She is the Escape Boss [Quick Transmigration]

In The World Of ‘Real And Fake Daughter’ (3)

Ye Sasa breathed a sigh of relief after hearing what Mammy Wang said.

As long as Ye Yiyi was gone, she would have no worries in the future.

Despite her sympathy for Ye Yiyi, Ye Sasa believes that Ye Yiyi was born to be an unfortunate person and would not have a happy life.

Thinking of it in a positive light, it’d be a good thing she can die sooner and undergo less suffering.

“Sister, are you asleep?”

The voice of the third young master of the Ye family suddenly came out from outside at this time.

Ye Sasa looked up and noticed a young boy of about six or seven years old leaning against the glass and peering in.

Because Ye Sasa hadn’t gone to bed yet, the boy waved at her and cried, “Sister, let’s go out and play catching bugs!”

Catch bugs? What good was it?

Ye Sasa frowned and directly rejected the third brother’s invitation: “No, I don’t want to go.”

If Ye Sasa was a five-year-old girl, she might really run out to catch bugs.

But now, her soul was in her thirties, and she had no interest in the little game children love to play.

Looking at the mud marks on Ye San’s hands, a trace of disgust flashed in Ye Sasa’s eyes.

“Third brother, as the young master of the Ye family, how can you give up your position and play with bugs?” She relentlessly continued her scolding, “others can compose essays at the age of seven, why can’t you? If this continues, I’ll tattle to mother.”

Since he was a toddler, Young Master Ye San has been causing mischief everywhere. It was no surprise that when he grows up, he can only be a profligate who creates issues for his family.

Because she had a new life and knew that the rebel army might change in the future, she decided to educate her brothers so that they may achieve something in difficult times.

“Sister, don’t tell mother, don’t tell mother!”

The third young master was surprised that his younger sister, who had always been close to him, had changed in the last few days.

They had clearly made a prior arrangement to go bug-catching and playing together.

Furthermore, his sister loathed him…..

Although she didn’t say anything, the way she stared at him reminded him of those unpleasant adults.

When the third young master looked at Ye Sasha’s tender and attractive face, a subtle sense of resistance came up in his heart in vain.

“I hate my sister, I will never play with her again!”

He shouted angrily, turned his head and ran away.

“Miss, this…”

Mammy Wang’s face changed slightly as she witnessed all of this, and she couldn’t help but suggest: “When the weather clears up, why don’t you go see him, miss?”

If the disharmony within immediate siblings went public, it would affect the young lady’s reputation.

“It’s alright,” Ye Sasha remarked casually, “don’t worry about him.”

The third brother was the one who cared the most about her in her previous life.

For her, he even gave Ye Yiyi several evil looks.

Although her comments were harsh, she was acting for his own good, so how could he not appreciate it?

Ye Sasa was unconcerned about Young Master Ye San’s temper.


Lin Xiaotang was not aware of the various situations in Ye Mansion.

She left Qinghe Village with her child after comforting Lin Yiyi and moved away from the capital.

The original owner was a resident of the capital. If they stayed for an extended period of time, it would be revealed that she was not yet dead.

Furthermore, it was too close to the capital, making errands inconvenient for her.

Lin Xiaotang set off thinking about this.

Lin Xiaotang had been concerned that Lin Yiyi would make a fuss after seeing the house burn down.

It was a good thing that Lin Yiyi was only five years old; no matter how knowledgeable and intelligent she was, she was still a child.

For Lin Yiyi, her mother was everything to her.

Lin Yiyi will be content as long as her mother survived and could be around her.

Even with Lin Xiaotang taking her to an unfamiliar location, she did not cry or cause any disturbance, instead smiling timidly at her.

Lin Xiaotang felt relieved when she saw this.

With her daughter, Lin Xiaotang successfully escaped the capital and arrived hundreds of miles distant after a few months of running around.

She discovered that the further she moved away from the city, the more deserted it appeared, and the harsher the security environment became.

She travelled through numerous towns and noticed an increase in the number of homeless beggars.

In places outside the town, there were still bandits from time to time.

Lin Xiaotang, fortunately, did not suffer too much as a result of her travelling around in so many worlds and gaining so much knowledge.

She not only did not face adversity, but she also lived well.

Many wanted to abuse and humiliate them as they regarded them as lonely and defenceless, not to mention Lin Xiaotang looked weak and attractive.

However, they were frequently defeated by her.

Lin Xiaotang will “rob” some of the better-off homes.

In this way, despite having no money and a child at her side, Lin Xiaotang was able to save enough money to purchase a roomy and comfortable carriage with the support of those “kind-hearted people.”

In addition to these, the food and clothing conditions of the two have also improved a lot.

Lin Yiyi, who was originally black and slender, after more palatable food and without the need to work in the fields started to gain weight, and her skin became fairer.

What’s more unusual was that Lin Yiyi’s personality has steadily evolved, possibly as a result of witnessing her mother Lin Xiaotang’s aggressive tactics.

Lin Yiyi of the past had no viewpoint, was submissive and cowardly, like a dodder, and could only cling closely to her mother.

If Lin Xiaotang departed for a short period of time, she would be anxious and unable to eat.

But now, Lin Yiyi’s character was much more lively.

When Lin Xiaotang carried out her “entrapments”, she will cooperate by acting. 

When their funds were running low, Lin Yiyi would even take the effort to observe the surroundings to see if there were any prospective fat sheep. (Fat sheep refers to people who look like they have sizeable wallets)

Just like this moment, while Lin Xiaotang was still having her meal in the inn, Lin Yiyi put out her hand, tugged at her sleeve, and said quietly, “Mother, at the table behind you, there is a man watching you all the time.”

When she spoke, the small girl mentioned the roast chicken she had eaten a few days before, and her tone was quite excited: “He doesn’t look like a good person, do you want to make a move on him?”

Lin Xiaotang: “……”

Feeling Lin Yiyi’s excitement, she fell into contemplation.

If she remembered correctly, Lin Yiyi in the original book was a gentle and soft girl, right?

What happened to her, why was it like this?

Looking at her daughter, Lin Xiaotang felt a little complicated.

She even began to reflect on herself, whether she raised Lin Yiyi crookedly.

After all, children’s personalities were still developing and can be easily influenced by their parents.

The original owner was a lovely soul. Lin Yiyi, as her daughter, would naturally become compassionate when she interacted with her for long periods of time.

However, the original owner was now Lin Xiaotang.

Lin Yiyi couldn’t soften after witnessing Lin Xiaotang pounding those hefty men to the ground.

Not to mention that “counter-robbery” was a source of cash for Lin Xiaotang.

Lin Yiyi can’t wait to be allowed to eat meat!

“Mother, he’s looking at you again,” the small girl coquettishly shook Lin Xiaotang’s sleeve, “Mother…”

“……” Lin Xiaotang was a little helpless, “Yiyi, don’t do this again.”

“Our destination is approaching,” she murmured as she extended out her hand and caressed Lin Yiyi’s head.

Lin Xiaotang did not leave the capital to travel across the world.

Running around for an extended period of time was not something she could tolerate.

They were now sufficiently far from the capital.

It’s time for her to claim her own space.

“We have arrived?”

Lin Yiyi’s face lit up when she heard what Lin Xiaotang said: “Mother, where are we going?”

Lin Yiyi couldn’t recall what had transpired that night.

Her sole knowledge was that their home had vanished, and her mother Lin Xiaotang had taken her away from her homeland.

“You’ll find out soon.” Lin Xiaotang said.

Instead of responding to Lin Yiyi’s query, she beckoned and summoned the man from the inn.

“Excuse me, where are there bandits around here?”


When he heard this, the person was taken aback.

But he quickly reacted.

The mother and daughter had to have known where the bandits were and then avoided them specifically.

“There’s a Hulu Mountain thirty miles to the south,” the man explained. “I heard a new band of bandits appeared there, and a passing caravan was robbed.”

Hulu Mountain?

Lin Xiaotang smiled slightly: “Okay, I see.”

A new batch of bandits also happened to meet her expected goals.

Lin Xiaotang did not hesitate in taking Lin Yiyi to Hulu Mountain after leaving the inn.

Unsurprisingly, her elegant and opulent carriage became the robbery target of this gang.

If only…

“Are you guys also considered bandits?”

Lin Xiaotang could only feel that these ragged, yellow-faced, and skinny people were different from what she had envisioned.

Bandits, in her opinion, were a cruel set of people.

But what about these people who were blocking their way and trying to rob them?

They were wielding sticks and hoes as weapons.

There were a few feeble males who were even shorter than she was.

Lin Xiaotang felt a twinge of regret as she saw these frightened folks.

What she desired were minions, not burdens.

If she knew that they were so weak, she might as well try another hill.

Lin Xiaotang had no idea that the sad bandits in front of him were likewise terribly regretful.

They observed Lin Xiaotang as a pair of wealthy orphan and widow, and mistook her for a fat sheep.

Who thought this woman had such good martial arts that she could simply overturn them!

“How can you big families understand,” someone retorted after hearing Lin Xiaotang’s statements, “If you can survive, who would want to rob?”

Which of the so-called “bandits” had to flee up the mountain if things were going well in their hometown?

Those in power imposed brutal levies and made their lives miserable, forcing the common people to resist.

The person who spoke seemed to be the leader of this group of people.

His phrasing was quite elegant, his dialect accent not heavy, which was obviously different from ordinary people.

“You studied?”

Lin Xiaotang realized this and asked.

The man denied it at once: “No, I can only recognize a few words.”

Hearing this, Lin Xiaotang was not surprised either.

In this world, a scholar can live a lot easier than ordinary people. How could there be a situation of “can’t live” in his mouth?

However, just because he hasn’t studied didn’t mean others haven’t.

The person who taught them to speak and read must have a lot to do with this group of bandits.

Most likely, he was the one who persuaded them to go up the mountain.

How could a scholar come to take care of the bandit?

Lin Xiaotang suddenly became interested in this group of people.

“Do you want to have a full meal?”

She glanced at these people and asked.

They nodded.

“I’ll pay for  you,” Lin Xiaotang said lightly, “As a price, your stockade is mine.”

———End of this chapter. 


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