She is the Escape Boss [Quick Transmigration]

Becoming Everyone’s White Moonlight In The Interstellar World (8)

As imperial people, everyone knows very well what kind of thing an interstellar pirate is.

There may be teenagers who envy their freedom, but most people hate them.

When they discovered that the major Lin Xiaotang, whom they had previously admired, had joined the pirates, they felt betrayed and were furious.

[I just want to know if the military will deal with such people.] [+1, I am extremely dissatisfied with her.] [She is not worthy of being a soldier; is she worthy of us empire citizens who admire her?]

The rhythm of the interstellar network was immediately brought up by the deliberate operation of the luck plundering system.

The story “Lin Xiaotang joins the pirate group” was once at the top of the Star Network’s hot search.

However, a few different voices suddenly appeared in the denunciation of the sky.

Their number, among the more than one billion comments, is extremely small.

But their existence is quite obvious, like a lamp in the dark, emitting a dazzling light——

[Ah…Is that Lin Xiaotang? I believe I saw her, but she isn’t a pirate, and she saved us!] [Me too! At the time, she was also a passenger on the ship! We wouldn’t be able to survive if it weren’t for her!] [Yes, yes, she also killed a pirate, as I recall!] [Are these fabricated rumours on Interstellar free? Since you believe she is a pirate, allow me to clarify for her and let you decide whether she is worthy of your “love”! [Video Attachment]

Those who had been shouting on the Internet fell silent with the appearance of this video.

There is no other explanation; the video’s content is the clip of Lin Xiaotang killing the pirate!

The tall and beautiful woman broke a pirate’s head decisively in just two seconds!

The blood and the corpse fell heavily together, and she carelessly picked up the gun in the pool of blood.

Among the screams, she turned around and pointed the muzzle at the pirate on the other side. Her tone was neutral and cold:

“Now,  take me there.”

The passengers on the spacecraft were stunned, and netizens on the Interstellar Network were ecstatic.

[My groove, is this Major Lin? She is stunning!!!] [This leg, waist, and skill are absolutely incredible! (Swallow!)] [Can a person who murdered a pirate still join a pirate organisation? Those previous posts were mocking me!?] [I suddenly feel sorry for Major Lin.] [It’s quite amusing. Major Lin joined the army at the age of 14 and has spent the last ten years fighting on the front lines. She is now seriously injured and, at the age of 24, has retired. Do you think you’re qualified to scold her based on your knowledge of her military exploits over the years, netizens?] [Weakeningly stated, even if she does join the pirates, it has nothing to do with you, right?] [If there is no such video, if Major Lin did not make such an appearance, she may face indefinite abuse… Thinking about it this way makes me very sad.] [Can anyone verify those posts’ IP addresses and interstellar network card addresses? This, in my opinion, is incorrect. Someone wants to deliberately smear Major Lin’s name!] [Having said that, is she truly a cripple? It doesn’t appear to be…]

Because of Vincent’s order, the passengers on the spaceship left the Black Crow’s starship unharmed.

At the same time, they discovered that they could safely escape the pirates’ scolding voices.

Lin Xiaotang… This name was silently memorised in everyone’s hearts.

Now that something had happened to her, they couldn’t just stand there and watch, so they went to the terminal’s memory function and transferred the video at that time.

In front of numerous videos, the wind direction on Interstellar changed suddenly.

Now, no one dared to scold Lin Xiaotang anymore.

Those who had previously chastised her quickly deleted their speeches and apologised to her.

The rest of the people got into a heated debate about who posted the previous posts.

The soldiers are still revered by the majority of the Empire’s citizens.

Because Lin Xiaotang has been maliciously smeared, their rage will be even stronger than before.

The luck plundering system is not a moron; it cleverly conceals its tracks before posting.

When it realised the situation had been exposed, it quickly deleted the previous posts, leaving no trace for netizens to notice.

But it doesn’t understand people’s hearts, and it doesn’t realise that the better it hides, the more public backlash it will face.

If it is discovered quickly, everyone will chastise it for two days at most, after which it will be forgotten.

But it has been hidden, and if it is not discovered, it will always pique the interest of netizens, who will scratch their heads and wonder who it is.

[How come the IP address can’t be found? Even with advanced permissions, I can’t find it.] [It’s been three days, and the person who posted the post has yet to be removed. Is there something wrong with this?] [Don’t you think it’s odd? Major Lin’s exact location, her father’s private affairs, and her whereabouts are all well known to the person who posted this…] [Is it possible that the person who posted the post is from the military?] [Mom, they can treat Major Lin like this just because she has become a cripple!?] [I learned that Major Lin had just been released from the hospital and had been assigned a blind date by her father…..]

These voices did not vanish as quickly as Lan Yue and the system anticipated.

On the contrary, they intensified and peaked on the fifth day after the matter was exposed——

General Lin Yuan’s underground romance with his white moonlight Lan Qingya was revealed.

Lan Yue, who was still training in the army at the time, felt the darkness in front of him and fell to the ground uncontrollably.

He moved and wanted to struggle, but he was terrified to discover that his limbs lacked all strength!

“System, system, system!” “What exactly is going on?” In his heart, he cried out to the system, “Why can’t I move!?”

His physical condition has clearly improved after poisoning Lin Yuan!

Why is he having problems again?

[It’s Lin Xiaotang,] the system’s mechanical voice said, [The few posts you asked me to post didn’t cause her any trouble, but rather increased her fame.]

As a result of the rule of increasing luck, Lin Xiaotang’s luck returned, while Lan Yue’s luck decreased.

Lan Qingya, Lan Yue’s biological mother, in particular, was exposed, which would have an indirect impact on Lan Yue’s reputation.

And there was a reason why Lan Yue’s reaction is so big.

[Do you believe you should not have to pay for taking other people’s luck and taking other people’s things for free?] [It’s fine if there’s no problem, but once your own luck is reduced, you’ll get double the backlash.] said the system sarcastically.

“Then what should I do…”

Lan Yue was almost desperate when he heard this.

He had no idea Lin Xiaotang had become paralysed and could still go out and save people.

And the passenger actually saved those videos, so his plan fell through!

He couldn’t let go of his current identity, and he didn’t dare to imagine what the “double backlash” would be like.

Maintaining his reputation as a double S+ genius has become Lan Yue’s unchangeable obsession.

[My suggestion is to find a new arrogant man as soon as possible, and absorb his luck to stabilise your situation. ]

Speaking of this, the system’s voice became extremely cold: [Otherwise, you wouldn’t want to know what your fate will be. ]


Things were raging on the Interstellar Network, but Lin Xiaotang didn’t know the specifics.

She has been focusing on reality in the last few days since receiving the starship, effortlessly navigating the universe’s sea of stars.

There will be no tedious official business, no noisy crowds, and no extremes that will jump in your face.

Lin Xiaotang stayed here, as relaxed as she could be on vacation.

Despite the fact that Vincent issued a 100 million bounty order, many star hunters with poor foresight came to her for trouble.

But, for Lin Xiaotang, these battles were just a way to spice up her travel career and keep it interesting.

However, because she still has a mission here, she usually requests that her robot housekeeper pay more attention to news about the male protagonist, Lan Yue.

Lan Yue, like in the original plot, reappeared in public as a double S+ shortly after she left.

Lan Yue did not become more and more dazzling in the following period of time, however, and she had no idea what went wrong.

And today, she learned directly from the butler that Lin Yuan and Lan Yue’s mother’s affair had been exposed!

This is not by chance; after all, Lin Xiaotang has recently become extremely popular on the Internet.

Everyone talked about her, and after a long discussion, it was unavoidable that her father Lin Yuan, the double S+ genius Lan Yue, and his mother Lan Qingya would be mentioned.

“Interesting,” Lin Xiaotang said, raising his eyebrows, “show me that post.”

The round robot butler dashed over and projected the gossip post’s contents.

Lin Xiaotang took a quick glance and noticed that the poster appeared to be a military soldier.

He was aware of Lin Yuan’s existence as well as Lan Qingya’s. After all, Lan Yue had just returned from delivering porridge from his mother.

To her surprise, the poster seemed to admire her and frequently spoke for her.

He claimed Lin Yuan treated her coldly and violently, and he also revealed Lin’s mother’s abnormal mental state.

Even the previous battle plan of the original owner collided with Lan Yue’s idea, and the trivial matter that caused her to be scolded by Lin Yuan was written by the poster.

[Because of this, we soldiers look down on Lan Yue.] [A battle plan is something that requires a lot of front-line combat experience to write out, according to the poster. Major Lin initially fought in this battle. We all saw it: planning, asking soldiers everywhere, and conducting small experiments.] [How could a logistician who entered through a back door with the assistance of General Lin Lanyue write this plan? Or in as little as three or four days?] [Even strangers like us can have feelings, but General Lin Yuan is certain.] [He not only chastised Major Lin, but also physically punished her, which upset us all.] [A previous poster stated that Major Lin disobeyed Admiral Lin and refused to go on a blind date… I can only say that some people are truly unfit to be parents; filial piety is not something you can casually accuse.] [Before posting this post, I actually hesitated for several days. ] [I know that if I post this, I will be blocked soon, and the military will find out, and they will find an excuse to expel me from the military.] [But I don’t regret it, and I don’t want Major Lin to be labelled as such and misunderstood by the people she has defended.]

The poster mentioned these things, and the original owner almost forgot about them.

Lin Yuan, after all, has been treating her unfairly since she was a child.

She was accustomed to remaining silent, to swallowing her own thoughts, and to blindly following the commander’s orders.

However, there are numerous things that others have always kept in mind.

Her parents do not love her, but there are countless people who love and care about her all over the world.

Lin Xiaotang was not the original owner, so she didn’t know how the original owner would react to this post, but she felt a warm current in her heart at the moment.

Lin Xiaotang’s emotional state was exacerbated by the battle plan mentioned in the post.

Lan Yue, as an ordinary person, could not have written such a battle plan.

It was not easy for him to steal the original owner’s battle plan.

After all, many of the original owner’s ideas were in her head and not directly written down.

Only after she got certain data and got enough information did she really start writing.

When the original owner saw Lan Yue’s battle plan, she was astounded because his thoughts were 90% identical to her own.

However, because she lacked evidence, Lin Yuan could only punish her in vain.

Ordinary people, such as the original owner, might dismiss this as a coincidence.

Throughout the story, however, Lin Xiaotang was acutely aware of the violation of Lan Yue.

In the original plot, Lan Yue successfully became a double S+ talent after the death of the original owner.

Is it too coincidental that these two things intersect?

Lin Xiaotang’s eyes darkened as she looked at the interface of the gossip posts, and she fell into thought.

And at this moment, a communication prompt popped up in the newly purchased terminal—

It’s from the Imperial Army.

————End of this chapter. 


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