She Was Sent by God

SWSBG Chapter 33


Theo shouted with an excited face. He couldn’t sit still, alternating between sitting down and standing up.


“With the shortage of magic stones up until now, many things that we couldn’t do will now be possible.”


He muttered to himself in an emotional voice.


“I’m glad it’s real. Thank you for confirming.”


Agnes took the magic stone. Theo couldn’t take his eyes off the stone, like a dog fixated on its food.


“You can leave now.”


She said leisurely, leaning back in her chair.

However, instead of leaving, Theo cautiously asked, turning his body towards her.


“May I ask what you’re planning to do with the magic stone?”

“Well, I’ll probably use it for this and that in the territory.”

“Don’t you want to distribute it somewhere else?”

“Not yet. Maybe in a few years, I’ll start releasing it little by little.”

“How many years?”


Theo unintentionally raised his voice, then quickly coughed to cover it up.


“Ugh, then Duchess. When will you go back to Sutmar?”


Theo was restless and kept an eye on Agnes. His lips kept twitching as if he had a lot to say.


“Well, now that the coronation ceremony is over, I’ll probably head back in the next few days.”

“You’re going back already?”

“I have nothing to do here in the capital, so there’s no reason to stay.”

“That’s true, but…”


Agnes waved her hand dismissively.

Theo spun around in his spot, bowed quickly, and hurriedly left the room.

Agnes just smiled as she saw him leave.

The next day, a lot of people in white capes appeared and knocked on the door of the Arpad Townhouse.


“Madam, the wizards are here.”

“Let them in.”


The servant opened the door to the drawing room. Theo appeared first, bowing slightly in greeting.

Following him, a wizard who had visited before appeared and bowed. Three people followed right behind.


“What brings you all here today…?”


Before the sentence could even be completed, six more people barged in through the door. It was not a small drawing room, but it felt full.


“How many people are there?”


There are only 20 wizards who came to the capital. More than half of them gathered in this mansion.

Theo smiled awkwardly.


“Haha, I distinctly told only one person… but, well, it seems…”


More than ten wizards huddled together looking at Agnes with enthusiastic eyes.


“What’s going on from this early in the morning?”


Agnes asked, cutting to the chase.


“Well, Duchess. Can you show us the Magic stone that you showed me yesterday?”


Theo asked carefully.

Agnes easily nodded and instructed the servant to bring the magic stone that had been carefully placed in the room.



“Theo was telling the truth.”

“How is this possible?”


As the box containing the magic stone was opened, the wizards rushed forward in awe, unable to contain their amazement.


“With just this, I can conduct the Gork equation research I wanted to do.”

“It’s not just that. You would be able to make magic items that you want to make while experimenting with this and that without worries.”


Some even shed tears due to how deeply moved they were.


“I never thought I’d see this technology in my life.”


“Ugh, Miss Reika should have seen this too.”


As someone sniffled, another patted their back reassuringly.

Agnes sat on the sofa, chin in hand, observing the group intently. A considerable amount of time passed as the tea grew cold.


“Have you all seen enough now?”


Finally coming to their senses, the wizards murmured among themselves and glanced briefly at Agnes.


“Um, excuse me, do you happen to need a wizard in Sutmar?”



Theo discreetly slipped out of the group and approached Agnes to ask.


“I don’t have a wife and children. If the duchess calls me, I can run to you anytime. In addition, I have always admired Nirseg…”

“Wait, Theo. How cheap! Duchess. I don’t have a wife and children either! I can pack up and go to Sutmar right now.”


Another wizard who appeared to be of a similar age as Theo burst out like a spring.

Their expressions and intentions were as transparent as water, revealing their innermost thoughts.


“Hey. Ranke. You have a fiancé.”

“I was planning to set up our new home in Nirseg originally.”


As the two argued back and forth, other wizards, with twinkling eyes, gradually approached Agnes.


“My wish was to live in Sutmar since I was young. Duchess.”

“But isn’t it a place where demonic beasts appear every day?”


Agnes shrugged.


“Yes? Beast? B, Beasts, haha. It’s okay. I like Beasts very much.”


For a moment, he raised his voice in shock, then the color of his face changed in an instant.

But that wasn’t all.

From the youngest to the oldest, the eyes staring at Agnes were so bright that they looked like children waiting for candy.


“Well, I lack knowledge in magic, so I’m not sure what you all can do.”


She deliberately looked into her nails pretending not to be interested.


“Hmm. I’ve been studying climate magic for decades. With high-quality magic stones, I can even create cloud seeds.”


Someone raised their hand eagerly and presented their research achievements.




The western region was generally dry, often experiencing droughts. Being able to summon clouds would greatly aid in agriculture.


“I’ve been working on imbuing weapons with magic weapons for over 40 years. Duchess. Magic stones! If I have enough, I can cast magic on all your soldier’s weapons.”


A gray-haired wizard emphasized the importance of magic stones.


“Oh, duchess! As for me, I can make the strongest armor in the world!”


As one began to open his mouth, everyone lined up and said what they could do.

Agnes smiled with satisfaction.

They were sent as an envoy to Nirseg because of their hard work in Arahan. All of them had profound achievements.

Seeing the wizards clamoring to be taken to Surtmar, her lips involuntarily curled upwards.

However, Agnes composed her face and maintained a dignified demeanor.


“All of you indeed possess remarkable talents. But what can I do with the wizard who came to Nirseg as an envoy?”

“Don’t worry about that. Duchess. We’re here as envoys, but we’re not officially affiliated wizards of the royal family. To be exact, we belong to the magic tower.”

“And the magic tower doesn’t care where we are.”


Theo enthusiastically explained and another wizard supported him.


“Oh, that’s a relief.”


The wizards were such esteemed figures that Agnes had worried it might lead to national disputes, so she breathed a sigh of relief.


“W-Well, then, we will head to Surtmar.”


Someone swallowed nervously, feeling tense. 

Agnes smiled brightly and said,


“Let’s discuss it with Duke Arpad first.”




“So that’s what happened.”




Having heard Agnes’s words, Laslo was so surprised that he dropped the fork he was about to put in his mouth.


“What do you think about wizards begging you to take them?”

“No, wait a minute, princess. What did you find?” 

“Hmm. A device for creating magic stones. I heard that it brings out magic power and turns ordinary jewels into magic stones.”


She casually mentioned while eating her salad.


“Isn’t that the technology they’re using now?”

“No. According to the wizards, it’s a technology that is only recorded in documents and no longer in use, so seeing it in action is a first.”



Laslo sat there with his mouth agape, unable to close it for a while.


“Magic stone? I can’t believe you can make magic stones.”


He couldn’t contain his excitement and suddenly stood up from his seat.


“If that’s true, it’s not only Nirseg, but all the neighboring countries will turn upside down. Hasn’t it been over a hundred years since magic stones dried up? Perhaps…”


He trembled lightly.


“The golden age may come.”


Agnes calmly continued his train of thought.

Laslo blinked. The story was so astonishingly told that he momentarily didn’t grasp its full meaning.




“You are truly remarkable.”


He walked closer to Agnes and sat down. His eyes twinkled like stars.


“How did you know that such a device existed in the mine?”

“Well… I mean.”


Agnes looked around awkwardly.


“If you grow up in the palace, you hear a lot of rumors about various things. Hmm.”


“Is that so?”


Even with her feeble excuse, he easily accepted it.


“Are you planning to make magic stones for sale?”


“Eventually. For now, I plan to create items that can be used with the wizards.”


Although Elemer’s sales were breathing life into the crumbling domain, Arpad had not fully regained its former glory.

Just in case, she will proceed with the work as carefully as possible.


“How many wizards are requesting to move?”


Laslo asked, barely calming his heart that had been fluttering since earlier.


“11 people.”


“Eleven? There are eighteen wizards who came to the capital from Arahan. If 11 of them come to Sutmar, wouldn’t that be suspicious?”

“That’s right. So, I’m going to call them one by one over a different time.”


He nodded silently at Agnes’ explanation.


“What do you think?”

“About what?”

“Can I bring the wizards to the territory?”

“Of course. However…”


He gazed at her intently. He couldn’t say the back word easily. Agnes waited patiently.


“I’m sorry.”

“What’s wrong?”


Laslo’s face quickly darkened.



  1. Natasha801 says:

    Thank you so much!❤️‍🔥

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