She is the Escape Boss [Quick Transmigration]

Becoming Everyone’s White Moonlight In The Interstellar World (13)

The live broadcast that day was quickly interrupted.

After realising Lan Yue’s intention to murder, Xiao Bei charged up without saying anything and engaged Lan Yue in combat.

Lan Yue intended to fight back against Xiao Bei’s onslaught.

His strategy, however, failed, and his murder of Lin Yuan was discovered in the live broadcast room.

Lan Yue’s fate had turned against him, causing him to lose mental strength and battle capability quickly, and he was entirely unable to oppose Xiao Bei, who was double-A.

Xiao Bei successfully overpowered Lan Yue, pressing him to the ground and tying his hands.

And Lan Yue’s sensitivity left many spectators in the live broadcast room speechless.

[Isn’t it? isn’t it? Is this the powerhouse of double S+? ] [That’s it? ] [The geese raised in my hometown are stronger than him. ]

Even the most ardent gene fan felt guilty after witnessing Lan Yue’s “strength” and hesitated to speak a word in her honour.

It didn’t take long for Lan Yue’s props to fail when he was overpowered by Xiao Bei.

Doctors and nurses who had been stationed outside the door rushed in and pulled Lin Yuan into the emergency room in an attempt to save him.

Following that, individuals from the military region captured Xiao Bei and Lan Yue.

The event for tonight has come and gone.

“It’s unimaginable.”

Lin Xiaotang stated, In the sea of stars in the universe thousands of miles away.

Lin Xiaotang noticed there was something wrong with Lan Yue after learning that her strength was not as great as in the original narrative.

When she crossed over, the original owner had been gravely hurt and was dying, and Lan Yue’s genetic mutation should have been finished a long time ago.

It was impossible for her butterfly wings to change the past and cause Lan Yue’s genetic mutation to fail.

Not to mention that she had been resting in the hospital healing from her injuries after transmigrating.

Therefore, Lan Yue must have an unspeakable secret.

Lin Xiaotang attempted to contact the poster and asked him to follow her instructions and follow Lan Yue for a live broadcast in order to find out the reality of the case and for the more than 100 troops who were wrongfully punished.

She will also utilise her powers to produce a “terrifying” present for Lan Yue and Lin Yuan.

She imagined that in the face of overwhelming dread, Lan Yue or Lin Yuan would abandon all pretension.

Lin Xiaotang was astonished, however, when the person who wrote the message for the original owner turned out to be the mission target she wished to save, the villain Xiao Bei, who was always against Lan Yue in the original narrative.

Moreover, before she could make a move, Lan Yue had finished playing by himself.

—He actually went to poison Lin Yuan!

Lin Xiaotang: “…..”

Lin Xiaotang couldn’t think of anything to say to Lin Yuan, who was lying on the hospital bed, frothing at the mouth in shame.


Perhaps so.

Lin Yuan’s fate was sealed the minute he gave up the original owner on the battlefield to save Lan Yue.

Only this time, it was his turn to feel the agony of being ostracised and apathetically abandoned by his loved ones.

Lin Xiaotang reached out and touched the remote button to switch off the live broadcast platform without reading the rambling remarks on the Internet.

She knew that her mission had been accomplished.

From now on, she can let go of all scruples and do what she wants to do.

[Master, the starship’s stored energy is barely 15%. Do you wish to keep sailing on the sea of stars?]

At this point, the starship’s robot butler approached her and inquired.

“No need,” Lin Xiaotang remarked softly, shaking her head, “I’m tired of watching here.”

She needed to get some exercise after being sedentary for so long.

Go to a few oddly shaped planets, for example, or irritate those irritating pirates and combat them with the famed mecha.

She was also intrigued by the Zerg, who were peculiar to this universe.

It’s unusual to see such a lovely planet just once; she always wants to travel and see more, doesn’t she?

Thinking about it, she was really looking forward to it.


After Xiao Bei’s live broadcast ended, the ensuing heated debate on the Internet continued.

Because of prior “reversals,” the case of Lin Yuan, Lan Yue, and Lin Xiaotang became the most sought for, attracting the interest of tens of billions of empire inhabitants.

However, everyone’s position was now quite consistent—

When will the imperial military explain itself to them?

Will top military leaders continue to keep Lanyue hidden?

On the Interstellar Internet, people had differing views on these two concerns.

But fortunately this time, the military did not let them down.

Early the next morning, military representatives publicly conducted a self-examination on the starnet.

They apologised to all inhabitants of the Empire and revealed that the highest military authorities purposefully hid the sinners Lan Yue and General Lin Yuan for personal motives, slandering Major Lin Xiaotang’s reputation.

[All of this is due to our inadequate monitoring,] the military explained, adding, [We are truly sorry about this.] [We will pay the 187 troops who were previously penalised, and we will harshly punish those who were engaged in line with the law.]

To show the military’s determination, they punished five top officials all at once.

Even Lin Yuan, a victim, gave up Lin Xiaotang to save Lan Yue because of his previous emotional experiences on the battlefield, and was demoted from the position of general as a result.

Lan Yue, on the other hand, couldn’t hold back his rage after being severely tortured by the authorities, so he confessed everything he had done.

stealing Lin Xiaotang’s combat strategy and claiming it as his own; purposefully tipping off the Zerg, badly injuring Lin Xiaotang; and poisoned General Lin Yuan for a long period, causing his body to rot…..

All types of actions built up, and the interrogators were left speechless.

Soon after, Lan Yue was condemned for “collaborating with the enemy and treason” and “murdering a senior officer.”

They also published the contents of Lan Yue’s confession on the starnet, leaving many netizens on the Interstellar Internet dumbfounded.

[Lan Yue – a man who makes me sick every day. ] [There is nothing to say, I just want to ask when he will die. ] [I feel so sad for Major Lin; I can only imagine how miserable she must have been before.] [Isn’t Major Lin’s award already 500 million? Major Lin, I believe, did not leave the empire due to a genetic breakdown; she departed because she was too severely injured by these individuals.] [Does Major Lin have a chance to return? Please contact her again!]

This final remark has almost a billion likes.

Military personnel were similarly impotent in this sense.

Isn’t it true that netizens want Lin Xiaotang to return?

The difficulty is that they can’t reach her!

Lin Xiaotang’s location were so unknown that the military had difficulty contacting her.

Sometimes, they all feel, this may be the punishment for doing something wrong.

They betrayed principles by trading the genuine double S+ genius Lin Xiaotang for a phoney double S+ genius Lan Yue.

As a result, they are likewise deserving of punishment. 

“Genes are important, but they don’t mean everything,” someone groaned, adding, “It’s time to improve the army’s atmosphere.”

Don’t push Lin Xiaotang to explore the stars if she wants to.

Rather of harassing her and attempting to reclaim her, they should make amends in due time so that similar tragedies do not occur again.

As a result, after punishing Lin Yuan, Lan Yue, and others, the empire enacted various additional restrictions in the years that followed.

Most of these regulations were related to the welfare benefits of retired military personnel.

Cases like Lin Xiaotang’s were actually not rare.

When soldiers were gravely injured on the battlefield and had no alternative but to retire, their family generally compelled them to go on a blind date in order to leave a descendent with a high genetic level.

And because they are older, have no experience in normal employment, and their genetic level has deteriorated as a result of accidents, it will be difficult for these warriors to find acceptable jobs in their later life.

They end themselves in a hurried marriage, having children, and then living the rest of their life in silence in a disadvantaged marriage due to their poor health, lack of a source of money, and continual harassment from their family.

Until then, the military had acquiesced or even supported such an arrangement.

After all, the vast majority of soldiers’ offspring will enlist as well. When these troops with high genetic levels are no longer able to battle, their reproductive worth will be recognised.

People all throughout the country knew, however, that Lin Yuan ordered Lin Xiaotang to go on a blind date on the first day after she recovered from her sickness and had just left the hospital.

This was apathetic behaviour.

[Whether it is Major Lin or those common troops, they are all imperial heroes who should not be punished in this way.]

After learning about the new laws, some netizens expressed their feelings, saying, “It would be good to improve their welfare and allow them to live a relaxed and comfortable life after retiring.”

[They can, at least, chose their own life.] […But, to be honest, am I the only one who believes this is the military bowing to Major Lin?] [Hahaha, Major Lin, could you be the first person in history to smack the entire empire in the face without even trying?]

Smack the Empire over the face?

The Imperial Army and the pirates both shook their heads and laughed when they heard this statement.

Perhaps, for Lin Xiaotang, she has never put the empire in her eyes.

Do whatever she wants, wanton and be unrestrained, this is her.

———End of this chapter. 


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