She is the Escape Boss [Quick Transmigration]

Becoming Everyone’s White Moonlight In The Interstellar World (1)

After seeing Shen Xiaoqiao’s future, the system also successfully rewritten the contract.

Lin Xiaotang glanced at random, and after confirming that it was correct, she signed her name.

“Go straight to the next world,” she said.

【Okay. 】

“What is my mission?”

[Find the villain Xiao Bei, help him out of the predicament, and fulfill his wish. 】


When Lin Xiaotang woke up again, she found that her physical condition was not right.

She appeared to be suffering from a high fever, her entire body was achy, and the burning sensation in her body made her feel as if she were in magma.

Her head hurt the most.

Her mind was completely out of control, as if a beast was on the loose, driving her insane and desperate to tear up everything around her.

“Her mental power is out of control, and the equipment has been damaged!”

“Quick, go get the tranquillizer!”

“Put it in, and you’ll get 2.5 times the normal dose!”

Lin Xiaotang only felt a needle being slowly pushed into her arm through a series of intense “dididi” sounds.

A burst of cold liquid was injected, causing her limbs to gradually lose strength and sag.

In a daze, she opened her eyes to see a few people in white coats who appeared to be medical personnel rush to her side.

They raised her carefully, carried her to a nearby hospital bed, and inserted strange pipes into her.

“As one would expect from the famous double-S genius, she is incredibly strong even when injured.”

Someone seemed to be beside her with emotion, but it was difficult to tell.

“It’s a shame, God is envious of the genius…”

A once-dazzling individual has now been reduced to such obscurity.

89% of the body has been damaged, the gene chain has been disrupted, and the talent has been completely lost. She’s been reduced to a waste since then.

Perhaps it was because of this that Lin Xiaotang was sent here for a month and her family didn’t show up much…..

The other party appeared to realise something after saying this, so he quickly closed his mouth.

Except for the slight footsteps of the medical staff as they walked around, the ward gradually became extremely quiet.

Lin Xiaotang felt the inexplicable restlessness in her body fade away in such a relaxing environment, and her reason gradually returned.

Simultaneously, the original owner’s trivial memories, as well as the overall plot of the world, also surfaced in her mind.

The mission world this time was somewhat different from the world that Lin Xiaotang travelled through before.

This is a world in the future dominated by interstellar civilization. Human technology has reached its pinnacle here. A holographic network, intelligent robots, and mechas are all things that everyone is familiar with.

When the original owner was in school, the AI produced by the National Research Institute was the teacher who taught individual professional courses.

Humans have long since left the earth and expanded their territory to more distant galaxies in the context of such advanced technology.

There will always be war where there is expansion.

Various countries scrambled to establish and then collapsed after more than a thousand years of struggle. The Galactic Empire eventually conquered various galaxies and achieved grand unification.

The original owner was a major in the empire.

According to the original owner’s memory, she came from the empire’s military and political family and was the most notable descendant of the Lin family.

What’s more, the original owner is a rare “Double S” genius with S-level mental and combat abilities!

Technology has advanced to the point where it can perfectly assess a person’s genetic potential in the interstellar age.

Each person is sent to the Empire’s official testing agency after birth, and their genetic level is tested using special equipment.

In the eyes of the world, a person’s innate genes completely determine their future development prospects.

Genes are divided into two categories based on their genetic potential: mental power and combat power.

The F gene is the worst, and the S gene is the best.

There are tens of billions of people in the empire, but only about 1,000 of them can have a genetic level of “S.”

The “Double S” geniuses, whose mental and combat power are both S-rank, are even more rare.

Since her birth, the original owner has received a great deal of attention from the outside world.

She comes from a wealthy family and possesses exceptional talent. If nothing else, she should have been spoiled and matured in every way.

-— But, there is such an accident.

And this accident was caused by the original owner’s biological father, Lin Yuan, the head of the Lin family.

Lin Yuan has a white moonlight; it was his first love and lover before he and Lin Xiaotang’s mother married.

It’s a shame that his lover is from a regular civilian family and that the two gene levels are only C and B.

Such a level is considered high by most people, but it is too bad for the Lin family, and it will have a serious impact on future generations’ genes.

Lin Yuan eventually broke up with his lover under family pressure and chose to marry a second-class family, but both of them were A-level, and had a child with her, the original owner Lin Xiaotang.

Lin Yuan didn’t love Mother Lin. In his opinion, the reason he would marry Mother Lin, was because he was forced to do so, not willingly.

It can even be said that because of the existence of Mother Lin, he lost the woman he loved the most in his life.

Lin Yuan frequently used official business as an excuse to avoid returning to Lin’s house due to his longing for his moonlight.

The husband and wife spent less time together and more time apart, and his biological daughter, Lin Xiaotang, was uninterested in him.

As a result, the original owner grew up in such an incomplete environment.

Her father didn’t love her, and her mother, who was also bitter, would only frantically urge her to train hard and get good grades in order to attract Lin Yuan’s attention.

“Why hasn’t your father returned?” Why is he ignoring me? Go ahead and call and beg him!”

“It’s entirely your fault… Would your father be like this if it weren’t for you? Why are you so useless that even your father doesn’t care about you?”

Mother Lin’s harsh reprimands were still fresh in the mind of the original owner, leaving an extremely deep memory imprint on her when she was young.

Fortunately, despite living in such an environment, the original owner’s character was determined and unyielding, and she was unaffected by such a sad family.

Because the original owner’s talent is exceptional, and she is the daughter of a military and political family, she must accept the corresponding responsibility.

As a result, the original owner left the Lin family at the age of fourteen and began receiving high-intensity military training, with almost no rest time throughout the year.

As an adult, she began to go out frequently after the age of eighteen to complete various military tasks.

Until now, she has grown accustomed to going directly to the front lines of the war, fighting against the Zerg and achieving numerous victories.

Although her relationship with her parents is strained, the original owner is unconcerned.

On the contrary, she is upbeat and cheerful.

She has worked hard for many years to realise the worth of her life and is proud of her accomplishments.

She has friends and teachers who love her, seniors who appreciate and recognize her, and comrades-in-arms who can live and die together.

She was already very happy.

If this trend continues, with the ability of the original owner, she may become the empire’s youngest general, with an infinitely bright future and billions of citizens who pay attention to and love her.

But no one expected the military base on the front lines to be raided by the Zerg just a month ago!

This was a planned attack. The Zerg launched in less than a minute, cutting off all energy sources related to the base and completely blocking access to the outside world.

The rescue team made every effort, but only one person was successful in breaking through.

And this person is the confidant of the Lin family.

“Go save Lan Yue!”

After learning the news, Lin Yuan didn’t even think about it, and gave an order: “You must pay all the costs to bring him back from the front line!”

Lan Yue is the son of his moonlight.

Like the original owner, he also chose to join the army and happened to be on the front line.

“However, Patriarch, Major Lin is also on the front line…”

“Don’t worry about her,” Lin Yuan said sternly, “her responsibility as the Lin family’s daughter is to stay on the front lines to protect the family and the country.” “How could she back down at this point?”

Lin Xiaotang is a double-S genius, so she deserves to suffer a little more.

Lan Yue, Ke Lan Qingya’s son, only possesses a B-level gene. If he stays too long, he may perish at the hands of the Zerg!

Lin Yuan’s statement was cold, but it was flawless.

With only one ability and one responsibility, it is not difficult to allow the more powerful original owner to remain on the front lines while the weaker people are rescued.

Even the original owner herself would probably stay on the front line willingly, willing to sacrifice herself for others.

However, the person who gave the order was the original owner’s biological father.

Because of his choice, the original owner’s life was ruined.

In this way, the original owner was not rescued until the second wave of rescue teams arrived.

The end awaiting for her was a genetic breakdown, loss of talent, and almost no way to survive.

Lan Yue, Lin Yuan’s moonlight’s son, will achieve awakening in this thrilling life-or-death experience. His genes have evolved from a B-level to a S+ level, which is higher than the S-level, shocking the world.

And the reason he had such a miracle is because Lan Yue is the male protagonist of this world’s original plot.

Although he came from a humble background and had a low genetic level, he was despised by many people in the beginning, but as the plot progressed, he would gradually rise to become the strongest god of war in this era.

The famous Colonel Lin Xiaotang was nothing but a stepping stone on his way to counterattack and rise, a cannon fodder who was slapped in the face by him.

————End of this chapter. 


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