She is the Escape Boss [Quick Transmigration]

Becoming Everyone’s White Moonlight In The Interstellar World (2)

If there were no accident, the original owner would have become brain dead and lost her life completely when her mental powers went out of control, becoming a regret in the hearts of the people of the empire.

Lan Yue, with his double S+ genes, will appear in public and become the military’s next key training target, perfectly inheriting everything that should belong to the original owner.

This time, Lin Xiaotang’s mission target Xiao Bei is also a member of the army, which can be viewed as another stumbling block on Lan Yue’s path to becoming a god of war.

He did not, however, die quietly like the original owner, but after a long battle with Lan Yue, he was plotted on the battlefield, betrayed by his subordinates, and died tragically.

For these plots, Lin Xiaotang actually didn’t have any special feelings.

After going through so many worlds, she has encountered countless people, such person as Lin Yuan, mother Lin and Lan Yue. If it wasn’t for the original owner, she would not have paid too much attention to them.

The only thing she couldn’t figure out was that in those worlds before her, despite the fact that everyone in the army was mostly friendly, there was some tension.

But, after all, they are soldiers, and their primary concern is still national security.

Even if there is a conflict of interest, they will not cause too much disruption or serious disability incidents.

Why does Lan Yue have to fight people who are stronger than him wherever he goes in this world?

And whether they hold important positions or have exceptional talents, the end result for those “villains” is either death or disability.

Is it because the outstanding talents in the entire army are almost withered and gone that Lan Yue could become a generation of God of War, aside from his talent of double S+ and illustrious military exploits?

Lin Xiaotang became more intrigued as she considered this.

She would have liked to meet Lan Yue if it hadn’t been for the circumstances.

And this is an interstellar world from the future, with the ability to fly freely throughout the universe, which makes Lin Xiaotang yearn for it.

Lin Xiaotang closed her eyes and fell into a deep sleep, gradually restraining her thoughts.

Simultaneously, she started balancing the energy in her body to begin slowly repairing the original owner’s body.


“Congratulations, you are ready to be discharged from the hospital.”

A month later, a middle-aged doctor with glasses sighed in surprise in the hospital of the Empire’s First Military Region.

Lin Xiaotang’s medical test results revealed a month ago that she had suffered irreversible serious injuries, that her life was in danger, and that she was only one step away from death.

But, after only thirty days, the other party has recovered completely, and even the broken sea of spiritual consciousness has returned to normal!

This is nothing short of a medical miracle!

Even the attending physician, who is always well-informed, was taken aback.

Opposite the doctor, stood a frail and beautiful woman.

Her skin was pale, her curly black hair was casually draped over her shoulders, and her dark black eyes were bright and sharp, revealing a domineering aura.

“Okay, I get it.”

After listening to the doctor’s words, the woman nodded lightly and looked calm.

“You can be confident that you will recover from your injuries in the future. If you have any other issues with your body, please contact us.”

“Don’t worry, you’re a major, and you suffered military injuries,” the doctor continued, looking at Lin Xiaotang in front of him. “Our hospital will pay for your stay.”

Lin Xiaotang still nodded: “Okay.”

There was no change in her expression, and even the doctor’s words of comfort couldn’t make her heart beat faster.

The doctor sighed slightly in his heart as he looked at the woman in front of him.

Major Lin had been in the hospital for a long time, but neither Admiral Lin Yuan nor the Admiral’s wife came to see her.

One must know that the soldiers and comrades of Major Lin will come over from time to time.

Was it because she will become a cripple that her family simply ignored her? Were they going to abandon her?

For a moment, the doctor felt sorry for the talented woman in front of him.

Lin Xiaotang had no idea what the doctor thought, and she was not as uncomfortable as others assumed.

After all, she knew neither the original owner’s father Lin Yuan nor the original owner’s mother.

She will naturally repay them if they treat her well.

But what does she care if they treat her poorly?

Lin Xiaotang left the military hospital with the robot nurse after saying goodbye to the doctor.

When she boarded the spaceship, the StarNet terminal on her wrist suddenly popped up a communication prompt.

It was her father, Lin Yuan.

After a month and a half, this busy man finally remembered her seriously ill daughter.

“When will you come back?”

Lin Yuan’s voice came out of the terminal indifferently after Lin Xiaotang connected the communication.

Without waiting for Lin Xiaotang to respond, he couldn’t help but say, “At 7:30 tonight, follow me to meet the son of the Shen family.”

Is this going to result in a “blind date” for her?

Lin Xiaotang was taken aback for a moment, feeling a little ridiculous.

Furthermore, despite the fact that the original owner’s body was destroyed by Zerg biochemical weapons, she was a former double-S genius with excellent genes.

Lin Yuan will focus on her fertility value after losing the value of combat, which is also easy to think of.

However, she did not expect Lin Yuan to have no feelings for the original owner’s daughter.

He couldn’t wait to make plans for her future now that she’d been released from the hospital.

“Why didn’t you answer?”

Lin Yuan’s brow furrowed after a long period of waiting for Lin Xiaotang’s response.

Although his daughter was not close to him and did not have the filial piety that Lan Yue had for his mother, she had always been responsive to his requests, in his opinion.

This was the first time Lin Xiaotang had treated him coldly.

Lin Yuan paused for a moment, but couldn’t stop himself from saying, “You…”


Before Lin Yuan could finish speaking, a beep came from the terminal.

It turned out that Lin Xiaotang had cut off his communication!

Lin Yuan’s eyes flashed with rage as he realised Lin Xiaotang, who had always been obedient to him, would defy him.

He exhaled deeply, swallowed his rage, and sent several messages to Lin Xiaotang.

Lin Xiaotang, unsurprisingly, rejected all of his communications.

She later blocked his account directly, indicating that she did not want to communicate with him too much.

“Admiral, tell me what I should do…”

Lin Yuan’s subordinates were sad in the face of this situation: “Shen’s side, do you want to find an excuse to shirk it?”

Major Lin was obviously unwilling to come here.

“Don’t shirk, she will come.”

Lin Yuan frowned, and bluntly rejected his subordinate’s proposal: “I’ll call her mother.”

After so long, he was used to Lin Xiaotang’s obedience to everything.

Lin Xiaotang, in his opinion, blocked him simply because she was resentful of him and was deliberately throwing a small tantrum.

Lin Yuan was dissatisfied that a soldier in her twenties was still so ignorant.

But he was confident that she would come over for a blind date for the Lin family, her mother, and her own future.

Following Lin Yuan’s words, his subordinates looked at him, paused for a moment, and seemed to want to say something for Lin Xiaotang.

But, in the end, he shut his mouth and obeyed his orders.

————End of this chapter. 


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