She is the Escape Boss [Quick Transmigration]

Into The World Of Infinite Horror Game (4)

Being stared at by so many people, Lin Xiaotang was stunned for a while.

What’s going on, the players are playing escape games, and they have such a positive attitude…?

However, player No. 2 is finished telling anyway.

Since these players want to tell a story, let them tell it.

Thinking of this, Lin Xiaotang said, “Go on.”

The girl in seat 3 shivered as she heard her remarks.

This girl, along with Lin Xiaotang, is still one of the three newcomers.

She was about twenty years old and appeared extremely shy, with a pale face.

She shuddered and almost cried when she saw Lin Xiaotang at the club’s entrance.

And now, after two rounds of interviews, the new girl’s situation has significantly improved.

She pursed her lips and delivered the bizarre story she made up in a somewhat weak voice:

“The story I want to tell also happened in the girls’ dormitory.”

“The protagonist’s name is Xiaoli, and she is a very ordinary high school student, but she has a very beautiful roommate.”

“Everyone knows that friendships between students are often very simple.”

“Because they were roommates in the same dormitory, the two gradually became good friends after getting along day and night.”

“Xiao Li likes her roommate because she is attractive, gentle in temper, and excels academically.”

“However, such a perfect girl has one flaw – smell.”

“For some reason, the beautiful flatmate always has an indescribable stench on her body.”

“This stench is unbearable, and it will not go away.” Whether it’s perfume or incense, it always surrounds and remains on the roommate.”

“As a result, many boys who have a favourable impression of her roommate gradually abandon their pursuit.”

“The girls who were envious of her roommate were also pointing at her from behind.”

“Under such conditions, the roommate’s mood gradually deteriorates over time.”

“Noticing her roommate’s dissatisfaction, Xiaoli politely suggested she see a doctor.”

“However, after hearing Xiao Li’s words, the roommate’s face suddenly turned gloomy.”

“Her typically sweet and charming roommate glanced at her with a scary expression. Such an odd contrast astounded Xiaoli.”

“After that, Xiaoli didn’t dare to talk about it any more.”

“The days passed, and her roommate returned to her former gentleness.”

“Xiao Li thought her roommate only reacted so violently because she has a psychological shadow on the hospital.”

“It’s just that her roommate’s change that day was like a thorn stuck in Xiao Li’s heart, so she couldn’t forget it.”

“She began to intentionally or unintentionally observe her roommate, and she discovered that every now and then, her roommate would sneak out of the dormitory at 12 o’clock in the middle of the night, and then return with a contented face.”

“Her belly is bulging, and the corners of her mouth are still covered with minced meat, as if she ate some delicious food.”

“What’s stranger is that the stench on the roommate’s body gets stronger after each meal.”

“After three or four days, the smell will fade away.”

“At the same time, bodies of birds, cats, and dogs appear from time to time near their dormitory buildings.”

“What makes the scalp numb is that these bones are densely covered with tooth marks.”

“The school said that these animals were preyed on by wild dogs, but Xiaoli had a hunch.”

“Out of fear, she didn’t tell the story, and she kept pretending she didn’t know.”

“However, just a month ago, her roommate announced to Xiaoli that she had fallen in love.”

“There is a boy who doesn’t mind her body odour and is willing to accept her and become her boyfriend.”

“That person is the president of the school’s ghost club.”

Lin Xiaotang: “…..”

Lin Xiaotang: ???

At the beginning, Lin Xiaotang thought the story of the new girl was the same as the story of No. 1.

Ghost Club is just a background board, and it does not have a high sense of presence in the story.

But hearing this, she frowned and finally found the problem.

Wait, this story…is there something wrong with it?!

The new girl No. 3 continued to narrate, ignorant to Lin Xiaotang’s unusual movement.

The more down she spoke, the louder and smoother her voice became—

“Xiao Li is overjoyed to discover that her good friend has a boyfriend.”

“She’s always known that body odour is a sore spot in her roommate’s heart, and it causes her roommate to brood.”

“There might be a boy who wants to get close to her roommate and fall in love with her… Such a person will undoubtedly be able to heal her roommate and help her untie her knot.”

“However, no one expected the roommate to break up after just over a month.”

“That man, after chasing her with rhetoric, turned around and dumped her because he couldn’t stand her smell.”

“Xiao Li expected him to be her roommate’s redemption, but she didn’t expect him to just want to play with her beautiful roommate.”

“Such a fact undoubtedly dealt a heavy blow to her roommate.”

“The roommate, who was a little inferior, became more and more gloomy after this incident.”

“Looking at such a roommate, many people feel pity.”

“I’m not sure why, but Xiaoli always believes that her personality changed dramatically not because her roommate was hit.”

“It’s very likely that she was just too lazy to pretend, so she simply exposed her own nature.”

“A few days later, word of the president of Ghost Club’s disappearance spread quickly throughout the school.”

“It was around this time that Xiao Li unintentionally discovered that her roommate would carry a heavy black bag and quietly leave the dormitory every night late at night.”

“This discovery made Xiao Li tremble with fear, and she couldn’t stop herself from following up, curious about what was in the bag.”

“The black bag was thrown into the school’s trash can by the roommate.”

“After the roommate left, Xiao Li carefully ran over and untied the black bag.”

“Xiao Li couldn’t help but turn her head away and vomit just looking at it.”

“It turned out that what was in this bag turned out to be human bones! There are also very clear tooth marks on it!”

“Looking at the human bones in the black bag, Xiao Li’s legs became weak and she turned around and ran away.”

“But at this moment, she found that her roommate was standing behind her, staring blankly at her.”

After telling the story, girl No. 3 lowered her head and stopped talking.

Her expression was still so pitiful, but Lin Xiaotang couldn’t say a word.

…No, how did the former president offend you?

She can scarcely pretend that No. 2 is playing pranks on her because he died suddenly.

However, the story of Girl No. 3 is definitely intended for the president.

Lin Xiaotang said it herself, despite her want to hear the story about the past president, but her goal was only to disturb the Ghost Club….

Is it true that these players’ brain replenishing powers are so potent?!

Lin Xiaotang remained silent, and the entire classroom’s atmosphere turned stiff.

Girl No. 3 couldn’t wait for her response, so she raised her head uncomfortably and whispered quietly, “President, can my story be okay…?”

As she spoke, there was even a hint of anticipation in her tone.

Lin Xiaotang: “…..”

Lin Xiaotang said with difficulty: “…Yes.”

The story of girl No. 3 actually lacks the supernatural element.

However, she considered that two players had previously recounted stories about the president, and the game is near to chaos, so having fewer elements or anything isn’t a problem.

Girl No. 3 sighed a sigh of relief after receiving Lin Xiaotang’s approval, and a grin appeared on her pale face.

The remaining players privately nodded and made a decision.

The present president appears to enjoy hearing the narrative of the past president’s terrible death.

If that’s the case, they’ll have to work even harder!

…Lin Xiaotang spent the next hour hearing ghost stories about the former president from the players’ mouths.

According to their stories, the president of the ghost club has died in a variety of unusual ways, including being burned to death, falling from a building and being scared to death by spirits…

Shu Qiuyi, the eighth-ranked player, stands out.

Shu Qiuyi is deserving of being picked as the world’s heroine. In her story, the former president strayed into the gates of hell.

The previous president died tragically after suffering different tortures in hell and became a lonely ghost in hell.

Death, on the other hand, is not a relief, but the beginning of another disaster.

After his death, the former president’s soul was fully trapped in hell, and he relived the day he died day after day.

Lin Xiaotang: “…..”

Hearing the end, she even felt a little pity for the president.

One or two players make up stories like this, that’s okay, NPCs can barely get through.

But multiple players can write death stories for the president together, so, under the rules of the game, she is afraid that he will really have to go back to the factory for repairs…

Of course, there are some players who are unwilling to do this, but tell a common campus strange talk similar to the pen fairy.

Regarding their choice, Lin Xiaotang didn’t plan to stop them.

Anyway, she has no obligation to save them.

Whether they can survive tonight depends on their own creation.

Soon, the interview on the first day of Ghost Club was over.

Lin Xiaotang went over the game regulations again and told the players that the things they made up had to be changed into true stories before the next interview. She then opened her mouth and instructed the participants to exit the Ghost Club’s room.

“It’s getting late,” she commented. “You guys can go.”

In any event, the threat of these bizarre stories remains high.

Players must reduce their vigilance against strange chatter simply because the president is the only one who has died.

As a result, they returned to the dormitory to rest first.

To Lin Xiaotang’s amazement, not a single player wanted to leave after hearing her comments, except for the three NPCs.

“Our ghost stories mostly take place at night or late at night,” one of the players remarked. “If we don’t make it a reality tonight, it will be too late tomorrow.”

Lin Xiaotang: “…Okay.”

She had not anticipated this.

It is, however, a positive thing that gamers can stay.

At the very least, when many ghost stories are performed concurrently, the problems that develop are magnified.

As a result, all of the players waited in the ghost club room, waiting for the time to come.

When the clock struck twelve, the president of the Ghost Club, who had been knocked out by Lin Xiaotang, finally opened his eyes.

He moved his fingers slowly, untied the ropes on his body, and climbed out of the cabinet.

But at this moment, behind him, a faint voice suddenly appeared——

“President, let’s play hide and seek together!”

President: ???

———End of this chapter. 


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not work with dark mode