She is the Escape Boss [Quick Transmigration]

Becoming Everyone’s White Moonlight In The Interstellar World (14)

Three years later.

“You let me go! You let me out!”

“My gene is double S+, I am a once-in-a-lifetime genius! You can’t treat me like this!”

“Where have you gone, System?” System, come and assist me! Please assist me!”

An untidy man continued ranting in the military region’s research centre.

He was dressed strangely in a blue and white jail outfit with shackles on his wrists and feet.

“Has he always been like this?”

When Xiao Bei arrived to deliver the materials, he noticed Lan Yue and inquired, surprised.

As one of the participants engaged in that event, Xiao Bei was aware of Lan Yue’s detention here.

He really didn’t expect Lan Yue to act this way after not seeing him in a few years.

“That’s it.”

The guardian on the side scowled and remarked coldly after hearing Xiao Bei’s words: “Sometimes he doesn’t speak all day and all night, and sometimes he keeps yelling, I don’t know if he’s crazy.”

A delirious individual is the most difficult to care for.

The guardian’s tone was a little impatient when he mentioned Lan Yue.

However, whether Lan Yue was truly insane or acting, one thing was certain—

Lan Yue was doomed to spend his entire life locked up.

What the outside world didn’t know was that when the military investigated Lan Yue, they discovered some highly contradictory information.

That was, who helped Lan Yue to steal Lin Xiaotang’s battle plan?

And how did Lan Yue unintentionally contact the Zerg and reveal intelligence about the imperial military base?

Lan Yue gave up on himself in the face of these people’s persistent questioning, combined with the delay in being able to contact the system, and could only recount the narrative of “the luck plundering the system.”

Anyway, he’s been this way his entire life; what’s the point of disguising it again?

“What is the Luck Plundering System?” “How can such a thing exist!?”

The military executives were sceptical at first after hearing Lan Yue’s statements.

Being able to absorb other people’s luck and boost one’s own genetic level… This kind of thing sounded absurd.

But when the surveillance video of Lin Yuan’s ward was called up, everyone was silent.

Lan Yue was not caught on hospital surveillance footage the night he poisoned Lin Yuan!

Only Lin Yuan was drinking water in the entire video footage before falling to the ground and twitching, with scars on his body.

Following that, Xiao Bei appeared at the ward’s door and broke in.


No way, was this true?!

Some military men who did not believe in evil brought Lan Yue to the genetic testing facility for another test.

Lan Yue’s gene level was not the original B, not the old S+, but the F level following the gene collapse due to the backlash of luck this time.


In the face of this iron-like fact, even if they didn’t believe it, they had to believe it.

To better understand this alleged system, the military announced that Lan Yue had been sentenced to life in jail.

In reality, Lan Yue was imprisoned at the Military Research Institute for research purposes.

They couldn’t, of course, let go of such supernatural things.

It would be worthwhile if they could figure out the formation factors of the double S+ gene.

It’s too bad that when Lan Yue went to assassinate Lin Yuan, the Luck Plundering System spotted Lin Xiaotang’s energy fluctuations and discovered that this world had a powerful Lord God!

It didn’t have time to think about it because it was terrified, so it abandoned its host Lan Yue and fled.

The Lan Yue who remained was just an average person who had lost his system and been devastated by chance.

Despite the fact that no one in the military zone could uncover a justification, they nevertheless put Lan Yue in a lot of trouble.

Lan Yue’s entire body collapsed in this manner after three years at the black institute.

Anything undeserved has a cost—unfortunately, Lan Yue was unaware of this.

Xiao Bei had a negative view of Lan Yue, and knowing how terrible Lan Yue’s life was, he only felt joyful in his heart.

Major Lin almost perished as a result of Lan Yue! He deserved it now that he had ended up like this.

Having said that, General Lin Yuan, who was nearly assassinated by Lan Yue at the start, appears to have had a difficult time in these years.

He was not killed by Lan Yue because of the timely rescue, but he did live.

But, after all, he’d been poisoned for a month and his body was nearly destroyed.

Lin Yuan became paralysed shortly after leaving the emergency department.

On regular days, he can only move the upper half of his body, while the lower half of his body is unconscious, as if he were paralysed.

After Lin Yuan lost power, the Lin family soon abandoned him and chose someone else to be the family’s leader.

Mrs. Lin despised Lin Yuan and chose to divorce him because she couldn’t handle the burden of public opinion from the outside world.

Lin Yuan’s marriage, which she had despised for over 20 years, had finally come to an end.

What was unclear was whether Lin Yuan was pleased with the outcome.

Xiao Bei disliked Lin Yuan and privately suspected that there was something wrong with Lin Yuan’s brain.

If he had a daughter like Lin Xiaotang, even if he didn’t have time to treat her, why would he be harsh to her on purpose!?

Lin Yuan was, after all, Lin Xiaotang’s father, and Xiao Bei would never talk badly of him.

When Lin Yuan and Mrs. Lin divorced, Xiao Bei wrote a note to Lin Xiaotang to inform her.

“Okay, I get it now.”

What Xiao Bei didn’t expect was Lin Xiaotang’s cool reaction to Lin Yuan’s fate.

“There shouldn’t be anyone around to take care of him,” she remarked lightly, “then let Lan Qingya go there.”

Lin Yuan clearly missed his white moonlight Lan Qingya, so let them spend the rest of their lives together.

What about whether or not they were content? What is it got to do with her?

Nobody understood what means Lin Xiaotang employed, but it wasn’t long until Lan Qingya remarried Lin Yuan.

However, according to Xiao Bei’s information, the newlyweds’ relationship was not amicable. The nurses in the hospital might occasionally hear the two squabbling in the ward.

They were sometimes so loud that there was a sound of things tumbling around the room.

Lin Yuan and Lan Qingya’s ostensibly “true love” appeared to be nothing more than that.

“I’m brilliant! I’m a true genius! You’re all going to die for me, you’re all going to die!”

Xiao Bei finished the materials as Lan Yue roared.

He didn’t stay long after that, and went back to the army with new paperwork.

After the live broadcast finished three years ago, the military commuted his sentence, allowing him to keep his military status, and provided him with substantial compensation.

Xiao Bei was now a junior general in the army after years of training and wars.

Xiao Bei’s genetic level was not bad, and his personality was strong.

His future in the army will be bright as long as nothing happens.

Lin Xiaotang directly asked Xiao Bei after the live broadcast concluded whether he wanted to come aboard the starship and travel with her.

This invitation was incredibly thrilling, but Xiao Bei thought about it and declined.

“I’m still a soldier in essence. Rather than wandering between stars, I want to stay in the army and protect my country,” he said seriously. “This will make me feel that my life is valuable.”

Even if the road will be dangerous, it will be hard work.


Hearing what he said, Lin Xiaotang naturally stopped forcing him.

“See you later,” she said.

“Goodbye by fate.”


Stories concerning Major Lin Xiaotang’s exploits emerged from the universe’s sea of stars from time to time in the decades that followed.

She once used a spacecraft to destroy the entire planet’s intergalactic pirate base, and she once used her superior mecha control technology to establish a myth of undefeatedness in the underground mecha arena.

What’s more amazing is that Lin Xiaotang appeared during a perfectly organised Zerg raid.

She worked flawlessly with the military soldiers, counterattacked jointly, greatly damaged the Zerg army, and badly hurt the Zerg queen!

After doing all this, she waved her sleeves, turned around and boarded her own starship, and left the battlefield without reluctance.

She is like a gust of wind, free and unfettered, and will never stop for a landscape.

The interstellar pirates have nothing to do with her, the imperial military has nothing to do with her, and the Zerg have nothing to do with her.

She is the only legend of the empire in this short hundred years.

———End of this chapter.


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