She Was Sent by God

SWSBG Chapter 23

SWSBG Chapter 23


So, they only realized belatedly that six servants were grunting as they carried heavy boxes one by one.


“Pour it over his head.”


Laslo told the servant. Agnes stared at him, not knowing what he was talking about.


“Y- yes.”


The servant showed a look of bewilderment, but soon opened the box and approached Viscount Eres.

Then they poured the gold coins on the smiling Viscount’s head.


“Argh! Who? What are you doing?”


The Viscount shouted as the coins rained down on him.

Gold coins fell on the floor producing sharp sounds. In an instant, everyone’s attention was drawn to them.


“It hurts my heart to hear that the Viscount’s worries are so great, I can’t stand it.”


Contrary to the content, Laslo’s face was cold, almost terrifying. 


“What? What’s that?”

“It seems you didn’t quite catch that. Pour him another one.”


The second servant opened the box and once again showered Viscount Ares with gold coins.

Gold coins fell like a storm water. The nobles around, now speechless, looked at the Duke..


“Please don’t worry, Viscount Eres. Because the duchy’s situation is not as dire as you think.”

“Y, Your Excellency.”


Until just now, his face, which had been laughing and enjoying the poverty of the Arpad family, had suddenly turned grave.


“I’m sorry. I made a mistake.”


Laslo did not accept his apology, but rather called the third attendant, who was waiting for his turn.


“Pour it.”


The servant sprinkled gold coins over the Viscount’s head without hesitation.


“But you know.”


From some point on, only Laslo spoke in the banquet hall.


“I don’t think you’ve greeted my wife yet.”


He smiled like a predator and gently grabbed Agnes’ shoulder.


“What? Oh, yeah! I greet the duchess. I apologize for my lack of manners.”


Viscount Eres hurried in front of Agnes and bowed.


“Princess, will you forgive me for being rude? Or call the servant and ask them to bring more gold coins and pour it over my head until your mood is relieved.”


Agnes looked up at Laslo with a strange face.

She waved her hand to the Viscount, who was trembling like a deer in front of a hunter.


“Oh, yes. Thank you, thank you. Duchess.”


After Viscount Eres greeted her, he disappeared with a red face.

Only the gold coins remained in the space where he left.

No one dared to gossip about the Arpad’s poverty. Instead, they found other reasons to murmur.

Just then, the music signaling the arrival of the King and Queen drifted in. The nobles, after looking around cautiously, began to clap one by one.


“Just think of it like a dog barking?”


Agnes asked Laslo in a small voice.


“I can’t leave a dog that barked at my wife alone.”


Laslo looked straight ahead and spoke softly.

My wife.

The awkward but pleasing sensation that made Agnes recalled the word several times.

The grand music filled the hall, accompanied by applause.

Soon after, Sebastian and the Queen appeared in colorful clothes.

The king sat on the throne decorated with gold and jewels.


To his right was the blonde queen, and to his left were two young princes accompanied by their nanny.

Agnes and Laslo immediately walked towards the throne.


“We greet Your Majesty.”


Sebastian, with a languid expression and wearing the crown, welcomed them.


“It’s been a while. Duke Arpad. How long has it been?”


Sebastian smiled broadly and treated Laslo warmly. Agnes stood silently beside him, nodding her head.


“It’s been about three years, right?”


“Now you should visit more often. After all, you’re my dear sister’s husband, and now part of the royal family.”

“It is right to do that as a subject, but the demonic beasts that keep coming to our territory are quite stubborn. I apologize.”

“The Duke’s hard work is commendable.”


The king and the duke engaged in trivial and banal conversation.

Then, as if suddenly remembering, Sebastian turned his gaze towards Agnes.


“Let me see your face, Agnes. You have no idea how lonely this palace has been since you left.”


He looked like a brother who cared about his sister.

Agnes could only raise her head after breathing deeply dozens of times..


“Congratulations on your ascension, Your Majesty.”

“How is life in the West? I heard that the scenery is the best.”

“I live with joy day by day, engraving the grace of your Majesty.”


Eyes of the same color as Agnes met in the air.


Same hair and eye color. Their appearances were so similar that people wonder if the two are really just half siblings.


“That’s how it should be.”


Sebastian expressed his amusement. Agnes clenched her teeth without realizing it.

But soon, she relaxed her entire body. Nothing is prepared yet. She still needs to lower herself and hide her fangs.


“May we take our leave now? I fear we may be wasting Your Majesty’s precious time.”


Laslo took a step forward as if he had read Agnes’ thoughts.

Sebastian leaned back and looked into his half-sister for a long time.


“Very well. However, attend the dinner tonight. Now that the scattered family has gathered, how could we let you go without attending?”


He ordered with the face of a benevolent and compassionate king.


“Yes, Your Majesty. Thank you.”


The duke and duchess quietly withdrew in front of him.




“Duke. I’m sorry, but can you bring me a cup of water?”


Agnes casually asked as soon as the king was out of sight.


“Right. Wait here”


Only after confirming that he had disappeared did she open her palm that sweated a lot because of tension.


“As soon as he arrived, he poured gold coins over someone’s head. Rumors were flying about how poor they were, barely able to afford potatoes but it was all a lie.”


Chavolti said and went to her side.

For a while, they only had boiled potatoes on the table, but Agnes ignored the implication.


“I don’t know who spreads such absurd rumors. I live better than I did in the palace.”


“Really? That’s a relief.”


The sincerity was seen in Chavolti’s eyes. Agnes just laughed.


“Don’t come to dinner later.”


Chavolti threw in a few words as if nothing special.


“It’s the king’s invitation for dinner. What’s the fuss?”

“If I say don’t come, don’t come. Lie down and say you don’t feel well.”


Her brother advised with a rather serious look on his face.


“Do you think I’m still fifteen? What’s with the sick act?”

“What you’re doing is no different from when you were fifteen. Listen to me, without making a fuss.”

“Why are you being rude? You’re telling that to your sister that you haven’t seen in half a year?”

“Rude? Did you learn what rude means from Mrs. Evans?”


Chavolti blatantly laughed.


“Fine. Do you think I didn’t know about you and Sophia sneaking around before marriage? I’m well aware of it.”


Agnes mockingly looked at Chavolti.


“When did I ever sneak around with Sophia?”

“Someone caught you!”


He blushed, panicked, and quickly scanned the surroundings, fearing someone might have heard.


“Did you think I wouldn’t know that you two had conspired before getting married? Behave yourselves. Behave.”


Contrary to her words, Chavolti felt embarrassed by her cold tone.


“You don’t even know how to be ashamed in this crowded place.”

“Heh. You should be the one who should be ashamed.”


Agnes snorted.


“Mother said… No, when did he come to Nirseg again?”


Chavolti stopped nagging his younger sister and shifted his gaze.




He turned around to glance at the bustling entrance of the hall. A man with silver hair flashing under the light and more sparkling blue eyes was attracting people’s attention.


“Oh, Marquis Sandor?”


“What are you talking about? Marquis Sandor is still alive and kicking. You mean Roland Sandor, his son.”


He hasn’t received the title Marquis yet?

Agnes fixed her gaze on him.

Agnes knows him well. He was a distant cousin of Sebastian, and had frequented the palace since childhood.


“Now that Sebastian has become king, he’ll probably get more recognition.”



Agnes shook his head inadvertently.


“What?” Chavolti asked.


‘He will die a while later.’


Agnes barely managed to swallow the words she almost said without thinking. She clearly remembers. Not long after he received the title Marquis of Sandor, he was killed by Sebastian. His head was displayed at the city gates, bearing countless charges against him.


Various rumors circulated about his sudden downfall. Agnes, who had been oblivious to society, only heard about it later. Among them, the most ridiculous rumor was that Roland Sandor had been executed for raising forces secretly against Sebastian. However, everyone who knew Roland even a little bit snorted at the rumor.




Her deep reverie was abruptly interrupted as reality came crashing back. Roland was standing beside her, grinning.


“It’s been a while. Lord Sandor.” 


Agnes belatedly returned his greeting.




  1. Natasha801 says:

    Thank you so much for the splendid translation, dear Sienna!❤️‍🔥

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