She is the Escape Boss [Quick Transmigration]

Entering The Doomsday World (2)


The original owner, who lost the bracelet, was depicted as a weak and helpless woman. 


Unfortunately, she perished amidst a zombie tide, vanishing entirely from the heroine’s story. 


Surprisingly, the original owner’s fate turned out to be rather fortunate. 


Survival for a beautiful girl like her meant a future of life instead of death.


Just like the heroine’s previous life.


“In recent times, several cases of citizens attacking others have been reported in our city. It is suspected that a new infectious virus is the cause. Please be cautious and avoid crowded places,” warned the news report on the hotel TV.


Lin Xiaotang looked up and saw a video playing, showing zombies attacking innocent passersby. 


With a grey face, the wobbly zombie staggered towards the side of the road, lunged at innocent pedestrians passing by, and viciously sunk its teeth into another person’s face.


Despite the surrounding people slapping and pulling, they couldn’t halt the relentless zombies from persistently biting.


Witnessing this chilling scene, Lin Xiaotang’s footsteps, about to leave, abruptly halted.


“Aunt Wang, in the next day or two, there might be an unforeseen disaster in the city,” she warned gravely. “If possible, try to stock up on food and water.”


“Do I need to stock up on food and water…?”


Hearing her words, Aunt Wang, who was busy working, was momentarily taken aback.


Lin Xiaotang’s words seemed like baseless speculations, akin to ridiculous rumors about “unexpected disasters” happening.


Yet, for some inexplicable reason, Aunt Wang found herself strangely convinced while listening to Lin Xiaotang’s soft voice.


“Okay, Auntie understands,” she replied with a smile.


After all, her family also operates a restaurant.


Saving more water and food wouldn’t be too much of a burden.


Noticing that the innkeeper had overheard, Lin Xiaotang didn’t linger any further.


After bidding her farewell, she turned and left the hotel.


At midnight tonight, a massive zombie virus outbreak would occur.


During that time, the entire city B would be besieged by zombies.


In order to lead a better life in these final days, Lin Xiaotang needed to swiftly purchase some necessities.


Moreover, her mission this time was somewhat unique—


The target of her task was a cat named “Awu.”


Awu is the cat raised by the Zombie King, and it underwent a mutation after being infected with the zombie virus.


In the original storyline, as the Zombie King’s top subordinate, Awu caused numerous troubles for the hero and heroine’s team.


The system’s task assigned to Lin Xiaotang is to “locate the villainous Awu, assist it in getting out of trouble, and fulfill its wish.”


Although Lin Xiaotang wasn’t sure what wishes a cat could have, it was likely related to its owner, the Zombie King.


In this situation, Lin Xiaotang must get along with the Zombie King a lot.


“Ding Ding Ding—”


Just then, Lin Xiaotang’s cell phone suddenly rang.


Glancing down, she noticed an incoming call. The original owner’s note for this number was “Roommate Qi Yunyan.”


Qi Yunyan, the heroine of this world, had called her.


“Lin Xiaotang, have you made up your mind?”


 Qi Yunyan’s voice came through the microphone, sounding rather cold with evident impatience: “Two thousand yuan should be enough to buy your worn-out bracelet, right?”


Upon crossing over, Lin Xiaotang found that the original owner had been undecided about selling her jade bracelet.


 This was the only heirloom left by her grandmother after all.


 However, for a struggling student like the original owner, who had lost both parents and was living in dire poverty, 2,000 yuan was a significant sum that could sustain her for half a year.


Although it pained her, the original owner had agreed to consider Qi Yunyan’s purchase request for three more days.


“Your bracelet is supposed to be jade, but it’s not worth much. If you don’t want to sell it, I’ll find something else to buy,” Qi Yunyan continued before Lin Xiaotang could respond.


Indeed, Qi Yunyan was exceptionally skilled in her speech, making it evident that she intended to buy something from Lin Xiaotang.


 However, her tone had a nonchalant air, as if it was Lin Xiaotang who was begging, not herself. She casually remarked, “I must say, I find your bracelet pleasing to the eye. If you don’t want to sell it, then forget it.”


There was a reason for Qi Yunyan’s indifferent attitude.,


Qi Yunyan was cautious, fearing that her bid might be too generous or that she appeared too eager, which could arouse suspicion in Lin Xiaotang’s mind and potentially lead to the premature revelation of the secret within the bracelet..


Exactly, Qi Yunyan’s approach was to create the illusion that her interest in buying Lin Xiaotang’s bracelet was merely a passing whim. By doing so, she hoped to disarm Lin Xiaotang’s vigilance and prevent her from taking the bracelet too seriously.


Considering how much Lin Xiaotang needed money, Qi Yunyan believed that Lin Xiaotang would not turn down her offer. 


She was confident that Lin Xiaotang’s financial situation would make her more inclined to sell the bracelet, regardless of its sentimental value.


In Qi Yunyan’s perception, Lin Xiaotang was a quiet and introverted roommate. On weekdays, she would head to the cafeteria and typically order a simple meal consisting of just a bowl of white rice or two steamed buns, which she would accompany with the complimentary mustard provided by the cafeteria.


Throughout the year, Lin Xiaotang had only two or three sets of clothes, which she rotated and wore repeatedly. Even if they became worn out, she couldn’t afford to replace them.


Perhaps due to her financial struggles, Lin Xiaotang’s poverty-stricken situation made it challenging for Qi Yunyan, who came from a wealthy family, to relate to her. As roommates, they struggled to get along with each other.


For this beautiful but poor girl, Qi Yunyan also had a subtle sense of superiority in her heart.


In her previous life, when Qi Yunyan discovered that the little-known space power user in the base was actually Lin Xiaotang, someone she had once looked down upon, her emotions spiraled out of control.


Overwhelmed by a mixture of complicated feelings, Qi Yunyan started observing Lin Xiaotang intentionally or unintentionally.


During her observation, Qi Yunyan noticed a pattern: every time Lin Xiaotang activated her space power, she would touch the bracelet on her left wrist. 


This seemingly coincidental action raised Qi Yunyan’s suspicions.


After a prolonged period of careful observation and testing, Qi Yunyan’s suspicions were confirmed – Lin Xiaotang’s space ability was indeed connected to her bracelet!


 She realized that Lin Xiaotang was not a space power user, but rather an ordinary person with a stroke of good luck.


Facing this reality, Qi Yunyan felt a mix of emotions – envy and unwillingness filled her heart.


It was unfortunate that Qi Yunyan died during the apocalypse before she could do anything.


Now, being reborn, Qi Yunyan naturally yearned to possess Lin Xiaotang’s bracelet. 


The idea of having a portable space capable of storing living things was incredibly enticing!


While she felt a twinge of regret for Lin Xiaotang, Qi Yunyan didn’t consider her actions to be wrong.


The few years she lived in the apocalypse had made her cold-blooded enough.


Indeed, Qi Yunyan believed that selfish individuals had better chances of survival, and she would do anything for her survival.


To her credit, their deal was fair, and Qi Yunyan generously compensated Lin Xiaotang for the bracelet.


“Today is the third day, have you made up your mind?” Qi Yunyan inquired.


If Lin Xiaotang remained undecided, then Qi Yunyan might have to resort to some “special methods” to obtain the bracelet.


But Lin Xiaotang had come to a decision, and she replied firmly.


 “I will sell it.”


As Qi Yunyan had anticipated, Lin Xiaotang, who was in dire need of money, agreed to the deal without any hesitation.


However, before Qi Yunyan could rejoice, Lin Xiaotang surprised her with a sudden change in her demand.


“Two thousand is too little. I want two million,” she said lightly, “I’ll give you ten minutes to transfer the money to my account, otherwise I won’t sell it.”


For Lin Xiaotang, the space in the bracelet was not of great significance. While it might hold immense value to ordinary people, to her, it was merely an extra perk, just the icing on the cake.


Qi Yunyan was willing to give the bracelet to her, but she was determined to get the price she desired.


“Two million?! You must be dreaming!” Qi Yunyan exclaimed, her expression changed slightly.


She never expected that Lin Xiaotang would demand such an exorbitant sum from her!


Under normal circumstances, Qi Yunyan could still manage to arrange the money by discussing it with her parents.


 But now, her family’s money was basically used to buy supplies. To take out two million in ten minutes, she could only give up the batch of guns she was about to get. 


For Qi Yunyan, this was undoubtedly cutting flesh into her heart!


“My relationship with my grandma is worth two million,” Lin Xiaotang replied calmly. “If you don’t want to, then forget it.”


Without waiting for Qi Yunyan to respond, Lin Xiaotang promptly hung up the phone.


Qi Yunyan: “…..”


Did Lin Xiaotang somehow figure out the true function of the bracelet?!


Lin Xiaotang’s sudden display of a tough attitude seemed to unsettle Qi Yunyan, who began to panic.


Over the next five minutes, Qi Yunyan made more than a dozen calls to Lin Xiaotang and sent her numerous text messages, desperately trying to persuade her.


However, Lin Xiaotang was not easily swayed.


Facing Qi Yunyan’s relentless harassment, she had only one response – blocking Qi Yunyan’s number.


For Lin Xiaotang, selling the life-saving bracelet for two million was already a fair deal. If Qi Yunyan was unwilling to pay the money, she could have sought someone else to make the purchase, but that would be troublesome.


Lin Xiaotang wasn’t aware of the mental turmoil Qi Yunyan had experienced, but ten minutes later, she did indeed receive the two million in her bank account.


Seeing the bank’s text message confirming the transaction, Lin Xiaotang removed Qi Yunyan’s mobile phone number from the blacklist and sent her a message: 【I’m at the gate of the block park, and I’ll only wait for half an hour.】


With the apocalypse looming in less than 7 hours, every minute was precious to Lin Xiaotang.


Under Lin Xiaotang’s directive, Qi Yunyan had no choice but to rush to the park gate as quickly as possible.


Observing the frail girl standing by the roadside, Qi Yunyan asked angrily, “Where’s the bracelet?”


“It’s here.”


Lin Xiaotang extended her hand, removed the jade bracelet from her left wrist, and handed it over.


Qi Yunyan took the bracelet, examining it closely to ensure it was in good condition. After confirming its state, she raised her head and glared coldly at Lin Xiaotang.


“Today’s events will not be forgotten,” she said icily. “I hope you’re lucky enough to survive until the next time we meet.”


After uttering her cold remarks, Qi Yunyan slammed the car door and instructed the driver to leave.


Once Qi Yunyan was gone, Lin Xiaotang also departed from the scene.


However, Qi Yunyan’s words didn’t affect Lin Xiaotang in the slightest.


Live until the next time they meet? 


With her unique abilities, she could survive for centuries, even if Qi Yunyan were to perish.


 Qi Yunyan’s harsh words only seemed ludicrous to Lin Xiaotang’s ears, and she brushed them off easily.


Her next priority was to visit a nearby shopping mall to purchase necessary supplies, particularly expensive items like milk powder and clothing for infants.


Because in the original plot, the terrifying zombie king was still an unborn fetus.


It would eventually become the zombie king because it got infected with a zombie virus during birth, producing a peculiar antibody that turned it into a zombie with normal human thinking.


As it grew, it resembled a typical person and could interact with others, but it was still a zombie.


Lin Xiaotang had never taken care of such a young child before, but it seemed that she was about to experience what it was like to be a mother.


———End of this chapter.




  1. Mercer says:

    Thanks for the updates but the previous chapter is not working?

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