She is the Escape Boss [Quick Transmigration]

Entering The Doomsday World (1)


【Bah, ah, ah, ah…】

This time, after Lin Xiaotang returned to the system space, she found that her system light ball was bulging and making some strange noises.


From the outside, it appears to be chewing and digesting something. “What are you eating?”Seeing this, she asked curiously.


【A illegal system,】The system said, 【It escaped from your mission world and was caught by me. 】


After listening to it, Lin Xiaotang was stunned.


The so-called “Illegal system” is a system that violates the legal treaties proclaimed by the Lord God.


In order to escape the punishment of the Lord God, they usually wander in various worlds, constantly looking for new hosts, and then borrowing the hands of the hosts to illegally draw energy.


When the law enforcement system of the Lord God finds them, they will leave the host and escape again.


As for those hosts, they often become scapegoats for the illegal system, accepting punishment from the Lord God for it.


In the previous world, Lin Xiaotang had obtained Lan Yue’s confession through her own news channel very early, and knew that he had a system in place.


But at that time, his system ran away without him, and Lin Xiaotang couldn’t catch it either.


Unexpectedly, it fell into the hands of her own system.


However, in this way, there will be no more arrogant people in the future who will be harmed by it like this.


After figuring out all this, Lin Xiaotang did not hesitate, and immediately said, “Go directly to the next world.”


【Okay. 】


“What is my mission?”


【Find the villain Awu, help it out of the predicament, and fulfil its wish. 】




In the summer of City B, the wind was bright and the sun shining, and golden sunlight sprinkled on the ground, warming the lush woods with a layer of warm light.


In the neighbourhood park where people come and go, many parents take their children to play here, they laugh and play, and there were people flying kites in the distance.


At the entrance of the park, there was a girl who looked like a high school student.


She held a thick stack of flyers in her hand and distributed them to passersby around her.


The girl’s appearance was beautiful and lovely. She has a pair of very beautiful dark black eyes, a pointed chin, and very fair skin. She looked fragile and beautiful.


It’s just that her body was too thin, and a normal-sized coat looked a bit wide on her body.


And her washed white clothes and trousers also hinted that her family was not wealthy.


Standing at the gate of the park all afternoon, the girl finished distributing the 200 flyers in her hand.


After that, she returned to the hotel near the park under the afterglow of the setting sun.


“Xiaotang, have you finished sending out today’s flyers?”


Seeing her come in, the hotel proprietress who was cleaning asked casually.


The girl nodded and said, “It’s over.”


Her voice was thin and soft.


Hearing what Lin Xiaotang said, the proprietress hurriedly put down the rag in her hand and took out fifty yuan from her pocket.


After hesitating for a while, the woman drew another twenty yuan, and stuffed it together with fifty yuan into Lin Xiaotang’s hand.


“You are still a high school student, so remember to buy more milk to drink to make up for your body,” said the proprietress.


Lin Xiaotang took the money and nodded quietly.


“Thank you, Auntie Wang,” she said.


“What’s there to thank for this?” The lady boss smiled and said, “I’m busy, you can go home too, take more time to study, and try to get into a good university in the future.”


After saying that, she waved at Lin Xiaotang and continued to wipe the table.


Looking at the crumpled money in her hand, and at the busy lady boss, Lin Xiaotang didn’t speak.


In the previous worlds, she either entered a wealthy family or became an adult who could live independently, and she basically never worried about food.


Now that it was worn by a girl from an extremely poor family, she had to experience what it was like to work part-time to earn money.


Thinking of this, Lin Xiaotang felt a little helpless.


She took the crumpled money and put it carefully into her pocket.


In normal times, she would definitely go to an Internet cafe, find a computer, and try to make money with her own abilities.


It won’t be long before she can earn a lot of money and get rid of such a predicament.


But now, she has no need to do so.


Because it won’t be long before the world comes to an end.


Yes, doomsday.


As written in some apocalyptic novels, in a secret research institute in this world, a scientist has developed a zombie virus called “Alpha” and spread it out.


In just one month, the world had been completely reduced to hell.


Under the ravages of the zombie virus, at least half of the world’s people have become zombies, or they have been reduced to being meals.


Even animals and plants cannot escape the poisonous hand of the virus.


Fortunately, along with the zombies, there also came a person called a power user.


After these people are infected by the zombie virus, they will not become zombies, but will undergo genetic mutation and awaken superpower-like abilities.


Power users are different from ordinary people. Their five senses are more sensitive and their physical strength is higher.


Their abilities are also all kinds of strange, some can control water and fire, some can summon thunder and lightning, and some special abilities are space abilities and time abilities.


But no matter what kind of ability, it is destined that the ability user is much stronger than ordinary people.


What’s more terrifying is that the ability of the ability user can be continuously upgraded.


The strong get stronger, and the weak get weaker. Coupled with such a chaotic social background, the ugliness of human nature is infinitely magnified.


Morality has fallen, and the law has lost its restraint, and the world has re-entered the society of the jungle.


With their powerful abilities, many ability users began to run amuck in the last days.


They burn, kill and loot, bully and humiliate ordinary people, and use them as their slaves.


The heroine of this world is an ordinary woman with a miserable life.


And the main plot of this world is actually very simple. It is basically a love story of a heroine’s rebirth and counterattack.


In the last life, the heroine was forcibly taken away by a power user because of her beautiful appearance and lack of power, and suffered all kinds of unbearable things.


In the end, the heroine couldn’t bear it anymore and committed suicide.


Maybe it was because she had a miserable life in her last life. After she died, she was surprised to find that she had come back to life again!


She returned to three days before the end, and at this time, she was still a high school student from a well-off family.


According to her memory and experience in her previous life, the heroine hoarded a lot of material in advance, bought a bunch of necessities, and successfully let her family escape the end of the world, and she became prosperous.


After that, she met the male protagonist, and the two fell in love.


The ending of the story is that the hero and heroine together exterminate the zombie king and save the whole world.


The base they jointly founded has also become the largest human base after the end of the apocalypse.


In this mission, Lin Xiaotang’s identity is a passerby cannon fodder in the plot.


She is the heroine’s roommate, but she has a mediocre relationship with the heroine, and the two rarely communicate with each other on weekdays.


However, unlike other cannon fodder, the original owner had a jade bracelet left to her by her grandmother.


And in this bracelet, there is a space that can store living things.


In the last life, the original owner accidentally discovered the space in the bracelet after the end of the world.


Relying on this space, she disguised as a space power user, successfully survived in the apocalypse, and was sought after by many power users, and lived a good life.


In this life, the heroine who knew the function of the bracelet spent 2,000 yuan to buy the bracelet from the original owner in advance.


———End of this chapter. 



  1. Anazu Salted Fish says:

    The site address kept changing, thank goodness i found the new one

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