Since My Time is Limited, I’m Entering A Contract Marriage

SMTLIEACM | Chapter Three

Chapter translated by Loulou.


Every time Etisha defied Larienne, Larienne retaliated by slapping her.

Still, Etisha found it preferable since she only grabbed her by the hair and slapped her cheek.

‘Father, on the other hand, resorts to harsh corporal punishment; Etisha said inwardly.’

Once he takes the whip, he would hit her to the point where her calves turn purple, making it extremely painful for her to walk.

So, compared to that, Larienne’s slaps were bearable.

‘When was the last time I got slapped? Was it during my birthday party last week?’ Etisha thought as she closed her eyes, and braced herself for the impending shock, her body reflexively recoiling. However, no matter how long she waited, she couldn’t feel amy searing pain on her cheek.

‘What’s going on? I was sure I was going to get hit.’

Confused, Etisha cautiously opened her tightly shut eyes, only to find Duke Kaiyen standing in front of her, and gripping Larienne’s slender arm.

Although Kaiyen didn’t seem to be applying that much force, Larienne let out a painful whimper.


Then, while still shielding the crouched Etisha, Kaiyen asked in a low voice, “What is this commotion about?” his icy gaze, piercing through Larienne.

His aura living up to his reputation as the word of the North, the ruthless and ferocious war hero.

Unfortunately, Etisha, blocked by Kaiyen’s back couldn’t see his cold eyes.

“D… Duke Windell?” Larienne looked up at Kaiyen with a startled expression.

Dark hair, and pupils obstructed her gaze.

Rumors about the northern Duke had always circulated within the capital, but this was the first time Larienne was facing him directly.

The Duke rarely visited the capital, and even when he did, he never attended frivolous parties.

That’s right. Frivolous parties, the kind of festivities Larienne eagerly participated in, were the opposite of Kaiyen’s usual activities.

“Do they not value education in your family for you to be engaging in such violent behavior? It seems you would be more suited for back-alley brawls,” Kaiyen uttered in a chilly tone.

Larienne was confused as to why the Duke had suddenly intervened, but she nonchalantly retorted without much thought.

“Heinz. I am Larienne Heinz, Your Grace. My arm hurts, could you please let go?”

“Alright, but know this, there won’t be a second time,” Kaiyen warned as he released Larienne.

“What do you mean by second time, Duke?” Larienne, who didn’t seem to understand, asked with a playful smile.

“If you ever try to lay your hand on lady Etisha Heinz again, your arm won’t remain unarmed either.”


Larienne stared at Kaiyen with a forced smile.

It was surprising enough that Duke Windell knew Etisha’s name, but his protective statement regarding her was even more baffling.

“What do you mean by that, Duke?” she asked again.

However, Kaiyen did not provide an answer to her question.

He ignored her, then turned his gaze away, and towards Etisha.

“Are you alright, Lady Etisha?”

“Yes, Your Grace. I’m fine.”

“Has it always been like this? Is that why you decided to go to the North?”

Kaiyen had remained composed even amid the commotion. Right now, he had a good enough idea on what kind of people Etisha’s family was consisted of.

Etisha remained silent, unaware of what to say to him.

But, sometimes, things could be conveyed without words.

Her expression was enough of an answer.

“What a mess,” Kaiyen murmured as he lowered his gaze.

By doing so, his eyes fell on Etisha’s bruised arm, and Kaiyen quickly looked away as he clicked his tongue.

“The North? The North, you say? Tisha! What is this about?’

At that moment, Larienne, who overheard their conversation, suddenly shouted.

And perhaps because they heard it too, the nobles in the room were buzzing with curiosity.

“Could it be that Lady Etisha is really getting married?

“Isn’t it a possibility if she’s going to the north?”

“Even so, it still doesn’t make sense.”

The tension among the three was intensifying, making everyone’s attention shift in their direction.

The rebellious Larienne quarreling with her sister was already a rare sight, but with the famous northern Duke added to the mix, the scene inevitably drew more interest.

“You are going to the North? Tisha, look at me and tell me honestly. How dare you think you can go anywhere?” Larienne shouted with a voice filled with obsession.

Her eyes were full of greed. It was clear that she had no intention of letting Etisha go, even though she didn’t even like her.

‘Everyone’s watching. At this rate, it might end up causing trouble for the Duke;’ Etisha thought before stepping forward to respond to Larienne’s words.

“That’s between me and Duke Kaiyen. You don’t need to know, sister.”

“What…? Between you and Duke Kaiyen?”

“Yes. So, please stop making a scene.”

‘Don’t lie!  How can you know the Duke, you’ve never even met him!”

As Larienne’s voice grew louder, Duke calmly interjected, and despite the lack of volume in his voice, all attention was focused on him.

“Lady Heinz,” he said.

It was just that one word, yet his presence felt overwhelming.

His high social status and exceptional physical appearance played a role in that, but even without those factors, Kaiyen possessed an innate ability to command his surroundings.

As evidence of this, when Kaiyen said the name Heinz, Larienne’s shoulders momentarily stiffened.

“Y…Yes, Your Grace?”

Her voice trembled.

However, Kaiyen didn’t even spare her a glance.

His gaze had been fixed on one person from the very beginning.

Etisha Heinz.

While everyone had forgotten about her, hidden in Larienne’s shadow, Etisha was still the

Heinz family’s heiress.

“Lady Heinz,” Kaiyen repeated. “Unfortunately, it seems we have to reconsider the agreement we had previously agreed on.”

At those words, his black eyes turned darker.

“Ah…,” Etisha sighed.

The hard-fought marriage contract was already being terminated.

‘Well, I wouldn’t want to marry into a household that displays such disgraceful behavior either, if I was the Duke. If he marries me, he will be linked to the Heinz family and their drama.’

Despite feeling deeply disappointed, Etisha respected and understood Kaiyen’s decision.

Finding and more perfect suitor than him would be impossible, but there were other ways to achieve her goal of leaving home

‘Escape…Should I just run away? Should I just abandon my noble status and settle on some mountain and live like a commoner?’

As Etisha was contemplating a change of direction, Kaiyen continued his speech.

“I’ll now make the announcement that was planned for two days from today, on the festival’s final day.”

His deep voice was as firm and decisive as a rock

“Wait, w-what?”

“Our wedding announcement.”

Etisha gasped, her eyes widening.

Then, taking advantage of her shocked state, Kaiyen grabbed hand, and raised it towards the nosey nobles attending the party, letting them have a good look at the ring placed on Etisha’s left ring finger.

Next, as he poured mana in her hand, a symbol symbolizing Windell sparkled brightly, emitting a burst of light. The dazzling light then condensed in a single ring that enveloped the two of them, rotating in a circular motion.

“Lady Etisha Heinz will become my wife, and bear Windell’s name instead of Heinz’s. Anything that tarnishes her honor will be an affront to MY honor as the Duke of Windell. This shall be an eternal vow under the name of the Almighty.”

Ethasha was so shocked that her mind went completely blank.

To make the marriage announcement right now.

Skipping the engagement all together and going straight to marriage without the presence of any witnesses or legal confirmation for the marriage announcement was considered highly unusual.

Sure enough, the nobles from influential families who attended the Founding Festival were all taken aback, their mouths agape.

“What’s happening…?” Someone whispered.

“It’s real…” Another one said.

And among them, the most stunned was undoubtedly Larienne Heinz.

‘W-what did you just say? M-m-marriage?”

Unable to articulate properly due to the shock, Larienne mumbled with a distorted face, “it can’t be true.”

Her cheeks were flushed, and upon closer inspection, even the corners of her eyes were also red. Trembling as if she had been hit by someone, Larienne chewed on her lips and denied reality.

“That can’t be true. Tisha, my Tisha, getting married.? With Duke Kaiyen Windell? Why on earth? Tisha is not even in good health, she’s sick.”

“Sister…” Etisha said, trying to stop her.

“Right. That’s true. Tisha’s body isn’t in its normal state.”

Then, Larienne, who had been muttering incessantly, suddenly fell silent.

Seeing this, Etisha started to worry.

She was afraid that her incurable disease would be exposed here.

“Sister! That’s enough. I am going to marry Duke Windell, and no matter who you are to me, you cannot interfere in this matter.”

Truthfully, Etisha didn’t mind if her illness was revealed, she was more worried about the Duke’s reaction.

If it became known that Windell’s new Duchess was a terminally ill patient, it would undoubtedly cause trouble. The Duke’s supporters would pressure him to choose another wife.

“Listen to me carefully. I am going to be the Duchess. I’m leaving.”

Etisha tried to speak to Larienne as rationally as possible.

However, Larienne was not in a state where she could be reasoned with.

“No, Tisha. You’re making a mistake. Your body is not normal right now, that’s why you……”


“You’re not in your right mind. You’re sick. Something is definitely wrong with your head, Isn’t it? You marrying Duke Windell is just a delusion!

“What are you even saying…?” Etisha asked, flustered.

“Ah, my poor little sister. You are so foolishly cute. I don’t know how you ended up like this. I feel so sorry for you. I can’t just sit back and watch anymore, it’s too scary. You really should stay in your room. That’s for the best.”

Clearly, something was not normal

Larienne’s gaslighting made it difficult for Etisha to continue the conversation. She had no idea how to keep Larienne from outrightly mentioned her illness.

In the middle of this awkward moment, Kaiyen, who had been quietly holding her hand, suddenly spoke up.

“Larienne Heinz. If there is anyone here who is out of their mind, it is you.”

“What? What are you talking about?”

“I’ve already declared that Lady Etisha will become my Duchess. I’ve said that tarnishing her honor would be tarnishing mine. But you still haven’t realized your mistake, have you?”

That’s right. Larienne just claimed high and loud that Etisha was not normal, that there was something wrong with her head.

This was a clear insult.

So, Kaiyen, displaying a sharp anger that could freeze the air, ended the complicated situation in one word.




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