She is the Escape Boss [Quick Transmigration]

Becoming Everyone’s White Moonlight In The Interstellar World (7)

No, he was attacked rather than injured in battle.

It could be argued that the location where he stayed was extremely safe, but there was only a small group of people who attacked him as if they were not afraid of death.

Lin Yuan was not seriously injured as a result of the quick response and the presence of other subordinates nearby.

Nonetheless, he was admitted to the military hospital for two days.

“What the fuck is going on, how did they get in here? You all go look for it for me! Look it over for me!”

Lin Yuan felt humiliated when confronted with this situation.

This was no longer a simple attack; it was a clear provocation!

Lin Yuan, who was lying in a hospital bed, was enraged at his subordinates.

He slammed his water glass to the ground, and the hot hot water splashed out and soaked the soldier next to him: “I don’t care what method you use, you must give me a result within two days!”


At this moment, Lan Yue came in.

He slammed his water glass to the ground, and the hot hot water splashed out and soaked the soldier next to him: “I don’t care what method you use, you must give me a result within two days!”


Lan Yue came in easily and without being notified because Lin Yuan had said hello beforehand.

With a large food box in his hand, he approached Lin Yuan’s bedside, concerned: “Uncle Lin, are you okay?”

“It’s Xiaolan.”

Lin Yuan’s attitude towards his moonlight son Lan Yue was much better.

Now, seeing that Lan Qingya made a special meal for him, Lin Yuan was in a better mood.

He waved to Lan Yue, and his solemn expression softened: “Uncle is fine now, you don’t have to worry too much.”

“That’s good.”

When Lan Yue heard this, he smiled.

He placed the food box next to Lin Yuan on the small table and smiled, “This is some porridge that my mother made for you.” You can drink it later if you get hungry.”

He opened the food box after speaking and let the aroma of the food inside float out.

In general, most people in the empire are used to eating quick and easy nutrient solutions.

But there are always some patient, ingenious people who will learn to cook a colourful, flavorful meal.

Lan Qingya, Lan Yue’s mother, was one of these people.

Lin Yuan admires her largely because of Lan Qingya’s gentleness and kindness.

When he smelled the porridge, his expression softened: “Don’t worry, I will definitely try this.”

“All right, then I won’t bother you.”

Lan Yue’s irritated mood improved after hearing what Lin Yuan said.

After learning of Lin Yuan’s injury this morning, he immediately contacted his mother and asked her to prepare a meal for him.

He also used this opportunity to locate the system in order to exchange it for a colourless, odourless, slow, poisonous medicine, which he poured into the porridge.

It was difficult for him to win Lin Yuan’s favour in such a short period of time.

Lin Yuan, as a general, can react quickly and take various countermeasures as long as he makes a small movement.

Therefore, his best solution at present is to simply damage Lin Yuan’s body.

Lin Yuan’s vitality decreased, so his luck would naturally decrease accordingly.

He knew Lin Yuan would never test the ingredients of these porridges because of his feelings for his mother.

His plan was successful in this way!

Lan Yue sneered in his heart as he looked at Lin Yuan in the hospital bed.

He had always despised Lin Yuan, but now that he had the opportunity to attack him, he was overjoyed.

Major Lin Xiaotang and General Lin Yuan were only the start.

He will eventually defeat all those in the army who despise him and ascend to the throne of the empire!

[Ding! Host, I have detected Lin Xiaotang’s activity! ]

At this moment, a series of mechanical sounds suddenly appeared in Lan Yue’s mind.

[I tracked her down; she is no longer in the empire,] The system was taken aback and stated, [She is now on the Black Crow’s starship; she should have joined the Black Crow and become one of them.]

What about Black Crow? Isn’t this a minor interstellar pirate organisation on the outskirts?

Lin Xiaotang became a pirate as a soldier?!

Lan Yue was stunned for a moment after hearing what the system said, almost unbelievable.

But he knew that in general, systems don’t lie.

Lin Xiaotang is now 80% likely to join the pirate organisation.

Fortunately, she is still an Empire major!

Lan Yue was disgusted by Lin Xiaotang’s betrayal of the empire and her willingness to degenerate to this level.

He didn’t think that Lin Xiaotang, who was already a cripple, would enter by strength.

She must have used some kind of pickled method, such as offering her body to the pirates.

At the same time, Lan Yue’s heart inevitably developed a subtle sense of superiority.

Think back to how dazzling Lin Xiaotang was in the army.

At that time, whether it was him or the other soldiers, they could only look up at her.

But now?

She is nothing more than an ant who can be crushed to death by him, no matter how powerful and good she is.

“Lin Xiaotang mixed with pirates, I can take advantage of this,” Lan Yue reflected, “she has a bad reputation in the outside world, most people feel sorry for her, if this matter is exposed, the people of the Empire will definitely hate her.”

This type of luck is inextricably linked to the evaluation of the external world.

Lin Xiaotang’s original little luck will be completely taken away by him in this manner.

“System, I don’t have access to the terminal in the army, but you can do it.” He stated.

[Okay. ]

Three minutes later, brand new posts appear one after the other on some Interstellar Network communication boards.

They appeared so densely, almost instantly, that they drew the attention of large crowds—

“Does anyone remember Lin Xiaotang, the former double-S genius?” Is it true that she betrayed the empire and joined the Black Crow? [image][image][image]》

“My cousin reported seeing Major Lin very close to some pirates on the spaceship. What in the world is going on? [picture]”

“No, no, no, is there anyone who is unaware of Lin Xiaotang’s bad deeds?” It’s also unfortunate that General Lin Yuan has such a daughter. [Photo] [Photo]”

In just a few minutes, these powerful headlines, combined with the well-documented images, completely stunned the entire forum!

[Major Lin? Are these posts about my goddess Lin Xiaotang?] [No…is this correct?] [Does she still have a goal in mind? Is she still a soldier if she joined the pirates?

[Fortunately, such a person has degenerated into a waste. It’s very eye-catching!]

————End of this chapter. 


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