She is the Escape Boss [Quick Transmigration]

Becoming Everyone’s White Moonlight In The Interstellar World (10)

[So, you mean a logistical soldier who has never been on the battlefield and has never written a battle plan developed one in two days? Do you think I’m a moron?] [Punishing more than 100 people for one individual is really strong. (Applause.jpg)] [What do you mean when you say Major Lin is unhappy with the empire? She did not cause harm or betray the empire. Isn’t it possible for her to be unhappy?] [Because genes are so significant, I understand what type of character trait may be overlooked in the face of a double S+.] [Is there something wrong with the military’s brain, in my opinion? Have any of their high-level executives recently used illicit drugs? This is unacceptable…] [Wait till the next day to see what the official says during the interview; perhaps there is anything concealed here.] [A covert conspiracy exists +1] [Also, I’m still wondering, double S+, this is the highest gene level in over a thousand years, I’m not sure how powerful Lan Yue is to make the authorities prejudiced like this…..]

Perhaps it’s because netizens have become accustomed to the routine, and in the face of the military’s announcement, the trend on the Internet did not alter abruptly.

On the contrary, many internet users realised that the military was determined to safeguard Lan Yue.

Various comments were made; some supported Lin Xiaotang, while others came to trust the government.

But there were two points that all the people of the Empire were curious about—

How good is the legendary double S+ gene?

And what kind of person is Lan Yue, who is protected by the government?

The military expects changes in public perception about the Interstellar Network.

After all, this is the way the world works.

Since the state mandated genetic testing for all infants and genetic theory became popular, the genetic hierarchy has split everyone into three, six, and nine groups.

People with a high genetic level will have a bright future, but people with a low genetic level will be condemned to live in the middle and lower strata of society and will never have the opportunity to flip over in their lives.

A person’s reputation might suffer greatly as a result of poor character.

But as long as he can demonstrate adequate power, as long as he has a handsome look and a peaceful and calm attitude, he will have a slew of lovers who will be persuaded and will stick behind him wholeheartedly.

[Major Lin is admirable, but she is a cripple, and she will be unable to fight in the future. Is there something wrong with the soldiers leaving her?] [People make mistakes all the time; didn’t you duplicate other people’s schoolwork when you were younger? I don’t think it’s feasible for the military to safeguard Lan Yue if he can add more value to our country after this.] [We’ve already lost a genius with double S. Could this once-in-a-lifetime double-S+ genius get booted out of the army because of this minor detail? People must always look to the future. I empathise with Major Lin, but I don’t believe it is necessary to harshly punish Lan Yue.] [Yes, when Lan Yue matures, his future record will not necessarily be poorer than Lin Xiaotang’s.] [More than 100 regular troops, I don’t think it’s a waste for a double-S+ genius who appears just once per thousand years.]

“Did you happen to see these comments?”

The instructor on the training grounds referred to these comments on the Interstellar website and inquired.

Opposite him, Lan Yue, who was training, nodded and said in a low voice, “I see.”

He has grown more quiet as a result of the instability of his genes and the purposeful or inadvertent seclusion of people around him.

Looking at these few statements speaking for him, Lan Yue’s expression got more gloomy rather than slack and grateful.

“All of your current glory is due to your talent,” the imperial tutor stated solemnly. “Whether it’s because of the military’s protection or the preference of people outside, it’s because you’re a double-S+ genius.”

“So, no matter what method or means you use, you must stabilise your state and demonstrate the strength of a double S+ genius tomorrow afternoon!” “Do you get it?” He stated emphatically.

While the instructor was talking, a cold mechanical sound also came out of Lan Yue’s mind:

[Host, you’ve used your ‘Protagonist Halo’ prop; whether you can stay in the army relies on you.] [I am not here to perform charity; I picked you as the host, and I assigned you the responsibility,] it stated coldly. [Do you realise that you must rob the luck of a favoured guy before tomorrow afternoon?

“Do you understand?”

Finally, these two voices combined into one and smashed savagely at Lan Yue.

Lan Yue clinched his teeth as he felt the unseen pressure from the military and the bureaucracy.

Jealousy towards Lin Xiaotang, unhappiness with the high-level just gazing at the genetic level, and violent hostility against netizens from the outside world… Everything burst at one brief time.

He didn’t really want to do this, he actually wanted to be a good person with integrity.

They forced him, they harmed him!

Lan Yue clenched his fists tightly, his fingernails deeply embedded in the flesh, leaving bloodstains.

“I know.”


The process of “clarifying the rumours” has been carried out in an organised way thanks to the coordination of various military officials.

In one day, they had scheduled interviews with four or five authoritative media outlets, chosen the reporters to interview, and finalised the initial interview draught.

At the same time, various top military officials with whom General Lin Yuan had a good connection arrived one after the other to speak with General Lin Yuan and Lan Yue.

To further whitewash the two, they slandered Lin Xiaotang, accusing her of poor behaviour, in order to demonstrate that Lin Yuan was a nice father.

“What a gloomy character and an arrogant man, what kind of shit he is talking about!”

The black crow leader Vincent couldn’t take it any longer inside a specific spacecraft in the cosmic star sea, glancing at the content of the star blog recently delivered by Admiral Shen, and sneered.

This elderly man, who has no spectacular achievements and can only become an admiral because of his family, even claimed that Lin Xiaotang manipulated his son’s affections, claiming that Lin Xiaotang previously pledged to marry him but then broke her commitment and fled away from the marriage!

This is a big joke!

“Even if Lin Xiaotang is blind, she won’t look at your mediocre and incompetent, with only a B gene level, who has raised five or six lovers’ sons!” Vincent pulled up his sleeves and grumbled, “And playing tricks.” His emotions? He doesn’t deserve to be played with by her.”

Vincent aggressively hit the “publish” button after composing this line and uploaded it to General Shen’s speech.

He didn’t feel relieved until his comment was liked by more than 1,000 people.

Vincent, like most of the Empire’s citizens, had been addicted to the interplanetary network in recent days, tearing up with netizens of various perspectives.

In order to get his comments to the front row, he even ordered the pirates on the ship to like him.

It’s just that, unlike what the outside world thinks, almost all of Vincent’s comments are speaking for Lin Xiaotang.

It stands to reason that he, who was robbed by Lin Xiaotang, should hate Lin Xiaotang very much.

In fact, Vincent despised Lin Xiaotang so much that he added the prize on Lin Xiaotang’s head on the black market to 200 million Imperial Coins.

But for some reason, he became very outraged when he witnessed individuals in the military criticise Lin Xiaotang, and when he saw those online who didn’t know the truth criticising Lin Xiaotang.

As though the misunderstood person was himself.

Lin Xiaotang was the opponent he identified as having beaten the Black Crow; how could she be so revolting in their mouths?

How can you judge her arbitrarily when you only shelter behind the army and rely on her and her soldiers for protection?

Vincent moved from a lethargic pirate leader to a normal Internet troller thanks to his sensitive thinking.

Some netizens who frequent the Internet practically recalled his account ID.

[Hahahahaha, Major Lin’s loyal fan has returned!] [Before I clicked into the comment section, I was wondering in my heart if I’d see you again this time.] [Little brother, you are a huge Major Lin admirer; have you, like me, been saved by her before?]

Vincent’s eyes fluttered as he read these comments.

His typing hand gradually came to a halt, and his mood became rather difficult.

Was he rescued by her?

He was obviously duped by her.

But, come to think of it, that’s not really correct.

He, the (self-confessed) opponent, was speaking for Lin Xiaotang; what about Lin Xiaotang herself?

What was she doing when she was bombarded with Internet comments?

Vincent’s mood worsened as a result of this.

He pulled out the terminal, paused for a moment, and then sent a message to Lin Xiaotang: [Where are you? What are you going to do with those Internet comments? Shouldn’t you just sit back and let others chastise you?] [I have a solution.]

Lin Xiaotang’s response appeared shortly after.

Is there a way for her?

Vincent felt intrigued when he saw it.

He sent another message to Lin Xiaotang to inquire about her plans.

But after he sent it, and after waiting for a full half an hour, he didn’t find Lin Xiaotang’s reply.


Her starship was given by him! Is there a need to be so indifferent! ?

Out of anger, Vincent simply quit trolling and casually browsed the starnet.

At the moment, he learned by chance that a weird live broadcast room had surfaced on the homepage of Interstellar’s live broadcast platform.

This live broadcast room’s anchor is a relative newbie. His account is very new, and the live stream was only launched 10 minutes ago.

However, for some reason, his live broadcast room has consistently displayed on the website’s homepage, and anybody may locate it by just entering it.

This live broadcast room’s name is “Explore the true colours of General Lin Yuan and Lan Yue.”

With a determined expression, a young guy in an imperial uniform stands at the entrance of the military hospital.

Looking at the audience that kept pouring in, the youth in military uniform spoke up.

“Hello everyone, my name is Xiao Bei, an ordinary soldier in the imperial army.”

“You may not know me, but you should have a strong impression of me because I was the one who spoke for Major Lin in the original post, and I was also a disciplinary violator who was expelled from the military and will be sent back to my hometown.”

“I know that tomorrow afternoon, many media will go to the army to conduct live interviews with Admiral Lin Yuan and Lan Yue,” Xiao Bei remarked slowly, “but I believe this so-called interview has already been completed.” It was pre-rehearsed, and such a live interview is incredibly deceptive and bad to Major Lin.”

“I’m leaving the military, where I’ve been for five years, tomorrow morning,” he stated. “So, I decided to seize this last opportunity to begin a true live broadcast for you to see for yourself.” What type of individuals are General Lin Yuan and Lan Yue?”

After stating this, Xiao Bei extended his hand and pointed the camera at the military hospital’s entrance.

Everyone in the live broadcast room witnessed the famed double S+ genius Lan Yue rush into the hospital with a food package under his camera.

————End of this chapter. 


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