Sickly? Husband's Contractual Wife


Episode 39


“That’s why a household needs a woman who can properly carry on the family lineage. The Countess of Solton must be quite worried too. They barely went through with the marriage she initially opposed.”

Camilla was casually sipping her tea, subtly throwing glances in my direction.

Once again, I could feel thorns prickling up from the seat I was on.

“Well, that’s true.”

“There’s nothing more important than continuing the family line.”

“What good is profound love and affection, if they can’t have a child? A woman who can’t bear a child isn’t worth keeping as a wife.”

Each word spat out by Camilla felt like an arrow piercing my chest. I looked up and surveyed the desserts laid out on the table. From delicately colored macarons to cakes topped with fresh fruit, cookies… I took in the assortment of desserts before finally speaking.

“I see that there are some seedless….”


Suddenly, everyone’s attention was drawn to me by a raised voice.


I asked, widening my eyes.

“What are you saying?”


Camilla seemed flustered, aware of the other ladies’ attention. In the meantime, I casually picked a grape from the fruit plate and ate it.

“I was about to recommend the seedless grapes because they taste good. Is something wrong, Mother?”

“No, it’s nothing.”

“Try some grapes. They’re delicious.”

Upon my recommendation, the ladies nonchalantly picked a grape each and tasted them.

“Indeed, seedless ones are easier to eat and much better.”

“Isn’t this a new variety from last year? Whoever thought of this…”

“Oh my, but my husband won’t even touch them.”

Upon the comment from Lady Lafang, all eyes were on her.

“Why not?”

When Lady Aiven asked with a curious look, she replied with a meaningful smile.

“Maybe he’s afraid of becoming seedless himself.”

She then burst into a hearty laughter.

“Despite pretending not to care, they are all very sensitive about it.”

“Oh my, there’s nothing you can’t say, Countess.”

Lady Mord covered her mouth with her fan, letting out a chuckle.

“What does it matter, we’re all married here.”

Her eyes behind the fan were full of mischief as she laughed.

“Naughty men tend to blame women, ohoho.”

At her words, all the ladies seated around the tea table burst into laughter. Of course, Camilla was among them, though, her mouth was laughing but her eyes were not.

… It was not my place to care. I laughed more than anyone else, adding, “Oh, you’re so naughty.”

I could hear Camilla gritting her teeth next to me, but that was also not my concern.

“I apologize if we seem to lack grace with our chatter, Duchess. Please understand, we’re not usually like this.”

At Lady Aiven’s words, Camilla laughed heartily and responded.

“What does it matter? It’s not a formal occasion and we’re all here to laugh and enjoy ourselves.”

Camilla casually laughed and raised her teacup, not forgetting to send a fierce gaze my way. I turned my head to the side, trying hard to avoid her gaze.

“Since the Countess of Lafang is the information hub of the social circle, feel free to ask her if you have any questions. You won’t have a dull moment.”

Lady Aiven said with a warm smile.

“She knows all the rumors and information, though she may sometimes misspeak, there’s no malice. She’s just chatty.”

Lady Mord eagerly defended Lady Lafang.

I nodded without thinking. It didn’t matter to me that she was the social circle’s information hub since we wouldn’t see each other again after today. All I needed to do was laugh along with the ladies’ chatter, align with their mood, and not upset Camilla.

‘Please let this pass without incident.’

Camilla kept launching occasional glare attacks, but I had to keep smiling to match the ladies’ chatter – which was painfully annoying. The sweets I ate in such an uncomfortable setting tasted bitter, despite being made with sugar. I couldn’t taste anything but the bitterness.

“By the way, I heard that Miss Veronica will be back soon.”


The grape I was holding fell onto the table.

“Wasn’t she particularly close with Duke Ifrit? Oh dear.”

Lady Lafang carelessly mentioned this, then covered her mouth with her hand.

“I didn’t mean it, Duchess.”


I had no idea what she was talking about and my eyes just widened in surprise. I perked up at the name ‘Veronica’, but what does that have to do with me?

“What do you mean? Of course, there is nothing to hide”

Camilla’s calm voice rang out. As if to make sure I was listening, she looked straight at me and spoke.

“Veronica, the young miss of the Rostrange Ducal House… was once engaged to Amoide.”


I wasn’t sure how to react and just sat there with my mouth open.

“Amoide and Veronica were childhood friends who had promised their future to each other.”

It was a story I had never heard before.

‘That’ Veronica.

‘She almost married Amoide?’

“Oh dear, you seem quite surprised.”

Lady Lafang was practically tearing her fan apart as she watched me.

“Yes, a bit.”

The reason for my surprise was different, but I was indeed surprised. Very much so.

“Because it’s a story you’ve never heard before.”

Camilla said that as she picked up the teapot and poured the tea. The sound of the tea being poured echoed unusually loudly in the room. The Countess of Lafang, who had been chattering brightly just a moment ago, was now subtly gauging the mood.

Suddenly, a pure question popped up in my mind.

“I’m curious about who she is.”

I didn’t think I’d hear the name Veronica, who I thought had no connection to me, at this tea party. Moreover, I never thought that Veronica had a past entangled with Amoide.

“She is the illustrious daughter of a duke’s family. Very… beautiful and talented. She accompanied her diplomat father to the Kingdom of Lilos. She’s said to be returning soon. I remember her being a very beautiful girl.” Lady Aiven, the Countess, explained.

“Not just that. She was so talented and clever. Whether it was singing or dancing… I can understand why the Duke adored his daughter so much. So…” Lady Lafang started to chatter excitedly, then abruptly closed her mouth again.

But I was not particularly surprised, as I already knew that. The praises she received in the social circles, the countless proposals she received in her debut year… Even with that alone, Veronica was a character who faithfully received the perks of a heroine.

“… Our families have been interacting with each other for generations. They were young but they fit together like a painting. Amoide’s father and the Duke of Rostrange promised to marry their children.” In the quiet gap, Camilla’s voice echoed.

“… I see.”

Young Amoide and Veronica. A connection between the two was possible, but I had never thought of it.

“If only Amoide had been healthy, by now, Veronica and him would be……”

Camilla didn’t continue her sentence. Without doing so, the following words were more than enough. I tried hard to keep a calm expression.

“I see. But I am his wife now.”

I met the ladies’ eyes with a relaxed smile.

“It’s quite common for marriage arrangements between noble families to be set and then fall apart. So, it’s not something I should worry about.”

“… Of course, marriage proposals can come and go as they please. Even between countries, engagements and divorces are frequent……”

“That’s right, that’s right.”

The ladies hastily managed the situation.

“And Amoide has gotten much healthier than before.”

“So, we’ll be seeing the Duke of Ifrit’s face at an official banquet soon?”

Countess Mord spoke with a face full of anticipation.

“Oh, it’s been too long. His gallant image still hasn’t faded from the mouths of the social scene…… It is truly a pity.”

“The position of the Knights of the Sun’s commander has been vacant for too long. It’s the Empire’s highest knight order.”

The ladies’ topic changed to Amoide’s health and the recent state of the Knights.

“The Duke of Deaz has been acting as the deputy commander for almost five years now.”

“He is an outstanding knight. There would be no problem for him to take the position of commander……”


The ladies were momentarily taken aback by the low voice.

“Excuse me? Your Grace, I…”

Their energy instantly died down and they only exchanged glances. The pleasant conversation time turned cold in an instant. I quickly stepped in.

“Amoide has gotten much healthier. So, he’ll be returning soon. He’s receiving intensive treatment.”

I tried to lead the atmosphere cheerfully with a smile.

However, a deep shadow loomed over Camilla’s face as she lifted her teacup.

* * *

“How could you show up at the tea party?”

After all the guests had left, Camilla, whose face had quickly changed, asked in a cold voice.

“It was a mistake.”

To tell her the truth about the suspicious maid’s message wouldn’t work. Instead, there was a very high possibility that she would blame me for framing her.

“Did you want to show your face to the ladies by any chance?”

“Why would I? You told me never to show up.” I stated clearly.

“I know very well that you are ashamed of me. But why would I do that deliberately? So, you don’t have to worry about that.”

“You should not forget your place. How you got in here, and what you have to do…”

“I know very well.”

That story, which was almost embedded in me like a mantra from constant repetition.

“So I’m not crazy, and if anyone tells you such a thing, I hope you would trust me rather than them.”

“…What are you talking about?”

“I’m saying that I’m not crazy. I’m perfectly sane, and I don’t need any special treatment.”


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