She is the Escape Boss [Quick Transmigration]

In The World Of ‘Real And Fake Daughter’ (10)

Lin Xiaotang was surprised after hearing the minister’s statements, and she never expected things to turn out this way.

And thousands of miles away, Liu Pang and others who escaped in haste were just as startled as Lin Xiaotang.

The fourth prince, Liu Pang, was the most bewildered of them all.

“How could this possibly be? Shouldn’t…they listen to us!?” he kept muttering.

He had lived in the palace for almost 10 years as a prince and had an excellent understanding of political events.

In his memories, once a natural disaster struck the kingdom, his father emperor would dispatch troops to the disaster area to pacify the aggressive people.

Most of the previous civil uprisings occurred under such circumstances.

Therefore, he and his subordinates made such a plan.

He did not expect that those ignorant people would not listen to the rumours they spread!

Not only did they not listen, but these people were furious and beat up those who spread rumours!

“What is God angry at? What are you talking about!”

“Liu’s group of dog emperors, they have hurt us so badly, and we have finally had a better life, why are they coming back?”

“If that’s the case, then what else is there for us to believe in this God?”

“Bah! If you want to support Liu, you should support yourself rather than getting engaged with us!”

People are a highly unique species.

They are extremely ignorant at times and tend to mindlessly follow the herd, yet in many critical situations, they will become extremely reasonable.

They understand better than anyone how much their lives have altered as a result of Lin Xiaotang’s initiatives.

Clothes, food, shelter, and transportation were all commonplace; let’s exclude them out for the time being.

Six months earlier, structures labelled “Library” were constructed throughout the city in response to repeated requests from Lin Xiaotang.

The library had thousands of books. No matter how impoverished they were, they can read books for an entire day in it for the price of two pennies.

Furthermore, she strongly advocated a new form of school.

Although the school only admits children who are a few years old and the content taught was limited to enlightened knowledge, the existence of this school definitely provides many commoner families hope of passing the class.

Everything was inferior, only studying was priority. Sometimes, what these people long for was such an opportunity to climb up.

This opportunity was even more important than what to eat and wear.

Lin Xiaotang sent a lot of educational opportunities to them, how could they not be grateful?

If it really was back to the previous dynasty, it would be completely over!

“There’s something wrong with these people, arrest them!”

In the crowd, a big man suddenly shouted loudly.

After hearing this sentence, the other people immediately reacted: “Yes, yes, arrest them all!”

In any case, don’t let them have the opportunity to do things!

The intelligent people rushed forward and surrounded the few people sent out by Liu Pang at the time.

There was power in the numbers, and they rapidly conquered the surviving members of the former dynasty.

Some people despised the former and will “accidentally” kick them or strike them.

When the officials received the news and rushed over, the few persons who were spreading the rumours had all slumped to the ground and lost their power to resist.

Seeing this, Liu Pang and others could only flee before the outside world discovered them.

Without any bout of success, everyone’s heart was heavy.

“We miscalculated and underestimated the influence of the so-called ‘Tanghua Goddess’ this time.” Ye Sasa, sensing everyone’s sadness, clinched her teeth and exclaimed fiercely, “Next time, we will definitely succeed!”

Already a few months earlier, Ye Sasa took advantage of the unpreparedness of others around her, amassed a wealth, and snuck out of Ye Mansion.

She firmly joined the rebellion team in order to be the future queen, to provide a good look to the Ye family and Lin Xiaotang, who had abandoned her.

According to Ye Sasa, Liu Pang and the others could not fail with her on board.

They initially failed because they were irresponsible.

Lin Xiaotang was not their opponent as long as they were serious.

“Makes sense.”

After listening to Ye Sasa’s words, the others also cheered up again.

“We underestimated the stupidity of these peddlers, and didn’t expect them to be bewitched by a woman.”

“Who would have thought they would be so superstitious and believe in a fake goddess?”

“This plan doesn’t work, then, let’s change a plan!”

With the information provided by Ye Sasa, they made persistent efforts and made several troubles.

Pretending to be a Taoist priest with the ability to predict the future, gathering believers everywhere, or robbing a village and attempting to develop into a stockade were all examples.

Regardless of what they do, they will always be beaten by the people and the government, contrary to their expectations.

What made them even more uncomfortable was that, despite the various beneficial conditions they gave, few people were affected, with the exception of a few morons who were crazy about wanting to be promoted up the ranks.

The common people live a decent life; why should they follow this band of rebels for the sake of fake grandeur and wealth?

If you are not careful, you will lose your head!

“Sasa, what should I do?”

Faced with this situation, Liu Pang asked worriedly.

If the rebellion was to be successful, it was absolutely impossible to rely on only a dozen of them.

They had to recruit troops, expand their manpower, try their best to fool those civilians and join their ranks.

Therefore, once these civilians don’t buy it, they would be completely useless.

The plan to restore the country also suddenly fell into a deadlock.

“You are the prince, and you aspire to be Emperor in the future. How can you ask me what to do? Why don’t you think of a way for yourself?” Ye Sasa remarked impatiently.

Ye Sasa, like Liu Pang, was obviously troubled by this.

Who would have guessed that Liu Pang would be such a waste of her money?

Ye Sasa reflected on her different experiences at this period and felt a pang of regret.

It’s a shame this wasn’t something she didn’t want to do, so she couldn’t stop doing it.

On this pirate ship, she had no choice except to bite the bullet and sink.

“Sasa, please don’t say that to me…”

For Ye Sasa’s accusation, Liu Pang was a little angry and a little dazed.

He knew very well that Ye Sasa was right, and he shouldn’t have asked her about everything.

However, if he really wanted to find a way by himself, he couldn’t do it at all.

He had become accustomed to depending on Ye Sasa’s foresight and advise as early as seven or eight years ago, in order to avoid the conspiracy of his other brothers.

Growing up in such a greenhouse had softened Liu Pang’s character without any tempering or obstacles.

Liu Pang grew addicted to alcohol when the country was devastated, using it to numb himself and avoid reality.

How much has his personality changed in the last few months?

Ye Sasa expected him to restore the country, while Liu Pang expected Ye Sasa to fix everything for him and allow him to sit on the throne naturally.

In this way, over time, Ye Sasa and Liu Pang became tired of seeing each other, and the two no longer had the warmth and harmony they had at the beginning.


Under the successive blows of Lin Xiaotang’s officials, the rebellion team of Liu Pang and others became more and more passive.

But after two months, one of Liu Pang’s subordinates saw that there was no hope of restoration, and finally couldn’t bear it any longer, and found an opportunity to report quietly to the official.

He revealed their identities, origins, and specific hiding places.

This person’s betrayal came so suddenly, it caught everyone off guard.

Before they could even pack their things, they were caught by the officials.

Fortunately, Liu Pang and Ye Sasa had considered this situation before.

Recognising that something was wrong, they made a firm decision, dropped the others, and silently escaped from the secret path they had prepared in private.

It’s just that staying in a public place wasn’t particularly safe.

To avoid the inspection, Ye Sasa and Liu Pang clinched their teeth and determined to flee to the deep mountains’ old forests.

Its unsure if they were lucky, but they were not apprehended by officials when fleeing in a rush.

They encountered no creatures, reptiles, or dangerous snakes after ascending the mountain.

They even discovered an abandoned temple in such a remote peak before dusk!

The temple was located in a lonely area, concealed behind a large tree, and half of the walls were overrun with weeds and plants.

Ye Sasa and Liu Pang would not have found it if it hadn’t been for the sound of birds chirping within.

“Should we stay for the night?” When Liu Pang saw the temple, he said, “This place is very remote, and they probably won’t be able to find it here.”

This temple was still a roof, despite its brokenness.

It was more preferable to sleep in a temple than to sleep in the wind.

After listening to Liu Pang’s words, Ye Sasa nodded tiredly.

She had been running around for several hours in a row, and she was still worried. She was too tired to speak, and just wanted to find a place to rest.

Seeing that Ye Sasa agreed, Liu Pang took her with him and walked over carefully.

However, as they entered the temple, the sky outside suddenly darkened.

The surrounding air gradually cooled, bringing a lingering chill.

– Night fell.

When Ye Sasa entered the shrine, she expected to face a lot of dust.

But, to her amazement, the ground here was quite clean, as was the temple’s layout, as if someone came over to clean it.

A strange-looking Buddha statue stood in the centre of the temple.

It sat on the stage, with pleasingly low brows and a crying and laughing look.

Its gaze was fixed on the temple’s entrance, as if it was hostile to something. There was an inexplicable horrible sense at first glimpse.

Ye Sasa was stunned for a time after seeing the Buddha statue, and she felt a bit apprehensive in her heart.

But soon, she put this strangeness behind her.

Rather than exploring the abnormality of this temple, she would rather have a good rest.

She was really tired.

Moreover, it was more tormenting than physical exhaustion and psychological pain.

Ye Sasa has never felt so much regret, mourning her obsession with Liu Pang and her decision to rebel.

Despite the fact that the Ye family mistreated her, she was Lin Xiaotang’s own daughter. No matter how much the Ye family despised her, they would never harm her.

Her future will not be prosperous or noble, but she will be able to live the rest of her life in peace and security under the supervision of the Ye family.

She was now a fugitive as a result of Liu Pang…

Why did she keep growing worse and worse despite the fact that she clearly had a new life?

Ye Sasha felt really uneasy when she considered this.

She even questioned if she had done something wrong.

Especially, in the eyes of Lin Xiaotang and Lin Yiyi, she may just be a clown jumping on the beam.

Her efforts and meticulous attempts may not have been taken seriously by them at all.

If she did not assault Lin Xiaotang and Lin Yiyi after rebirth, but instead chose to tell the Ye family the truth and be friendly to Lin Yiyi to make up for Lin Yiyi.

Would she have not end up like this?

Ye Sasa refused to think about it any longer.

She could only take a deep breath and attempt to convince herself that she was not to blame, but that it was everyone else’s fault.

This manner, she can take a breather and unwillingly continue walking.

Ye Sasa did not stay with Liu Pang and did not bother to look after Liu Pang. Instead, she picked a corner in the temple and immediately lay down.

It’s becoming late, so she needed to get some rest and refuel before continuing her escape tomorrow.

It didn’t take long for Ye Sasa to feel sleepy in such a quiet and quiet surroundings.

She closed her eyes and allowed her consciousness to blur and drop gradually.

However, just as she was falling asleep, Ye Sasa heard a raspy cough from outside!


Although the sound was very light, it was especially noticeable on a quiet night.

And along with the old man’s coughing, there was Liu Pang’s slight trembling voice——

“Sasa…here, there are ghosts…”

———End of this chapter. 


  1. Tatyana Rodriguez says:

    I know lying to yourself is powerful, but I didn’t know it was THAT strong.

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