She is the Escape Boss [Quick Transmigration]

Into The World Of Infinite Horror Game (1)

After confirming that Lin Yiyi can manage the country properly, Lin Xiaotang left the previous world.

She believed that the Dayuan Dynasty would only increase in brilliance under the guidance of Lin Yiyi.

The rise and fall of the dynasty in the future is an unavoidable pattern of human society’s evolution, and it has nothing to do with her.

Lin Xiaotang feels some reluctance in her heart when she thinks of her daughter Lin Yiyi, who has been with her for 20 years.

She was, nevertheless, quite open.

Birth, old age, sickness and death, love and goodbye are all bittersweet aspects of human life.

She was overjoyed to have such a positive company experience.

“Go to the next world,” she told the computer.

[All right.] said the system.

However, once the system had finished speaking, it inquired hesitantly: [Host, there is an extremely tough and risky unique mission here, but it is very suitable for you, do you want to take it?]

Lin Xiaotang said, “What’s the difference between a special task and an ordinary task?”

[Ordinary tasks require you to approach the task objects and save them using other identities,] the system explained, [but for special tasks, you utilise the identities and bodies of the task objects to replace them and fulfil their wishes.]

I see.

Lin Xiaotang bowed and replied, “Yes.”

She needs to find some thrill after spending so much time in the previous worlds doing the same type of tasks.


“What exactly is my mission?”

[Assume the role of the villain Shen Xiaoqiao and assist her in rewriting her destiny and fulfilling her wish.]


When Lin Xiaotang opened her eyes again, she found herself in the classroom of a certain high school.

The surrounding desks were slightly disorganised, and many textbooks and reference books were stacked up in a heap, and the familiar and foreign atmosphere of students suddenly arrived.

A school.

She was here again.

Lin Xiaotang looked up at the clock, which read 9:30 p.m., which was the conclusion of self-study at this high school.

It was already dark outside, and the other kids in the classroom were all hurrying out the door with their school bags strapped to their backs.

The original owner did not pack up when she arrived, but instead sat in her seat and covertly looked at a flyer.

The flyer’s background was oppressive blackness, with a blood-red eye slowly opening in the centre of the paper.

And above the flyer, was a line of pale font—

The Ghost Club is recruiting new members!

The Ghost club…..

Seeing these words, Lin Xiaotang was slightly startled.

“Xiao Qiao, what are you still doing here?”

While Lin Xiaotang was thinking, a strange female voice suddenly appeared behind her.

Lin Xiaotang turned around to see a girl dressed in the same school uniform as her standing behind her.

The girl approached Lin Xiaotang, pushed him, and said, “Let’s go, Xiaoqiao, we still have to go to the club.”


Lin Xiaotang inquired slowly.

“Yeah,” the girl said enthusiastically, waving the flyer in her palm, “the school’s ghost club is only taking interviews and recruits at night, didn’t we agree to go there?”

So, were they going to be a part of this ghost club?

Lin Xiaotang looked at her for a moment, then laughed and replied, “Okay.”

Her voice was light, without the least wince or hesitation, but with an unmistakable sense of intrigue.

After noticing that Lin Xiaotang’s reaction was different this time, the girl gave her a surprise look.

But soon, her attention returned to the club: “Then don’t delay, let’s go quickly.”

The Ghost Club’s new recruit interview will begin at 10 p.m. They may have to wait in queue for a lengthy period if they were late.

Lin Xiaotang gave a nod.

She simply cleaned up and went out with the girl, according to the original owner’s memory.

However, when she approached the stairwell, Lin Xiaotang abruptly stated, “Go over first, I’ll go to the toilet.”

“Okay,” the girl said, “But hurry up and don’t slip away.”

Lin Xiaotang: “Okay.”

The girl felt reassured after hearing Lin Xiaotang’s response.

She hurried down the stairs with a bang, clutching the flyer.

Lin Xiaotang stood there until the girl’s figure vanished, then turned and walked away.

Of course she couldn’t go to the toilet, the words just now were just an excuse for her.

The place she wanted to go was the interview location on this quirky ghost club flyer.

It’s just that the way she used to be a little bit special.

Because her mission world turned out to be a infinite horror game world.

— Yes, infinite horror game world.

It’s no surprise that the system believes this work is ideal for Lin Xiaotang. She has returned to her “hometown” this time.

It is, however, not like the previous “held” escape games. In this realm, the lord god favours killing to fear and has a pretty dominant demeanour.

After becoming a player, you are occasionally forced into the game if you are chosen by it.

What’s more frightening is that if you die in the game, you’ll be viciously killed on the spot in real life.

Fortunately, crises are frequently accompanied with enormous profits, and horror games are no exception.

Once a player has cleared the game seven times and successfully survived, then the lord god of this horror game will fulfil any of his wishes.

Thinking of this, Lin Xiaotang’s eyes moved slightly.

On the one side, there is the constant threat of death, and on the other, it is wealthy enough to be insane.

The original owner will progressively lose the bottom line and become a “villain” under the combined power of the two.

This world’s plot is actually fairly basic. To summarise, the hero and heroine become players after unintentionally entering the horror escape game.

Faced with different crises in the game, the two worked together to aid one other, avoiding various conspiracies and tricks, and eventually clearing the game seven times together.

They used the chance after leaving the horror game to make a desire to the Lord God, and he granted their wishes.

As for the original owner, Shen Xiaoqiao, her experience was much more complicated.

She herself is an ordinary high school student who was framed and accidentally entered the horror escape game.

But unlike ordinary people, Shen Xiaoqiao quickly calmed down after the initial panic.

With extraordinary courage and intelligence, she successfully cleared the first game.

In the next games, she successfully used her frail and sad appearance to mislead the majority of the other players and turn them into her own “guinea pigs” to test the game’s rules and gather enough information….

Calm, smart, prudent, and cruel…

In comparison to the misnamed villains Lin Xiaotang had previously rescued, Shen Xiaoqiao, who was just 16 years old, might be considered a rather typical villain.

It leaps to reason that a calm and intelligent individual like Shen Xiaoqiao should easily survive seven games and bring this horror to an end.

Unfortunately, she ran across the hero and heroine in the seventh game.

Shen Xiaoqiao and the heroine were both novices who shared their first game.

The heroine was very impressed with this unusually intelligent high school girl.

After re-encountering, the heroine has been wary and purposefully guarded against Shen Xiaoqiao’s enticement.

Shen Xiaoqiao herself was opposed to the heroine, but she would ruin her chances and plans.

Like water and fire, the two went tit for tat against each other.

Finally, when she was one step away from victory, Shen Xiaoqiao made a mistake and was turned against by the hero and heroine, and she died in the game.

Lin Xiaotang: “……”

She was at a loss for words when confronted with this storyline.

If it weren’t for the poor luck, Shen Xiaoqiao would have taken the protagonist’s script.

She even questioned whether the system wanted to save Shen Xiaoqiao not because she was miserable, but because the innocent people who were trapped by her were so miserable…

Given the difficulty of this mission, which requires the completion of seven escape games, Shen Xiaoqiao’s character is destined to make it impossible for the hosts to approach her and prevent her from abusing and harming others.

As a result, Shen Xiaoqiao was identified as a “special rescue object” by the system.

The host controls Shen Xiaoqiao’s body during the mission, and she returns to her body once the task is completed.

Shen Xiaoqiao stated that as a prize for the special task, she would grant the host who completed the task the opportunity to make a wish.

“You should already know what I did.”

“I am such a person, and there is nothing to defend,” the slender, weak, and beautiful girl said calmly in the lord god’s area. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to inquire.”

Because the mission is unique, the host will have the ability to communicate with the mission object before entering the mission world to gather mission information.

“What’s your wish?” Lin Xiaotang inquired.

Shen Xiaoqiao was silent for a moment before saying, “Stay alive.”

“I just want to be a normal person,” she added, “I just want to survive.”

She would not have harmed so many people if she had not participated in the horror escape game.

With her intelligence, she will have a pretty good future.

Afterwards, Lin Xiaotang recalled this exchange clip, still a little emotional.

Shen Xiaoqiao deserves to be the villain who can turn other players around in the original plot.

In just a few lines, she was able to quietly change her image from indifferent to sorrowful, as if she were being influenced by an escape game and had no option but to comply.

If it were someone else, he might feel sorry for Shen Xiao Xiao and choose to ignore the blood on her hands.

Lin Xiaotang, on the other hand, has taken over the duty and will work hard to fulfil it.

It makes no difference what kind of person the task object is.

Lin Xiaotang was unconcerned about the reward for this “wish.”

She no longer has anything missing, nor do she have any unmet wishes after attaining her level.

As a result, rather than clearing the escape game seven times in a row, Lin Xiaotang elected to utilise a different approach in this game to entirely assist the original owner in getting rid of this game after going through immeasurable hardships in exchange for a chance to make a wish.

Lin Xiaotang drove around campus while thinking about it.

Her speed was quick, and it didn’t take long for her to arrive at the door of the Ghost club’s activity room.

Shen Xiaoqiao, the original owner, had already entered the first game when she took over.

This school serves as the game’s setting. The girl just now is a game NPC.

And what the girl said about the ghost club, unsurprisingly, should be the location of the main plot of this game.

Because Lin Xiaotang’s source of energy was also from escape games, the energy in Lin Xiaotang’s body was severely suppressed in the game owing to the principle of mutual constraint.

In other words, she is now just a regular human with increased power and abilities.

Lin Xiaotang, on the other hand, had no trouble.

Lin Xiaotang moved up quickly and opened the entrance of the Ghost Club before 10 a.m., when other NPCs and players had not yet arrived.

She then stormed in abruptly.

“It’s not yet ten o’clock, outsiders can’t enter the ghost club.”

Lin Xiaotang entered the room and heard a cold, harsh voice behind her.

She turned around and saw a black-robed man with a red and white demon mask quietly appearing behind her.

The man’s face was covered by the mask, and Lin Xiaotang could only see his eyes and pale and thin chin.

His pupils were red, his pupils were wide open, and his eyes were shattered. People had an unexplainable sense when he wore the evil ghost mask.

Looking at Lin Xiaotang, he said flatly, “You violated the rules of the ghost club.”

“Oh,” Lin Xiaotang mused, “so what?”

The president of Ghost Club was taken aback because he had never seen such an arrogant and rebellious athlete before.player

Lin Xiaotang reached out her hand without hesitation and struck the president on the neck with a slap in the face.


The president didn’t even have time to respond to the sudden attack, he rolled his eyes slumped down slowly.

Without any hesitation, Lin Xiaotang quickly squatted down and took off the black robe and the mask on his face.

Then, she put these things on herself.

Lin Xiaotang, who had put on new equipment, opened the door of the club classroom when the bell rang at 10 a.m.

There were ten people standing outside the door.

Except for a few obvious NPC students, the remaining people included well-mannered adults, teenagers with yellow hair, and an elegant and quiet woman.

Lin Xiaotang raised the corner of her mouth slightly as she looked at them.

“Welcome to your interview for the Ghost Club,” she welcomed. “I’m the president of the Ghost Club, Lin Xiaotang.”

How tedious is it to play the game correctly and survive according to the system’s rules?

Since she wants to play games, then she has to play a big one.

———End of this chapter. 


  1. Erania says:

    I have to commend the author! This is a creative outlook on how to “beat” the game!

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not work with dark mode