She Was Sent by God

SWSBG Chapter 53

Agnes stopped talking and looked at Andrassy.


“You’re very competent.”

“I’m as competent as you believe me.”


He replied nonchalantly.

Andrassy’s handling of the matter was so swift that within less than ten days, the light orbs began to be sold nationwide.

The response was explosive, unlike anything seen during Elemer’s time. 

Elemer had a limited demand and did not require much per person, but light orbs were different. 

In some wealthy estates, more than a thousand orbe were ordered at once.

Sadly, the supply did not keep up with the demand.


“We’re going to die at this rate, Duchess. Please save us.”


Theo approached with pleading eyes, on the verge of tears.


“Twelve people are working day and night without rest, solely making light orbs.” 

“No, is it that bad?”


Agnes was taken aback upon hearing this, as she had entrusted everything related to the production and sale of the light orbs to Andrassy.


“I’ll talk to Andrassy.”


After comforting Theo, she called for Andrassy..


“Aren’t you being too harsh to the magicians? They say they can’t even sleep at night.” 

“They can’t sleep at night?”


Andrassy’s eyes flickered.


“I will have a conversation with the magicians.” 

“Alright. Handle it appropriately.” 



Andrassy bowed and went out.

And the very next day, Theo came.




He approached confidently and brought up the main issue before even sitting down.


“I can’t do it. No, I won’t do it!” 

“What are you talking about?”

“Do you know what Andrassy said yesterday? He accused us of being lazy! Does that make sense? We can’t even sleep properly, working day and night to make light orbs.”

“Wait, calm down and sit for a moment.”


Theo was so worked up that he can’t even sit properly.


“Call Andrassy.”


Agnes instructed the maid next to her. Soon after, Andrassy opened the door and came in.


“Did you call me?”

“Now that both parties are here, let’s talk properly.  What’s going on?”

“Just like what I said, Duchess. Andrassy came to the tower yesterday and pointed out that we were lazy, saying we were very slow in making light orbs.” 

“Andrassy. Is it true?”

“Yes. Currently, their production speed is indeed very slow.”

“No, as a magician, do you expect us to have twice as much time as others? Even now, we’re struggling and getting enough sleep to make light orbs. How are we going to make more here?”


Theo exclaimed enthusiastically with veins popping out on his neck. 

Andrassy didn’t blink an eye.


“That’s why I made a suggestion. Since it’s difficult for the wizards to produce the light orbs among themselves, I asked them to teach the technicians under my supervision the methods.”

“I can’t do that! I can’t teach ordinary people, who are not magicians, how to handle magic stones. It’s against the rules of the Magic Tower.”


Theo shook his head stubbornly. Andrassy didn’t give up.


“Then what about accepting them as magicians?” 


“Just teach them very basic magic. Just show them how to make magic stones and light orbs would be enough.” 

“But that’s…” 

“Think about it.”


Andrassy’s voice became as soft as velvet.


“The demand for light orbs is constantly increasing and will never decrease. Even now, you’re struggling to make light orbs. Will it get better after some time?”


Theo couldn’t find a word to refute, so he just blinked.


“The magicians have important work to do. Didn’t you say that the research you wanted to do was piling up? Why don’t you leave these small things to me so the magicians can focus on your really important research?”

“Well, that’s true, but…” 


Theo’s ears were flapping wildly from the side.


“If you teach them how to make magic stones, In the future I will fully support the magician’s research.”

“Is that true?”


Theo hesitated. Andrassy smiled kindly like a saint who came down from heaven.


“Of course. By teaching them how to make magic stones, you will save a lot of time on making them.”

“Hmm. Then I’ll talk to other magicians first.”

“Yes. Please inform me of the good results.”


Unlike when Theo came here, he went back to the tower, smiling.

As the door closed, Andrassy’s face quickly returned to an expressionless state.


“After calculating, by using technicians, we can increase the daily production of light orbs to three thousand.”

“Ah, I see. Did you deliberately go to the magicians to stir things up?”


Agnes clicked her tongue as she watched the conversation between the two. His persuasion skills were frighteningly effective.


“Yes. Twelve magicians alone cannot produce as many luminous spheres as we need. Moreover, if other magical items are developed, we cannot afford to struggle with insufficient production each time.”

“You truly have remarkable skills.”


She thought it was a good decision to bring him in.

If it were Agnes, she would have moderately compromised the production with the magicians.


“It would be best to go in a direction where we can help each other.”


Andrassy grinned.


“I found out that even those without special talents can perform very basic magic.”

“Is that so?”

“So, I’ve selected a group of smart people under me.”

“That’s good.”


She couldn’t think of anything else to say. Andrassy left the room with a big smile.

Soon after, as Andrassy said, Theo agreed to teach the technicians magic.


“Only about magic stones and light orbs.”

“Of course.”


Theo said that’s all he could teach. Andrassy bowed his head politely.

Since that day, the orbs production has increased dramatically.

People wanting to buy light orbs knocked on the gates of Estar Castle every day.

By drastically lowering the price, even commoners could afford them, leading to an overwhelming demand once word got out.


“How about selling light orbs cheaper for the territory residents? Laslo suggested.


“No matter how cheap the light orbs are, it doesn’t mean that all commoners are capable of buying them.”

“Oh, that’s a good idea.”


Agnes immediately instructed Andrassy and Niall to sell the light sphere to the territory residents at a price of one-third.

Initially, Niall grumbled about whether it was necessary, but as time passed, he quietly approached and said:


“Everyone was so happy to receive the light orbs.”


“They thank me every time I go out to the village, saying they’ve saved three years’ worth of oil costs.”

“Hmm. It’s all thanks to the generosity of the lord.”


Agnes shrugged her shoulders for no reason.


“But where is the lord?”

“Oh, a messenger came from the capital.”



Her face froze in an instant. Niall, unaware of this, smiled and continued:


“Yes. The messenger brought a big gift as a token of gratitude for receiving the light orbs.”

“I see.”


It was expected that the richer Arpad became, the more Sebastian would keep her in check.

However, upon hearing that a messenger had come from the capital, her heart raced.




Agnes swallowed a sigh inside. Her mind was in turmoil.

While she had anticipated some reaction when they started selling the light orbs in earnest, the response was faster than she had thought.




In this castle, there was only one person who could call her by name.

Agnes turned around. Laslo walked slowly and stood in front of her.


“I heard a messenger came?”

“You heard it already.”

“What did the king say?”

Then Laslo frowned. “He sent an invitation.”


He showed her an invitation adorned with gold, bearing the royal seal.


“It’s called an invitation, but it’s more like an order.”


Even without looking, one could infer the nature of the conversation.


“When did he ask you to come?”

“I have to leave in five days to get there on time.”



Agnes nodded quietly. It was unclear whether she understood or simply acknowledged.

Laslo took a step forward and narrowed the gap with them.


“I’ll go there, so don’t worry. You’ll be safe here in the castle.”

“What he wants is me.”


Agnes said with a bitter smile.


“Sebastian is suspicious. If I don’t accept the invitation, he would find it even more suspicious.”



He hesitated for a moment before lightly touching her shoulder.


“I’ll tell His Majesty that you are sick.”


Unintentionally, a sigh escaped her lips.


“Duke. Do you think Sebastian will fall for such an excuse? He will doubt your loyalty immediately and come up with unreasonable excuses to summon me to the palace.”


As much as Sebastian knew Agnes well, she also understood him well.


“The Duke will stay here. I’ll go there alone.”

“I absolutely cannot allow that.”


His grip on her shoulder tightened slightly.


“I cannot let you go there alone.”


His eyes were earnest, causing Agnes to smile and say,


“Shall we go together then?”


Laslo showed a dissatisfied expression. However, Agnes’ words were not unreasonable, so in the end he agreed.


“Very well. I’ll tell Niall to get ready.”


𝑺𝒖𝒑𝒑𝒐𝒓𝒕 𝒎𝒆 𝒐𝒏 𝑲𝒐-𝒇𝒊


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