She is the Escape Boss [Quick Transmigration]

Becoming Everyone’s White Moonlight In The Interstellar World (9)

Someone in the military noticed that the pirate who died should have had a combat power level of A after seeing the video of Lin Xiaotang and the pirates fighting.

In other words, Lin Xiaotang, who the instrument identified as a cripple, successfully killed a Grade A pirate in two seconds.

This level of instant kill is difficult to achieve even with a strong S-level combat power!

The astute military realised right away that Lin Xiaotang, like Lan Yue, had achieved the legendary genetic breakthrough.

Her genetic level should have exceeded S level and reached S+, but they mistook her for a cripple because the hospital’s testing machine made a mistake.

After discovering this, the minds of many high-level military officials were fluctuating.

Especially because of Lin Yuan and Lan Qingya, Lan Yue’s reputation has dropped a lot.

[Ignore your own daughter and use her belongings to subsidise the sons of others? I’m surprised, because even TV shows wouldn’t dare to have plots like this.] [What are your thoughts, Doctor? Is there any assistance available for General Lin?] [Capital Brain Hospital|Capital Mental Hospital] [Before you go, don’t forget about @DNA paternity testing agency. After all, what if Lan Yue was born during an affair between General Lin and Lan Qingya?] [Let’s not say anything else; it’s truly God’s lack of vision that allows someone like Lan Yue to become a double S+ genius.] [Is this the backbone of our country’s future military, stealing other people’s battle plans with no repercussions? Is it really safe to entrust the safety of the empire’s people to such a person?] [I also know that genes are very important, but can the level of genes really represent everything?]

Recently, as long as someone opens the terminal, they will see billions of netizens mocking Lan Yue and Lin Yuan.

In this case, it will undoubtedly have an impact on the military’s reputation among the imperial people over time.

The military cannot give up Lan Yue, who has double S+ qualifications, but if Lin Xiaotang, the victim, can consider the overall situation and is willing to return and help them, proving that the battle plan was indeed written by Lan Yue, presumably the popularity of the interstellar network will soon fade.

Furthermore, because her genes have broken through to double S+, she must stay and contribute to the empire; otherwise, she will be wasting her talent!

Keeping this in mind, the official people always chose to contact Lin Xiaotang first and summon her back to the empire.

Lin Xiaotang, on the other hand, threw away the positioning software on her body in order to prevent the Lin family from finding her.

They had to work hard to find Lin Xiaotang’s new terminal account and contact her.

“Major Lin, we know your current situation,” the other party stated flatly. “We hope you can return to the empire’s capital within three days to take a test at the genetic testing data centre.”

When they said this, the military personnel’s tone was very natural, with a hint of command.

They didn’t seem to believe Lin Xiaotang would defy the military’s orders, after all, this could be related to her future development in the military.

However, Lin Xiaotang’s reaction to this was beyond everyone’s expectations—

“Oh,” she said, “I’m not going.”

When she was speaking, her voice was indifferent, her tone did not change, and she was obviously telling the truth.


Military:? ? ?

“Why don’t you go?”

After listening to her words, the military personnel were stunned and asked subconsciously.

Lin Xiaotang: “Because I don’t want to go.”


Lin Xiaotang’s words were so direct that he was at a loss for words for a moment.

“Anything else?” Lin Xiaotang inquired when she noticed the other party’s silence.

The underlying meaning of her words was clear: if there was nothing else, she would cut off communication.

“…Yes.” The military officer slowed down and spoke quickly.

He can’t let go of Lin Xiaotang, the second double S+ genius!

“Major Lin, we know you are dissatisfied with the empire because of some things,” he thought for a moment and slowed his tone slightly. Don’t worry, we’ll explain everything to you.”

“It’s just, don’t be too extreme from your point of view.”

“General Lin did something wrong, but he is your father after all,” he changed his words and persuaded bitterly. You’re still young; don’t betray the empire or the people for a single moment…”

“So, if I don’t want to go back to the army, am I betraying the empire?”

Lin Xiaotang, upon hearing this, inquired.

“Is it wrong that I just want to do something I enjoy?” she wondered.

Without a doubt!

Why don’t you join the army and fight on the battlefield as a genetic powerhouse with double S+?

People in the military subconsciously wanted to respond, but they couldn’t for a while.

And Lin Xiaotang was too lazy to wait any longer.

After saying that, she saw that the other party didn’t reply, so she cut off the communication directly.

As for doing so, will it offend the imperial government?

Lin Xiaotang didn’t care.

After the communication failed this time, the military finally realised something.

After a while, they sent a new officer to text her.

The second person spoke more politely than the first, and his tone was pleading when he invited Lin Xiaotang back to the imperial capital.

He not only did not speak for Lin Yuan, but he also directly accused Lin Yuan, promising that Lin Yuan would conduct a public investigation into his wrongdoing.

Nonetheless, Lin Xiaotang rejected him.

She didn’t do it to be angry, but because she genuinely wanted to stay and conquer the stars.

Every person has the right to live their own life. She does not believe that exploring the universe’s sea of stars is a “waste of ability.”

She was also not fond of the imperial military’s high-ranking officials.

Every command on the battlefield will not be kept secret, and the military’s top management cannot be unaware that the rescue team could have saved Lin Xiaotang first.

Lin Yuan gave the order that the rescuers must first rescue Lan Yue, causing Lin Xiaotang to miss the rescue opportunity and become paralysed.

But what exactly did they do?

They had no substantive punishment for Lin Yuan and were only willing to pay a “price” until now.

Their attitude towards Lan Yue was extremely attentive, publicising his double S+ genetic talent everywhere and not being afraid to let him succeed the original owner.

In the end, the military did this because the original owner was already crippled, and Lan Yue still had greater growth potential in the future.

Lin Xiaotang could understand their decision, but she couldn’t help but sigh with emotion because the imperial army, where genes reigned supreme, is a cold place.

This conversation, however, was not without value.

Lin Xiaotang paused, recalling the details of the recent conversation.

In the case of her indifferent rejection, the always arrogant military actually changed her invitation to the imperial capital to another person.

This attitude appears to be a little too eager.

It’s unusual, especially given that they already have a Lan Yue.

Lin Xiaotang boldly speculated that Lan Yue’s physical strength did not meet the standard of double S+ because of Lan Yue’s unusually low-key attitude these days.

If so, that would be fascinating.

Lin Xiaotang’s confusion and clues gradually connected in his mind, forming a hazy guess.

Perhaps, after being at ease for so long, it was time for her to take the initiative and completely eliminate these hidden dangers.


    The military executives, on the other hand, were already irritated after being rejected by Lin Xiaotang for the first time.

    But when Lin Xiaotang refused for the second time, everyone’s faces fell.

    “Give up on her, this is a white-eyed wolf who can’t be tamed*,” sneered an officer. “She almost forgot she was an empire soldier, and she also forgot her rank and honour as a major.”

    “She also disobeys her own father, and she is doomed to never understand the righteousness of family and country.” Another person agreed with a nod.

    “Let’s try to persuade her again, I don’t think Major Lin is such a person,” another hesitantly said. “Also, Lan Yue’s situation isn’t looking good…”

    The people of the Imperial Army were ecstatic for a while after learning that Lan Yue’s genetic level had mutated, and as a result, Lin Xiaotang, who was seriously injured, was left out in the cold.

    But who would have predicted that Lan Yue, who carries two S+ genes, would be so weak in the future?

    Whether it was the physical examination report or the training results, Lan Yue’s mental strength and combat effectiveness were comparable to that of ordinary soldiers, if not a few A-level soldiers.

    What was even scarier was that his genetic state was unstable; it fluctuated from high to low, and genetic collapses occurred from time to time.

    Although Lan Yue frequently requested “sick leave” and attempted to conceal these incidents, how could the vicious-eyed instructors miss his abnormality?

    Many senior military officials have been somewhat disappointed by this situation.

    Now, seeing that Lin Xiaotang may also become a double S+, their intestines are going to regret it.

    “The outside media has been waiting for the genius of double S+ for a long time. We’ve put it off for too long, and we can’t put it off any longer.”

    At the end of the meeting, a middle-aged man with slightly white temples and a solemn face stood up and stated solemnly, “Anyway, this public opinion turmoil must be resolved within three days.”

    They didn’t need to consider Lin Xiaotang’s feelings because she didn’t want to return.

    There can be no issues with the imperial military’s reputation!

    The other officers looked at each other after hearing the middle-aged man’s words, and their hearts became clear.

    They nodded and said in unison, “Yes!”

    That night, the imperial military’s official spokesperson abruptly stated publicly that some soldiers in the army deliberately smeared General Lin Yuan and Lan Yue due to their personal psychological conditions, which had a serious impact on their reputation.

    The military severely punished a total of 187 soldiers in the army for “defamation” and “crime against reputation,” and dismissed and returned the army’s leader to his home country.

    The military personnel said they had been working hard to get Lin Xiaotang back, but Lin Xiaotang had resentment towards the military and was always reluctant to accept their mediation, leaving them helpless.

    “Tomorrow afternoon, we will invite reporters into the military area to conduct interviews with General Lin Yuan and Lan Yue”. The military personnel said at the end, adding, “The interview will be conducted in the form of a live broadcast. We will clarify all rumours at that time.”

    When such news broke, it sparked yet another heated debate on the Interstellar Network.

    [E/N: A white-eyed wolf who can’t be tamed usually refers to an ungrateful person who, like a white-eyed wolf, can never be tamed by the hands that feed them, no matter how much effort one puts in to raising them.]

    ———End of this chapter. 


    1. BlueCelle says:

      The military officers is shameless😒

    2. William Klasen says:

      If everything is based off gene codes….shouldn’t an S+be higher then the high command and the imperial family?

    3. Tatyana Rodriguez says:

      These people are stupid, they keep calling her a wight eyed wolf, but what have they ever done for her except use her until she was broken and throw her away like garbage. I have half a mind to start rooting for the Zergs.

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