She Was Sent by God

SWSBG Chapter 38



“You’re going back tomorrow?”


Chavolti visited the townhouse with Sophia, perhaps because he heard that she was going back to Sutmar.


“Is there any reason to stay in the capital?”

“It’s been half a year since you were here, so it’d be nice if you stayed a little longer.”


Sophia lightly held Agnes’s hand with a regretful expression before letting go.


“It’s okay. I met my mother not too long ago and said hello. I’ve roughly finished what I needed to do, so I should leave now.”

“But still.”


Chavolti didn’t speak openly, but he seemed to be disappointed.

Even if he speaks bluntly, everyone knows that he cares about Agnes terribly.

Agnes was aware of it too, so she playfully nudged Chavolti, who had been talking nonstop since earlier, with her foot.


“I’ll write you a letter.”

“Oh my. Letters? You only sent one letter after getting married.”


He tilted his body and pouted his mouth.


“I’ll send you a letter once a month.”


Only then did Chavolti look straight at Agnes.


“Send two.”

“What? You want me to write two letters a month?”


Agnes frowned hard.


“Do you think I don’t know you? Even if you write a letter, you won’t write at least ten lines, right? So, send me two.”

“Oh, I can’t do that. My arms will hurt.”


The siblings argued over trivial matters.

As this wasn’t the first or second time, Sophia stepped in to mediate between them.


“Well, once a month. But make sure to write more than ten lines.”


Agnes nodded absentmindedly.


“As expected of Sophia. How would I have survived without you?”

“Oh my, why would you ask that? Of course, you couldn’t have lived.”


Chavolti kissed Sophia on the cheek very naturally. Sophia giggled as if ticklish.

Instead of commenting with her eyes rolling, Agnes watched the couple closely.


‘Is a kiss more enjoyable than a hug?’


Sometimes, embracing Laslo was quite pleasant, but she was curious about other things as well.

Looking back, it wasn’t bad to spend the night with him in the past.

No, it was actually quite enjoyable. It made her wonder if this was why people indulged in nightlife.




At that moment, a maid approached quietly and whispered in Agnes’s ear.


“Really? Tell her I’ll be there soon.”

“Where are you going?”

“We have guests. Since they came to see me before heading down to the west, I should go and meet them.”


Then Chavolti grumbled about his sister’s coldness.

Sophia said goodbye with tears in her eyes.

Agnes lightly kissed both their cheeks and left the room.




“Hello, Duchess.”


Erica greeted with a gentle smile and a polite bow.


“Please have a seat.”


As soon as Erica sat down, she took the bird figurine from her bag and put it in front of Agnes.


“Here you go.”

“Well done. I’ll send the documents separately for the Elemer.”

“Thank you, Duchess.”

“But you don’t even ask me what this is. It might be beneficial or harmful to your cousin.”

“I met Roland this morning, and his neck is still intact.”


Erica lifted the teacup with her eyes down. Agnes couldn’t help but let out a laugh unintentionally.

She couldn’t understand why sarcastic remarks made with a calm face were so amusing.


“What are your plans?” 


“You said you wanted to be a marquis.”

“I need to impress my father first. Elemer will be the first stepping stone.”

“What about Sir Milan?”

“I don’t know.”


After taking a sip of her tea, Erica set down her cup.


“I’m thinking about it.”

“Will you kick him out?”


When Agnes asked, Erica just smiled mysteriously.


“Hmm. No matter how you look at it, you’re at a disadvantage.”


Erica listened to Agnes without answering back.


“You lack a solid power base, you’re still young, and on top of that, you’re a woman. There are many obstacles in inheriting the marquisate.”

“That’s true.”


Erica easily affirmed.

Agnes said, searching through the documents she had placed next to her.


“Sir Milan. He has a splendid career as a womanizer.”

“Using a smug face to seduce women is my brother’s noble hobby.”


Erica chuckled while crossing her legs, mocking her brother. 

Looking through the information on Milan Kiske, it felt justifiable for Erica to ridicule him.


“He’s not even married, but he already has three illegitimate children.”


Of course, each child had a different mother.


“That’s not all.”

“What else?”

“He may have only three born children, but there were quite a few children your father got rid of along the way.”

“That’s terrible.”


Agnes furrowed her brow deeply.

In Nirseg, an illegitimate child is worse than nothing.

It is rarely fully recognized because it is regarded as a product of injustice.


“His conduct is so inappropriate, yet they want him to be the successor?”



Erica widened her eyes and laughed.


“Why would that be a problem? He’s the eldest son.”


“All he knows is using his face and status to seduce and discard women. Is that enough to become a successor?”


Erica sipped her tea. Agnes did not hesitate more.


“Take a look at this.”


She handed Erica the prepared documents.


“What is this?”

“The businesses Milan Kiske has been involved in so far.”



Eric took the documents and checked what was inside.


“Is this all true?”


“It’s a mess. He gathered money under the guise of business funds and squandered it on gambling.”



Flipping through the documents to the end, Erica let out a bitter laugh.


“He was fooling our parents.”

“I guess you didn’t know based on your reaction.”

“Yes. Since I didn’t know, my parents wouldn’t have known either.”


She gripped the documents tightly, her face filled with contempt.


“Duchess, the reason you showed me this is…”

“This is still only circumstantial evidence.  You know as well as I do that it’s not enough to bring him down.”



Erica responded more politely than ever.


“I’ll send you the data when I get more solid evidence of all the things he did.”

“Thank you, but I have a deep question about your overflowing goodwill. Duchess.”

“Don’t be scared. You just have to pay back what you received.”

“That sounds even scarier.”


Erica muttered.


“I like you.”

“Because I’m young and pretty?”


Agnes burst into laughter again at her shameless response.


“Because you’re honest and bold.”

“Thank you.”


Instead of deflecting with false modesty, Erica expressed her gratitude.


“So, I’m going to help you get the marquis title.”

“What should I do then?”


Erica asked quickly.


“Just assist me in what I’m trying to do. Support me and obediently follow my instructions.”


Unlike Roland, who she was holding the leash on, Erica should not hear the word usurpation out of her mouth right away.

At least not yet.

It was a thought to be kept hidden until she gained Erica’s complete trust.

Agnes smiled sweetly as if she had honey in her mouth.


“That’s all I ask for.”


Erica gazed at Agnes, momentarily forgetting to breathe.

Many thoughts crossed her mind, but there was only one conclusion.


“I will follow the Duchess’s words.”

“You’ve made a wise choice.”


Agnes personally escorted Erica out.

Upon her return, a servant brought a letter in a silver tray.


“Hmm? Why is there no seal?”

“It’s a letter delivered by an errand boy.

“An errand boy?”


Agnes tore open the envelope with a letter opener and pulled out the letter. It contained a brief sentence.


<I’ll risk my life.>


That’s it.

Agnes tightened her grip on the letter, her eyes shining brighter than ever before.


  1. Resolution.


“Princess, do you have something to say?”


They were crossing the field on a horse. As Laslo’s gaze fell on her, she turned her head.


“Hmm? Nothing.”

“You’ve been staring at my face since earlier.”


In fact, she was looking at his lips, not his face.

The kiss that Chavolti had given Sophia lingered in his memory, occasionally resurfacing.

However, even just hugging made his face turn red and awkwardly fidget, so it was certain he would run away if she tried to kiss him.

While pondering on what pretext to use for a kiss, someone approached.


“It’s truly astonishing.”

“What is?”


When she heard his voice, Agnes’ face turned cold at once.


“You are more beautiful than the flowers blooming here, Princess.”


“Oh, Princess. Don’t turn your head that way. The flowers are wilting in the presence of your beauty.”


Agnes shuddered for a moment.


“Where did you learn such words?”

“Do you have to learn it to know? It’s simply admiration that springs from my heart.”


Not long after leaving the capital, Agnes coincidentally met Eugene on the road.

He spoke with a somewhat urgent tone.


– You seem to have forgotten something, Princess.

– What is it?

– You forgot to ask me to come with you.


– Don’t worry. As soon as I heard that the Princess was leaving, I rushed over.



  1. Natasha801 says:

    Thanks for the great novel!❤️‍🔥

  2. bored_potato_ says:

    no eugene stay away 😭

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