She is the Escape Boss [Quick Transmigration]

Into The World Of Infinite Horror Game (5)

Hide and seek?

What hide and seek?

Hearing this sentence, the president of the Ghost Club was stunned for a moment.

His memory was still stuck when he was knocked out by a player.

How come someone wants to play hide and seek with him right after he wakes up?

Also, he needs to find the players and pass the interview plot as soon as possible…

Something was wrong, but the president’s confused brain didn’t react for a while.

In other words, he’s been an NPC for a long time and has never encountered such a bizarre situation.

He raised his head, ready to go out first and find the interview participants.

… Then he noticed a middle-aged man in a school uniform, dashed to a corner in the ghost club’s room, bent down, and hid in it.

President: “…..”

President: ???

No, this is really starting to play hide and seek?

Also, why are the players playing hide-and-seek? Shouldn’t they come for the interview?!

The president had no idea that while he was in a coma, there was a daring player who pretended to be him, replaced him, and passed the interview portion of the game.

Even if he considered it, he would probably be perplexed as to why she is so skilled…

But now, the president, who had been helplessly watching the player play hide and seek, could only stand there dumbfounded, unsure what to do.

He discovered that the player who was hiding had also discovered him.

One person and one NPC exchanged glances, and after a few seconds, the middle-aged man appeared to recognise the president and nodded.

I don’t know if it was his illusion, but the player looked at him with a strange pity in his eyes.

…Forget it, he doesn’t care about this player, he goes to the next one.

With this in mind, the president slowly bend his legs and went out of the classroom.

He noticed a faint breathing sound outside, which was no coincidence because there should be players outside the classroom.

After pushing the door open, the president noticed a slender and destitute girl standing outside.

She was similarly dressed in a school uniform, had a pale skin tone, and dark eyes.

The girl hesitated for a second after seeing the president, then clumsily smiled at him: “Hello, president.”

An terrible smell suddenly emerged from the end of the passageway as her voice faded.

In addition to the taste, there is an elegant black shadow of a woman.

The stench emanated from it, but she was unconcerned about the smell and instead looked at the president with resentful eyes, as if he had done something that hurt her.

President: “…..”

The president finally responded this time.

The interview session has concluded, and it is now time for the stories recounted by the players to become reality!

But why are all of these ghost stories about him?

The president had a dreadful feeling since the stinking woman’s eyes were really terrifying.

He grimaced, stepped back, and turned to leave.

But he only took a few steps before his head became dizzy and he fell to the ground uncontrolled.

The stench of the woman’s body was getting closer and closer to him, and he could even hear it swallowing saliva.

“President… I’m so hungry…”

“Don’t come here!”

The president, who had been calm all year round, finally had a trace of panic.

He staggered out of the classroom door after rising from the ground.

No matter what, he had to get through these nonsense stories till the next day’s interview!

The president’s proposal is excellent, but he has grossly undervalued the players’ ingenuity and creativity.

He didn’t comprehend the two bizarre stories in front of him were merely paediatrics until he left the school.

He came across a female ghost in red holding a red umbrella, an old lady with cat eyes and a swarm of rats after exiting the classroom building.

His cloths would spontaneously catch fire, black and red water would leak from the ceiling, and cracks would emerge on the floor.

These things, he endured.

Anyway, if you hide, you can barely escape.

But what the president didn’t expect was to find an exceedingly alarming crack on the ground after he had hurriedly evaded these strikes!

Countless pallid arms protruded from the depths, waving furiously and scraping around.

They attempted to drag the president into hell by grabbing his cloths.

President: “…..”

The President:?????

Isn’t it a bit much to make up such a thing with this year’s players?

For the first time in his life, the president felt the need to curse as an NPC.

At this point, the president realises that someone is purposefully directing such a chaotic situation in the game.

And that leader, is the player who knocked him unconscious before!

Without hesitation, he immediately used some of the NPC’s special abilities to find Lin Xiaotang.

The president’s eyes twitched as he looked at this girl wearing his black robe and mask, and his voice was filled with unrestrained rage: “What the fuck are you trying to do?”

Lin Xiaotang is purposely interrupting the game, according to the president.

With Lin Xiaotang’s skill, she doesn’t need to make such a huge deal if it’s simply for customs clearance.

Lin Xiaotang did not respond after hearing the president’s statements.

“My purpose has nothing to do with you,” she joked, “You might as well worry about yourself.”

“If you keep causing trouble like this, you’ll only attract the main god.” In a raspy voice, the president said.

He couldn’t understand the arrogance of this player and even thought she was a bit ridiculous: “At that time, all of you will die.”

The power of the Lord God is far greater than that of everyone here.

No matter how smart and witty the girl in front of him is, the Lord God just needs to wave his hand and he can easily wipe her out.

“Oh, is it?”

In the face of his words, Lin Xiaotang did not show panic.

“But, I did so much for the purpose of seeing him,” she said calmly, with a faint smile.


The president was taken aback when he heard what Lin Xiaotang said.

He realised something and hurriedly turned around, attempting to flee from here.

But it didn’t take long for him to flee, for a knife appeared out of nowhere and stabbed into the president’s heart!

How…how could it be…

The president wavered and collapsed to the ground.

His eyes were still open, and he didn’t appear to realise that he had “died” here inexplicably, despite having carefully avoided so many ghost stories.

Lin Xiaotang averted her gaze from his corpse.

She took a leisurely step and left from there.

The president forgot, in fact, she is also a player.

Despite the fact that she dressed up as the president and played the part of NPC, she was still “Shen Xiaoxiao” in essence, a new player to the game.

The ghost stories she told will become gaming facts as a result of her mouth.

Because Lin Xiaotang ‘customised’ a story for him a few seconds before the president arrived, the president will fall here.

She raided the president and successfully killed him with this surprise move.

The true president of the Ghost Club is no longer alive.

The interview session for the following two days was cancelled.

All she needs to do now is wait for the Lord God of the infinite horror game to notice her and come down.

As she said before, Lin Xiaotang didn’t want to work hard to clear the game seven times when she had the ability.

She just wants to solve all the hidden dangers in this game.

And is there any way that is faster than destroying the lord god?

———End of this chapter. 


  1. Hehehe figured it out. Thanks for update🍈

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not work with dark mode