She is the Escape Boss [Quick Transmigration]

Entering The Doomsday World (3)


In the next few hours, Lin Xiaotang hurried to a nearby mall with her recently acquired funds. She swiftly used her card to purchase numerous boxes of mineral water, bread, instant noodles, and other food items, along with necessary daily essentials.


Furthermore, her purchases included generous supplies of milk powder, diapers, children’s clothing, alternate outfits, cribs, as well as live chickens, ducks, fish, geese, and a variety of plant seeds for vegetables and fruits.


To maintain safety in the current times, a good number of materials are required, but acquiring these items demands a fair amount of spending.


This was also the reason Lin Xiaotang decided to sell the bracelet. The original owner was rather financially strained, and she needed money.


Due to the surplus of these items, Lin Xiaotang used some additional funds to hire someone to deliver them to her door.


The previous owner’s house wasn’t spacious, and there wasn’t enough time to tidy up a tiny space to store these things.


Lin Xiaotang didn’t let the remaining money go to waste.


She went to the nearby Internet cafe, skillfully applied the hacking techniques she had learned earlier, explored the dark web, and got in touch with a black market leader in City B.


【What do you want to buy? 】The other party asked.


【Guns and bullets,】 Lin Xiaotang quickly responded, adding, 【If not, explosives can also be used. 】


Her desire to acquire a firearm stemmed from the original storyline where the protagonist, Qi Yunyan, had obtained a set of guns from the black market.


Compared to regular knives, thermal weapons undeniably possess a greater level of lethality.


During the initial phase of the apocalypse, when powers were still relatively weak, these weapons provided significant convenience to Qi Yunyan’s family, safeguarding them against zombies.


Simultaneously, she relied on these items to sway certain capable individuals, turning them into her loyal fans.


Without a family to look after and no intention of purchasing followers, Lin Xiaotang still couldn’t ignore the opportunity to acquire a gun, given that the option was available.


However, it remained unclear how many items were left in the black market after being bought by Qi Yunyan.


【I have, how much do you want? 】


Surprisingly, the head of the black market still had a surplus.


Seeing Lin Xiaotang’s questions, he sent the price list.


【I also have a few other things here. If you’re interested, I can offer you a discount. 】The other party said once again.


His urgency was apparent, as he wanted to sell everything quickly.


Before Lin Xiaotang could reply, he sent another list.


Upon inspecting the list, Lin Xiaotang found that in addition to the weaponry, the person in charge still possessed various miscellaneous items.


Large generators, gasoline and diesel supplies, as well as some mechanical equipment that might not be particularly useful.


Lin Xiaotang: “……”


If she recalled correctly, these were the very items Qi Yunyan had intended to buy in the original plot.


【Okay, I need it all.】 she said, 【Can you deliver it to my location within an hour? 】


In any case, the money would soon become worthless in a few days, so she decided to spend it all.


Seizing the opportunity just as Qi Yunyan had done before, Lin Xiaotang felt no hesitation.


【Alright, sure. 】


In just a few hours, Lin Xiaotang managed to deplete all the funds in her possession.


Surveying the room brimming with supplies, an indescribable sense of contentment welled up within her.


While watching the original plot, she hadn’t quite grasped why Qi Yunyan was so engrossed in accumulating and hoarding supplies.


Now, it seemed that this sentiment was genuinely reassuring.


She had already purchased all the necessities for her survival.


The next step would involve locating the zombie king and Awu, and reuniting them.


She wasn’t certain whether it was mere coincidence, but the zombie king, the ultimate antagonist, hailed from the same city as the hero and heroine.


Presumably, its mother would be giving birth in the delivery room of City B’s hospital.


Shortly after its birth, the hospital would transform into a hub for zombies, much like other high traffic areas.


Doctors, patients, and even its parents would succumb to infection, becoming zombies themselves.


Consequently, to rescue the zombie king, swift action was imperative.


Having determined the precise time, Lin Xiaotang reached the city hospital at half past eleven and made her way to the baby room.


Following a careful selection process, she managed to locate the newborn child and silently took it away.


By this point, the concentration of the zombie virus in the air was steadily increasing, resulting in several doctors and nurses falling ill and slipping into unconsciousness.


Lin Xiaotang’s activities within the hospital went unnoticed.


Having successfully absconded with the child, Lin Xiaotang recalled the details from the original narrative. The zombie king had mentioned growing up alongside Awu. With this in mind, she combed through the hospital once more.


Guided by the faint sound of a “Mimi” cry, she eventually spotted a fluffy black kitten nestled in a corner of the hospital flower bed.


And so, she successfully located both the child and the kitten.


Lin Xiaotang acted swiftly.


With Zombie King and Awu’s identities confirmed, she wasted no time. Turning on her heels, she departed the premises with her newfound companions.


However, whether it was the child abduction or the search for Awu, Lin Xiaotang had invested a considerable amount of time.


As she exited the hospital and was about to hail a taxi, the clamor of panicked screams from pedestrians on the road reached her ears.


“Ahhh! There’s a ghost!!!”




The clock struck twelve.


The end had arrived.


Startled by the commotion, Lin Xiaotang looked up and saw a sudden surge of zombies appearing by the roadside!


Among them were pedestrians, drivers in their vehicles, and even young children.


At first glance, they seemed fairly ordinary, but their complexion bore an unnatural gray hue, their pupils a vivid scarlet—a clear manifestation of their ravenous appetite for flesh.


With this horde of zombies materializing, road traffic descended into complete chaos.


In certain areas, minor car collisions occurred, resulting in significant vehicular damage.


Seeing their cars rendered inoperative, numerous individuals leapt out in panic, scattering in all directions in a desperate attempt to evade the encroaching zombies.


The screams of women, the cries of children, and the whistling of vehicles passing rapidly…..These noisy sounds crowded together and filled the whole world.


Witnessing the scene, Lin Xiaotang’s gaze slightly dimmed.


She lowered her head and noticed the baby and kitten in her arms were also unconscious.


Reaching out, she touched them and realized their body temperatures were alarmingly high.


Whether it was the Zombie King or Awu, being newborns made them exceedingly susceptible to the virus.


Especially the little baby, its face pale, lips black, breath weak—its appearance akin to that of impending demise.


No, this place wasn’t suitable for an extended stay.


To ensure their survival through the mutation, she needed to hastily return home and avert any mishaps!


With this resolve, Lin Xiaotang stepped back a few paces, preparing to circumvent the traffic-congested route and opt for a more secluded path.


However, at that moment, she, seemingly frail and defenseless, had already captured the attention of the zombies.


Amidst several guttural growls of “hoho,” two zombies abruptly emerged and lunged toward her!


Sensing the swift gust of wind, Lin Xiaotang clutched the child and kitten close, swiftly pivoting to evade their assaults.


Simultaneously, she instinctively harnessed the formidable energy within her, readying herself to counterattack and neutralize their threat.


—Then, these two ferocious zombies abruptly froze in place.


But it wasn’t just a halt in movement; they even began trembling before the formidable presence of Lin Xiaotang!


The zombies, who had initially reached out to grasp her, allowed their arms to fall limply and relinquished their attack.


Their bodies continued to quake, mouths snapping shut, while their scarlet eyes portrayed a remarkably evident fear, rendering them oddly pitiable.


Could it be… that they were afraid?


Upon discerning this transformation, Lin Xiaotang felt a twinge of surprise.


She cautiously channeled more energy and gestured toward the zombies, simulating an attack.


Observing this, the zombies’ legs gave way, and they promptly sprawled onto the ground, displaying no hesitation whatsoever.


Lin Xiaotang: “……”


Observing the two zombies sprawled on the ground, Lin Xiaotang’s initial thought was that they might be pretending to surrender, with intentions to attack her when her guard was lowered.


However, she quickly remembered that only zombies at or above level 5 gradually developed consciousness, reaching a childlike level of intelligence.


Moreover, it would be five years before level 5 zombies appeared.


The zombies currently in sight were mostly new, low-level ones—essentially mindless wanderers. Lacking the ability to think or communicate, they acted purely on instinct.


Hence, these two zombies truly seemed afraid of her!


The fear of her potent energy was so deep that they refrained from attacking, choosing instead to submit, driven solely by their instinctual genes.


With this realization, Lin Xiaotang’s eyes subtly narrowed.


———End of this chapter.



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