She is the Escape Boss [Quick Transmigration]

Becoming Everyone’s White Moonlight In The Interstellar World (11)

Lan Yue’s images have been widely circulated on the Internet as a result of the prior occurrence.

The crowd in the live broadcast room recognised him immediately after seeing him now.

[Ah, yes, it’s him! [Double S + Lan Yue brilliant!] [I heard General Lin Yuan was hurt and was hospitalised, so he went to see him?] [Isn’t that right? [Are you going to deliver dinner at 10 p.m.?] [However, isn’t it against the rules for the anchor to perform live broadcasts in a military zone?] [The anchor was discharged from the military; what is regulatory compliance? It’s just anchor. Will you really get away with it in live broadcasts if you’re that obvious?

Will he be apprehended?

Xiao Bei was taken aback when he saw this barrage.

In fact, he wasn’t sure about this either.

Because his live broadcast behaviour is strictly speaking this time, it can be considered a temporary position.

Xiao Bei was still packing his baggage and possessions in his dormitory two hours ago.

He may have harboured anger against Lin Yuan and Lan Yue, but these feelings were not strong, because he was psychologically prepared to be ejected from the army from the moment he decided to post.

In this world, there were always injustices.

He’s seen too much in the army in the last several years and has become accustomed to it.

It’s simply that he prefers to be the one that talks, rather than the silent majority.

Despite the poor outcome, he was not disappointed.

Amidst the regrets of his comrades, Xiao Bei said goodbye to them one by one.

At this moment, his terminal received a text message from a stranger.

[Hello, my name is Lin Xiaotang,] the other party stated, [I only recently learned about your situation, and I deeply regret what happened to you.] [I’m hoping to work with you to uncover the true faces of Lin Yuan and Lan Yue, as well as to show your innocence to the outside world; what do you think?]

Collaborate with her to reveal the real colours of Lin Yuan and Lan Yue?

Xiao Bei was taken aback after hearing such a phrase.

He initially assumed it was a liar, that someone was purposefully mocking him.

However, as Lin Xiaotang’s voice came out, he was pleasantly delighted to discover that this person was indeed Major Lin!

“Okay, I promise to cooperate.”

Seeing this, Xiao Bei didn’t even think about it, and immediately agreed.

Xiao Bei admired Lin Xiaotang a long time ago.

In other words, no one in Xiao Bei’s troop of soldiers that did not appreciate Lin Xiaotang.

She was once the lone “goddess” in their hearts and the one they wanted to follow, beautiful and brilliant, fierce and stubborn.

Even if she had been severely harmed and had lost her skill, such respect will not be simply erased.

Working with her won’t be an issue!

As a result, at Lin Xiaotang’s request, Xiao Bei carried a specially designed live camera and arrived at the military hospital’s entrance.

“When Lan Yue appears, turn on the live broadcast and follow directly,” Lin Xiaotang said, adding, “Don’t be afraid, you won’t be discovered.”

Won’t be found?

If it were normal, Xiao Bei would definitely not believe such words.

But somehow, listening to Lin Xiaotang’s light voice, he was inexplicably persuaded.

Anyway, he was also expelled from the military, and his reputation was completely ruined.

What was he afraid of?

With such thoughts in mind, Xiao Bei’s heart swayed, he took the camera directly, and followed.

And the moment he entered the hospital, a layer of invisible black mist spread from the outside.

They slowly rose from the ground and surrounded the entire hospital building.


[Host, the item has a half-hour duration; please perform the assignment as fast as possible within the time restriction, and pillage all luck of a preferred guy, or you will be twofold backlashed.]

Lan Yue, on the other hand, heard a system prompt after entering the medical building.

“I know.”

Lan Yue scowled without looking up, and his grip on the food box tightened.

He bought the props in the system’s mouth after begging for them for a long time today until the system consented to buy them “on credit.”

With this prop, he may slip into the hospital without being seen, see Lin Yuan, who is in the hospital, and leave no trace, and the monitoring system will not record it.

Any living individual will have some degree of luck; even the poorest and most humble beggar will have a tiny covering of luck on his body.

When his luck runs out, all that awaits him is death.

As a result, there is only one method for him to obtain all of the luck of another person in a short amount of time—

Kill him.

Lan Yue’s eyes clouded as she considered this.

He hastened his pace as he approached Lin Yuan’s ward.

Perhaps it’s because Lan Yue hasn’t met a single person along the road.

The sky outside was absolutely black, the surroundings were calm, and even the equipment’ beeping noise had vanished.

The nurses and doctors who came and went on weekdays disappeared, and in the cold hospital corridor, there was only the sound of his footsteps.

Lan Yue moved softly through it like a ghost.

It was well almost ten o’clock at night, but Lin Yuan hadn’t slept, and the lights in his ward remained on.

Lan Yue entered the room by pushing open the door.

“Xiao Lan, why are you here?”

Lin Yuan, who was still reviewing the paperwork, was surprised for a while and questioned in astonishment after watching Lan pass over.

“Uncle Lin, this is the soup that my mother made for you,” Lan Yue said. “She was concerned that you would be stressed and unable to sleep these days, so she asked me to come over and bring you supper.”

After speaking, he put the food box on the table next to him.

Lan Yue has come to give meals three or four times in the name of Lan Qingya virtually every day in recent days, and Lin Yuan has become accustomed to it.

Lin Yuan nodded and didn’t think much about it after hearing Lan Yue mention it.

Lan Yue reached out his hand and opened the food box after studying for a moment and verified that Lin Xuan had not seen anything odd.

He took a spoon, poured a bowl of soup for Lin Yuan, and carefully passed it over, saying, “Uncle Lin, drink it.”

“It’s really difficult for you, Xiao Lan.”

Lin Yuan’s typically solemn visage softened when he smelled the scent of the steaming soup.

Lan Yue, as anticipated of Lan Qingya’s son, will come to take care of him even if it is late.

If Lan Yue had been his and Qing Ya’s kid, the cruel Lin Xiaotang would only bring dishonour to her father!

Lan Yue’s face was expressionless after hearing Lin Yuan’s comments.

He merely stood there, gazing at Lin Yuan with heavy eyes, watching the other person pick up the bowl and slowly finish the soup.

Then he started counting silently in his heart.

One, two, three…


Lin Yuan trembled all over with a sharp sound, and the porcelain bowl in his grasp dropped to the ground!

“Lan, Lan Yue!…”

Lin Yuan moved out to touch his throat, but his hands twitched violently.

“Lan Yue… save… save me…” his eyes enlarged, he had difficulty breathing, froth spilled out of his lips, and his speech became garbled.

“Save? You don’t believe I’d want to save you, do you?”

Lan Yue grinned as he saw Lin Yuan laying on the bed, shaking all over.

All the stress he’d been under, all the traumas he’d been through, all converted into incredible delight when Lin Yuan collapsed.

What about the commander in chief? What about the heavenly pride?

In either case, he either perished in his hands or had to take all his luck away from him!

————End of this chapter. 


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