Sickly? Husband's Contractual Wife


Chapter 88


I returned to the conversation after being lost in thought, shifting the topic back to my hairpin.


The discussion had shifted to my hairpin without me realizing.


“The Duke of Ifrit personally visited the jeweler for his lady, the rumors say.”




The rumors spread quickly.


I felt awkward about how to respond to Countess Laphang’s story.


Most of all, Camilla sat across from me, glaring at me with narrowed eyes.


“Everyone is curious about the lady. They say she receives the Duke’s utmost love.”


Countess Laphang tapped my arm with her fan as she spoke.


“That’s only natural. The Duchess of Ifrit has always been shrouded in mystery,” Lady Morde remarked.


“She may be frail, but with the handsome Duke and the devoted Duchess… it’s a beautiful story,” Lady Morde continued.


“You’re too kind,” I forced a smile.


I could already envision how exaggeratedly the jeweler must have described the situation. But anyone who discovered the truth behind this beautiful story would surely run away as far as possible.


The story involved a contract overwhelmingly unfavorable to the beneficiary, a mother-in-law intent on sending her daughter-in-law to a mental institution, and even snakes appearing in the room. And amidst all this, there was the frail yet beautiful Duchess.


That day, I had done more than I should have, perhaps out of some inexplicable desire to please him.


Moreover, there was this hairpin.


Attaching special meaning to someone’s kindness was truly agonizing.


Yet here I was, doing just that.


He was wealthy, after all.


He was the head of a wealthy ducal house with a long-standing reputation.


One hairpin wouldn’t make his mansion crumble.


“So let’s not attach meaning to such things.”


I reaffirmed this thought that I had carried with me since that day.


“Hmm… but there seems to be one chair left. Is it for spare?”


Lady Even chuckled, and Camilla smiled as she replied, “The owner of the chair will come soon. We don’t keep unnecessary chairs. We prepared a chair specifically for someone who suddenly needed one.”


Camilla’s gaze subtly flickered towards the chair I was sitting in.


… There was no need to point that out.


I lowered my gaze to inspect the appearance of the chair I was sitting in.


It wasn’t bad.


But it was definitely different from Camilla’s or the other ladies’.


There were subtle differences in the decorations on the backrest, the texture of the fabric, and so on.


I knew that the ranks of ladies were distinguished even in the chairs they could sit on.


This hierarchy was even more pronounced in the imperial court.


No matter how lavishly dressed, there was a difference between those who sat in chairs with backrests and those who didn’t in front of the emperor.


And the chair I was sitting in…


Clearly, it was not the Duchess’s chair.


Analyzing it further would be futile, as I was well aware.


It was just to fill the seat for a moment and then leave.


After all, this tea party was strictly for the host.


But Camilla’s thoughts remained elusive.


“The owner of the chair? Besides us, are there other guests?” Lady Morde inquired, just as a lively voice echoed from the entrance to the tea party venue.


“It’s been a while, Duchess.”


It was a clear, melodious voice, flowing like a beautiful melody played on a fine instrument. A


ll eyes gathered in the room turned towards the source of the sound, and I, too, slowly turned my body in that direction.


“Veronica,” Camilla’s voice softened like feathers. 


Had Camilla ever called someone like that before? It was a very unfamiliar voice. 


How astonishing it must have been for her to realize a crucial fact belatedly: Veronica. The protagonist of this book. The person who becomes happy with everything.


“How have you been, Duchess?” Veronica’s gentle voice exuded charm and gracefulness, yet it was never frivolous.


“Veronica, it’s been a while,” my gaze naturally turned behind me, and there she was. The woman with soft, flowing blonde hair and light blue eyes, radiating elegance, grace, composure, and confidence from every pore of her being. 


“Veronica.” I repeated that name over and over again. It was a familiar name. No, it was an unforgettable name. Veronica Lothranje, the illegitimate daughter of the Lothranje Marquis. The one who will become the Crown Princess and then the Empress Consort.


I knew her future. She was the heroine of the novel “Lady Crown,” a novel I had read countless times.


Veronica walked gracefully from the entrance to where the tea table was set up. 




Veronica passed by me, her voluminous dress gently brushing against me, emitting a soft rustling sound. Besides that sound, there was nothing else. It was as if she had walked through the air, barely making a sound with her steps.


Following her movement, my head turned naturally, revealing yet another unfamiliar sight.


“Oh, Veronica, you’ve become even more beautiful,” Camilla exclaimed, rising from her seat and welcoming Veronica with open arms. As if it were natural, Veronica embraced Camilla tightly.


“It’s been so long since we last met,” Camilla said, patting Veronica’s back affectionately.


“I’ve missed you so much,” Veronica replied, returning the embrace.


“I’ve been longing to see you. There’s no other lady like you in society,” Camilla said, her eyes seemingly dripping with honey.


“Really? I don’t believe that,” Veronica said, affectionately linking her arm with Camilla’s.


It was a very shocking sight. The scenery I was witnessing felt truly unfamiliar to me. But Camilla smiled as if it were the most natural thing in the world.


“Everyone, as you may know, this is Miss Veronica from the Lothranje Marquis,” Camilla said, holding Veronica’s hand firmly and introducing her to the audience.


“Oh, your return was faster than expected. I thought it would take a few more months,” Lady Evelyn remarked, and Veronica smiled in response.


“My father’s business schedule was moved up, so I came back with him. Thank you for inviting me to the tea party as soon as I arrived, Duchess,” Veronica replied graciously.


“Naturally, we had to invite you first. You’re a valued guest,” Camilla said, seating Veronica in her closest spot. As the space became cramped, Camilla gestured to me discreetly.


I quietly sighed and slightly moved my chair to make more space. With the room now more accommodating, Veronica began conversing with Camilla by her side.


The other ladies looked at Veronica with curious eyes, much like when they first saw me.


“Is the Marquis of Lothranje in good health? It’s been a long time since we last met,” Camilla asked, and Veronica nodded.


“He’s still the same. He mentioned wanting to visit you sometime,” Veronica replied with a continuous grin on her face.


“Considering the distant relationship between our families, it’s only natural,” Camilla remarked, and an awkward silence fell among the attendees.


“Yes, it’s always been a distant relationship,” Veronica replied with a smile, and Camilla and the other ladies raised their teacups as if making a silent agreement. Some of them even made eye contact with each other, their thoughts evident.


It was clear what they were thinking. With a would-be Duchess and a Duchess sitting side by side, the implications were obvious.


“Oh, I’m sorry for the late greeting, Duchess,” Veronica said, turning to me with a bright smile. “Nice to meet you for the first time.”


I nodded lightly, trying to force a smile. It didn’t quite come out, and I felt a slight twitch at the corner of my mouth.


Veronica’s delayed greeting and Camilla’s failure to introduce me to her didn’t help either. Since Veronica’s arrival, there had been no chance for me, a stranger, to greet her. It was evident that I was disregarded by both sides.


The purpose of this tea party was becoming clearer and clearer.


“Meeting the Duchess of Amoide is an honor,” Veronica said unexpectedly, her words sounding overly friendly and affectionate.




Veronica’s pronunciation of his name felt even more special.


“Calling me by…?” It was Lord Ephret.


Despite Veronica being a marquess’s daughter, their relationship wasn’t so close that she could casually call him by his name. Yet, she did so in front of me, and quite affectionately.


“Oh, my, I’m sorry. I’ve known you since we were children, so I didn’t even realize I said your name. I should apologize to his lordship,” Veronica exclaimed, looking genuinely surprised. Her reaction seemed so pure that it felt odd to be uncomfortable about it alone.


“Titles don’t matter between friends. Feel free to address me as you wish,” Camilla replied, and the attendees at the tea party once again exchanged glances with each other.


“How was your time abroad? I heard the Queen of Relos took a particular interest in you,” Lady Lafan interjected, breaking the chilly atmosphere.


“She treated me very well. Since she herself is of foreign origin, there were no communication barriers, thanks to my proficiency in my home country’s language,” Veronica replied with a smile.


“Wasn’t the Queen from Haiden? Their language is quite difficult. You’re truly remarkable, Veronica,” another lady commented.


“It’s thanks to my father’s teachings,” Veronica modestly replied.


“But your early return was unexpected. There hasn’t even been a replacement sent to the embassy yet,” Lady Evelyn noted.


“Perhaps they’ll send one soon?” Veronica’s tone carried a hint of something else.


“But what’s the reason for returning so early?” Veronica turned her head towards Lady Evelyn’s seat.


“Surely not because of war?” The atmosphere in the tea party instantly tensed up at her words.


“What nonsense is that?” Lady Lafan asked.


“Our relationship with Relos hasn’t been that great. We used to have frequent conflicts in the past. Although we reached a ceasefire when we established diplomatic relations… recently, there have been more disputes,” Veronica said, her eyes lowered.


“Relos must be losing their nerve,” Lady Lafan said indignantly.


“Especially with the Sun Knights in the empire… Isn’t that too reckless?” another lady chimed in.


“But the position of the Sun Knights’ commander…” Lady Evelyn trailed off, covering her mouth with a fan.


“Anyway, if that happens, the power of the Sun Knights will become truly crucial,” Lady Lafan continued.


“But with the commander’s position vacant…” The ladies hesitated to continue the conversation and discreetly looked at Camilla for her reaction.



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