She is the Escape Boss [Quick Transmigration]

Entering The Doomsday World (7)


Looking at these two instruments, Lin Xiaotang immediately thought of the relevant content in the original plot.


The zombie tide broke out a month after the end of the world.


At this time, the heroine Qi Yunyan and the hero Duan Junran have already met, and jointly established a human base called “Ark”.


In the early days of the apocalypse, the prestige of the country was still relatively large, and most of the power users and ordinary people were more willing to follow the country and join the ‘X’ Human Base founded by the government.


Whether it is the ark base of the protagonist group or the bases created by other supporting characters, in front of the ‘X’ human base, they can only be called “small bases”.


But all this was destroyed in the zombie tide.


For various reasons and considerations, Qi Yunyan concealed the news of the zombie tide and did not tell other bases, but only her own people.


After the first wave of zombies came, except for the protagonist group’s base, which had strong preventive measures, other bases suffered serious losses.


Among them, the most densely populated and largest human base in the country was almost destroyed.


Hundreds of millions of survivors hiding in the ‘x’ base have been displaced, not leaving even one in a hundred.


After this incident, the state apparatus completely collapsed.


The Ark Base established by Qi Yunyan and Duan Junran followed the trend and became the largest and most powerful human base in China.


Lin Xiaotang was not surprised by Qi Yunyan’s choice.


After all, she could feel that Qi Yunyan was such a cold-blooded and selfish person.


She didn’t care about other people’s lives, she didn’t want to be a “saviour”, she just wants to fight for her own interests…..


This kind of morality is quite in line with Qi Yunyan’s character, but it is a little too cruel and ruthless.


However, she really didn’t expect that Qi Yunyan would put the sonic transmitter in City B, not far from her home.


Wasn’t it obvious that she wanted to trouble her?


Why did Qi Yunyan do this? Did she want to silence her?


Speaking of which, the original owner would have died in the apocalypse at the beginning, and Qi Yunyan could be considered a great contributor.


Looking at the two instruments on the ground, and at the zombies walking not far away, Lin Xiaotang’s eyes darkened.


After a long time, she smiled slightly.


“Bring them back to me,” she said.


Under her command, the surrounding zombies picked up the two instruments and carried them back to the base together.


Unlike normal survivors, the more zombies, the better for Lin Xiaotang.


The “little zombie followers” sent by others for free, only dummies wouldn’t want freebies, she’ll just gracely accept everything.


But Lin Xiaotang was not a person who will swallow her grievances.


If others didn’t offend her, she wouldn’t care too much, but since Qi Yunyan attacked her, she naturally wouldn’t let things go on.


And it just so happened that among the things she bought on the black market before, there were many mechanical parts, which Qi Yunyan was going to buy.


Under Lin Xiaotang’s orders, the zombies brought these instruments to the base and sent them to the laboratory building.


After that, the researchers in the laboratory building followed her instructions and began to study these equipment.


“If possible, use them as templates as much as possible, and assemble a few more instruments,” Lin Xiaotang said. “If you still need something, tell me directly, and I will ask my subordinates to find it.”


Just two sonic transmitters, how boring.


Since Qi Yunyan wanted to play, she would just play a big one.


Before the end of the world, these old professors were all well-known bigwigs in the industry, not to mention some of them had evolved brain powers and became smarter.


Under Lin Xiaotang’s order, they quickly studied the principle of the sonic transmitter and successfully assembled dozens of similar instruments.


During this period, new cars will come from time to time, and new instruments will continue to be launched every now and then.


Lin Xiaotang was not shy and accepted them all.


She put them all in her base, and let them summon zombies for her.


At the same time, she also learned a new research result related to zombie virus from the mouths of Hua Mingxiu’s master and apprentice——


Zombie viruses were probably not the results of human research.


“We analyzed its genes and found that there are no obvious traces of human influence in its genome structure,” Hua Mingxiu said. “Compared to those aberration viruses that were artificially created or influenced by radiation, its formation rules are more natural.”


“So, you mean, it wasn’t made by anyone?”


Lin Xiaotang asked with great interest.


“Yes,” Hua Mingxiu nodded affirmatively and said, “My teachers and I are well aware of the level of development of modern biology. It is far from enough to research such a virus based on the current level of technology.”


In other words, according to the modern level of technology, there was no way to provide researchers with an environmental condition that can create zombie viruses.


If someone really wants to create it, their most likely ending is to be infected by various similar aberration viruses before the zombie virus is formed, and die miserably in the laboratory.




After hearing Hua Mingxiu’s words, Lin Xiaotang’s eyes flashed with interest.


One must know that in the original plot, both the male and female protagonists, and others in the outside world, firmly believed that the zombie virus was created by a group of anti-social researchers.


They spread it out and caused the birth of the end times.


Who would have thought that this virus appeared on its own.


And the first group of scientists may have just discovered it and wanted to study it.


“Excuse me, Miss Lin, should our research continue?”


Seeing that Lin Xiaotang did not speak, Hua Mingxiu asked cautiously.


“Go ahead,” Lin Xiaotang said without hesitation, “If you can’t study viruses, it’s the same as studying zombies.”


Originally, Lin Xiaotang wanted them to develop a zombie virus vaccine as in the original plot.


But now, she gave up the idea.


Because the zombie vaccine in the original plot, its biggest role is not to let the infected ordinary people survive, but to kill the zombies.


Rather than a vaccine, it’s a biological weapon against zombies.


Now that she has learned about the zombie virus, Lin Xiaotang wants to figure out what kind of existence they are, rather than destroying the zombies.


Wouldn’t that make it more interesting?


However, before that, what she has to do is to make good use of the coming zombie tide.


Thinking of this, Lin Xiaotang raised her head and glanced thoughtfully in the direction of the ark base….




“Yunyan, how is your situation?”


A few days later, at the Ark base, a handsome man in a military uniform hurried over.


His expression was serious and cold, but he looked at the woman in front of him with a rare tenderness in his eyes: “If you have anything, you can tell me.”


After listening to Duan Junran’s words, Qi Yunyan shook her head.


She showed a faint smile and said, “It’s okay, Brother Duan, I don’t have any shortage of people here.”


City B is not far from their base, and with that batch of instruments dropped in City B, at least 80% of the zombies who want to attack their base will be led away.


They only need to do the most basic defense, that’s enough.


As the leader of the Ark Base, why doesn’t Duan Junran understand this?


Looking at Qi Yunyan, who was strong, decisive, resourceful, and completely different from other weak women, Duan Junran’s eyes moved slightly, and his tone involuntarily softened a lot: “You have worked hard a lot recently.”


Feeling Duan Junran’s inadvertent warmth, Qi Yunyan’s heart was also warm.


“It’s okay, as long as it can help everyone and the base, that’s enough,” she said.


Qi Yunyan knew that these days, many people thought she was stupid.


Obviously she has the most supplies, and she has paid the most for the base. Even Duan Junran was rescued by her at the beginning, but she chose to give Duan Junran the position of the leader of the base.


But no one knows what kind of height this man with the thunder-type ability will eventually reach.


She believes that her choice will not be wrong, and she also believes that she and Duan Junran will definitely have a satisfactory future.


After the two said a few more words, they went to the city wall of the base together.


It was less than two hours before the zombie tide broke out. As leaders, they need to lead by example and take the initiative to stand up to protect the base, so as to win people’s hearts.


Apart from Qi Yunyan and Duan Junran, other abilities in the base also climbed the city wall.


All took up arms and waited with bated breath, ready for the battle to come.


Just not sure why, they looked around and found that the outside of the base was empty, and there were almost no shadows except for a few zombies.


One must know that even in normal times, there will be a few zombies constantly wandering outside the base.


Was this the harbinger of the zombie tide coming?


Faced with this scene, some people speculate in their hearts, and some people realize that something was wrong.


Among them, Qi Yunyan was the most shocked.


She remembered very clearly that at this time in the previous life, before the zombie tide broke out, many zombies had already gathered outside her base.


Because of this abnormal number of zombies, people in the base were panicked, and all kinds of rumors spread, but it was a pity that the wave of zombies came so fast that they didn’t have time to prepare.


But why has the situation changed in this life?


Could it be that the effect of her instruments was too strong?


As time passed, Qi Yunyan’s heart became more and more panicked.


In particular, she could feel that the people around her had begun to look at her suspiciously.


An inexplicable unease attacked her heart, and she gradually realized that the situation in this life seemed to be beyond her control.


———End of this chapter. 



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