She is the Escape Boss [Quick Transmigration]

Entering The Doomsday World (9)


Under Lin Xiaotang’s arrangement, the newcomers soon had their own residences.


In the face of the zombies around, although these newcomers were still afraid, when they find out that these zombies really do not hurt people, they became more courageous.


What surprised them was that Lin Xiaotang also allocated a house to the zombies.


After these zombies finished their work every day, they would take a shower with a tap and then wipe their bodies with a towel.


Newbies: “…..”


If it weren’t for the zombies looking dumb, they would only speak “hoho”, they would really think they were humans.


Perhaps it was because amongst these zombies would have their own relatives, the newcomers’ eyes gradually softened a lot when they looked at them.


A few brave ones have left the room and went to find their relatives.


Maybe it was some time ago that Lin Xiaotang played a role in the education of zombies. Now many zombies can vaguely understand the meaning of Chinese characters and react to it.


And those new zombie followers, under the guidance of the old zombies, have become a lot more disciplined.


Therefore, after finding their relatives from the zombie group, the new members were pleasantly surprised to find that they could have a conversation with the zombies!


Even if the other party can only move once, or respond with a “ho-ho”, this is enough to satisfy them.


And the mother of the little girl, after seeing the little girl, a strange look appeared on her originally expressionless face.


Although this trace of abnormality quickly dissipated from its face, this slight change did not hide the eyes of others.


Hua Mingxiu, who was observing from the side, also recorded this detail in her notebook.


[…The results of the research show that the initial recovery of the zombie’s mind starts at level 5, but through experimental observations, we can see that as long as someone patiently teaches them, zombies can generate a certain amount of intelligence and memory when they are at level 1…]


[…Level 2 zombies will react when facing their own children? Maybe their memories have always been retained in their brains, but we still don’t know how to restore their memories. Will this be related to the crystal nucleus in their minds? …]


[…The ability user upgrades their ability by absorbing the energy of the crystal nucleus. Is there any connection between this? …]


After recording the observations one by one, Hua Mingxiu took the notebook and returned to the laboratory.


Here, there were still many puzzles waiting for her and the teacher to solve together.


Under their sleepless study, time passed little by little, and in the blink of an eye, three months passed.


Lin Xiaotang’s zombie base and the ‘X’ base established by the state have initially formed a good cooperative relationship.


Because the first group of people who went to the zombie base survived very well, so the remaining infected people proposed to go to the zombie base one after another.


In addition to these people, there were also a group of ordinary people who also expressed their desire to go over.


Through the letters sent by the 18 people at the beginning, everyone in the ‘X’ base knew that the zombies in the Lin Xiaotang Zombie Base could communicate with each other!


Moreover, under Lin Xiaotang’s suppression, they really won’t hurt anyone!


The content described in the letter has attracted many ordinary people who were lonely and helpless.


Among them, there were elderly people who have lost their children and grandchildren, children whose parents have died, and researchers who were purely interested in zombies.


They heard that the big guys like Professor Yang and Professor He were staying in the zombie base and were conducting research on zombies!


The rest of the researchers were inevitably a little moved.


Of course, no one doubted whether this was Lin Xiaotang’s sugar-coated cannonball.


Especially the senior management of the base, they were very vigilant in this regard.


However, three months later, all the spies sent by the ‘X’ base reported that Lin Xiaotang really had no interest in killing.


Besides, these spies were extremely horrified to discover that Lin Xiaotang was actually a vegetarian!


Senior: “…..”


What? There are actually vegetarian zombies!?


Because Lin Xiaotang’s aura was too powerful and too terrifying, a few people speculated whether she was a zombie.


But the fact that Lin Xiaotang was vegetarian had completely dispelled the suspicions of the senior management.


In the following time, the two bases continued to maintain friendly exchanges.


Lin Xiaotang asked the zombie followers to farm, produce food, and provide food and supplies to the ‘X’ base.


The ‘X’ base provided her with the experimental instruments she wanted, as well as various facilities and devices, so that she could transform her own site.


Slowly, many ordinary people from the ‘X’ base came to the zombie base to communicate with their zombie relatives.


With the company and guidance of their relatives, the changes have become more and more obvious. Researchers can also observe the zombies in more detail and write observation reports for them so that they can conduct research later.


The more seriously the researchers record, the more attentive the family will treat the zombies.


After that, a group of “volunteers” even appeared, and they took the initiative to apply to Lin Xiaotang’s base. The task was to accompany the zombies and create good research conditions for the researchers.


In the last days, even the smallest person is working hard to end all this.


After a long time, Lin Xiaotang even had to allocate a place to live for these hundreds of thousands of people in the base.


As for the external situation, it was slowly improving.


Due to the recognition of the country, coupled with the best environment of the base, the base was developing at its peak, and those small bases in other areas were slowly disbanding.


Whether it is the leader of the base, or the members of the base, they all run to the ‘X’ base one after another, willing to join them.


And because of Lin Xiaotang’s feat of summoning zombies, many power users have no crystal cores to absorb.


Their ability level can’t continue to improve, which leads to their ability not being much stronger than ordinary people.


In this way, the dark rules of the jungle in the original plot has completely disappeared.


Sometimes, Lin Xiaotang was surprised when she thought about this result.


She felt that she didn’t do anything, she just used her ability to intimidate the world, but unknowingly, she caused so many changes.


Especially Awu and Huhu, their fates are completely different from their previous lives.


As the original Zombie King, Huhu grew up in a pile of zombies since he was a child. He was cruel and ruthless, indifferent, and could not be motivated by anything.


But now Huhu was sticking to Lin Xiaotang’s side all day long, or doing experiments with Lin Xiaotang, and his red eyes were looking at the researchers with interest.


In order not to delay his education, Lin Xiaotang specially selected a few teachers from the crowd and asked them to teach Huhu.


Under the training of the teachers, Huhu learned a lot and gradually fell in love with learning.


As for Awu, because of its mutation, it was obviously a kitten, but its size was as big as a tiger.


Its favorite thing to do every day is to go to the square in City B to lie down and bask in the sun, and let others touch it.


“Meow meow meow!”


Surrounded by all kinds of two-legged beasts, and fed with food from time to time, it had a very nourishing life.


The situation on Lin Xiaotang’s side was fine, but Qi Yunyan and Duan Junran’s Ark Base suffered a huge blow.


Especially Qi Yunyan, she couldn’t accept the current situation at all.


Because of her previous “prophecy”, the base spent a lot of materials in exchange for their respective mechanical parts and equipment to make sonic transmitters.


But, her prediction was wrong.


Because of this incident, Qi Yunyan’s reputation in the base suffered a heavy blow.


Even Duan Junran, who still had a good impression of her, did not comfort her, but punished her according to the rules.


“How could this be… I cannot accept it!”


Qi Yunyan couldn’t understand.


After rebirth, shouldn’t she overcome all difficulties and walk to the pinnacle of her life?


And why, not only did Lin Xiaotang not die, but became the Zombie King! ?


What’s even more embarrassing was that with the reduction of zombies, the power users in the base have no advantage.


Duan Junran, the famous No. 1 powerhouse in his previous life, can summon thunder and lightning that was only as big as a baseball, and its lethality was not comparable to that of high-voltage wires!


As for the bracelet she bought for two million, it was even more useless.


There were no zombies anymore. If ordinary people want to stock up, they can just find a warehouse. Besides being more convenient, what else can a portable space be used for?


In such an environment, many power users have started accepting reality.


They all left their fantasies and started working with ordinary people.


Power users used to kill zombies to get crystal cores, just because they were dead.


Now knowing that zombies are alive, who would do this?


This is life!


Before the end of the world, the vast majority of people were young people who loved peace.


Not to mention people, even cats and dogs, they can’t do it.


In this way, the whole situation of the last days has developed in the direction that Qi Yunyan did not want to see.


Qi Yunyan felt resentment and pain, but was powerless to prevent this from happening.


Today, most of the people in the Ark Base have left here one after another and headed to the ‘X’ base.


Qi Yunyan’s dream of being a master was completely destroyed.


And just today, Duan Junran actually found her and told her that he was going to the ‘X’ base.


“I’m a soldier, and I want to continue to serve the country,” He said. “Anyway, our base is gone. Do you want to come with me?”


“I do not!”


Perhaps because the stimulation was too great, Qi Yunyan rejected him.


The dark experience of the previous life has completely destroyed Qi Yunyan.


She no longer has kindness, warmth, and pure love in her heart.


Her previous love for Duan Junran was based on the fact that Duan Junran was the number one powerhouse in the future.


Now that Duan Junran has become an ordinary soldier, she, who used to be a young lady, naturally despises him.


“I want to stay here, you go.” She said coldly.


Being a victim for too long, the position of the perpetrator has already produced a kind of temptation like poppy.


To be a strong man, to be admired by everyone, has completely become Qi Yunyan’s obsession.


Seeing Qi Yunyan like this, Duan Junran had no way to help her.


To tell the truth, after getting along these days, he has vaguely noticed that he and Qi Yunyan are not the same.


“You have to live well and not go down the wrong path,” he said. “Goodbye.”


In this way, only her parents were left by Qi Yunyan’s side.


And all of this was all because of Lin Xiaotang.


If Lin Xiaotang were dead, if this so-called zombie king hadn’t appeared, the ‘X’ base would have been destroyed long ago!


Also, zombies are zombies, why did Lin Xiaotang have to say that they are alive?


Does Lin Xiaotang have to cut off all her ascension paths before she is willing to give up?!


It’s all her…


As long as she is dead and those zombies are out of control, it will be completely perfect.


———End of this chapter. 



  1. Otaku me says:

    Wow… Psycho

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