She Was Sent by God

SWSBG Chapter 19


Adrienne hesitated before speaking. 

Agnes felt exasperated.

“No, I mean, at least, you have to buy some new clothes. Isn’t that the same clothes you wore when you first came here?”

“These clothes are the most comfortable for me, madam. I like it the most.”

Feeling frustrated, Agnes nudged her, and Adrienne sniffled while clutching her cloak.

Tears welled up in her eyes, flowing gently down her cheeks.

Agnes waved her hand and said,

“Alright, don’t buy clothes. Stop crying.”

“Yes, Madam.”

Her expression brightened instantly. Agnes let out a feverish sigh.

She made so much money because of Adrienne that’s why she’s worried about her.

“Okay. So, what are you going to do with all that money? It’s not like a shiny stone. Is there anything you really want?”

“I don’t know. I don’t think so. Ah!”

“Oh, did you think of something?”

“I want to have a clinic, madam.”

“A clinic? What is that exactly?”

Adrienne’s eyes sparkled more than ever before.

“It’s a place where doctors gather in one building to treat people. It may be unfamiliar in Nirseg, but there are several in Arahan.”

“Doctors gather to treat people? Can’t you just call a doctor when you need one?”

Agnes didn’t quite grasp Adrienne’s explanation easily.

“That’s something only nobles can do. Poor commoners go their whole lives without even seeing a doctor and die.”

“Ah, now that I think about it.”

“When I was young, my mother suffered severely from a lung disease and passed away because we couldn’t afford to call a doctor. That’s why I became an herbalist.”

Agnes looked at Adrienne in silence.

“If there is a clinic, wouldn’t it be easier for poor people to access medical care?”

Adrienne spoke with hopeful eyes.

“That’s right. But how will you operate it? They may not be able to pay much for the services.”

“It doesn’t matter. I will bear all the expenses for running it. I never intended to charge them anyway.”


Agnes nodded easily. She thought it was a hundred times better to spend money for the benefit of the poor rather than letting it rot away.

“I’ll tell Niall about the clinic. He can discuss the details with you.”

“Yes, thank you. Madam!”

Adrienne saw Agnes off with a happy face.




“A clinic?”

“Yeah. Adrienne really wants it, so you should meet her. It’s better to spend her money somewhere than wait for it to rot in the basement.”


He nodded his head gently. Agnes carefully checked the accounts.

Only a month and a half had passed since she handed over the medicine to Andrassy, but the accounts had changed significantly.

Agnes looked at them with a pleased expression.

“Here. Here. And here. It’s incorrect.”

Niall’s fingers suddenly came into view.

“Did you learn addition and subtraction at the palace? Why do you keep making mistakes with simple numbers?”

“Oh, my. People make mistakes.”

Agnes grumbled as she corrected the mistakes pointed out by him.

“It’s amazing, isn’t it? Making a fortune but unable to do subtraction.”

“Niall, didn’t I tell you?Praise me once a day. You must have thought of something new to praise me for, right?”

Agnes stared at the butler with her eyes wide open.

“I’ll go see Miss Adrienne now. Madam.”

Niall disappeared in an instant without anyone to stop him.

Elemer was literally sold like crazy. To the point where it is difficult to express in one sentence.

The production speed couldn’t keep up with the sales, unintentionally making it even more scarce, causing prices to skyrocket.

Thanks to this, the gap between carriages carrying gold coins from the merchant group of Andrassy became shorter and shorter. Initially, the carriage came once a month, then once every ten days, and eventually every few days.

While screaming happily, Niall stacked boxes containing gold coins in the warehouse one by one.

Laslo looks dumbfounded as he can’t believe it even after seeing a pile of gold coins.

Zoltan next to him also opened his mouth wide in shock.

“Are these all-gold coins, princess?”

“Yes. I probably need to expand the warehouse. We’re running out of space.”

“We’re running out of space because of gold coins…”

Zoltan gasped and sighed.

“More money will come in the future, so don’t worry about the money now and do what you want to do.”

Agnes smiled generously and said to the men who couldn’t take their eyes off the box of gold coins.

“Me, me, me!”

As soon as the words were over, Zoltan hurriedly raised his hand.

“There’s something I want to have. Princess!”

“What is it?”

“I want to have a Cyclosiro War Horse.”

“Tell the butler.”

“Thank you!”

With a delighted expression, Zoltan quickly left his seat.


Laslo was still looking at gold coins. Agnes cleared her throat and looked around.

“Sit here for a moment.”

Agnes hurriedly ran over first and tapped the seat next to her.

“What’s the matter?”

“Duke. Close your eyes.”

Without questioning why, Laslo obediently closed his eyes.

Agnes took out the swords he had hidden underneath and put it on his hand.

“You can open your eyes now.”

“This is…”

Laslo was surprised to see the sword in his hand and immediately pulled the sword out of the scabbard.

Agnes grabbed onto her pounding heart and observed his reaction.

After examining the sword from all angles, Laslo’s expression was not as bright as she had hoped.

“Is there something wrong with it?” Agnes asked, looking at his countenance.

“What about the princess?”


“When I asked Niall, he said the princess didn’t buy any dresses.”

“Oh, I still have plenty left from what I brought from the palace.”

Agnes smiled and waved her hand.

“You didn’t even call the jewelry merchant.”

“I have enough jewelry.”

“When you first came to Estar, you handed over almost everything to Niall to buy wheat.”

Laslo’s voice got lower and lower.

“Uh. I don’t usually wear accessories. Look at me now. I have nothing on.”

She hurriedly raised her hand and showed it.

“You can’t wear it because you don’t have it.”

“…No, there’s still a lot.”

In truth, apart from the pearl jewelry she inherited from the queen, she had handed over almost everything, so she had little left.

Agnes’s voice kept getting softer, making it difficult to hear her words clearly.


He set the sword he received from Agnes aside and met her gaze.

“I’ve never seen so many gold coins in my life. It’s all thanks to the princess. Without you, this wouldn’t have been possible.”

Agnes’ cheeks slightly heated up as he looked straight in her eyes and spoke.

“So please, spend it on yourself first. Zoltan and I are already used to living without any luxuries but the princess isn’t. You lived a privileged life in the palace and had to endure a lot coming to this remote border region.”

His sincerity was palpable in his eyes. Agnes unknowingly grasped a corner of his clothing.

“I have never felt lacking since coming here.”


“Not even for a moment.”

Agnes also spoke sincerely.

“Thank you for saying that. Still, get a new dress made.”

Laslo relented.

“Accessories too.”

Agnes nodded in agreement and promised to do so.

“Duke Arpad.”

Laslo looked back at Agnes.

“Do you not like the sword? Should I call another blacksmith?”

Laslo smiled unprecedentedly wide at her question.

“I really like it. I’ve never seen such a good sword. Thank you so much. Princess.”

Seeing his smiling face, Agnes finally relaxed and smiled as well.

The next day, the tailor, who had heard the news, rushed over excitedly.

She had brought expensive and fashionable fabrics that were trending in the capital.

Ney whispered to Agnes to choose from the fabrics with excitement.

“I’ll have dresses made with these fabrics right away!”

Not only the dress but also the accessories were all newly made.

The merchant expressed her gratitude with tears in her eyes.




The first snow fell in Sutmar. A lot has happened in the meantime.

With the money they had earned, they provided new armor and weapons for the soldiers and completed the defense line construction that had been faltering.

Thanks to that, the number of intrusions of the beasts has been greatly reduced.

Laslo was extremely pleased and visited the site several times a day.

The construction of the clinic that Adrienne wanted was also nearing completion.

She came out of the room after a long time and was busy looking for doctors to work there.

Agnes had become so proficient in bookkeeping that Niall no longer needed to point out her mistakes.

Zoltan also received the war horse and loved it so much that he almost lived in the stable.





Agnes crossed her legs and leaned back.

The teacup glistened in the winter sunlight. Even when she was in the palace, she couldn’t freely use expensive glasses but now she doesn’t have to worry.

“Well, as the Duchess knows, when the vassals faced difficulties, they supported them financially to some extent.”

“I’ve never heard of this before.”

She glanced at the man with gray hair.

“Oh, of course, you may not have heard of it. But if you ask the master or other people, they’ll probably know that there’s a precedent…”

The indoor temperature was unusually high, causing him to sweat profusely while speaking.

“What did you say your name was?”

“I’m Norbert Inga. Duchess.”



  1. Natasha801 says:

    Agnes is so good to Laslo! She is so nice!❤️‍🔥 Thsnks for the chapters, wonderful translation and great editing!❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥

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