She is the Escape Boss [Quick Transmigration]

In The World Of ‘Real And Fake Daughter’ (8)

Nanny Wang, of course, was sent by Lin Xiaotang.

Under the great imperial power, Ye Sasa and nanny Wang’s schemes were extensively scrutinised in just a few days.

Real and fake daughters were a mess.

Lin Xiaotang simply intended to tackle this concealed danger as swiftly as possible, and she demonstrated her attitude along the way.

“This slave, greets Your Majesty.”

Nanny Wang knelt down respectfully after entering the palace, under Ye Sasa’s startled stare.

She didn’t dare to raise her head as an ordinary person in front of the royal family, especially because Lin Xiaotang was still the saintess appointed by Goddess Tanghua.

“Tell me what you did ten years ago.” Lin Xiaotang said.


After listening to her words, nanny Wang knowtowed.

Nanny Wang calmly stated in front of everyone in the audience what she and Ye Sasa had done: “Ten years ago, Miss Ye told the old slave that she had a nightmare…”

Ye Sasa was only a little girl of five or six years old ten years ago. Even if she wanted to get rid of Lin Yiyi, she lacked the necessary skills.

To accomplish her goal, she must enlist the assistance of nanny Wang.

So Ye Sasa cried to nanny Wang, claiming that she had a nightmare in which a fairy told her that Lin Yiyi would kill her in the future.

She asked nanny Wang to deal with Lin’s mother and daughter, and she used “filial piety” as an excuse to ask nanny Wang not to tell Father and Mother Ye about it.

It may be that Ye Sasa was too young, and nanny Wang didn’t doubt her much.

After Lin Xiaotang came to the throne and her origins circulated throughout the land, Mammy Wang suddenly understood that the family she had sent people to burn down was actually the future emperor’s home!

“The slave servant is also a Tanghua Sect follower. The residents in the slave servant’s hometown would have starved to death if the goddess hadn’t provided them potatoes.” In response to her own words, Mammy Wang sobbed, “What this slave servant said is the truth, and if Your Majesty doesn’t believe it, this slave is willing to swear to God.”

Nanny Wang did not betray anyone. She was from a commoner family, and she, along with other family members, believed in the Tanghua goddess.

Even if she still had some feelings for Ye Sasa, this feeling was completely vulnerable in the face of imperial power and faith.

“I didn’t! You are framing me!”

Hearing nanny Wang’s words, Ye Sasa’s face changed, and she hurriedly reprimanded.

“Your Majesty, mother, I am your daughter!” she said, raising her head and looking at Lin Xiaotang with concern. ” Lin Yiyi must have brought this elderly woman to frame me! She is a forgery, and she does not want me to recognise my ancestry!”

Ye Sasa could only expose her identity in this way.

Murdering the emperor was a crime deserving of punishing the nine clans, and she refused to accept it!

As long as she revealed her life experience, the new emperor will recognise her as her own daughter and let her go with ease!

Ye Sasa’s calculations were quite good, yet after hearing her comments, Lin Xiaotang didn’t falter at all.

“I realised ten years ago that you are my own daughter, and that I am your biological mother, didn’t you also know ten years ago?”

Looking at the panicked Ye Sasha, she said slowly.

Lin Xiaotang’s deep dark eyes swept over Ye Sasa, and for a moment, Ye Sasa felt betrayed: “You know you are not from the Ye family, you are afraid that this matter will be exposed, so you send people to kill me.”

What she had dreamed, what the fairy in her dream stated about Lin Yiyi harming her in the future, was all a lie.

Ye Sasa’s deepest thought was that she did not want to return to the poor Lin Xiaotang and did not want to lose her identity as the Ye family’s daughter.

“I…I’m…I’m not…”

Ye Sasha panicked as he heard Lin Xiaotang’s statements and instantly refuted them.

But which of the people present couldn’t see it?

Ye Sasa’s twinkling eyes, and the look of unconcealed guilt, couldn’t hide it from them at all.

The Ye family looked at Ye Sasa like this, and only felt a chill in their hearts.

Even the third Young Master Ye, who has always been at odds with Ye Sasha, felt a cold in his bones.

Ye Sasa was the emperor’s child, not their daughter or sister. This occurrence completely stunned them.

But, given Ye Sasa’s previous activities and her oddly haughty demeanour, it’s hardly surprising.

However, Ye Sasa was aware of the reality ten years ago.

Not only did she not show any fear at the time, but she even tossed Mammy Wang next to her to murder her!

She brutally devised and murdered her biological mother and the real daughter of the family in order to live a life of good clothes and food in the Ye family while despising the impoverished Lin family.

After that, Ye Sasa didn’t even have any intention of repenting, but instead enjoyed all this with peace of mind.

How cold-blooded and selfish was this?!

Even Mother Ye, who loves Ye Sasa the most, can’t say a word.

If Ye Sasa was unaware of it, she may console herself with “Sasa is innocent” and “Sasa doesn’t want to be like this.”

But Ye Sasa was not without fault.

Remembering Ye Sasa’s statement a few days ago that she “doesn’t want her to live a good life,” Mother Ye suddenly realised a truth while in a trance——

Perhaps Ye Sasa never truly considered herself to be her mother.

She would not be grateful in the face of Mother Ye’s devotion, but would instead inspire a kind of comic joy as the dove occupying the magpie’s nest.

“What are you doing, and why are you looking at me like this… I’m Her Majesty’s child!”

After realising the cold attitude of the people around her, Ye Sasa panicked.

She was so self-willed before, not because she was sure that the Ye family would not give up on her.

After all, they had loved her so much in their previous lifetimes that they didn’t care if the true Ye family daughter Lin Yiyi returned.

But what caused them to change in this life?

“I can’t afford to have a daughter like you.”

Lin Xiaotang scowled as she looked at Ye Sasa, who was playing around: “My daughter is only Yiyi, and she is the only child I recognise.”

Lin Xiaotang waved her hand indifferently in front of Ye Sasa’s stunning gaze and muttered, “Throw her out for me.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

In response, the two palace maids emerged.

“What are you doing?” “Don’t come near me!”

When Ye Sasa noticed them approaching her, she yelled, “Don’t come here, don’t come here!”

She couldn’t understand, she was here to recognize her relatives and to take back her own glory!

What happened wrongly, how did she end up in such a bad situation?

“I’m truly sorry, Miss Ye.”

The maids ignored Ye Sasa’s struggles and seized her arm tightly, dragging her out of the castle.

“No no!–“

Ye Sasa’s voice became louder and louder till it was entirely peaceful.

When Ye Sasa was taken away, Lin Xiaotang’s gaze was drawn to the Ye family.

“I’m not going to pursue this with nanny Wang,” she stated. “I just hope I don’t have to see her again.”

Everyone knew who this “she” referred to.

Faced with an emperor’s order, the Ye family had no right to say “No”.

They bowed their heads and responded obediently.


The family identification issue in the palace that day was only a minor incident in Lin Xiaotang’s life.

She no longer cared about Ye Sasa and the Ye family’s troubles after expressing her feelings to them, and returned to work.

What astonished her was that, although knowing she was the Ye family’s child, Lin Yiyi didn’t seem to have much contact with the Ye family.

Even when confronted with Father and Mother Ye, her demeanour was cold.

“Don’t you want to recognise them?” Lin Xiaotang inquired.

Lin Yiyi had to compromise for a long time in the original plot in order to obtain the favour of Ye’s father and mother.

“My mother, there is only one mother,” Lin Yiyi replied very seriously, “I don’t want to recognize them.”

When the Ye family entered the palace, Lin Yiyi was also present.

At that time, she stood silently beside Lin Xiaotang and watched the whole farce.

Lin Yiyi was enraged after finding that Mother’s daughter, Ye Sasa, had genuinely planned to kill them, and she naturally felt sorry for Lin Xiaotang.

Who can stand by and watch her own daughter be victimised?

So Lin Yiyi made a private decision: she will no longer recognised Ye’s parents.

Despite the fact that Father and Mother Ye were her biological parents and have a blood link with her, her mother has lost a daughter, leaving her as the only one by her side.

Furthermore, Ye Sasa believed that the Lin family was too impoverished and wished to be like the Ye family, so she would attack them.

Her mother will be quite uncomfortable if she becomes close to the Ye family.

Lin Xiaotang nodded after hearing Lin Yiyi’s words: “If you don’t want to recognise it, then don’t recognise it.”

She had no idea what Lin Yiyi believed, but she will back any decision Lin Yiyi chooses.

Furthermore, recognising relations with the Ye family was not always a positive thing.

Because of their preference for Ye Sasa, the Ye family used cold brutality towards Lin Yiyi for numerous years in the original plot.

They were the ones who drove Lin Yiyi to the dead end, leaving no trace.

Ye Sasa will grow into such a character, and the Ye family has made significant contributions.

What kind of cause they sow, what kind of fruit they reap, they look very pitiful now, but this is just self-rewarding.

“After this period of time has passed, you can go to court with me,” Lin Xiaotang finally stated, “you are already fifteen years old, and you need to learn how to handle political affairs.”

Lin Yiyi smiled and nodded, saying, “Okay.”

As a result, the topic of the Ye family was quickly forgotten.

It’s only that the Lin family’s mother and daughter get along great, while at Ye’s house, Ye Sasa’s position was dire.

The Ye family had previously treated her somewhat harshly.

In her daily life, though, she remained a serious daughter who is spoiled by everyone.

However, following the Ye family’s return from the palace a few days ago, Ye Sasa’s treatment in the Ye family has fallen off a cliff.

Father Ye no longer cared for her, Mother Ye no longer wanted to see her, and even the three young masters of the Ye family shunned Ye Sasa, knowingly or unconsciously.

When it was revealed that “Ye Sasa is not the biological daughter of the Ye family,” even some maids laughed behind Ye Sasa’s back.

These wealthy families’ servants were the finest at detecting the wind, and when they converse in private, they were much more spiteful.

Just like today, Ye Sasha was strolling down the courtyard road when she heard two maids whispering on the side of the flower bed.

“Hey hey, you know, just now, Mrs. Ye didn’t want to see her, she is still angry at the young miss!”

“Yo, does she really think she is from the Miss Ye family?”

“That’s not true, some people just don’t have a wealthy life, but they have a wealthy disease!”

“But to be honest, Young miss is too heartless. Madam used to be so kind to her, she doesn’t even have any gratitude.”

“It’s no wonder that Madam ignores her. This kind of person really deserves it…”

“—What nonsense are you talking about?!”

After listening to their conversation, Ye Sasa was furious.

She stormed out and chastised the two servants, saying, “Who made you spew nonsense? Please kneel for me!”

These two despicable maids dare to gossip about her behind her back!

She had lived for many years and had never experienced such adversity!

The two maids, however, did not worry after hearing Ye Sasa’s words.

They exchanged glances, sneered disapprovingly, turned around, and walked away.

They no longer cared for Ye Sasa after learning the significance of the madam and the master.

That’s why Ye Sasa couldn’t perceive the situation clearly and assumed she was still the fourth Miss Ye who was distant.

Ye Sasa was so enraged as she looked at the backs of the two maids that she couldn’t wait to rush up and tear their tongues out.

She also disliked Father and Mother Ye, blaming them for ignoring her and allowing these maids to abuse her.

She wanted to be related to the Ye family as well as recognise her ancestors and return to the clan.

Was their ten-year connection so frail that simply because she wished to acknowledge Lin Xiaotang as her mother, she was no longer the child of Ye?

And Lin Xiaotang too, was she worthy of being a mother?

She simply made a mistake, and Lin Xiaotang no longer recognised her. There will be no tolerance for this; this was the ruthless emperor!

The more she considered it, the angrier Ye Sasa felt.

She was well aware that Lin Yiyi, who had assumed her name, would one day inherit the throne and become the most respectable person in the world.

She simply ran out of Ye Mansion, went to a distant garden and went to locate Liu Pang, the fourth prince of the previous dynasty.

Liu Pang was only about seventeen or eighteen years old.

He had to remain unknown and dwell in this small yard for several months after the dynasty fell and his relatives were destroyed.

Today, he no longer had the high spirits of the past, and he looked decadent and embarrassed.

When Ye Sasa came over, he was still reclining on the bed, full of alcohol, and kept pouring himself alcohol.


Seeing Ye Sasha coming, he didn’t react much when he was drunk.

After calling her in a daze, he continued to drink.

“Liu Pang, how can you degenerate to such a level?”

Ye Sasha came over because she wanted to seek some comfort from her husband in her previous life.

Seeing Liu Pang’s staggered appearance, a trace of disgust flashed in her eyes.

The men of the Liu family were all cowards.

It’s no wonder that in this life, they were taken 20 years earlier by Lin Xiaotang to go up the mountain…

—Hey, wait!

Unsure of what to think, Ye Sasa’s eyes suddenly lit up.

Wasn’t Lin Xiaotang so arrogant because she was the emperor?

But what if she and Liu Pang pulled her down from the throne?

One should know that many aristocratic families and retired officials still miss Liu.

And, by chance, the fourth prince, Liu Pang, was still alive!

Ye Sasa felt more thrilled as she thought about it.

The restoration of the previous dynasty….

This was not an uncommon occurrence.

Furthermore, she recalled huge natural calamities that occurred in her prior existence!

———End of this chapter. 


  1. Tatyana Rodriguez says:

    Mistake!? Bitch, you tried to kill her!

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