She is the Escape Boss [Quick Transmigration]

In The World Of ‘Real And Fake Daughter’ (11) End


Hearing this, Ye Sasa’s heart skipped a beat, and her whole person suddenly woke up.

Yes, in such a barren region, how could there be anyone else save her and Liu Pang, the two escaping people?

What was that coughing sound coming from outside the temple?

Ye Sasha held her breath and didn’t dare to open her eyes because she was terrified.

She was stiff and immobile on the ground, attempting to appear to be asleep.

She’s not sure if it was a psychological impact, but Ye Sasa became aware that the temperature in this temple was dangerously low.

It was summer, and the outside was oppressively hot, but the air in the temple was becoming increasingly cold.

Even when she breathed, the breath in her nose was icy cold.

This gloomy breath followed her respiratory tract and permeated her body at all times, making her bones stand straight and inadvertently soaking her garments in chilly perspiration.

Fortunately, there was no additional action outside the temple once the coughing stopped.

Except for the sound of the two of them breathing a little too quickly, the surroundings were calm.

Ye Sasa’s previously stiff nerves progressively eased over time.

Her thoughts began to race, and she began to have concerns about the prior cough.

What the hell was Liu Pang talking about?

And the coughing sound, maybe it was made by some small animals, let it be that they heard it wrong.

Ye Sasa thought so in her heart, but for a while, she didn’t dare to show it.

She waited for a long time for the air to warm up again, and it was still silent outside the temple, with no movement.

The longer she waited, the less terror Ye Sasa felt in her heart.

In the end, she harboured anger towards Liu Pang.

Liu Pang wouldn’t let her have a good night’s sleep because she was so sleepy.

Wouldn’t she have fallen asleep by now if he hadn’t talked a little more?

She’d be huddled in a crumbling temple if it weren’t for him!?

Ye Sasa couldn’t help but open her eyes, irritated.

She cast a peek at the man who slept next her.

Like her, Liu Pang also closed his eyes and lay there motionless.

Seeing him like this, Ye Sasa was upset.

Without thinking, she stretched out her hand and pushed him.

“Liu Pang, don’t pretend,” she said, her tone somewhat irritated, “what are you playing, lying to me about ghosts, is this interesting?”

The most ludicrous part was that she still believed this idiot’s words!

Now that she thought about it, Ye Sasa was itching to slap herself in the face.

Liu Pang remained silent after hearing Ye Sasa’s statements.

He was still lying there, appearing to be dead, and he didn’t reply when he was prodded.

Ye Sasa was furious when she saw Liu Pang in this state.

“What are you pretending to be?” she extended out her hand and shoved the other person many times.

After being shoved by Ye Sasha for so many times, for some unclear purpose, Liu Pang still didn’t respond.

He seemed to be unconscious, at the mercy of others, without fighting back.

This time, Ye Sasa finally found something wrong.

What happened to Liu Pang?

Shouldn’t something have happened to him? ?

Thinking of this, Ye Sa swallowed her saliva, her heart beating faster and faster.

She stood up and asked cautiously, “Hello? Liu Pang? Wake up, hello?”


At this moment, a slightly trembling voice suddenly came from behind Ye Sasa.

It’s Liu Pang.

“Who, who are you talking to?” When he heard the tone, “I’ve been sleeping here…”, his voice was tinged with anxiety, and he almost cried.

Ye Sasha froze all over when he said those words, and an unfathomable shiver swept over her.

Liu Pang’s voice was not close to her, implying that he did not sleep with her.

Who is the person in front of her?

Her mind was jumbled, and her body couldn’t stop shaking.

“…Liu Pang, have you spoken to me before?” she questioned hoarsely after a while.

“Speak? “No,” Liu Pang answered nervously after hearing her query, “I was sleeping, and you just woke me up…”

So, the guy who told her “there are ghosts here” wasn’t Liu Pang? 

Ye Sasa was crying and laughing, for a while, she didn’t know how to react.


The hoarse old man coughed again.

Only this time, the voice no longer came from outside the temple, but from “Liu Pang” beside Ye Sasa.

Hearing this voice when he was awake, Ye Sasa trembled.

She unconsciously wanted to avoid “Liu Pang,” but in the face of such terror, her limbs were stiff and she couldn’t move.

What made her even more afraid was that the elderly man’s cough sounded all too familiar, and she had heard it somewhere before.

Furthermore, she appears to have heard it several times…

Ye Sasa’s head felt a little dizzy as she was thinking like way.

Her limbs were burning strangely, and her throat felt itching, making her want to cough twice.

What exactly was going on here?

Ye Sasha shook his head, only to feel the headache become stronger.

In addition to the fever and headache, Ye Sasa’s face and skin became itchy..

The itching was so intense that Ye Sasha stretched out her hand uncontrollably and touched her face.

Then, she felt large and small pustules.

After realising this, Ye Sasa’s eyes widened in horror.

Wait, there’s headache, fever, cough, and blisters… Wasn’t this a symptom that only individuals with the disease experience!?

Ye Sasa instantly understood why the elderly man’s cough seemed familiar to her at this point.

——Because she heard such a cough a few months earlier, when she and Liu Pang’s minions, together with other elderly individuals who were afflicted with the disease and had lost their ability to resist, spread the epidemic.


It had already been half a month when Lin Xiaotang learned of Ye Sasa and Liu Pang’s deaths.

It took a lot of work for the people who arrested them to find their remains in the barren highlands.

The only surprise was that when the bodies were discovered, they had extensive pustules and sores on their cheeks and wrists.

At first glance, it appears that they were in the grip of an epidemic.

Because they were unsure of the situation, local officials deliberated for a long time before reporting it to Her Majesty.

Lin Xiaotang nodded calmly after hearing the minister’s report and remarked, “I see.”

Liu Pang and Ye Sasa?

Hers was the hand originally behind the deaths of these two persons, in order to provide an explanation to the innocent people who died in the epidemic.

Her gaze was drawn to the monument on the case desk: “Continue talking about the Huainan side.”


So, the deaths of Ye Sasa and Liu Pang were revealed lightly.

Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, another ten years had passed.

Lin Yiyi, who used to stand behind Lin Xiaotang with a crimson ying long spear, was already in her forties and eager to go to the fight.

Under the cruel years, the vibrant and charming girl of the past has gradually matured into a mature and steady woman.

But she continued to look at Lin Xiaotang with affection in her eyes.

Perhaps because of the resentful Ye Sasa for comparison, or out of curiosity about their own daughter and sister, the Ye family began to approach and satisfy Lin Yiyi on purpose in recent years.

To get Lin Yiyi to call her “mother,” the old mother Ye supported her body and stitched two dresses for Lin Yiyi herself.

However, no matter how hard they tried, Lin Yiyi’s attitude towards them was still cold and distant.

Every time Lin Xiaotang thinks of this, she finds it very interesting.

Lin Yiyi had always been cordial and courteous to the Ye family in her previous life.

The Ye family, however, did not recognise her dedication and hard work.

Who would have guessed that the relationship and position of Lin Yiyi and the Ye family would be completely reversed in this life?

Karma and reincarnation were both sad.

In fact, the Ye family never damaged Lin Yiyi much in this life, thanks to Lin Xiaotang’s protection.

If they insist, they may be considered duped by Ye Sasa, and they were victims.

However, Lin Xiaotang didn’t bother to care so much.

You can be happy as long as you are alive. Lin Xiaotang will back Lin Yiyi’s decision because she did not want to recognise them.

Lin Xiaotang, glancing at her daughter beside her, was silent for a long period before suddenly asking, “Are you afraid?”

Lin Yiyi, on the other hand, lacks the aura of a “saintess” and the hundreds of years of reincarnation experience she possesses.

She was a regular person and a woman. Once she assumed the emperor’s throne, she will face an extraordinarily tough journey.

Her mother, in particular, was Lin Xiaotang, who had achieved great success.

Lin Yiyi slowly shook her head after hearing Lin Xiaotang’s words: “I’m not afraid.”

“Although there’s a success story in front, who can be sure that the one in the back can’t be as successful?” she asked, her face no longer bold and flamboyant.

Her talent was significantly inferior to that of her mother.

Nonetheless, she felt that via her efforts, the country will undoubtedly grow richer.

“Okay.” Lin Xiaotang pleased as she heard her daughter’s response.

She reached out her hand and softly patted Lin Yiyi’s head, as she had done many times before.

“I believe you.”


A month later, on her 50th birthday, Emperor Lin Xiaotang announced her abdication, and the crown princess, Lin Yiyi, succeeded her as the Dayuan Dynasty’s second emperor.

The Supreme Emperor Lin Xiaotang died three years later, and the entire kingdom mourned.

On the day the previous Emperor died, countless people around the country had the same dream.

Tanghua, the goddess, and the saintess went to heaven in the dream, encircled by a fairy mist.

“The saintess has perfected her merits, and she has risen to immortality.” An old man was happy and mumbled when he awoke from his dream.

Under such a realisation, everyone’s anxiety and despair were much lessened.

A woman clad in a new dragon robe sat on the high dragon chair in the distant capital.

Since then, a legendary generation has come to an end.

———End of this chapter. 


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