She is the Escape Boss [Quick Transmigration]

In The World Of ‘Real And Fake Daughter’ (6)

Outside the capital, millions of troops approached the city.

The people in the city looked from a distance, and saw that the crowd outside was full of people, and the sound of soldiers colliding was heard from time to time, with awe-inspiring momentum and instilling fear.

“Yiyi, how is your situation?”

The leader was a woman in her thirties.

She has a pair of dark black eyes, clear eyes, indifferent temperament, coupled with her gentle and moving appearance, she always made people subconsciously forget her age and be attracted to her.

“Mother, don’t worry, there is no problem!”

Beside the woman, stood a young girl dressed in military uniform with high spirits.

She looks lovely, with lovely almond eyes, and she doesn’t appear much worse than those young females in the capital.

It’s only the deep calluses on her palms, the scars on her body, and her powerful arms and legs, all of which indicate her years of hard work.

Lin Yiyi raised the corner of her mouth confidently after hearing Lin Xiaotang’s question, “Everything is ready, just wait for the order.”

“Okay,” Lin Xiaotang said, “then let’s start the siege.”

All of the soldiers were quickly despatched in response to her order.

Lin Xiaotang’s army of one million could not be stopped by the capital’s last remaining soldiers.

The ominous revolt army didn’t take long to smash through the city wall, drive straight in, and pour into the palace in one breath.

Fortunately, with Lin Xiaotang continually fantasising and frightening in the name of a goddess, when her warriors entered the city, they did not destroy, kill, or plunder like other rebels, but instead tried to avoid citizens in order not to harm them.

Because of such moderate ways, the Tanghua Rebellion Army has grown to its current size in a matter of years.

When it comes to commoners, the Tanghua Sect is kind, but when it comes to the royal family, they are not.

In order to force aristocratic families to bow their heads, the revolutionaries used thunderous means, killing and imprisoning them.

The emperors and princes in the palace must, of course, keep none of them.

Lin Xiaotang approached the palace after the conflict had ended and it was determined that all of the rebels had surrendered, and decided what to do with the others and soldiers.

However, around halfway through the phrase, she became aware of something, raised her head, and inquired, “Have you found the fourth prince?”

“The fourth prince was not found,” said the general on the side, his head down. “All we found was a servant dressed in his clothes and pretending to be him. He appeared to be have fled a few days ago and we don’t know where he is gone?”


Lin Xiaotang was a little surprised by this, but not too surprised.

Liu Pang, the fourth prince, was the male protagonist in the original plot, and he was also the one who would become Emperor.

It’s natural for him to save a backhand for himself.

Lin Xiaotang, on the other hand, was not terrified of the male protagonist Liu Pang when questioned.

She had only just remembered that there was someone like him, so she decided to look into it on the spur of the moment.

Any scheme or deception will fail in the face of sufficient strength.

What tricks can Liu perform with just that little bit of his knowledge?

Lin Xiaotang quickly forgot about this incident and returned to her usual busyness.

She has never been an emperor, but she has earned a lot of expertise after a few years of tempering. Furthermore, the majority of residents in the country are Tanghua Sect followers, therefore she almost obeys the saintess’ statements.

As a result, she feels she will be able to lead the country more effectively.

Three days later, Lin Xiaotang ascended to the throne as Emperor, renamed the kingdom Yuan, and appointed Lin Yiyi as Crown Princess.

Countless people dreamed of the goddess Tanghua while sleeping on the same night.

The goddess explained that she had watched those in power go amok and the people suffer, so she felt sorrow for them and brought her treasures to the human realm.

And the new emperor is the person she carefully selected to save the world.

“Now that the general situation in the world has been established, my wish has been granted, and I must return to the heavenly court,” the goddess stated softly. “From now on, the Tanghua Sect can be dissolved.”

“If I return to Earth, I will tell all believers through a dream.”

Upon hearing such news, a large number of people lost control of their emotions and wept out in their sleep.

Some people even put on sacks and filial piety to express their mourning by presenting offerings to the goddess Tanghua in places that have received more “favours” from goddesses.

In difficult times, the goddess is not only the source of their hope, but also the nourishment of their spirits.

The only good thing is that when the goddess left, she was satisfied.

Hearing this news, Lin Xiaotang felt very helpless.

But in order to govern the country, she had to do it.

Religious governance is, after all, a double-edged sword.

After a long time, there is no assurance that someone will copy her and call the people in the name of  “Tanghua Goddess” again, and something will happen.

Fortunately, she was born with an advantage: the “Goddess of Tanghua” she created only appeared in dreams, or in the dreams of hundreds of millions of people all at once.

Ordinary folks do not have such a startling skill.

As a result, even if there are still evil persons who want to cause problems in the name of the goddess Tanghua, the people will not trust them.

They weren’t like Lin Xiaotang, who had the unique ability to manipulate dreams.

After finishing this matter, Lin Xiaotang issued several orders to appease the people in one breath.

For example, the day the goddess Litanghua left is commemorated, as is the reopening of the school and the decrease of taxes.

Numerous people are grateful in the face of the new emperor’s sequence of initiatives, and they are much more impressed by Lin Xiaotang, the former saintess.

So far, Lin Xiaotang’s orthodoxy has gotten increasingly stable, and Liu’s country has been reduced to the past tense.


When Lin Xiaotang was still busy in the palace, outside the palace, the situation of many aristocratic families was not good.

Among them, the Ye family was the one who had the hardest time.

When the rebel army broke through the capital before, all the families with close ties to the Liu family were basically liquidated.

In terms of targeting the family, Lin Xiaotang’s tactics were unexpectedly tough.

Most of the remaining aristocratic families turned their backs on the Liu family and chose to surrender to the new emperor.

Including the Ye family, they bowed their heads unconditionally.

What is the backbone? Survival is the most important thing.

If they choose to submit, they can remain the young lady of their noble family, with a noble position and a life of exquisite clothes and food.

Whether it’s the Ye family or another family, they all think the same way.

Prior to this, however, the Ye family had a close association with Liu Pang, the fourth prince of the previous dynasty.

They would have married their daughter instantly if Ye Sasa hadn’t been too young.

Although the Ye family avoided the new emperor’s liquidation after the Liu family was changed, they nonetheless suffered greatly and paid a high price.

In order to placate the new emperor, those households who were still related to them distanced the Ye family.

Will it effect them if the next emperor decides that the Ye family is bad and decides to fight them?

As a result, the once-glorious Ye family has become increasingly transparent in the capital, and it can occasionally be compared to some second-rate dynasties.

“It’s all your good daughter’s fault. Our Ye family would have been degraded to this level if she hadn’t raced over to tie Liu Pang?”

On this day, the Ye family’s third young master was reprimanded by his parents again and he ate shrivelled food outside.

The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and he couldn’t help but yelled.

After scolding, he thought that his parents would continue to scold him and tell him not to talk nonsense as before.

But after listening to his words, Ye’s father and Ye’s mother fell into silence instead.

Isn’t the content of the third son’s words not what they thought?

Falling from a great height, they had to swallow their rage and be pushed aside by people who had previously looked down on them… Is there no resentment in their hearts?

Furthermore, it was Ye Sasa who took the initiative to find Liu Pang.

Previously, the Ye family had never considered marrying their daughter into the royal line.

They would not have been shackled to the fourth prince’s ship so soon if it hadn’t been for this.

Young Master Ye San’s words are true.

“She…she’s your sister too.”

After a long time, Father Ye reluctantly said, “We are all from the Ye family, don’t hurt peace over a little thing.”

“I don’t have this sister!”

Young Master Ye San sneered, turned his head and left.

Since he was a child, Young Master Ye San and Ye Sasha have not dealt with each other.

He hates Ye Sasa’s always taking it for granted, especially when Ye Sasa looks down on him and asks him to be nice to her, asking him to let her do everything.

“Hey, obviously they are brothers and sisters, how can it be like this…”

Seeing that Young Master Ye left without looking back, Mother Ye felt very uncomfortable.

Behind her, the eldest young Master Ye, who has always loved Ye Sasa, kept silent.

He was originally the most remarkable member of the Ye family, and he also passed the imperial test and became a powerful official.

Unsurprisingly, his future appears promising.

However, because of Ye Sasa and the relationship between the Ye and Liu families, Lin Xiaotang discharged him from his official job and allowed him to stay at home temporarily after coming into power.


When will the new emperor think of him again after this time?

Brother Ye, who was gifted but had nowhere to display them, was exceedingly uneasy.

He was especially uneasy to see that others who had previously been less powerful than him had been promoted by the new emperor and had achieved outstanding outcomes and garnered attention.

Ye Sasa is his sister, and he is really kind to Ye Sasa.

But all of this is based on the fact that Ye Sasa will not hurt his interests.

After losing his career, even if he loves Ye Sasa again, Big Brother Ye’s heart is getting worse and worse.

Ye Sasa certainly felt the various changes in the Ye family.

But there was nothing she could do about it.

She didn’t even understand why this happened.

Why did the rebel army invade the capital earlier in this life when it would normally take twenty years?

Ye Sasa gritted her teeth and rescued the fourth prince by using the disused secret passage she discovered in the palace in her past existence.

It’s not that the previous dynasty’s restoration didn’t exist; as long as he lived, there was hope.

After all, Liu Pang is the man she truly loved in her former life, and she has been with him for a long period in this incarnation.

She couldn’t let go of him, and if she could save his life, it was worth it.

It’s just that Ye Sasa was not without confusion when doing these things.

Liu Pang, in particular, she believed, had become increasingly passive and decadent, and her family had begun to abandon her again.

What caused this to happen?

Sasha couldn’t comprehend.

They certainly adored her in their previous life.

But now, even Mother Ye, who loves her the most, looks at her with dissatisfied eyes.

Ye Sasa could scarcely release her rage on Ye Yiyi in her former life, believing that Ye Yiyi, the unlucky ghost, was to blame for everything.

But now, she didn’t know who to hate.

The only thing that makes Ye Sasha feel better is that Ye Yiyi in this life was killed by her early.

On the bright side, she is still the only direct-born young lady of Ye Mansion. No matter how much Ye’s father and Ye’s mother hate her, they will not let her go.

Ye Sasha felt a faint joy in her heart as she realised Ye Yiyi, the true daughter of the Ye family, could only be degraded to a poor family, live a horrible life, and even be tragically burned to death in a fire.

Yes, she genuinely can’t get along with her life.

But, in any case, she is far superior to that scumbag Ye Yiyi!

Ye Yiyi continually soothed herself and clenched her teeth to get through this difficult time.

What she did not expect was to see Ye Yiyi at a luncheon hosted by the noble family’s ladies!

Ye Yiyi didn’t die, why didn’t she?

After discovering this, Ye Sasa’s expression changed greatly, and she couldn’t help knocking over the teacup in her hand.

“What’s the matter with you? You know me?”

Ye Sasa’s movement was so loud that it naturally caught Lin Yiyi’s attention.

She turned her head and saw a strange girl who looked a little familiar, staring at her with suspicious eyes.

“Ye Yiyi, you are really Ye Yiyi!”

When Ye Sasa saw Lin Yiyi’s face, she screamed, “Aren’t you dead, why are you still alive?!”

Is it possible that her false identity will be revealed in this life?

In this circumstances, how could the Ye family possibly still have room for her?

Ye Sasha glared at Lin Yiyi with resentment as she reflected on it.

“How immoral, who are you cursing!?”

The maid next to Lin Yiyi was enraged after hearing Ye Sasa’s statements clearly and immediately chastised.

“I-I-I-I didn’t!”

Fearful of the royal maid’s speech, Ye Sasa finally reacted and hurriedly denied: “I just recognised the wrong person…”

Only then did she realize that Lin Yiyi was accompanied by a servant.

And looking at Lin Yiyi’s dress, in this life, she doesn’t seem to have lived a poor life as she imagined.

“You think I’m easy to deceive?”

Hearing what Ye Sasa said, Lin Yiyi felt a little funny.

She has been following Lin Xiaotang in the revolt for the past ten years, and she has been involved in different conspiracies and shenanigans.

Ye Sasa casually wanted to use “recognise the wrong person” to deal with her. Are you serious?

Lin Yiyi has an open mind, and if she were normal, she would not be concerned about a small girl who said the incorrect thing.

But, for some inexplicable reason, she became quite disturbed after seeing Ye Sasha.

If you open and close your mouth, you will curse her to death, who will be at ease.

Lin Yiyi’s heart grew even more unhappy when she witnessed the resentment in Ye Sasha’s eyes.

Could this be a “remainder of the previous dynasty” who was unhappy with their Lin family?

“My only living relative is my mother,” she grumbled, “you said you recognised the wrong person, so…you recognised me as my mother?”

Hearing her say that, the surrounding area fell silent.

The maids next to Lin Yiyi grew even more enraged when they saw Ye Sasha.

What exactly is going on here?

Mother? Where did Ye Yiyi originate?

Ye Sasa was taken aback when she noticed the changes in the crowd.

Lin Yiyi turned and went before she could say anything.

She didn’t care about those who refused to bow to her mother.

And after she left, the maid next to Lin Yiyi came to Ye Sasa.

“Girl from the Ye family, since you don’t know how to speak, the servant will teach you.”

She looked at Ye Sasha with disgust, and said mercilessly, “Chunliu, Chuntao, come here!”


As the palace maid’s voice fell, the two maids came to Ye Sasa’s side.

Then, in front of everyone at the banquet, they waved their hands and slapped Ye Sasa’s face heavily!


This slap completely stunned Ye Sasha.

What’s the matter, how dare these servants do this to her?

In her two lifetimes, she has never encountered such a humiliating situation!

Ye Sasa wanted to say something, but before she could speak, the other maids pressed her hand and covered her mouth.

She glanced about anxiously, but no one dared to come over to assist her.

The palace maid’s hand was powerful, and she slapped Ye Sasha a few times.

Her face was wollen with a burning pain, and there was even a hint of rust in her mouth.

It stings!

“My master is kind and won’t care too much about you, but if you do something wrong, you will be punished.”

“This time, I will give you ten slaps first,” said the maid of honour, looking down at Ye Sasa. I hope Miss Ye can learn to speak human language from now on.”

After saying that, she waved her hand and asked the two palace maids to let go of Ye Sasha.

As their fingers loosened, Ye Sasa fell to the ground uncontrollably.

She was dizzy, her legs were weak, and it took a few seconds before she regained consciousness.

What made her even more embarrassing was that when she was beaten, she was in front of everyone.

The gazes of the aristocratic family’s lords and young ladies fell on her, making her frightened and irritated, and she want to faint immediately.

Simply… master?

Ye Sasha shielded her face in surprise when she heard this word.

Of course, as the young lady of the Ye family, she was aware that the new emperor Lin Xiaotang was a woman with just one daughter.

After the new monarch took the throne, she immediately appointed her only daughter as crown princess.

After hearing the news, Ye Sasa quietly laughed assuming that the new emperor had a brain condition and let her daughter inherit the country.

Could it be that Ye Yiyi is that daughter?

Wait… fifteen years ago. The woman whose children were exchanged with Mother Ye seems to be surnamed Lin!

———End of this chapter. 


  1. Cat says:

    Hah, this is great! This b*tch will never reveal she’s not the biological daughter of the Ye’s, so she can only watch Lin Yiyi soar as the crown princess!

    1. Esli E.S.M.A says:

      Quite ever so nicely >:} Thank you!

  2. That feels good, thank you for update🫰

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