She is the Escape Boss [Quick Transmigration]

In The World Of ‘Real And Fake Daughter’ (2)

Lin Xiaotang used the energy in her body to repair her new body patiently for the rest of the time.

The original owner was terminally ill and had been in bed for more than a month, physically weak.

Even if she was able to eradicate the disease, she would be unable to compensate for the loss of her body in such a short period of time.

The only saving grace was that women in ancient times, especially common people, married young. Many women married and had children before the age of fourteen.

Therefore, although the original owner had a five-year-old daughter, she was actually only in her early twenties.

Being young means she can have more time and energy to do what she wants to do.

Ye Yiyi, who was lying beside Lin Xiaotang, had already fallen asleep while she was repairing her body.

Long-term hunger and anxiety have made the young girl thin. She was clearly older than five years old, but she still appeared to be a three- or four-year-old child.

The original owner’s serious illness has nearly depleted the family’s savings, and Ye Yiyi, as a child, has no financial resources.

As a result, Ye Yiyi usually ran up the mountain, rummaging for wild fruits and vegetables to eat or simply relying on the help of her neighbours to survive.

Lin Xiaotang was silent for a few breaths as she looked at the girl’s pale and weak face, then stretched out her hand to give her some energy.

When Ye Yiyi’s face flushed, she drew her hand back.

Lin Xiaotang had been alive for hundreds of years, and this was her first encounter with such a young child.

She will always look after her, love her, and raise her.

This type of thing was simple to imagine, but Lin Xiaotang was still a little helpless if she really wanted to do it.

Lin Xiaotang stood up after gently wrapping the quilt around Ye Yiyi’s body and prepared to leave to get some food and return.

However, she was interrupted by the sound of light footsteps coming from outside the house.

Rustle… rustle…

Along with the footsteps came a stranger’s purposefully low voice:

“Is it still here?”

“It should be,” another person said quietly, “because there is only one family in the neighbourhood named Lin, and she is a widow with a four- or five-year-old daughter.”

They actually came to look for her.

Could they be relatives of the original owner who came specifically to find them?

After hearing the movement outside, Lin Xiaotang became suspicious.

These two people, however, do not appear during the day, but instead appear to her and Ye Yiyi in the middle of the night…

Lin Xiaotang felt compelled to go out, subdue the two, and inquire about their origin and purpose.

But, after some consideration, she dismissed the idea.

Words from the mouth can be deceptive.

Even if they were telling the truth, the outcome would be very different if they withheld some critical information.

Instead of listening to them, she should go see for herself what they want to do.

Lin Xiaotang picked up Ye Yiyi, who was sleeping, and gently rolled out the window next to her.

It was at this time that the two sneaky people outside finally arrived at the edge of the house.

“Go ahead,” said one.

One of them carefully poured oil on the thatched hut, while the other reached into his pocket for a fire stick.

He threw it on the oil-stained thatch after extinguishing the fire.

The place was completely lit as the flames fell.

The flames spread quickly along the dry thatch, making a crackling sound. The dazzling fire was mixed with thick black smoke, and it quickly consumed the entire house.

Lin Xiaotang, who had witnessed everything, was stunned for a moment, her brows furrowed.

These two people arrived, and they wanted to set fire to her and Ye Yiyi!?

No, It’s not right.

The original owner’s body is partially buried in the coffin. Even if these people do not show up, the original owner will not survive the night.

They didn’t want to hurt the original owner, but Ye Yiyi!

To avoid any mishaps, the two also stood outside the house for a few minutes after starting the fire.

They quickly left here after ensuring that no one fled from the inside, while the surrounding villagers remained silent.

Lin Xiaotang, who was hiding behind the tree, hugged Ye Yiyi and kept a close eye on them.

She could see their faces clearly through the firelight; they were very unfamiliar, and not people the original owner knew.

Therefore, they should not be masterminds, but hired hands.

Looking at the backs of the two, Lin Xiaotang’s eyes narrowed.

The original owner’s husband was a scholar who could only study, and she was a frail woman.

Ye Yiyi, on the other hand, was only five years old this year.

Who, in the end, would despise the Lins so much that they would murder a young girl who had lost her parents?

…Was this part of the original plot as well?

Lin Xiaotang’s plot revolved entirely around the hero and heroine.

The villains’ and supporting actors’ previous experiences were only a few words, and no one knew the specifics.

As a result, Lin Xiaotang was unsure whether Ye Yiyi had witnessed this incident.

Lin Xiaotang was very confused, but for a while, she couldn’t think of any useful information.

Lin Xiaotang thought for a moment, then stretched out her hand, quietly leaving a special spiritual mark on the two of them, sensing Ye Yiyi in her arms was about to wake up.

This mark will not harm them, but it can always follow them and infect those with whom they come into contact.

This also makes it easier for her to track down the mastermind behind the scenes.

Lin Xiaotang hugged Ye Yiyi and walked away without looking back.

It was not always a bad thing to lose this identity.

At the very least, those tangled interpersonal relationships, as well as their connection to the heroine, could be cleaned up.

Lin Xiaotang had no feelings for the heroine Ye Sasa, no matter how cold-blooded or ruthless she was.

Even though Ye Sasa was her biological daughter, she was just a stranger to her.

Perhaps, as a result of increased awareness of the world, the truth about Ye Yiyi and Ye Sasa’s life experiences will be revealed sooner or later.

Lin Xiaotang, on the other hand, didn’t want to touch this mess at all.


Ye Yiyi, or Lin Yiyi, awoke in a daze at this point.

She saw the fire burning her house while lying in Lin Xiaotang’s arms. She couldn’t tell if she was still sleeping because she was in a trance.

“Mother,” she murmured, her eyes widened, “I…our home…”

“It’s fine.”

Lin Xiaotang stretched out her hand, patted Lin Yiyi’s head lightly, and said lightly, “We will have a new home.”

Will there be a new home?

After listening to Lin Xiaotang’s words, she felt the certainty in her mother’s tone, Lin Yiyi blinked, and her originally flustered and confused heart gradually calmed down.


On the other side of the room, in Ye Mansion, a five-year-old girl sat on a bed made of Yellow Pear wood, clutching a gilt flower gourd edge hand warmer and looking out the window with anxiousness.

Even though it was late at night, she couldn’t sleep.

Mammy Wang had promised her that she would complete the tasks she had described in three days before she left.

Even though it was the third day, Mammy Wang had still not returned.

Is something going on?

Could Mammy Wang have recognised Ye Yiyi, the real daughter!?

The little girl’s heart skipped a beat as she considered this possibility.

On her pink and jade-carved face, there was a vicious look that did not match her age.

Ye Sasa never thought that she would have the chance to live again.

Perhaps she had too many regrets in her previous life. She has to make up for everything in this life.

Ye Sasa’s hand involuntarily grasped the corner of her clothes, recalling the various deeds of her previous life.

All of the happy love stories come to an end when the talented scholar is named to the Golden List and the Miss finds a suitable husband.

But after that, who knows about all the unsatisfactory aspects of their lives?

In the eyes of others, Ye Sasa’s ability to marry the prince and become an empress was something that women all over the world admired.

But how can life in the palace be so simple?

Under the pressure of the outside world, the husband, who had originally promised to be with her for the rest of his life, had to accept another woman into the harem.

In this intriguing environment, Ye Sasa gradually lost her former straightforwardness and liveliness and became deeply thoughtful.

That would be fine if that was all there was to it.

After all, she was an empress, and no matter how hard those women fought, they couldn’t dethrone her.

But what Ye Sasa did not anticipate was the size of the rebel forces outside!

She had only enjoyed a luxurious life for more than ten years, and the capital was invaded and occupied by the rebel army!

On the day the city was destroyed, tens of thousands of soldiers stormed the palace, burning, killing, and looting everything.

Rivers of blood once flowed through the magnificent and exquisite palace, and almost none of the maids and eunuchs who served her survived.

Her two sons, too…

Ye Sasha gritted her teeth and trembled uncontrollably as she remembered this horrible experience.

What makes Ye Sasa even more unable to accept is that she died in an embarrassing manner in her previous life.

She died not at the hands of those soldiers, but of a humble and lowly maid!

When the chaotic army entered the palace, Ye Sasa tried everything she could to get rid of the maids and eunuchs surrounding her and found a corner to hide in.

But just then, an unfamiliar palace maid appeared behind her!

“Empress Empress, I was wondering if you still remember, Ye Yiyi, the real Miss Ye family in Ye Manor?”

The palace maid smiled as she walked towards the terrified Ye Sasa.

She took a piece of white silk and wrapped it around Ye Sasa’s neck tightly.

“Your Majesty, it’s time to pay for the sins you committed,” the palace maid said coldly into Ye Sasa’s ears. “Anyway, you’ll die sooner or later, why don’t you let your servant give you a funeral?”

Ye Sasa recalls the agony of not being able to breathe while the white silk was tightly wrapped around her neck.

She also discovered why she wanted to kill herself through the palace maid’s self-talk before she died.

This maid turned out to be Ye Yiyi’s personal maid in Ye Mansion!

She always wanted to repay Ye Yiyi’s kindness because she once rescued her and helped her parents with money.

However, Ye Yiyi would end up in that fate, and it was clearly her fault!

Why did you want to get revenge for her? What did she do wrong! ?

Thinking of this, Ye Sasha felt extremely resentful in her heart.

She couldn’t accept the result, and she didn’t want to see Ye Yiyi anymore.

Anyway, her parents and brothers were unconcerned about Ye Yiyi, so what was the point if she couldn’t return to House Ye?

Despite assuming Ye Yiyi’s identity, her parents preferred her. This type of thing couldn’t be forced, and she owed Ye Yiyi nothing. (There are so many scumbags in this novel.)

So, after confirming that she had indeed regressed, Ye Sasa didn’t even think about it, and instead went in search of the wet nurse Mammy Wang, who loved her the most.

She sobbed to Mammy Wang, telling her that she had a nightmare in which a fairy told her that there was a family named Lin in Qinghe Village, outside the capital, with a five-year-old daughter who would harm in the future.

She knew Mammy Wang had always believed in ghosts and immortals, and Mammy Wang couldn’t deny her words.

Mama Wang became interested in this matter as a result of Ye Sasa’s cry.

She went on a special trip to make Ye Sasa stop crying and said she would help Ye Sasa solve the problem.

Mammy Wang had promised Ye that she would get things done in three days before leaving her house.

But the deadline was quickly approaching.

Ye Sasa’s mood gradually became irritable, and she began to foster all kinds of speculations.

If she wasn’t too young, she would have wanted to run out of the house and do it herself.

“Miss, it’s getting late, why don’t you go to rest first?”

The maid on the side saw that Ye Sasa was reluctant to fall asleep, so she couldn’t help but say.

After speaking, the maid stretched out her hand as usual, ready to pick Ye Sasa up from the bed and bring it into the inner room.

But what she didn’t expect was that Ye Sasa, who was usually docile and well-behaved, was slapped on her hand!

“Who asked you to hug me!?”

Ye Sasa raised her eyebrows unhappily, and scolded domineeringly: “Get out of here!”

Ye Sasa’s character has grown increasingly coquettish and arrogant as an empress who has been favoured for a long time and is accustomed to the days of brocade clothes and decadent food.

She hadn’t felt so disrespected in a long time, especially at such a stressful time.

It would be one thing if the person who asked her to sleep were her parents, but a little maid had the audacity to discipline her!

Ye Sasa’s mood was deteriorating, and her face was filled with disgust.

The maid was taken aback by such a young lady and quickly lowered her head: “Yes.”

The other maids in the room also lowered their heads lower.

Unsure why, but the young lady, who was still well-behaved and lovely, abruptly changed her behaviour a few days ago.

She no longer smiled at the maids and sisters around her, but instead criticised them, believing that she was not well served.

But in front of the master and his wife, she will revert to her former innocent and lively self.

The maids around them panicked, and they looked at Ye Sasa with even more awe and fear.

Ye Sasa was too lazy to care what these maids thought; after all, she was the master, and these people were merely servants.

And, maybe the maid who strangled her in her previous life was one of these people.

Under Ye Sasa’s strong instructions, the maids all withdrew from the room.

When it was late at night, Mammy Wang finally appeared in front of her.

“Mother Wang, are things done?”

After seeing Mammy Wang, Ye Sasa asked eagerly.

“It’s done, it’s done!”

A loving smile appeared on Wang Ma’s face as she looked at the young lady who grew up taking care of herself: “Miss, don’t worry, that family has been cleaned up by the old slave, and in the future, they will never appear in front of the young lady again!”

———End of this chapter. 


  1. Esli E.S.M.A says:

    Wow…. words simply fail me…. THANK YOU!

  2. Vei says:

    Waiting for the next chapter. I enjoying your translation. Thank you.

  3. Erania says:

    This girl just woke up and decided to kill a five-year-old. And she wants to be empress again. Some people…where do they get the audacity?

  4. Sareza says:

    “A ‘good ending’ in a story means the story is ongoing, and a ‘bad ending’ hasn’t happened yet. It’s a reminder that even the most innocent will eventually face challenges and consequences.”

  5. Meo says:

    Wowww i’m glad I was too lazy to put my name and email so didn’t send my comment in previous chapter. And I’m glad the author makes this b a regressor too, and no longer a child who grow crocked bcs of her family teaching. She deserve every damn thing FL give her in the future!!

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