She is the Escape Boss [Quick Transmigration]

Into The World Of Infinite Horror Game (3)

The current president, do you actually want to hear the story of Ghost Club, or is it related to the previous president?

After hearing Lin Xiaotang’s words, the players were all stunned.

Why does this request feels weird…

Is it possible that the present president and the past president are opposed to each other?

Some astute players have already begun to speculate unconsciously.

The NPCs, on the other hand, were calm.

Lin Xiaotang can tell the interview’s substance and requirements, proving that she is of their kind and a new NPC sent by the Lord God.

NPCs will not doubt NPCs, even if Lin Xiaotang’s request is somewhat repetitive, but the game can proceed.

Furthermore, the majority of the strange stories in this game are tied to the ghost club in some way.

“Let’s start the interview.”

Ignoring their thoughts, Lin Xiaotang said directly.

Under her command, the NPC sitting in seat 1 raised his head.

The first story, usually told by the NPC.

This is to set an example for subsequent players, as well as to compel players to accelerate their exploration progress for players who want to check school information and try to use the second technique to clear the game.

After all, the stories presented by NPCs are all true events from the game.

Every time they share a story, the player has one less narrative to choose from.

“The strange story I’m about to tell is one that happened in a girls’ dormitory.”

This NPC is a female, and her voice is bright in the dark and quiet chamber, giving people an unfathomable sense of fear.

“The incident occurred three years ago. At the time, our school’s freshman had only recently arrived.”

“Because the home is far away, and in order to study well, many girls choose to live on-campus after school starts.”

“Everyone is well aware that accommodation is not an easy task.”

“If one of the eight people in your dorm is difficult to get along with, your entire dorm life will be miserable.”

“Unfortunately, there was a dorm, and they had so much trouble.”

“In this dormitory, there is a girl who always calls out the names of the other girls in the dormitory one by one in the middle of the night and wakes them all up.”

“What’s more terrifying is that after calling, she will sit upright on the bed and stare at them blankly.”

Not knowing what to think, the narrator’s voice paused slightly.

“Girls’ eyes are emotionless… Her eyes are unmoving, and her pupils are black, gloomy, and frigid, which is really frightening.”

“She was like this, sitting upright on the bed, gloomily looking at the other people, until dawn, when she would close her eyes and lie back.”

“After a week like this, the other seven people in the dorm were miserable.”

“It’s strange that when her roommates complained the next day at dawn, she claimed that it wasn’t her who did it, but someone else.”

“It turns out that every night, this girl has the same dream.”

“In the dream, there is a shadow who looks exactly like her, and has been following her.”

“When she was young, the shadow was just a hazy black mist that could only stand far away from her and stare at her maliciously.”

“However, as she growed older, the shadow becomes clearer and more like her, and the distance between the shadow and her shrinks.”

“And until now, the shadow has been tightly attached to her body.”

“Every 12 o’clock in the middle of the night, it would replace her, take over her body, and use her body to do creepy things.”

“After hearing the story, the girl warned her roommates to be more cautious, because the other girl was very malicious towards them.”

“Every night, when other her looked at them with her body, it looked at them in exactly the same way it looked at herself.”

“Unfortunately, the girl’s roommates didn’t believe her.”

“They think the girl is making up stories, that she’s intentionally intimidating them.”

“Perhaps out of fear, perhaps out of disgust, the girl was shunned by her dormmates.”

“Nobody wants to be friends with someone like this, especially someone with such an odd personality.”

“Can’t stay in the dormitory anymore, the girl finally chose to leave the dormitory and go home for a day student”

“However, she vanished on the day she moved out of the dorm.”

“No one knows where she went, and not even the surveillance video can track her down.”

“She just vanished into thin air, leaving no trace.”

“On the same day, the seven remaining girls in their dormitory committed suicide by jumping off the building.”

“This incident shocked the whole school, and no one could guess why this happened.”

“Only her sister found a new recruiting leaflet for the Ghost Club under her pillow while helping her missing sister clean up the sundries in the dormitory.”

This strange conversation is now done.

The entire classroom grew silent as the girl’s feeble voice faded.

This strange narrative appears to be the story of a sleepwalking patient who went missing suddenly.

However, for some inexplicable reason, joining with the “Ghost Club” caused everyone present to shiver with horror.

It is obvious that this event is fictitious and should have occurred solely in the game, yet several players have secretly changed their faces.

However, unlike them, Lin Xiaotang listened with great interest.

When hearing the ending, many people may subconsciously think that the narrator is the protagonist’s sister.

She got the flyer, and three years later came to join the Ghost Club, trying to find out the truth about her sister’s disappearance.

But Lin Xiaotang didn’t think so.

If the narrator is her sister, how can she possibly know what the dark shadow looks like when she stares at her sister?

Furthermore, if she were a sister, her narration should be on her side rather than her sister’s.

Lin Xiaotang deduced that this girl was her sister, who had vanished three years before!

She hid in a specific section of the school and avoided the rest of the world for three years in order to join the Ghost Club.

Although this game copy appears simple and crude, the plot and NPC settings are surprisingly intricate.

Especially the setting of Ghost Club suddenly became mysterious and unpredictable.

“It’s a good story.”

After the girl finished speaking, Lin Xiaotang smiled and commented like this.

Her remarks abruptly changed following her admiration: “…Unfortunately, it’s not my favourite story.”

Many players were taken aback when they heard Lin Xiaotang say this.

The girl’s story largely matched the three standards of spirituality, death, and unusual chat club.

But did this NPC president honestly say she didn’t like her story?

Those who were planning to make up a story based on the girl’s story paused.

“Continue with the interview,” Lin Xiaotang replied lightly, “and I hope the next story takes place inside the Ghost Club.”

In actuality, she still wanted to guide her again, but given her new job as “President,” she gave up in order to keep the force.

The person sitting in the second seat is a player.

When it was his turn, he trembled with fright.

“I… The story I want to tell is about the game of hide and seek…”

In the stammering description of the second seat, a relatively old-fashioned ghost story was presented.

The story’s topic is straightforward. In essence, the former president of the Ghost Club prepared a gaming activity and invited club members to play hide-and-seek in the classroom with him.

As a result, someone found, while playing, that there was one additional “person” in the classroom.

Although this player appears hesitant, his story is well-crafted.

Spirituality, death, the Ghost Club, and the former president of the Ghost Club are all complete.

However, in order to minimise danger, player No. 2 is highly opportunistic while giving the end of the story-

“…After discovering that a ghost had taken part in their hide-and-seek game, all of the members present were so terrified that they hurried home.”

“Fortunately, after the night passed, no one was in danger.”

“However, they learned bad news from the teacher’s mouth the next morning–the president had died.”

“It turns out that not long after they left the clubroom, the president was entangled by the ghost and died at the hands of the ghost.”

Yes, knowing that the story’s substance would become true in the future, participant No. 2 clenched his teeth and resolved to blame the former president for the “death” scheme.

As a result, even if he has to play hide-and-seek, he will confront the ghosts in the story, but because the person who died is the president, not a member, he should encounter fewer issues.

Anyway, the former president is most likely dead, so it shouldn’t be a problem for him to do so.

Player No. 2 was troubled by a guilty conscience.

The second story is brief, and player No. 2 completed it in less than two minutes.

Many players silently sighed after hearing No. 2’s story.

The first story, whether a story or a thriller, is far superior to the second.

But Lin Xiaotang said she didn’t like it.

Therefore, the mediocre story like No. 2 should not be able to attract her attention.

Although they themselves don’t know what rewards they can get if Lin Xiaotang is satisfied.

But even simply sitting there, the girl was motivating, and they couldn’t help but want to follow her directions and receive her approval and admiration.

Anyway, she’s a significant NPC, and this favorability level isn’t black and white.

Lin Xiaotang, however, surprised everyone by nodding at player No. 2 after hearing this ghost story!

“I love this story.”

The girl in the ghost mask nodded slightly, her voice raspy with admiration: “If possible, I would like to hear more stories like this.”

Player: “…”

Player: ???

That’s it? That’s it?!

What’s the point of this story? !

…Could it be that as long as it happened in the Ghost Club and the story of the former president’s tragic death, Lin Xiaotang would be recognized?

After thinking of this, many players moved in their hearts, and their eyes suddenly lit up.

———End of this chapter. 


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not work with dark mode