She is the Escape Boss [Quick Transmigration]

Becoming Everyone’s White Moonlight In The Interstellar World (12)

“You… it’s you!”

Seeing this, what else did Lin Yuan not understand?

He hadn’t seen any change in his health, and his slowly deteriorating physique these days was most likely due to the meals given by Lan Yue!

“Why…you…why…” he asked Lan Yue, his eyes practically bulging out.

He treated Lan Yue so well that he treated him nearly as if he were his own son.

Lan Yue, on the other hand, poisoned him and intended to murder him!

Lin Yuan can only feel a surge of blood flowing over his head, so enraged that he can’t even say a whole phrase, when he thinks about the numerous preferential treatment he has given Lan Yue these days, as well as gratitude and praise he has given Lan Yue.

Regret came up like ants, stinging his heart viciously and killing him.

“Don’t blame me, I don’t want to do this either. You forced me! You asked for it yourself!”

Lan Yue imagined Lin Yuan would be terrified, quiver, and escape if he saw him with a pale face.

After all, this was the first time he had directly murdered someone in his life.

But it wasn’t until now that Lan Yue noticed his mood was unusually tranquil.

In addition to the tranquilly, there was a palpable sense of excitement.

“It’s all because of you, everyone is talking about me behind my back, looking down on me…” “My mother and you have been made known to the entire starnet!” he muttered.

“If only you were to die, and if you die, nothing will happen!”

Perhaps he had hoped darkly in his heart for a long time that these individuals would perish.

Lin Yuan, who had wicked ideas about his mother, Lin Xiaotang, who was unapproachable, or the common soldiers who pushed him away.

Lan Yue pulled a knife from his pocket, looking down at Lin Yuan condescendingly.

The white blade reflected the chilly light in the faint light.

“Goodbye, General Lin Yuan.”

He’s a true double S+ genius from then on.

He will have innumerable accolades and a top prestige. All those who look down on him will be crushed under his boots!

Lan Yue then swept the knife about and viciously stabbed Lin Yuan’s heart.

It was at this time, outside the door of the ward, there was a low gasp!


Hearing this movement, Lan Yue’s movements suddenly stopped.

He suddenly raised his head and looked out the door, but saw a person appeared outside the originally empty ward door!

This person, he remembered, was a soldier named Xiao Bei.

Lan Yue had an impression of him since Xiao Bei had always looked down on him, and the two of them generally had a lot of conflict.

Three days earlier, Xiao Bei was still posting on starnet, revealing his mother Lan Qingya’s secret connection with Lin Yuan, which immediately resulted in Lan Yue’s bad luck.

But just then, the guy who was meant to depart the military area emerged silently outside Lin Yuan’s ward.

For some reason, he was not perplexed by the Luck Plundering System’s props, but rather stood here bewildered, watching Lan Yue’s murder with his own eyes!

“How did you get in? Why did you get in!?”

After seeing Xiao Bei, Lan Yue’s heart skipped a beat, and he had a bad premonition.

He swallowed and began furiously calling out to the system in his heart, “System, what the fuck is going on?” Didn’t I exchange the props?!”


“Hello? System!?”


The system did not respond to him no matter how he called.

Lan Yue takes a step back as an unexplainable terror assaults, and the hand clutching the knife handle trembles.

It was at this point that he saw Xiao Bei was holding a camera in his hand.

The dark red lens is like a chilly eye that is calmly looking at him.


[……] [????] [This, this is too cool, right?!] [My God, that’s General Lin Yuan, right? Am I not mistaken?!] [I am speechless, I am stupid.] [Do you mean the double S+ genius? Is this the “pillar of the empire’s future” for which the military would rather sacrifice over a hundred soldiers?]

The onslaught in the live broadcast room erupted once they witnessed Lan Yue poisoning Lin Yuan with their own eyes.

Because Xiao Bei’s live broadcast room was always on the site, a large number of people came in to watch.

Some people feel sad for Xiao Bei’s ordeal, while others believe Xiao Bei is too extreme.

Following the last official announcement, many people began to trust the military and assume that the discoveries on the Internet were merely rumours.

They didn’t think Xiao Bei could come up with anything in the face of his impulsive behaviour, but rather that Xiao Bei was struggling at the last time.

“I couldn’t stop laughing. I assumed the anchor had some proof. They sneered, “It turned out to be a secret filming right now.”

“I see, perhaps the content of the anchor’s post is a forgery.” He made it up because he was jealous of Lan Yue’s brilliance.”

But now they merely feel as if they’ve been smacked twice in the face, and it’s hot and unpleasant.

Lin Yuan squirmed on the bed after swallowing the soup, as did Lan Yue’s merciless visage; it was all in their eyes.

For Lan Yue’s double S+ talent, they can accept that Lan Yue’s morality was a little flawed.

But they absolutely cannot accept that Lan Yue is a murderer!

[Sorry, I take back what I said before and apologize to the anchor. ] [I’m terribly disappointed since I still trusted him!] [Lol, didn’t he enter the army using his mother as a mistress? Why is he still hesitating? When X’s kid wants to build an archway?] [Let’s be honest, is Lin Yuan good enough for him? Even his biological daughter, Major Lin, cannot compare, but he wishes to murder Lin Yuan? He also said that Lin Yuan compelled him??] [I’m afraid such a guy is cold-blooded.] [Lin Yuan deserves it as well. In such a predicament, he should abandon his own daughter and save the son of real love; it’s karma!

[Suddenly longing for Major Lin, assuming nothing bad happens to her…..] [Nostalgia +1]


There were a lot of bizarre remarks on the Internet, but one thing was certain: Lan Yue was done.

Poisoning an imperial general as a soldier is a heinous act that cannot be pardoned, even if he possesses the uncommon double S+ gene.

“How come it can’t be closed!” Please quickly disable his live broadcast for me!”

A middle-aged guy paced the room in a high-rise office in the military district.

His countenance was glum, and his voice sounded franker: “Hurry up! “I can’t take it any longer!”

The middle-aged man couldn’t sit still after learning that Xiao Bei had begun the live broadcast.

The outside world has no idea what type of person Lan Yue is, but these policemen do!

If Xiao Bei really snapped something, their carefully planned whitewashing scheme would be wrecked!

Many subordinates began contacting the live broadcast platform under the arrangement of the middle-aged guy, asking them to close Xiao Bei’s live broadcast room.

But, for some reason, no matter how hard they tried, Xiao Bei’s live broadcast remained on the platform’s homepage.

“We didn’t find his account in the background data at all,” a live broadcast platform representative stated flatly. “We can’t handle his live broadcast room at all.”

How is this possible?

Because the middle-aged guy did not believe in evil, he phoned the military hospital and commanded that Xiao Bei be driven away.

There is still hope for recovery as long as Xiao Bei is prevented from continuing the live broadcast!

However, there was a difficulty with the military hospital’s signal at the moment.

The middle-aged man’s communication could not be conveyed in any way.

“What happened……”

The middle-aged man’s heart pounded harder and faster as time passed, and he got increasingly nervous.

But after watching the footage of Lan Yue’s murder, his body froze and he dropped on the chair.

It’s over…

It’s all over.

This time, the military has really lost all face!

Even a middle-aged guy may anticipate how current public opinion on the Internet will be.

He slandered the former major, disciplined over 100 soldiers, and removed a senior soldier…

They paid so much for the murderer!

“Quick! Add some more individuals, and remove all those videos so they don’t spread!”

The middle-aged man’s face sunk as he sought to make his final battle.

However, his office door was opened at this time.

“Old Liu, please stop.”

An old man in modest and ordinary attire went in with a sigh, surrounded by a group of troops.

The elderly guy is really old, and his wrinkled face is full of knowledge, but his eyes are serene and wise.

“You…you are here…”

The middle-aged man’s face became pale and his voice shook the instant he spotted the old man.

The elderly guy gave him a serious look, shook his head, and said, “Old Liu, you did something wrong in this matter.”

Did he make a mistake?

What went wrong with him?!

Lin Xiaotang has gotten paralysed and is unable to return to the fight. He can continue to contribute to the country with Lan Yue, who has a skill of double S+.

Why did he abandon Lin Xiaotang? He was certainly considering the army’s future!

The elderly guy’s voice was faint, but it weighed heavily on the middle-aged man, rendering him difficult to understand.

And now, there is no extra time for him to think.

“Take him down.”

It’s time for this farce to end.

———End of this chapter. 


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