately exposed his waist to Ian.


Usually, when people fall victim to such a move, they get flustered at being caught off guard, and their movements become sluggish due to the deep wounds on their bodies.


However, Killian’s movements became much more agile than before, and he swiftly approached Ian.




A powerful shockwave shook the arena.


‘Could it be that even just now…!’


Facing Killian’s composed expression, Ian realised it was too late.


It was Killian’s intention to give him the same wound he inflicted on his waist.


A shiver ran down Ian’s spine.


Just how much strength was he concealing? How many moves did he use to toy with him?


The knights who watched the fight between the two might think that Ian had taken care of Killian.


However, it was the opposite.


Killian was the one giving him some leeway.


‘I’m completely defeated…!’


Killian pushed Ian as if the reins that had been suppressing him had been loosened.


To be able to move like this despite the injuries.


At the moment when Ian wondered if he might have lost if Killian had genuinely fought from the beginning, Killian sliced through Ian’s thigh.


Not missing the fleeting moment in Ian’s mind, Killian withdrew with a courteous smile.




It seemed like he had settled the score, giving Ian the same wound he had received.


‘I will make you a wound exactly like your own…’


Killian’s smile seemed to say.


It’s not a pleasant feeling, even if the wound is shallow.


Ian rushed towards Killian without properly tending to the wound on his thigh.


The two clashed once again, but it wasn’t a wild exchange like before.


However, the audience could still feel the intense energy flowing between them.


As the collision continued, people watched with bated breath, forgetting to cheer and swallowing their saliva.


‘Shall I create one more insurance…?’


Realising that Killian had little time left to endure, he delivered a final blow.


His blade grazed Ian’s waist as he stepped back.


Ian’s eyes wavered as he retreated.


Now, what flickered in his eyes wasn’t rage or excitement, but a sense of defeat and confusion.


‘…He’s completely toying with me.’


It was a feeling of defeat and perplexity.


Ian had an intuition that Killian intended to repay him just as he had received.


Therefore, he anticipated that the next attack might target his waist.


Nevertheless, he allowed Killian to attack his waist.


It was a shallow wound, but a wound nonetheless.


‘It’s a defeat.’


He had no choice but to accept it. Killian had the upper hand.


However, Killian wasn’t trying to win. He was just mocking him, like throwing bait.


Despite not being accustomed to defeating, Ian felt unprecedented discomfort in this defeat.


Ian looked at Killian.


Due to the wound, Killian’s steps on the ground seemed unstable.


His pants were already soaked with blood, and droplets were falling to the ground.


The originally coloured fabric is now indistinguishable due to the red stain.


Killian’s pale complexion indicated that he wouldn’t last much longer.


And Killian, with a gesture that seemed to invite him, raised an eyebrow, as if he were prepared to lose.

No, as if I’ve prepared a new trap for you.




Ian blamed him and rushed towards him, dropping his sword and charging at Killian bare-handed.


In response, the sword slipped from Killian’s hand as well.


Ian grabbed Killian by the collar, bringing him to the ground.


Straddling over Killian, Ian rained down punches.




With a loud noise, Killian’s head turned.


Those unaware of the situation cheered again, witnessing the intense spectacle.


“I never thought you’d put down your sword, Sir Ian.”


Killian muttered as he looked at Ian, who clenched his fist while straddling him.


Honestly, he doesn’t have the strength to fight Ian now. If he forced himself, he might soon go to meet Liam.


Raising his hand in a gesture of surrender, people rushed in to sort out the situation.


They pulled Ian away from Killian, helping Killian stand.


Blood poured from Killian’s wounds, and as Ian raised his fist again, ready to continue the assault, people rushed to restrain him.


It took the strength of five people to somewhat contain Ian.


Seeing Killian, Ian shouted angrily, “Do it properly, you brat!”


People held on to Killian to prevent Ian from attacking him again.


Killian, facing Ian’s rage, lowered his head politely, seemingly expressing gratitude.


This action further infuriated Ian, but people around him didn’t understand.


Those who came to clean up the arena supported Killian and escorted him out.


Watching him, Sophia quickly stood up from her seat and rushed down.





Read exclusive chapters (105,  106, 107, 108, 109, 110)  on ‘Patreon’ (click on the image for the link)
If you find any mistakes, please let me know in the comment section.
Happy reading : )



  1. Keila lima says:

    Thanks for the chapter 🙋‍♀️🇧🇷👍

    1. HaileyFranchette says:

      Your welcome kelia!

  2. littlelittlepatato says:

    Killian’s plan is very good, but wouldn’t the Empress be suspicious when she saw that Killian was fighting very well despite the injuries he received in the duel?

    1. HaileyFranchette says:

      hmmm you are right it might be the possibility

  3. Fara says:

    Such a great swordmaster kilian is.i enjoyed his battle soooo much.thanks for translation❤️

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