Since My Time is Limited, I’m Entering A Contract Marriage

SMTLIEACM | Chapter Twenty

Chapter translated by Gon.


‘Of course she’ll refuse.’


There was no way Mrs. Cyrille, who hated Etisha so openly, would dance with her. But in that case, Etisha would have to dance her first dance with Kaiyan. After all, she’s going to be part of the family soon.


Either way, it would certainly impress upon the guests that Etisha would marry Kaiyan and become the future Duchess of Wintel.


‘Being rejected by Lady Cyrille would be good gossip. And I would become famous.’


Etisha’s name would be known far and wide, and she would become the undisputed Duchess of Wintel’s hostess.


‘And that will make the Duke…… happy.’


The more famous the fake duchess becomes, the easier it will be to protect the existence of her…….


‘Ah. Speaking of which, where is Miss Diethe?’


She had promised to meet her at the banquet, but she hadn’t seen her face.


Kaiyan didn’t seem to be looking for her either.


“…… Baroness Etisha El.”


Lady Cyrille opened her stiff lips and called Etisha. It was to respond to the offer of a first dance.


“You’re a little late with your answer, and I’m quite embarrassed. It would be a great……. to have my first dance with you.”




Suddenly, the doors to the ballroom opened.


And out stepped a fairy-like woman in a simple dress.


Blonde hair and golden eyes. It was Dite.


“No, she’s…….”


The nobles, who had been watching the exchange between Etisha and Madame Cyrille with interest, were distracted by Ditte’s appearance, and one of them accidentally blurted out.


“Isn’t she the Duke of Kaiyan’s mistress?”


Although Diete’s presence was less well known in the distant capital, here in the north, the rumor that Diete was Kaiyen’s mistress had spread like wildfire.


“Why is she here?”


The murmur began to grow louder.


The surprises didn’t end there, though, as she showed up at the banquet celebrating the Duke’s marriage announcement.


Dite, walking alone, stopped in the center of the hall. Etisha, Kaiyen, and Lady Cyrille stood before her.


“My Lady. Thank you for inviting me to this occasion.”


Diete bowed to Madame Cyrille. The lady returned Diete’s greeting with a natural smile.


“Yes, Judith. It’s good to see your face.”


The guests all looked up in surprise.


It was none other than Madame Cyrille who had invited her.


Moreover, Etisha’s greeting was not even acknowledged, whereas her greeting was immediately accepted.


It’s as if…..she was more in favor of her than the Duchess, who was the heir to the title.


The nobles were impatient and gossiped among themselves.


“I suppose Madame Cyrille intends to disown Baron Etisha once and for all.”


“Yes, otherwise she wouldn’t have thrown a wedding announcement party and invited a young lady who is rumored to be the Duke’s mistress.”


“You mean he’d rather have his mistress than marry Baron Etisha.”


“Actually, it’s long been rumored that the Duke of Kaiyan has a secret mistress, and he even has a child by her, so I’m sure he deserves to have her.”


The mood of the banquet had completely changed.


It was clear that Etisha would never be recognized as the young Duchess of Wintel.


“That… look at that poor baron’s expression. She must have come to the north with dreams of marrying the Grand Duke of Kaiyan, and now she’s being sent away empty-handed…….”


All the guests looked at Etisha as if she were an island floating alone in the sea. An island so far away that no one even bothered to step foot on it.


They clicked their tongues and murmured. It was uncontrollable.




Etisha blinked slowly as she watched Mrs. Cyrille and Dite exchange greetings.


“Mrs. Cyrille did indeed invite me, and I’m sure she provided that dress.”


Etisha looked at the pale green dress she was wearing. It was so simple in design that it stood out like a poor wildflower amongst the glamorous ladies.


‘It was really like that…….’


Etisha’s marriage to Kaiyen was a simple contract.


To escape the Heinz baronial family.


To have a fake wife who would not interfere with his love for his mistress.


‘So, is it all over now?’


Etisha was already free of the Heinz family, and Kaiyen’s mistress has been approved by Lady Cyrille, so she had to leave?…….


‘If the former Duchess Cyrille accepts Dite, the Duke will have no reason to marry me, and I will be of no use to him.’


‘Will I become unnecessary to the Duke?’


‘Then I won’t be able to stay by his side in the future…….’


Etisha took back the hand she had held out to Madame Cyrille. She was ashamed that she had been so eager to use the little social knowledge she had picked up from Larienne.


Etisha covered the ring finger with her other hand. It was awkward to even show it at the moment.


‘I wonder what the Duke is thinking now.’


Maybe he was trying to get the ring back from her.


Now that Diete has his mother’s approval, he doesn’t need a wife who’s about to die……. Perhaps he will.


Etisha drew in a shaky breath.


If only she had known it would be like this, she thought, She shouldn’t be making wishes. It was like biting into a sweet candy and imagining something sweet, only to have it come back bitter and sweet.


At that moment, Kaiyan’s low, seductive voice echoed through the banquet hall.


“Mother, that’s enough.”


Kaiyen’s expression was as calm as it had been earlier, seemingly unfazed by the situation, even though her marriage was on the line.


“I’m afraid Miss Etisha is alarmed by your casual invocation of Judith. You’ll have to give a proper explanation to our guests.”




“But since you are the host of tonight’s banquet, I will give you the opportunity to speak as well.”




“Please clear up any misunderstandings.”


‘A misunderstanding……?’


‘What misunderstanding?’


Etisha looked up at Kaiyen with wide eyes. He wrapped one arm around her waist and lightly stroked her back. It was as if he was trying to signal to her to relax.




Then Kaiyen spoke in a low voice. Only Etisha could hear him.


“It’s nothing, it’s just that my mother is very shy.”


‘ shy?’


‘Mrs. Cyrille is shy’?’


She had no idea what he was talking about. As Etisha pursed her lips in confusion, she heard Mrs. Cyrille’s stern voice up ahead.


“……Yes, I admit it. My explanation was lacking, and it’s not unreasonable for you to misunderstand.”


Mrs. Cyrille said, placing her hand lightly on Dite’s shoulder.


“Judith. This child is like a daughter I have been raising for many years.”




“Although I have not been able to show her to the nobles until now because of her status as a commoner, I consider her as my daughter, and Kaiyen has also taken good care of Judith until now.”


‘Judite was a child that Mrs. Cyrille has raised like a daughter……?’


“The moment I heard about Kaiyen’s wedding announcement, I knew I had to invite Judith to the celebration. Kaiyen is my son, and Judith is my foster daughter, so it’s only fitting that she should be part of the family celebration.”




“And…… Baron Etishael?”


Mrs. Cyrille stepped a little closer to me. Her face, which had been so calm when she spoke to people, turned as red as it had earlier when she was close to me.


Her hands were trembling again.


“Mmmm, mmmm.”




“Baron Etisha……. I’m sorry if I’ve misled you or anything. I, no……. I’m…….”


Lady Cyrille whispered in a very small voice. Beside her, Kaiyen let out a heavy sigh.


“I’m, I’m so happy about Kaiyan’s marriage that I’m…….”




“I couldn’t help myself, so I threw the banquet in such haste. For reasons I can’t explain, Kaiyan arrived at the estate a day later than expected, and my heart was in such a rush…….”


“Madame Cyrille…..?”


“Oh, I’m sorry for my clumsiness, I tried to hide it as best I could, but my hands are all shaking.”


Mrs. Cyrille held out her trembling hands. Now she saw that her flushed face was not from anger, but from embarrassment.


The former Duchess of  Wintel was a cold northern woman, ruthless to others but terribly fond of her own family.


“Baron Elle. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for marrying my son.”




“It will be a great honor for me to dance my first dance with you.”


* * *


Suddenly the world seems to have turned upside down.


Etisha slowly took Mrs. Cyrille’s hand. The music in the ballroom changed, and the stage was set for the two new members of the family.


It seemed to symbolize a new beginning for the Wintel family.


The former Duchess of Wintel and the new Duchess dancing in the same room. It was a true family bonding.


The nobles watching murmured softly.


“I don’t understand how this is possible. I mean, the duke’s mistress was the foster daughter of Lady Cyrille?”


“Besides, look at Madame Cyrille. I thought she was unwilling to see Baron Etisha, but I see she has accepted his request to dance.”


“Hah, I can’t even guess what the lady is thinking, and people like us don’t dare to understand her deepest intentions.”


The nobles hadn’t heard what Madame Cyrille had whispered to Etisha, so they didn’t understand the circumstances that had led to the sudden dance between Madame Cyrille and Etisha.


Of course, even if they had heard the whole conversation, they would have thought they had misunderstood, for in the Northerners’ minds, the former Duchess of Cyrille Wintel was a fierce, cold, and calculating woman.


Ruthless to her enemies, but warm to her friends.


Only her family knew the true nature of her character.

Of course, he knew Her character, which was why he was so surprised at the sudden announcement of the banquet.


“Baroness Etisha……. Please take care of my son, in the future.”


Lady Cyrille requested as she danced with Etisha.


“Yes……, my lady.”


“You will be getting married sooner or later, and I will help you in any way I can, so if you need anything, don’t hesitate to ask.”


“Thank you for your kind words, I will, ma’am.”


“And……. That title seems a bit, well, inappropriate.”




“I mean……. Mmm, khmmm. If you don’t mind, you can call me Mother.”




If you liked this chapter, buy me a Coffee for more 😘.



  1. Saam says:

    Thank you for your translation 🌟🤍 the best 😍

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