She is the Escape Boss [Quick Transmigration]

Entering The Doomsday World (5)


“You have to take this, you know?”


“Things with icons like this, things that look like this, after you find them, you must pick them up and give them to me, remember?”


Outside the house, Lin Xiaotang was holding supplies and showing them to her zombie followers one by one.


And what she showed the most was the milk powder that Huhu and Awu usually eat.


This time she has to go out to search for supplies. It will definitely be difficult for her to find it alone.


Lin Xiaotang thought for a while, and then set her eyes on these little zombies.


After these days of training and getting along, Lin Xiaotang keenly discovered that these low-level zombies actually have certain intelligence.


At the beginning, they did act stupid, but as Lin Xiaotang’s training increased, they gradually understood the meaning of Lin Xiaotang’s words and what she wanted them to do.


Perhaps, the zombie is not at all what the world generally thinks, it’s not a corpse without thought.


Such misunderstandings arise only because there is no human being who can touch them intimately, and there is no one who is as patient as she is to teach them.


What will they become if taught like this for a long time?


Will it become a new kind of human being?


Lin Xiaotang didn’t know.


But she was quite interested in this development.


“Ho ho.”


After hearing Lin Xiaotang’s words, the zombies looked at her blankly.


Does the king mean to let them collect these “garbage”?


They who love raw meat can’t understand why the king is interested in this kind of thing.


But to obey the king’s orders, to please the king. Pleasing the king has become their instinct.


“Ho ho ho ho!”


Seeing these zombies almost understood, Lin Xiaotang clapped her hands and set off with them.


Out of caution, Lin Xiaotang didn’t go very far in the first few days.


She first walked around the house, and transformed the zombies on the surrounding streets into her own zombie followers one after another.


Then, she began to slowly expand her territory.


The original owner’s home was relatively remote, and there were not many residents living near her.


Over time, these people either ran away or became zombies.


After scavenging all the remaining materials here, Lin Xiaotang unceremoniously took this piece of no-man’s land as her own.


With the site, what will she do next?


Lin Xiaotang, who had been the founding emperor of the country, didn’t even think about it, so she subconsciously ordered her followers to farm and raise pigs.


Ornamental plants on the roadside? Dig them up.


Green meadows and flower beds in small parks? All cleaned up.


As long as the soil could be seen, Lin Xiaotang forcibly reclaimed it into fields, planted the seeds of crops she had bought before, and arranged for the zombies to water and fertilize regularly, and turn the soil to remove weeds.


At the same time, she also specially selected a floor as a poultry farm.


The chickens, ducks, goose, fish and piglets she bought before were separated by her and she ordered the zombies to take care of them.


At the beginning, Lin Xiaotang was still a little worried, for fear that these zombies would not be able to control their desire to eat, and secretly ate the animals she raised.


But soon, she discovered that they had no such mind at all.


“Ho ho…ho ho…”


Looking at the living flesh in the railings, the eyes of the zombies were so greedy that they almost dripped blood.


But because of Lin Xiaotang’s orders, no matter how greedy they were, they would just stand there dumbfounded, not moving.


After looking at it for a long time, Lin Xiaotang actually felt that their eyes were quite pitiful…


Of course, she wasn’t prepared to let her little followers starve pitifully.


When they are hungry for a long time, all creatures will go crazy. She will feed them some rapidly spoiled meat and eggs regularly to ensure that they can have one meal a day.


Lin Xiaotang sometimes felt that she was farming rather than struggling to survive in the last days.


The scene painted of these farming zombie followers, was kinda a little special style.


A few days later, Lin Xiaotang’s site had already been arranged by her.


And her zombie team unknowingly expanded to more than one hundred.


Lin Xiaotang thought that it was time for her to leave her neighbourhood and go to a farther place.


The first place Lin Xiaotang chose to go was a university in the urban area of ​​City B.


This was where she decided to go a long time ago, because the biology department and the medical department were very famous in this university.


The experimental devices and equipment she was thinking about were all there.


Uncertainly, she can also find some precious research data left by the researchers.


Lin Xiaotang was very interested in this.


“Let’s go.”


After placing Huhu and Awu in place, she set off towards the school with a mighty army of zombies.


When Lin Xiaotang went out this time, more than half a month had passed since the apocalypse broke out.


The residents who used to live in City B either obeyed the government and went to the human base in the capital with the army, or they almost died.


Therefore, Lin Xiaotang was not worried that anyone will notice her abnormality.


Like the previous times she went out, she showed the general appearance of the laboratory and the appearance of the equipment there to the zombies.


After arriving at the place, the zombies also quickly dispersed, searching for what Lin Xiaotang needed.


However, what Lin Xiaotang didn’t expect was that it didn’t take long before she heard a panicked cry of help from a woman not far away!


“Help! Don’t come here, help!!!”


Were there still people alive in this school? !


Lin Xiaotang looked back and saw her little followers holding a young woman in their hands.


Because of Lin Xiaotang’s strict requirements and fear of her powerful abilities, these zombies have initially learned how to restrain their appetite.


When they saw a living person hiding in the university, their first reaction was not to eat her, but to send the moving meat to the king and let her taste it.


“Ho ho! Ho ho!”


They waved their arms and handed the woman to Lin Xiaotang.


This woman’s hair was messy, her clothes were dirty, and she looked extremely embarrassed.


After being caught by the zombies, her face was full of despair.


Lin Xiaotang didn’t know what the zombies thought, but she was very interested in this woman.


Because the woman was wearing a researcher’s unique white coat.


“What’s your name?” she asked.


Hearing her words, the woman trembled and said, “I…my name is Hua Mingxiu.”


Hua Mingxiu?


After hearing the name, Lin Xiaotang was slightly startled.


If she remembered correctly, in the original plot, the researcher who developed the zombie vaccine was called this name.


However, compared with the protagonist group, the researcher’s life experience can be said to be quite rough.


She started out as a graduate student at a university, and with a dozen teachers, she hid in the school’s underground laboratory.


But because she had not been rescued for a long time, in the end, in the entire laboratory, she was the only one who survived.


As an ordinary person without superpowers, she took all the research results of the professors, struggling to survive in the apocalypse.


At the same time, she also tried her best to carry out the research little by little.


Because there is no way to receive information from the outside world, Hua Mingxiu does not know the existence of the human base.


She has been living in City B until ten years later, when the heroine Qi Yunyan returned to her hometown, she found her and took her to the base.


However, since Hua Mingxiu was here, maybe the professors who were with her were also here?


Was it possible that they were still alive?


Lin Xiaotang didn’t speak, and Hua Mingxiu didn’t dare to speak.


She sat on the ground uneasily, her heart dazed.


When she was first caught by the zombies, Hua Mingxiu really thought she was going to die.


Who will know what will happen to those who fall into the hands of zombies?


But what she didn’t expect was that these vicious zombies didn’t kill her.


They grabbed her and took her to another person—


In front of a pale and weak, but quite beautiful girl.


Her skin was white, her chin was pointed, her body was slender and small, and her long black hair lay softly on her back.


She stood there quietly, her eyes were as black as ink, like a quiet lake, while calm, it also gave people an indescribable sense of enchantment.


When her indifferent gaze fell on Hua Mingxiu, Hua Mingxiu only felt her scalp tighten, as if an invisible force ran over her, making her tremble.


Who wa1s this girl?


What will she do to her?


With such doubts, Hua Mingxiu was extremely frightened.


But compared to this, what Hua Mingxiu was more afraid of was the situation of the researchers in the base.


Without enough supplies, they simply can’t keep up!


“You… you should be human, right?” she asked tentatively. “Please, can you help us? We are all researchers, and they are very useful.”


As she spoke, Hua Mingxiu’s tears fell: “My teacher and I are both here, and their current situation is very poor… If this continues, they may all die…”


After hearing these words, the girl in front of Hua Mingxiu finally reacted.


“Take me there.” She said lightly.




At this moment, in a human base not far away.


“Qi Yunyan, is your information accurate? Are you sure there is nothing wrong?”


At the conference table, a handsome man in a military uniform asked.


He looked sharply at the woman opposite him, imposingly: “If your information is wrong, our entire base will suffer huge losses.”


Just now, Qi Yunyan told them that a week later, a wave of zombies would erupt in the country.


At that time, millions of zombies will attack the gathering places of human beings, and the bases with weak foundations will not be able to withstand their attacks at all.


“I can confirm.”


Facing the doubts of the men in military uniforms, Qi Yunyan acted calmly: “I have a part of the prophecy system, and I can dream about what will happen in the future.”


She waved her hand and showed some of the supplies in the space.


“This is the supplies I have hoarded before the end of the world,” she said lightly. “I do this because I dreamed of the end of the world in advance and predicted what would happen in the future.”


“When I bought these things, there was a lot of noise. If you don’t believe me, you can go and investigate.” She said.


And Qi Yunyan did not lie.


In the first month of the end of the world, there will be a wave of zombies all over the world.


In the last life, 50% of the domestic survivors died in this wave of zombies.


Its appearance also left an extremely deep psychological shadow on the former Qi Yunyan.


Now that she has a new life, she didn’t even think about it, so she talked about the zombie tide in advance.


Not just for their new base, but for… him.


She didn’t know what to think, Qi Yunyan’s eyes flashed slightly, and she looked at the man in military uniform in front of her.


Duan Junran, the strongest power user in the previous life, who would also be her companion in this life.


Half a month ago, they met on the way while escaping.


Qi Yunyan saved hilm from being infected, established a base with him, and made him the leader.


And she had no regrets.


“Then what should we do?”


After listening to Qi Yunyan’s words, many people present fell into silence.


They were all veterans who built the base together with Qi Yunyan, so naturally they would not doubt Qi Yunyan’s words.


However, most of the current power users are only Tier 1 and Tier 2. In the face of the zombie tide, how can they escape?


“I have a way.”


Seeing that the people around were confused, Qi Yunyan said, “Since we can’t beat them, it’s better to bring disaster to the east.”


Hearing this, Duan Junran’s eyes narrowed: “What do you mean, lead the zombies to other places?”


“That’s right,” Qi Yunyan nodded and said slowly, “I have a set of instruments in my hand that can emit sound waves that attract zombies.”


In order to avoid this zombie tide, Qi Yunyan spent a lot of money to customize this kind of equipment.


As long as these instruments were placed elsewhere, the zombies will consciously move there, making their bases safer.


After listening to her words, everyone understood what she meant.


“So where are we going to put this instrument?” someone asked.


Qi Yunyan raised the corner of her mouth: “I think City B is the best.”


Lin Xiaotang from the previous life relied on the space in her hand and stayed in City B for half a year before leaving there.


Although she didn’t know Lin Xiaotang’s current situation, it would be beneficial and harmless to attack City B.


As an ordinary person, if you offend the strong, you have to pay the price.


This was the first truth she wants to teach Lin Xiaotang after the end of the world.


———End of this chapter. 



  1. Anazu Salted Fish says:

    A clown, better watch our Emperor expanding her reign

  2. Otaku me says:

    Honestly is something wrong with her brain?

  3. Jhen says:

    Well, she just sent a wave of zombies for Xiaotang to utilize 😂

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