She is the Escape Boss [Quick Transmigration]

Entering The Doomsday World (4)‌


“What’s wrong? Didn’t we agree I’d handle this? Why did you go ahead and sell them!?” Qi Yunyan’s face appeared gloomy as she asked over the phone from her house.


She hadn’t expected this turn of events. In just an hour, the batch of goods she had ordered had been taken by someone else!


“You know the situation’s tense lately, and we can’t keep the goods for long,” the other party responded calmly. “Considering your decision to breach the contract, it’s natural we won’t assist you.”


“Moreover, you never said we should keep the goods under our care, did you?”




Hearing the other party’s words, anger surged within Qi Yunyan.


She wanted to continue questioning, but before she could speak, the other party abruptly hung up the phone.




As the di-di-di tone echoed, Qi Yunyan clenched the phone, took a few deep breaths, and regained her composure.


Since her rebirth, her life had been so smooth that she’d almost forgotten the taste of defiance.


“Yanyan, how did it go? Did you secure the item?”


Noticing Qi Yunyan’s unusual reaction, her parents asked with concern.


Qi Yunyan pursed her lips and replied coldly, “It was taken.”


“Taken? How?”


Hearing this, both Qi’s father and mother’s expressions changed.


Given that Qi Yunyan’s “prophecies” had proven accurate several times and they had witnessed her “Space ability,” they had wholeheartedly believed in her “apocalyptic predictions.” They had sold most of their family assets, entrusted all their funds to Qi Yunyan, and let her take charge.


And now, who could have foreseen that while they managed to secure everything else, the most crucial weapon remained elusive?


Compared to Qi’s father and mother, Qi Yunyan, who had personally witnessed the apocalypse, found herself in a more dismal state of mind.


No one comprehended the true horrors of zombies or the vulnerability of ordinary people more than she did.


She even entertained the idea that someone might have intentionally targeted her. The timing was uncannily precise, almost suspiciously coincidental.


Yet, apart from her parents, no one else knew about her black market purchases. After pondering it, she could only attribute her misfortune to bad luck.


As memories of the dark, gruesome scenes from her past life resurfaced, Qi Yunyan’s anger grew, mingling with a newfound resentment towards Lin Xiaotang.


If not for Lin Xiaotang’s exorbitant demand of two million, or if she had been certain of securing the loan within a few hours, she wouldn’t have had to part with this batch of goods!


Should the opportunity arise, she vowed to make Lin Xiaotang pay dearly!




Back at the Qi residence, a heavy silence settled over the household.


Meanwhile, on the other side, Lin Xiaotang had successfully led a group of over a dozen zombies to act as her protectors and had moved away from the scene.


Confirming that these zombies were genuinely afraid of her, Lin Xiaotang was briefly taken aback before quickly adapting to the situation.


Zombies truly submitted to the dominant. After all, wasn’t the one she held in her arms the future zombie king?


What caught her off guard was the realization that her aura of fear also influenced the zombies.


Still, upon deeper consideration, Lin Xiaotang understood that while zombies resembled corpses, they were, in fact, human beings transformed.


These zombies were essentially humans, infected by the virus.


In the original storyline, the higher the zombie’s level, the more human-like they become, possessing stronger memory and learning abilities.


Upon reaching the 10th order, zombies supposedly regained memories from their human lives.


Even the Zombie King, if turned into a zombie shortly after birth, would grow, learn, and communicate, resembling human children.


In a way, the zombies in this world resembled a new species rather than mere corpses, as they retained the instinct to eat, a trait of living creatures.


Hence, it’s not entirely surprising that they exhibited “fear” towards her.


So, should she attempt to command them like a Zombie King?


In her experience, many low-level zombies obeyed the Zombie King’s orders and charged alongside it. Therefore, they might listen to her too.


With this thought in mind, Lin Xiaotang cautiously said, “Rise.”


The zombie before her remained lying on the ground, unmoving.




Still no response.


Only then did Lin Xiaotang realize that they likely couldn’t comprehend her words.


Furthermore, she didn’t understand the zombie language, and low-level zombies appeared to lack a developed language system.


Observing the two zombies on the ground, she sighed.


Under these circumstances, she could only experiment and attempt to make the two zombies “understand” her intentions.


“Get up.”


“Get up.”


“Move, move.”




With each command, she gestured with her hands, mimicking the actions.


After numerous attempts, Lin Xiaotang eventually managed to coax these zombies into standing up and shuffling alongside her.


Despite their sluggish and dim-witted responses to her instructions, they followed without hesitation.


For these newfound followers, Lin Xiaotang felt a sense of novelty and satisfaction.


Incapable of speech and devoid of independent thought, they unconditionally obeyed her orders—a perfectly obedient cadre of reanimated corpses, precisely what she needed.


Initially fearing a complicated existence in this post-apocalyptic world, Lin Xiaotang was now optimistic about her prospects.


With the first two zombies under her control, Lin Xiaotang ventured back onto the road, “recruiting” another dozen zombies.


She patiently tamed them, employing the same method to make them comprehend and carry out her directives.


In this manner, sheltered by her formidable undead army, Lin Xiaotang managed to return home safely with the child and kitten.


Beyond her door, the zombies, under her command, now stood guard, forming an impressively secure natural defense line.


Observing them, Lin Xiaotang found herself inexplicably intrigued.


Zombies, these mystical beings, had rarely been within her sight.


In her previous worlds, she had even worked as a biologist, granting her significant knowledge in the field.


If she could study the zombies and decipher the components of this zombie virus, it might hasten the end of the apocalypse.


Of course, in the original storyline, a zombie vaccine did exist. Regrettably, it emerged two decades too late.


However, before embarking on such a venture, her top priority lay in nurturing the Zombie King and Awu, ensuring their deviation from the original plot’s grim outcome.




Upon her return home, Lin Xiaotang entered her room and attended to the infected child and kitten.


In a secure and cozy environment, after one night, they survived the mutation and experienced a decline in body temperature.


Once feeble, they slowly regained their vigor and commenced their playful antics.


“Mimi! Mimi!”




Perhaps considering Lin Xiaotang as their mother figure, both the child and the kitten clung closely to her.


Their first act upon awakening was to vocalize, beckoning Lin Xiaotang’s attention.


Unused to caring for a child, Lin Xiaotang took a moment to consider and then decided to give them names.


“You can call the kitten Awu,” she told the feline.


This name was retained from the black cat’s original designation, and she saw no need to change it.


As for the nameless Zombie King, after some thought, Lin Xiaotang bestowed upon him a nickname, “Huhu.”


The name “Huhu” originated from the Zombie King’s distinct and intriguing voice.


His cries were unlike those of a typical baby; they resembled a soft “whisper,” rendering them quite distinctive.


“You’ll be called Huhu for now, and as you grow up, you can choose your own name,” Lin Xiaotang gently said, patting his head.




Huhu didn’t grasp the meaning behind her words.


He simply gazed at her with a blank expression, continuing to emit his peculiar sounds.


Initially, Lin Xiaotang was puzzled by his incessant calls.


In an effort to placate him, she even provided a small tiger toy for him to play with.


However, when she observed Huhu gnawing on the tiger’s ear, she realized he was hungry.


In a rush to satisfy them, Lin Xiaotang hurried to the kitchen, prepared some powder milk with hot water, and fed Huhu and Awu.


Though uncertain whether a newborn could consume powder milk, Huhu’s mutation assured her that he could likely tolerate unusual sustenance.


Fortunately, Huhu and Awu exhibited strong resilience, showing no adverse reactions to the powder milk.


Furthermore, Lin Xiaotang faced a different challenge—

Their appetite was insatiable.


Huhu, in particular, had an enormous appetite compared to typical infants.


Even after consuming one bottle, he continued to cry until Lin Xiaotang had fed him five or six bottles.


Yet feeding him was merely the beginning.


As a newborn, Huhu felt perpetually hungry, prompting him to demand nourishment every two to three hours.


Lin Xiaotang: “…..”


Due to this, she hardly slept during the initial days.


Huhu’s frequent cries had accustomed her to waking in the middle of the night to prepare powder milk for the ravenous child and kitten.


Apart from feeding, Lin Xiaotang faced the challenges of changing diapers and bathing the baby.


Although Huhu could be deemed a well-behaved child, caring for him demanded considerable effort from Lin Xiaotang.


Not to mention, alongside child-rearing, she bore additional responsibilities.


Thus, she needed to devise a strategy to carve out more free time for herself.


Pondering, Lin Xiaotang shifted her gaze towards the motionless zombies outside her door.


A daring idea sprang to her mind—


Given their ability to heed her commands, raising children shouldn’t prove too challenging for them, right?


With this notion in mind, she carefully selected a few agile and intelligent zombies from among the zombie brethren, entrusting them with the children’s care.


Since Huhu was similar to them in nature, she harbored no concerns about them harming him.


“Ho ho.”




“Ho ho…”


Under her diligent guidance, these zombies displayed rapid learning.


Perhaps a unique form of communication existed between them and Huhu. Whether Huhu was hungry, needed to relieve himself, or desired outdoor play, they swiftly comprehended and responded accordingly.


Certainly, more intricate scenarios still necessitated Lin Xiaotang’s involvement.


Nevertheless, she felt a newfound sense of relief…


Being a mother was genuinely challenging.


After weathering the most demanding phase, Lin Xiaotang gradually adjusted to alternating child-rearing duties with the zombies.


This arrangement afforded her the liberty to venture out and attend to her own affairs.


Foremost among her tasks was the search for fresh supplies.


Huhu and Awu’s hearty appetites had considerably depleted the original cache of a dozen powder milk cans.


To sate their hunger, Lin Xiaotang embarked on a quest to replenish their powder milk stock.


Additionally, she intended to accompany the zombie brethren on a visit to a nearby university.


Perhaps due to Huhu’s uniqueness or her realization of the peculiar bond between zombies, Lin Xiaotang’s curiosity about this zombie species grew.


Several days later, her fascination with zombie research remained unquenched.


Numerous universities boasted well-equipped laboratories and research environments.


She aspired to locate experimental apparatus and engage in scientific investigations.




“Professor, what should we do? Should we stay here or attempt an escape?”


Inside City B’s subterranean research facility, a young woman in a white lab coat posed her question with a distracted air.


A graduate student in the university’s medical department, she and her mentor usually toiled within their laboratory confines.


Since the apocalypse began, they and a few other professors sought refuge in the subterranean research center, stocked with provisions of food and water, to evade the outside zombie threat.


The facility’s stringent security promised safety, preventing zombie incursion.


Over subsequent weeks, they tried to send distress signals, beseeching assistance from the outside world.


Yet, the world remained in upheaval, nations crumbling, families struggling for survival—scarce resources and personnel made their plea for help fall on deaf ears.


For over two weeks, these researchers stayed within the underground depths. Rations dwindled precariously low.


Several esteemed professors even succumbed to an inexplicable fever.


What course of action lay before them?


Did an inevitable fate of starvation await them in this subterranean realm?


Such thoughts weighed heavily on the young woman’s heart, almost driving her to tears.


“Is there still no response to the distress signal we sent?”


Across from the female student sat an elderly professor, his visage pallid and lips tinged blue.


Likely due to dehydration, his voice emerged hoarse and halting: “Where is the government? Have they received our distress signal?”


“No, not at all…”


The girl covered her face, her head shaking mournfully.


She refrained from disclosing that, in truth, several of the messages she had sent were marked as “read.”


However, days had elapsed, and still, they remained unanswered.


Moreover, her mobile phone had lost all internet connectivity.


Cut off from communication, they were utterly isolated.


Unbeknownst to the female student, after the initial viral outbreak, approximately half of the global population succumbed to zombification.


National infrastructures crumbled, areas experienced blackouts and water shortages.


Initially, the government dispatched troops to rescue citizens, relocating them to secure temporary bases.


However, as time wore on, the government shifted its focus from common citizens to “valued” professionals—physicians and individuals with critical skills.


With the zombie horde multiplying, most cities, besieged and overwhelmed, were abandoned by governmental authority.


City B was among these forsaken urban centers.


Currently, their sole means of departing for a secure human stronghold lay in a single avenue—


The entire group must unite, form a team, and battle their way out through the encroaching sea of zombies.


Unfortunately, a significant portion of the researchers had succumbed to the zombie virus, suffering high fevers and impending demise.


The surviving professors were largely aged fifty or sixty, possessing limited combat capability after lifetimes dedicated to laboratory work.


“I can no longer idly wait here. Even if Lao Yang and the others manage to endure the zombie virus and evolve into extraordinary beings, they’ll still perish from starvation in this place devoid of sustenance.”


After a lengthy silence, an elderly professor rose from his seat.


Despite his seventy years, his eyes gleamed with vitality, contrasting his thin frame and silver hair: “Even if it means this old body must engage in combat today, I intend to venture out and comprehend the true nature of these zombies!”


His declaration prompted a quizzical expression on the female student’s face.


Gazing at the elderly figure before her and her ailing mentor, she inhaled deeply and stood up.


“I’m coming too, Professor He. Take me along,” she asserted resolutely.


As Professor He had asserted, her lifespan wouldn’t significantly differ if she remained stagnant here.


Faced with an inevitable fate, she preferred to seize the opportunity, dash forth, secure sustenance and water, and ignite a semblance of hope for herself and her mentor.


———End of this chapter.




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