She is the Escape Boss [Quick Transmigration]

Becoming Everyone’s White Moonlight In The Interstellar World (4)

These black starships were like dark clouds forming around and surrounding the imperial spaceship.

Their attitude was very arrogant, and one of them even openly blocked the spacecraft’s path, causing the spacecraft to temporarily slow down.

“What?!… it’s the black crow!”

Other passengers noticed the situation outside as the spacecraft vibrated violently.

A few well-informed travellers, who were already pale, couldn’t stop themselves from exclaiming.

What about Black Crow?

Lin Xiaotang raised her brows with interest when she heard this word.

This appears to be the name of a notorious interstellar pirate ship in the original owner’s memory. They frequently intercept Imperial ships and burn, kill, and loot the population and resources.

However, due to their unusual behaviour and superior anti-tracking technology, the Imperial military had been unable to apprehend them.

What she didn’t expect was to run into them this time.

Furthermore, the spaceship she was on was bound for a galaxy far, far away.

It’s easy to see why the Black Crow will be interested in it.

These interstellar pirates were extremely fast.

The largest black starship in the fleet approached the spaceship quickly, under the watchful eyes of all the passengers.

Some muscular men and women armed with weapons broke into the spaceship, kicked open the doors, and pointed their weapons at the passengers inside.

“All stand up and follow us out!”

They laughed wildly and kicked impatiently in the face of the passengers who were slowing down.

“Don’t think about anything nonsense, if those flies from the military come over, you have to be careful with your heads!”

Most of the passengers fled the ship trembling and were imprisoned on a black starship by the pirates.

Some nervous passengers had already started crying.

At the very least, the pirates used their fate to extract large ransoms from their families.

The money was frequently more than their families can afford, leaving them bankrupt and in debt.

Even if their families paid the ransom, whether they return alive or as corpses was still determined by the pirates’ mood.

Thinking of this, they felt sad and destitute.

“A bunch of cowardly bastards, it’s really boring.”

Looking at the group of shivering passengers, a pirate smacked his mouth in boredom.

His mission was to keep an eye on these hostages and prevent them from contacting Imperial forces or escaping.

However, his job was far less exciting than the other comrades on board and raiding.

These empire’s subjects were all as well-behaved as sheep.

Even the sound of crying was muffled, denying him any enjoyment.

“Would you like to have some fun?”

The colleague next to the pirate suggested after hearing this.

He smirked at a few women in the crowd and said, “Well, there are a few chicks there.”

The hostages weren’t just prey; they can do whatever they want with them.

The women shuddered in fear and lowered their heads as they were swept away by his gaze.

A certain woman even turned pale and fainted on the ground, making the two pirates happy.

However, what surprised them was that among these women, there was a someone who stood out.

It was a lovely lady in her early twenties, tall and slender, with long curly black hair and bright black eyes.

Faced with their stares, she not only did not panic, but she raised her head and looked at them.

It’s Lin Xiaotang.

“Hello,” she introduced herself.

Her expression was calm as she addressed the two pirates, and her voice was gentle and natural: “Excuse me, can I go see your leader?”

“What? You mentioned you wanted to meet with our boss?”

The pirates who were still interested in her laughed as they heard her nonsense.

They wondered what was wrong with this woman; she wanted a “sugar daddy” with her beauty and body!

“Little sister, this is not your hometown,” The pirate laughed. “Do you think that here, you can still make men obedient just by looking at your face?”

His eyes turned on Lin Xiaotang’s chest and legs, and his face showed strong malice: “It is impossible to meet our boss without paying a price.”

“Oh, is it?”

Lin Xiaotang said.

Her expression was still light, but the color of her eyes became darker.

“…Then if I kill you, will I be able to see him?”


It seemed that he did not expect to hear such words, and the pirate froze for a while.

Then, he found that his eyes saw black.


Lin Xiaotang suddenly attacked and punched the pirate in the face with a muffled sound.

Her thigh muscles tense, she quickly raised her knee and slammed it hard before the other person could react.


The pirate’s face contorted as he was caught off guard, his eyes almost popping out.

Lin Xiaotang quickly and accurately stretched out her hand and neatly twisted his neck, taking advantage of the opportunity when he bowed his head and groaned in pain!

Clack, clack, clack…

The pirate’s body crashed to the ground.

His head also dropped, and he rolled out half a metre.


After seeing the corpse, the women behind them all widened their eyes and screamed in panic.

There were a few timid ones, who had already folded their heads into a ball.

“You you……”

Watching this scene, the other pirate swallowed and his legs started to go weak.

Those ordinary people may not be aware, but after closely observing the entire process, he understands more than anyone else how powerful Lin Xiaotang truly was!

The pirate who fell to the ground possessed A-level combat abilities.

But in the presence of Lin Xiaotang, he was as frail as a baby!

He died in Lin Xiaotang’s hands in less than two seconds, with no backhand.

What was her combat strength? She’s not going to be the legendary S-class!?

The dead pirate’s gun, which had some blood on it, had fallen next to his body.

Lin Xiaotang knelt, picked it up carelessly, and gripped it tightly in her hand.

She smiled slightly and pointed the gun at the temple of the other pirate, who was terrified.

“Now, take me there.”


At this moment, on the other side, the official genetic data testing center of the Empire.

【Drip Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di… 】

[The genetic test has ended, and the test report is being generated…] [Ding! The test results are as follows:] [Detected person: Lan Yue] [Mental power gene level: S+] [Combat gene level: S+]

All of the employees displayed incredible expressions as they read the newly released report on the genetic test results.

“What exactly is S+… I’ve lived for so long, and I’ve only ever seen a S rank!” someone exclaimed.

No, perhaps no one’s genetic level will be judged as “S+” by the system since the establishment of the genetic data testing centre!

This was the first time a level higher than S-level has been achieved!

People in the vicinity of the staff member were rarely silent.

They didn’t say anything, but their shock was equal to that of the person who did.

Even more exciting than the appearance of S+ was the fact that such a potent genetic trait has appeared in one person at the same time!

Double S+, ah…

A person with such an extraordinary talent is destined to usher in a new era.

Originally, the empire’s upper echelons were still mourning the genius Major Lin Xiaotang of Double S.

Lan Yue, with his S+, can now be considered a successor to Lin Xiaotang.

While these scientists were taken aback, Lan Yue walked out of the genetic testing cabin.

He was the one who told his superiors this morning that he felt his genetic level had changed and asked to come here for the second test.

Because breaking through oneself in a desperate situation had not been unheard of in the past, Lan Yue’s superior quickly approved his application.

However, it was estimated that his superiors could not have imagined that Lan Yue’s breakthrough would be so great.

“I’m going back to military training later. Excuse me, can I go now?”

Facing everyone’s curious and inquiring eyes, Lan Yue smiled and asked politely.

His handsome face had a calm expression, neither arrogant nor impetuous, that makes people feel good involuntarily.

“Okay, you can go back first!”

When the staff heard what Lan Yue said, they nodded quickly.

They were subconsciously replacing their words with “You”. (E/N: It’s a more polite version in Chinese, but the translation is still “you”; 你(casual) vs 您(polite))

After all, they all know in their hearts that people with this kind of talent will rise to the top of the world as long as there were no accidents.

It is also beneficial for such a promising individual to form as many positive relationships as possible.

“Ok, thanks.”

Feeling the change in the attitudes of these people, the smile on Lan Yue’s face was still gentle.

But there was a secret pleasure in his heart.

What about Heaven’s Pride, and what about outstanding records?

Today, didn’t all of them become wedding dresses for him? (E/N: It’s a way of saying they made the bed for him to lie in, or they paved the way for him)

No one knew. Long ago, Lan Yue knew that his gene level would be improved one day.

Because he was bound to a “Luck plundering system”.

————End of this chapter. 


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