She Was Sent by God

SWSBG Chapter 29


Agnes was taken aback and tried to push his hand away, but it was as solid as a rock and wouldn’t budge.


“This hand right now.”


Before he could spit out the words to move it, Eugene brought his face close to hers.


“Indeed. You have to take responsibility for me.”

“Responsibility? What do you mean?”


His breath contained a faint hint of laughter.


“You have to take responsibility. You called me.”


The hand on her left chest slowly moved upward.  It ran up to her neck and grabbed her chin.

She wanted to push his hand away, but like a prey facing a predator, she couldn’t move a muscle.


“You called me in the endless darkness, Agnes.”


His golden eyes sank deep. Unconsciously, she gasped for breath.


“I don’t even know how long it’s been since I came out like this. Oh, enduring that dreadful pain and counting the days….”


He suddenly whispered a curse to someone in a low voice.


“Berace, if it weren’t for that insignifcant thing, I wouldn’t have been buried in a dirty pit. Haha.”



A sense of unknown dread sent shivers down her spine.


“What’s wrong? Agnes.”


Although his voice and face were gentle, fear dominated her whole body.


“Oh no, are you scared of me?”


His voice was sweet as if he had honey in his mouth, but his hand holding his chin was firm. She couldn’t even turn her head. She couldn’t breathe properly like she was strangled. 


“Don’t be afraid. Would I dare to harm you? You already belong to me.”


His golden eyes stared intently at her.

Her mind gradually became distant. Her vision blurred and darkness enveloped her.

Then, amidst a loud thud, Eugene’s face disappeared.


“Gasp, gasp.”


Agnes belatedly gasped for breath.


As Agnes blinked, a familiar back came into view.


“What is your name, wizard?”


 Laslo’s voice was full of anger that anyone could tell.


“Did you come running because you were curious?”


Eugene smiles cheekily and sarcastically.


“I need to know your name to ask for a duel.”


“Oh, no!”


Agnes was startled and ran towards Laslo. He is a dragon. He is not a foe that humans can handle. If they were to duel, the outcome would be as clear as day.


“Please, stop.”


Laslo looked back at Agnes.


“Are you okay?  Are you hurt?”



Agnes quickly shook her head.


“So please stop the duel. Nothing happened. It’s just…”

“Please don’t stop me. Princess.”


He spoke gently yet firmly.


“How dare you threaten her. If I had been late, what would have happened to the princess?”


The situation could easily be misunderstood if a third party saw it. Agnes quickly came up with an excuse.


“He, well… Eugene simply doesn’t know manners and etiquette. Don’t you know how closed the wizard’s society is? It’s just a lack of education, so please calm your anger.”

“But I can’t just let someone who has been rude to my wife go unpunished.”


Agnes stood behind him, unable to intervene.   She gestured desperately for Eugene to stop.

Seeing this, Eugene shrugged his shoulders.


“I’m sorry, Duke. I couldn’t contain my joy at seeing the princess after so long.” 

“Well, yes. We met when I was young.”

“I saved her life.”


Eugene casually added.


“Right. He saved my life. He’s my savior. A very grateful savior.”


Agnes awkwardly smiled and tried her best to diffuse the tension.


“So, for my sake, would it be okay to let it go?”


She grabbed Laslo’s arm and pulled half-way. Laslo still glared at Eugene as if he wanted to kill him. 


Tension filled the air. Agnes broke the silence with difficulty.




The strength flowed into the hand holding his arm.


Fortunately, those words had an effect. He tore his gaze away from Eugene and looked down at Agnes.


“I’m fine.”


Agnes looked directly at Laslo.


“I’m fine.” She repeated. 


Laslo let out a breath he had been holding in.

Unconsciously, he grabbed Agnes’s shoulder and pulled her toward him. Agnes leaned calmly in his arms. As she pressed her ear against his chest, she could hear the loud thumping of his heart.


“I was worried, Princess.”


Laslo’s voice trembled ever so slightly.

The first thing he noticed when he entered this room was Agnes’s pale face.

At that moment, he couldn’t think of anything. He couldn’t tell what form the fluctuating emotions were.


If he had a sword at his waist, he probably would have drawn it without hesitation towards the wizard.

As the two stood close for a while, Eugene’s smile twisted slightly.


“Well, princess. Thank you for inviting me to your territory. I’ll visit with joy.”

“What? Did I say…”


Agnes jumped up in surprise, then belatedly realized Laslo was there and coughed violently.


“Right.  It was just a passing comment, but you took it seriously. You really have no flexibility.”

“That’s the characteristic of wizards.”


Eugene maintained his smiling face.


“When do you plan to go down to the territory?”

“I still haven’t forgiven you.”


Laslo replied in a low voice.


“Show mercy to the ignorant and pitiful wizard. Your Excellency.”


Before the atmosphere turned hostile again, Agnes took a step forward.


“I’ll talk to you separately. So let’s call it a day for now.”

“Already? I haven’t had lunch with the princess and I haven’t had tea time with you yet”


He lowered his eyes in a pitiful manner.


“It seems difficult to do all that with limited time.”


Agnes muttered under her breath while grinding her teeth.


“I won’t see you off.”


She gave a strong hint to leave. Finally, Eugene reluctantly got up from his seat.


[Call my name whenever you miss me, Agnes]


He left with a short message in her head.

As soon as Eugene left, Laslo carefully examined Agnes.


“Did he really not harm you?”

“I told you he did not.”


Agnes vehemently denied.


“I just recalled some unpleasant memories during the conversation.”


Laslo didn’t seem to believe her clumsy excuse, but he didn’t ask more.

Instead, he took the paper out of his pocket and handed it over.


“I’ve been sorting out the list that the princess told me about.”

“The list? Oh, wizards from the Arahan archipelago?”

“Yeah. I hope other wizards are not as rude as that wizard. Otherwise, I might need to carry swords around the capital.”

“Haha. Is that even possible? Eugene is just very peculiar.”


Agnes waved her hands with a smiling face.

The list she received briefly included the names and ages of nearly 20 wizards.


“But why the wizards all of a sudden?”

“I think I’ll need a wizard’s help soon.”


Agnes smiled mysteriously.


“We still have some time left before they arrived at Etron, right?”


“It’s only been two days since we sent the knights. Be patient.”


“Yeah. I should.”


Ten knights and soldiers under her command were sent to a mine in Ethron. The order given to them was simple.

Excavate and bring all artifacts from the mine.

Although sales of Elemer are increasing day by day, its popularity wanes a few years later as demand is limited and similar products are created.

What Agnes desired was a guarantee of unimaginable wealth.

That would truly be the foundation for true plunder.

Her eyes shone like candles burning in the dark.




“Wake up!”


The voice and tone were so similar to that night that Agnes momentarily thought she was dreaming.

As the shaking hand stirred her awake like the dawn driving away the night, she gradually regained her senses.



“Got it. Ralph, block the right side.”



It was a dark night where not even the moon or stars were visible.

As she came to her senses, the first thing she noticed was the sound of arrows hitting.

Thud, thud.


“W-what is this?”


“It’s an attack. Don’t worry. The Lord will come soon.”


Once her eyes adjusted to the darkness, she could finally assess the situation.

Masked figures were constantly coming in through the windows.

Agnes raised herself half out of the bed. Her body trembled unintentionally.

Then, with a loud bang, Laslo entered. He immediately approached Agnes.



“I’ll be done soon, so close your eyes if you’re scared.”


Laslo spoke more affectionately and kindly than usual. Agnes nodded slightly and closed her eyes as best as she could.

He immediately pulled out a sword when he confirmed that she had closed her eyes.

His face was stern and cold.


“How many are there?”

“I roughly counted twelve.”


Ralph approached him and he whispered.


“Block the entrance. Don’t let them escape.”



Laslo walked through the masked figures with a somewhat leisurely pace.

Those who noticed him immediately rushed towards him.




Laslo lightly blocked the sword of the approaching figure and swiftly slashed his chest.

As the man fell, Laslo wasted no time and plunged his sword into his neck. The fallen man died right away.




Two other men rushed in at the same time and shouted.



  1. Natasha801 says:

    Thank you so much for the chapter!❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥

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