She Was Sent by God

SWSBG Chapter 05


“How come you’re here?”


Zoltan walked over with a bottle of liquor in one hand. Laslo, who was leaning against the railing, turned his gaze to the sound of Zoltan’s voice.


“I wanted to get some late night fresh air.”


“What about the bride?”




He closed his mouth with a face that was difficult to describe. Interpreting the silence, Zoltan lightly tapped his brother’s shoulder.


“Did she say she’d bite off her tongue if you laid a finger on her?”




It was actually the complete opposite. He started laughing as he remembered how the princess had touched his chest first or how her hands moved as she was taking off her clothes and leading him to the bed.


“If not, why is the groom loitering in this manner?”


“She was suddenly placed in an unfamiliar location and married a man she’d never seen before; I’m giving her some time to adjust.”


“Isn’t that how royal marriages usually are?”


Zoltan drank from the bottle he was carrying. Laslo simply laughed in response to his brother’s question.


“Sir Beller has returned, brother.”


“Did he say anything?”


“I heard that the king’s health has deteriorated dramatically and that he is barely breathing; they say it was Prince Sebastian, not the king, who pushed for his sister’s marriage.” He added covertly.


“I see”


Except for Sebastian, only Chavolti and Agnes have the right to succeed the throne. Prince Chavolti, however, recently suffered a severe leg injury after falling.


Prince Sebastian is almost certainly going to succeed the throne because Agnes, the youngest princess, had left the palace after her marriage.


“I guess the atmosphere at the palace is starting to seem unusual.”


Even though no one was around, Zoltan kept his voice low


“I’m afraid there’s even a rumor going around that the prince is poisoning the king.”


“Well, there’s nothing we can do about that.”


The image of Prince Sebastian’s face came to Laslo. Although he appeared bright on the outside, it was impossible to tell what his true intentions are. He was a cunning and obnoxious individual. Because of this, he assumed Princess Agnes would be similar to the prince.




Everyone who used to call him by that name has passed away. So when Agnes called his name, he was startled. The princess had striking sky-blue eyes and dark hair that resembled the night. She appeared so small and fragile that he initially mistook her for a fairy.


But then he remembered wrestling with her not long ago as she was about to undress.


“What are you laughing at?”


Zoltan inquired as he handed over the bottle.


“It’s nothing,” Laslo replied.







“It’s really not a dream,”


The wedding ceremony took place several days ago. In other words, it has been several days since she has returned to the past. A familiar maid entered and wiped her feet.


“Hmm, did I do something wrong?”


“No, I wasn’t talking to you.”


Anita, the maid, had been serving Agnes for the past three years. Agnes kept her close because of her pleasant personality and affinity. Even though Anita hadn’t yet introduced herself, Agnes instantly recognized her name and face as soon as she walked into the room.


It’s already been four days since their first night. She felt strange as she took a look around the space.


Is this really happening?


She found it hard to believe. The three years she went through couldn’t have been a dream. She wouldn’t have been so comfortable and used to everything if it had been a dream.


When Agnes opened the dressing table next to her, she was able to guess what jewelry was inside. From the inner curtain lace hanging by the windows to the name of the butler she had never seen before, she knew everything, even though no one told her.


She truly returned to the past. Otherwise, it wouldn’t explain how she knew everything. Agnes was still perplexed by the miracle that had occurred to her. For the past few days, every time she went to sleep at night, she had the impression that everything was just a dream.


The last thing she recalled was undoubtedly getting shot by an arrow while being pursued in the woods.




“What’s the matter, Madam?”


“My head just hurts a little,”


“Should I call a doctor?”


“It’s not a big deal, so you don’t need to call a doctor,”


After that, everything becomes foggy, and remembering anything becomes nearly impossible. As she pondered it, her head starts to ached.


– Don’t forget.


A strange voice was the only thing that came to her mind. It was more akin to an echo than a human being.


What happened after that?


Was she taken to the palace and saw Sebastian? Or did she escape on the way to the palace? Slowly, a multitude of thoughts began to crowd her mind, making it chaotic.




A maid approached her with silent steps.


“What is it?”


“The master had asked if you would like to have breakfast with him.”


She experienced a sense of déjà vu. The situation seemed very familiar.


“All right, tell His Grace, I’ll be there when I’m done here.”


Agnes had, of course, turned down the offer back then.


Was it merely a rejection? She didn’t even want to look at the maid who delivered the message, let alone keep her by her side.




The maid left as quietly as she came in.


She won’t waste this opportunity if it is truly a second chance from God.


Agnes spent a considerable amount of time examining her appearance in the mirror. Although everything has changed, in hindsight, nothing has.


“Never again will I allow it to happen this time.”


The rotting arm hanging from the pole was still vivid in her mind. Never would she forget the time he first addressed her as his wife.


Agnes had a strong will. This time, she will definitely protect him from Sebastian.





“You seem to be an early riser.”


When Agnes entered the dining room, Laslo, who arrived first, got up and pulled out a chair.


“I am indeed. Oh, thank you.”


Agnes smiled softly as she sat down.


“Did you sleep well?”




The Duke had asked out of politeness, but he was perplexed when he heard a firm response from her.


“The Duke’s bed was far too big for me to sleep alone.”


“……you’ll get used to it, Princess.”


“Hmmm,” Agnes said nothing more.


But her expression clearly stated, “we’ll see about that,” which made Laslo feel a little shaky.


When both were seated, the servants brought out food. There were only a few dishes: bread, a light salad, and wine-marinated duck. Despite the fact that it was early in the morning, the meal was very ordinary and far too small to be considered a fancy meal.


Agnes, who had lived on a lavish diet her entire life, felt dizzy when she first experienced it three years ago.


“Is the food to your liking?”


Laslo asked as he quietly cut the duck and placed it in his mouth.


“It’s okay,”


She had been eating in this manner for the previous three years, so it wasn’t anything new. She had previously never shared a meal with Laslo, leading her to believe that the castle’s residents disliked her and thus brought her food like this. She then went on a rampage and demanded a new meal from the servants.


“I’m relieved; it’s not as nice compared to the palace, but it’s the best we can offer; I haven’t been able to pay proper attention to the food because of the recent bad harvest.”


“In addition, the beast invasions are occurring more frequently.”


Agnes added in a casual manner, picking at the salad. There is no way that there will be enough money left as he pours out the meager amount of tax he earns from the territory for the defense wall against the demonic beast.


Naturally, the quality of housekeeping, including meals and internal castle management, had gradually deteriorated over the years.


“You knew?” Laslo’s eyes were filled with awe and surprise.


“Hmm, this is the land where I got married; how can I not know that much?”


Actually, she didn’t know back then. She discovered the truth a year after her marriage. Agnes replied rather smugly after spitting out the words.


“Oh, I brought some things with me from the palace; if we sell them, we can get some grains for this winter.”


“You don’t have to do that, Princess.”


He set his fork down and shook his head slowly.






“Why not?”


“Those are the princess’s possessions…”


“I am now the owner of this castle as well, half of the duties and rights you carry are also mine.”


Laslo was speechless as he stared at Agnes. Still, He sees her as a young child but the look in her eyes was firm.


“I was unable to give a dowry when I got married here, so please accept that.”


“I don’t need a dowry; I didn’t marry the princess for that reason.”


“Accept it. That way, I can stand by your side.”


“We are not in such dire straits that we need to sell things to buy grains for the castle.”


Agnes finally drove the wedge when he continued to refuse.


“However, if we sell it, we’ll have enough to get through the winter.”


Laslo fell silent for a moment, as she was right. Recent hardships have made it difficult to turn down anything, even a coin, because doing so would be wasteful. Agnes spoke calmly after observing his internal conflict.


“I will inform the butler.”


“I apologize for having you sell the goods you brought as soon as you arrived, Princess.” He displayed sincere remorse.


“Don’t worry, I don’t really enjoy meeting people, so having to sell those items won’t mean much to me,” she said.


It was an excuse she made up to comfort him.




  1. Natasha801 says:

    Dear Sienna, thank you so much! The novel is awesome! Agnes is truly a good character!❤️‍🔥

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