She was the Real Daughter

SWRD Chapter 7

Chapter 7
When I say “true self,” I feel like I’m portraying Ethan as some kind of villain, hiding his true form. A villain. But I don’t mean to say it like that.

Yet, I believed that Ethan had a ‘true self.’

To Elisa…


Perhaps Ethan had a side he didn’t show to Bella.

“Why are you?” Ethan’s cold voice brushed past my ears. Suddenly, a chill ran down my spine.

As I rubbed my arms, I thought to myself.

Indeed, Ethan and Kylid d were different.

At first, I thought Ethan and Kylid, whom I briefly saw in the corridor, were similar. But seeing Kylid again, I realized they weren’t.

Kylid may have disliked me, but at least he looked at me like a person.

But the Ethan I encountered in the corridor…

Was I even a living person in front of Ethan at that time?

“There’s really something there. Without a doubt.”

I felt the need to reconsider ‘Ethan Croft.’

In fact, I didn’t know much about Ethan originally. I only met Ethan as a person-to-person a few weeks ago.

What I knew was Ethan Croft from the romance fantasy novel ‘My True Daughter,’ serialized on a free web novel site.
A genius knight.

Heir to a duke.

The kind older brother of the female protagonist.

“But there was never anything like wearing a mask in the novel.”

However, I decided not to be shocked or surprised by this situation like a novice.

‘My True Daughter’ was a novel where one author decided everything.

But where I exist is based on ‘My True Daughter,’ but still, it’s a reality where many people move with many wills.

The novel and reality… they can be different.

“I have to think like this, no matter what.”

Actually, that’s true.

Even if I get angry about why the content that wasn’t in the novel suddenly popped up or argue and blame someone, nothing will change.

Instead, I closed my eyes and thought of a hamster. A hamster running on a wheel, a hamster hunting mealworms, a hamster that thinks humans are slow while cracking sunflower seeds…

Okay. Hamster therapy complete.

Feeling much calmer, I brought back the practical issue once again.

“Unless Ethan is not the Ethan I know… I need to adjust my plans.”

My original plan was to apologize and seek forgiveness in front of the Croft Duke and Ethan.

“Let’s exclude Ethan.”

From Croft Duke and Ethan to just Croft Duke.

From two people to one.

“That’s it.”

Let’s not delay. I got up from the bed where I was sitting.

“I don’t know if I should have done it this way from the beginning.”

With that thought in mind, I headed towards the wine cellar.

“The owner of Croft Manor is Croft himself. So, if the lord forgives me, everything will be resolved.”

Even if Kylid is as reckless as his son, he won’t directly defy his father.

Ethan is no different. Regardless of any underlying motive towards Bella behind the mask, he’s expected to remain a respectable eldest son who doesn’t oppose his father.

At least until he inherits the lordship.

But what happens after Ethan inherits the lordship?

By then, I won’t be here anyway.

Not just Croft Manor… probably nowhere in this world.
It’s important not to misunderstand—I don’t want to prolong Bella’s life just to continue living in her body.

Start a second life after changing the perception and miserable fate of those around me, now that I’m possessing her?

Some might act that way, but not me.

I need to go home.

The reason I seek forgiveness is that it would be inconvenient if I were to suffer punishment or get trapped before finding a way to return home.

“I… have to go back. Definitely.”

After engraving some reason to return home in my mind and heart, I opened the door to the wine cellar.

Upon opening the wooden door, I saw stairs leading underground. Without haste, I descended the stairs.


I paused one step away from the bottom of the stairs.

There was already someone in the wine cellar.

The problem is, the back of that person seemed quite familiar…

Silver hair—already narrowing down the options drastically—and a distinguished man turned to look at me. I swallowed hard as our eyes met.


Thankfully, it’s not Ethan? Dealing with him is quite uncomfortable right now.

Ha, but just because it’s not Ethan doesn’t mean it has to be Kylid. What about Lord Croft? He’s also silver-haired. I wish it were Lord Croft instead.

Kylid stared at me expressionlessly as if silently lamenting my presence.

“I guess it’s awkward since there’s an owner here even though you sneaked in like a mouse.”

What? Who’s the mouse and who’s the owner? Of course, I understood. It’s just hard to agree with.

“First of all, thanks for the compliment.”


“Mice are cute.”

“But it’s hard to accept being called the owner. The owner of this wine cellar is not you but your father.”

Who is the owner of the wine cellar in Croft Manor? Obviously Lord Croft.

“Are you trying to aim for your father’s succession? If Lord Ethan finds out, he’ll be disappointed.”

Kylid twitched his eyebrow. He’s good at moving only one eyebrow. Should include it in his special skills?

“Father, Lord Ethan…”

“How shameless. Don’t you feel any guilt when you say such things?”

Feeling guilty doesn’t make you a villain. It’s about Bella.

I don’t want to call the Croft family patriarchs “father” and “lord.” Ideally, I’d call the Lord “sir” and Ethan “Mr.”

No, I just wish I didn’t have to call either of them.

After briefly considering this, I shrugged.

“Are you going to stay here?”

“Are you telling me to leave? To me?”

“Wait, that’s not what I meant. I’m staying here. If you’re staying too, let’s just each have a pleasant time without bothering each other.”

That’s a request to be ignored. I’ll ignore you too, okay?

I’m not sure if you understood. I continued down the stairs and started walking.

There’s no need to go towards Kylid just for the sake of it. Though, I do feel tempted by the wine over there… but there’s wine spread out elsewhere too.

“I guess the alcohol will be the same everywhere, right?”

One thing to clarify is that I’ve never tried drinking.

Because as soon as I reached the legal age for drinking, I ended up being possessed by Bella…

Ah, thinking about it again, it’s quite an extraordinary coming-of-age present. Ridiculous.

“Let’s see. Should I just pick anything here…?”

Standing in front of a wall full of wine, I pondered for a moment.

I only need to pick one bottle, but I don’t know what to choose.

As always in times like this, I need to summon the most fair and scientific person, Dr. Park.

“Coke tastes good. If it tastes good, I’ll drink it again. If I drink it again, I’ll get a stomachache. Dr. Park…”


Let’s ask…

“You have a mouse next to your foot.”


Unable to feign not hearing the words that I couldn’t ignore this time, I quickly looked down at my feet.

“…It’s not there?”

Contrary to Kylid’s words, the area around my feet was clean. There wasn’t even any dust. Who usually cleans here? They’re really good at it.

But where did the mouse go…?

Ah, could it be that it wasn’t next to my foot but next to Kylid’s foot? Not ‘your’ foot but ‘my’ foot?

I quickly turned my head to inspect the area around Kylid’s foot.

…It’s not there either.

Could it have escaped while I wasn’t looking? It’s possible. Mice are fast. But to leave without leaving a trace of cheese scent or a squeak…

Feeling disheartened, I looked at Kylid I need to know this.

“What did the mouse look like?”


“Was it gray? Brown?”


“How big was it?”

Kylid stared at me intently while I asked, then furrowed his brow. Kylid’s mouth opened.

“What’s wrong with you?”


“What’s going on with you. You.”


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