She is the Escape Boss [Quick Transmigration]

Into The World Of Infinite Horror Game (6)

In the following time, Lin Xiaotang went to the dormitory where Shen Xiaoqiao was, and slept soundly.

When she awoke the next day, she didn’t pay attention in class and instead strolled around the school casually.

To be honest, Lin Xiaotang is very familiar in the numerous scenes of the escape game.

For hundreds of years, she has been the boss of the horror escape game, wandering back and forth through games with diverse backgrounds. For her, horror escape games are more than just a place to work; they are also her home.

It’s impossible to say she doesn’t feel anything now that she’s returned to her hometown.

Despite the fact that she had never worked here before, the varied arrangements in the game made her feel incredibly comfortable.

But while feeling emotional, Lin Xiaotang also realised one thing very clearly – she can’t go back again.

She has travelled the world and has firsthand knowledge of various stories. For her, the realm of horror escape games is too limited.

She could live in it for a few days, but not for an eternity.

She would rather continue to be the host of her Quick Transmigration system, go to new worlds, meet different people, and interpret hundreds of lives than the tight sky in the escape game.

Lin Xiaotang encountered numerous players while wandering around.

They also skipped class, slipped out of the classroom, and searched for true ghost stories.

Lin Xiaotang noticed them, and they noticed Lin Xiaotang.

But they didn’t recognize her and thought she was just an ordinary NPC.

In this regard, Lin Xiaotang is not only not embarrassed, but also finds it quite interesting.

A long time ago, wasn’t she a game NPC?

After casually playing the game for a day, the interview for the Ghost Club was rescheduled for 10 p.m. that evening.

Lin Xiaotang donned the black robe and mask once more.

A day passed, and no participant perished in the game as a result of her deliberate guiding.

The players appeared to have sensed something as well; the discomfort and anxiety on their faces had subsided, and their gazes on Lin Xiaotang had become hotter.

“President, what is the story we are going to tell today?”

Some players couldn’t wait to talk once Lin Xiaotang was seated.

His eyes were genuine, and what he said was not intended to conceal: “As long as it is what you want to hear, we will definitely try our best to make it up.”

Many veteran players have realised that this game is significantly easier to complete than the previous games.

And it’s all due of Lin Xiaotang.

For some reason, this mystery NPC appears to be quite kind to them.

They can survive as long as they understand this and endeavour to please her!

“Tell me a story?”

Lin Xiaotang was taken aback after hearing the player’s statements.

Then she softly waved her hand and added, “No need to tell stories, just wait for the game to end.”

The president NPC is gone, and this interview session has almost been scrapped.

Don’t tell a story? Just wait for the game to end?

Didn’t expect Lin Xiaotang to say this, the players were dumbfounded.

Do the original escape game’s NPCs want to strike these days?

“However, isn’t it your job to interview? If you don’t interview, it won’t be very good…”

A brave rookie player couldn’t stop himself from asking questions.

Many old players’ emotions changed slightly when the rookie player spoke.

Important NPCs have a higher status in the game than ordinary players. The inexperienced gamers asking such reckless questions will almost certainly enrage the NPCs and result in everyone being penalised.

There are a few vigilant players waiting for Lin Xiaotang to lash out.

What they didn’t expect was Lin Xiaotang’s intention to be offended after hearing these statements.

“Oh, that’s what you mean,” she explained slowly, “don’t worry, because the interview for the Ghost Club is not my job at all.”

“But, but aren’t you an NPC?” the player was taken aback.

“Who said I’m just an NPC?” Lin Xiaotang stated, “I’m actually a player.”

After speaking, she removed the mask from her face and the black robe from her body, revealing the face of a human girl.

Players: “…..”

Players: ??!

What, this mysterious and terrifying president is actually a player?!

“So, you asked us to tell the story about the former president because you wanted to target him on purpose?” someone screamed, recalling the different aspects from the prior interview.

“Yes,” Lin Xiaotang admitted quietly, “as an impostor, of course I will target him.”

“But doing so will be extremely dangerous.” Another player expressed surprise, “If you go against the NPC, you will die miserably if you are not careful.” “How dare you do something like this?”

Lin Xiaotang: “Oh, I’m sorry, it’s my first time playing a game, and I don’t know much about it.”

Everyone: “…..”

They all became silent after hearing Lin Xiaotang’s statements.

No, they don’t believe it’s a “first game” problem.

This is clearly a problem for the people who play the game! Who would think of replacing NPCs as soon as they entered the game?!

Faced with this absurd situation, many players were in a trance and seemed to have not yet reacted.

They, too, wanted to believe Lin Xiaotang’s statements, but they were fully aware that Lin Xiaotang had no need to deceive them…

“Don’t worry, you’ll be fine.” She says. Lin Xiaotang felt sorry for them when she noticed how perplexed they were. “I just thought being a player was boring, so I started with the NPC. Later, the president died in my hands as well.”

“Even if the Lord God comes, it will only trouble me.” She consoled.

Players: “……”

They are not in a trance because they are afraid!

…And why is she so calm in the face of these dangers?!

The players wanted to complain but couldn’t because of Lin Xiaotang’s indifferent expression.

Several players were still very scared after learning about this.

But when they saw that Lin Xiaotang said it so lightly, the fear in their hearts dissipated a lot.

People were stunned by Lin Xiaotang’s statements, but there was one thing they couldn’t ignore: Lin Xiaotang’s own great might.

As a first-time player, she was able to make a firm decision, locate essential NPCs, secretly play tricks, and perfectly substitute the other party…

This kind of bravery and action is unfathomable for the average person.

Furthermore, she was able to perform flawlessly as the president, successfully tricked NPCs and players, and even purposefully guided them when presenting ghost stories, and while aiding them, she removed the real president.

To be able to complete such a plan, the players were stunned, but also convinced.

“You are really amazing.” After thinking about it all, they couldn’t help but praise.

The heroine Shu Qiuyi also opened her eyes wide, looking at Lin Xiaotang with admiration.

Even a person with a pleasant temper may feel offended in his heart if he is forcibly bound by a horror escape game and forced to strive to survive in numerous games.

Although players are given the opportunity to make a wish after successfully completing seven games, how many people can do so after so many years?

The majority of the participants perished in the later rounds of challenging contests.

In reality, they are all average individuals with relatives and friends who have never done anything bad.

It’s wonderful to see someone who can effectively trick these NPCs and even screw up a game.

As a result, Lin Xiaotang was quite surprised to find that the players did not exclude her as an outlier, or pointed at her behind her back.

Instead, they were very enthusiastic about her, even though she had fooled them before.

Lin Xiaotang: “…..”

Humans are truly amazing beings.

In the next two days, there will be no danger, and the players simply play unscrupulously in the school.

Those NPCs with low intelligence also acted as background boards in a daze.

The lord god of the escape game eventually discovered the peculiarity of this universe on the third night.

No one was eliminated, the game progress was frozen, and a crucial NPC died inexplicably in the game.

To fix this problem, the game’s lord god split a data clone and probed it into the game world to see what was going on.

By the way, he is also prepared to fix the problem–to utterly demolish the gaming universe and eliminate all participants.

Lin Xiaotang raised her head at the instant when the data clone entered.

When there was a flaw in this world, she completely released the dreadful energy that had been forcibly imprisoned in her body.

These terrifying powers that have accumulated in several worlds instantly broke through the shackles of the rules of the game, and attacked the clone of the lord god of the infinite horror game with an almost destructive momentum!

What is this?

Why is there a more powerful existence in an horror game world?!

The horror game’s lord god sensed something was wrong and quickly retracted his avatar, attempting to seal the channel between the game and the lord god’s space.

But it was too late by this point.

Lin Xiaotang followed the clone all the way and immediately arrived in the lord god’s space of the infinite horror game.

The black-haired and black-eyed girl slowly stretched out her palm, gazing at the massive galaxy made up of countless “1s” and “0s” in the emptiness space.

“I’m interested in your power.” she said with a small smirk, “So let me devour you.”

The massive data space abruptly broke into powerful tremors the next second!


On the other side, the player’s eyes who were still eating, drinking and playing in the game suddenly turned dark.

And when they woke up again, they were surprised to find that they were back in real life.

They came out!

The sleeping player was still lying in his bed, and the working player was likewise sitting in the office, face to face with the office computer.

There was no injury, death, or even attempt to entice other players… They walked away from the game and the death threat that trailed them like a shadow.

Some folks were pleasantly pleased by the quick withdrawal, while others were completely perplexed.

But when their gaze was drawn to their immaculate left wrist, everyone was taken aback.

The mark that the Lord God of Infinite Horror Games bestowed upon them has vanished?!

Under normal conditions, as long as players who have entered the escape game have survived the first round, a peculiar bat mark appears on their left wrist.

This is the logo given to them by the lord god of the infinite horror games, implying that they have become the prey of the lord god of the game.

Players want to remove this mark, there are only two ways.

The first is to survive 7 rounds of the game and entirely separate from the main god.

The second option is to perish in the game and be “eliminated” by the game’s lord god. 

Many angry players used to refer to it as the “Slave Mark” in private.

As long as they have it, they will become prisoners to the game and will eventually be forced into the horror escape game.

This mark is considered to represent the player’s fate and is despised by many players.

However, the logo has vanished.

Have they been freed?

A player shook his hands and opened a secret forum that he owned.

But before he could do anything, a bunch of new posts popped up one after another—

《 “Is your slave mark still there? It suddenly disappeared from my hands! 》

《 “Has anyone else entered the game? Why is the seal gone, are we saved!? 》

《 “We’re finally free, I don’t have to go to those scary places again! 》

《 “My brother died in the last game, I thought I would die in it like him…” 》


Looking at the messages one by one, many players remained mute for a long time before covering their faces and crying.

They were rescued and eventually set free.

Those who had previously played a game with Lin Xiaotang recalled certain events from the game and appeared to have guessed something.

What is the source of that fearless and powerful new player who has no fear of the lord god of infinite horror games?

Will she be the one to put a stop to their nightmare?

They don’t know and can’t be certain.

But they kept the name “Lin Xiaotang” in their hearts.


Lin Xiaotang’s actions have always been so fast and powerful.

She was almost through with this special mission after absorbing all of the energy of the Lord God of the Infinite Horror Games.

Lin Xiaotang returned to the system space after spending some time wasting the power.

She returned her body to its original owner, Shen Xiaoqiao, while also witnessing the villain’s rescue mechanism.

This wretched little ball of light was cowering in a corner of the space just now, trembling at Lin Xiaotang.

He knew Lin Xiaotang was strong, but he never imagined Lin Xiaotang’s strength had reached this level!

The villain rescue mechanism is a weak little ball of light in comparison to the lord god of the infinite horror games.

If Lin Xiaotang is unhappy, he will be completely gone!

Seeing the system’s pitiful appearance, Lin Xiaotang felt a little amused.

“Don’t worry, I’m not interested in you,” she reassured. “If I had wanted to kill you, I would have done it already.”

She was quite honest. After all, she still needed the villain rescue system to transport herself to other worlds to play.

The system was unaware of Lin Xiaotang’s plan, but when he heard Lin Xiaotang say this, he felt reassured.

[Host, in fact, this unique assignment can be considered your last task,] the system murmured. [Your last mission level was essentially S rank, which matched our requirements, and now you have completed a high difficulty level again. Our agreement can be ended now.

Hearing this, Lin Xiaotang was stunned for a moment.

She once made a contract with the villain rescue system, agreeing to become his host and travel to numerous worlds to save the so-called villains.

The system stipulates that once she has done enough chores, she would be able to release herself from the Lord God of Terror and have her own autonomous personality and body.

Lin Xiaotang had long forgotten her original transaction with the system.

Surprisingly, the system remembers it vividly.

[This particular task has been carefully selected for you,] the system stated, [You came out of an escape game before, this area may be considered your home, and I always feel that it is the greatest to have your begining and end here.]

I see.

No surprise that she would save a completely different villain this time, and will even enter the escape game instead of the other party.

[Host, your mission is complete.] Finally, the system inquired cautiously, [You… Do you want to choose to terminate the contract?

Contract termination?

Lin Xiaotang shook her head involuntarily.

“I enjoy this type of work, and I also enjoy travelling between different worlds.”

She smiled softly as she looked at the system light ball and said, “I want to continue working with you.”

A long time ago, she was really no different from those NPCs in the game.

She obeyed the Lord God of Terror’s orders, had no feelings of her own, and had no idea what to do.

Even when she is “free,” the only thing she wants to do, or the only thing she can do, is gather dreadful energy and become stronger.

But now she has a lot of knowledge, met a lot of nice people, and is gradually understanding what love is.

Is this a positive development? Lin Xiaotang had no idea, but she enjoyed this way of life.

She does not want to end her time-traveling profession in such a short amount of time.

Anyway, given her soul’s strength, she won’t become tired or bored of it.

【Great! 】Hearing Lin Xiaotang’s words, the system was very excited, 【It’s really great that you want to stay! 】

[I will change the content of the contract again,] it shouted happily, [From now on, you are the special staff of our villain rescue system in the Quick Transmigration department! ]

Lin Xiaotang nodded.

However, while the system was drafting and modifying the contract’s contents, Lin Xiaotang, bored, observed her prior task object Shen Xiaotong through the system space’s equipment.

Because the time flow rate in the system space differs from that of the outside world, she quickly discovered Shen Xiaoqiao’s development experience during the next 20 years.

As she had previously assumed, such a lovely and extraordinarily intelligent girl, if she hadn’t fallen into the horror escape game, she would undoubtedly have a very good future.

Shen Xiaoqiao was successfully admitted to a prominent university and was suggested by her mentor to enter a top-level biological research institute after returning to her body.

She worked hard for more than ten years after that, contributing to human medical research.

A vaccine developed by her has saved the lives of tens of millions of people worldwide and will continue to do so for many years to come.

The villain rescue system may desire to save Shen Xiaoqiao since she has boundless potential and brings enormous good advantages to human development.

Lin Xiaotang was startled to learn that when Shen Xiaoqiao grew up, she became good friends with the heroine Shu Qiuyi.

The tit-for-tat enemies in the original plot eventually became close friends. Destiny is really interesting.

———End of this chapter. 


  1. BlueCelle says:

    Omg she’s so poweful lmao. The system cowering in the corner😂😂

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