She is the Escape Boss [Quick Transmigration]

In The World Of ‘Real And Fake Daughter’ (1)

Back in the Lord God’s space, Lin Xiaotang saw the system again.

Looking at the S-rank score in her hand, she didn’t stop too much, and said directly: “Go to the next world.”

【Okay. 】

“What is my mission?”

[Find the villain Ye Yiyi, help her out of the predicament, and let her live the life she wants. 】


“Mother, wake up…”

Lin Xiaotang heard a young girl calling from her ear before she even opened her eyes.

“Mother, wake up, don’t leave Yiyi,” the girl pleaded in a hoarse voice that contained some crying, clearly indicating that she had been sobbing for a while.

Although Lin Xiaotang was in pain all over and lacked strength, she still wanted to move her body.

Her body appeared to be heating up, and even the breath she exhaled had a burning sensation. Her head felt lightheaded, as if she had been smashed by someone.

Lin Xiaotang realised her body was sick.

And it appeared as though she might be on the verge of passing out.

She mobilised the energy in her body, opened her eyes with difficulty, looked around, and discovered that she was in a place which can be described as a ‘house with only four walls.’

In the small and dark room, there was only a dilapidated wooden table and two wooden benches, in addition to the bed she was lying on.

A thin wooden door was fastened outside the house, making a fragile “squeak” sound in the cold wind.

A little girl of four or five years old curled up beside her bed.

She was frighteningly thin, dressed in ill-fitting old clothes, with a dirty little face and two round almond eyes that were red and swollen from crying.

She quickly got up from the ground when she noticed Lin Xiaotang was awake, choked and said, “Mother…”

“I’m fine.” Lin Xiaotang said.

Her voice was a little hoarse due to the long-term fever, but her breath was steady when she said, “Go to sleep for a while.”

The little girl wiped away her tears, her black eyes full of joy, as she realised her mother’s condition was improving.

She replied after listening to Lin Xiaotang’s words and quickly climbed onto the bed, wrapping her old clothes.

It was just that she was still concerned about her mother’s health. Despite lying down, the girl had not been able to fall asleep.

To avoid disturbing her mother beside her, she didn’t dare to pant for breath and she remained as stiff as a rock.

It was said that poor children took charge of their families at a young age, but this child was far too mature.

Lin Xiaotang looked at her and reached out to pat the girl on the head.

Then she softly sighed in her heart.

She had no idea that she would be transmigrated as a mother this time.

Ye Yiyi, the girl next to her, was the target of her mission.

And who would have guessed that this scrawny, dirty, and pitiful girl was the Ye family’s real daughter?

Lin Xiaotang felt pity for Ye Yiyi’s experiences and encounters after recalling the plot’s content.

The plot of this world, for the villain Ye Yiyi, can be regarded as a downright tragedy.

Because she and Lin Xiaotang’s real daughter, Ye Sasa, the heroine of this world, switched identities soon after she was born.

When the original owner, who was pregnant in August at the time, went out, she accidentally hit the Ye family’s carriage.

Both the original owner, who fell to the ground, and Mrs. Ye in the carriage experienced sudden pregnancy cramps and were taken to a nearby medical clinic after being terrified.

The two expecting mothers gave birth in the same room, separated only by a wall.

Perhaps it was fate that the two children born were both girls, and their birth dates were nearly identical.

Then, their children were exchanged.

The person who changed the child was the nanny next to Mrs. Ye.

Because the nanny had a grudge against the Ye family due to some old past events, she pushed the others out of the room and quietly bribed the midwife in the medical centre to take Madam Ye’s child and was replaced.

As a result, the original Miss, who was supposed to be born with a silver spoon, was reduced to a poor family’s child.

And the poor family’s child occupied her position, just as the cuckoo occupied the magpie’s nest and gained monstrous wealth from nothing.

(Editor’s Note: The cuckoo bird does not care for its young; instead, it lays its eggs in the nest of another bird and has the parents of the other bird care for the cuckoo bird’s young. The young cuckoo bird pushes out/murders the bird parents’ young, and the poor parents, unaware of the cuckoo’s identity, work themselves to death for the young cuckoo because that bird eats A LOT. Nature’s cruellest cruelty is at work here smh)

According to the plot, the original owner’s husband died three years ago, and the original owner died of a cold when Ye Yiyi was six years old.

Following that, Ye Yiyi, who had lost her parents and was helpless, would be adopted by the brothers of her adoptive parents.

It was difficult to live under someone else’s roof. Ye Yiyi took on a lot of farm work for her family after she was adopted, working from dawn to dusk and sometimes getting scolded or beaten.

Ye Yiyi’s temperament became cautious, inferior, and cowardly as a result of such upbringing.

It wasn’t until Ye Yiyi was thirteen years old that the Ye family discovered her and returned her to the Ye family.

It was unfortunate that, after spending more than ten years with the heroine Ye Sasa, the Ye family’s affection for Ye Yiyi was far less than that of the adopted daughter Ye Sasa.

Not to mention that Ye Yiyi was dark and thin, with a shy personality that couldn’t be displayed, quite a contrast from the coddled and lovely Ye Sasa.

Ye Yiyi’s parents and three older brothers could not accept her.

They announced to the public that Ye Sasa and Ye Yiyi were twin sisters, but Ye Yiyi had been living outside and had only recently been discovered.

They also asked Ye Yiyi and Ye Sasa to be good sisters in order for Ye Yiyi not to tell the truth.

“Sasa suffered a lot of grievances because of you these days,” Ye Yiyi’s parents explained, adding that “she was also innocent in this incident. How would she survive if people found out she wasn’t the Ye family’s daughter?”

“From parents to strangers in an instant. Can you imagine how uncomfortable Sasa is?” “As the daughter of the Ye family, you can’t be too selfish,” Ye Yiyi’s third brothers said.


She was, however, the Ye family’s biological daughter!

Ye Yiyi suddenly realised that even if she returned to her own home and relatives, she was still living under the shelter of others.

Everyone cared more about the dazzling Ye Sasa, she was just a harmless mistake.

Ye Yiyi, who was accustomed to resignation, had no choice but to accept this fact.

To gain the Ye family’s approval, she admitted that Ye Sasa was her twin sister. She silently endured her relatives’ indifference and contempt, doing her best to treat Ye Sasa better and be a pair of “good sisters,” as they put it.

But who would have guessed that her act of kindness would infuriate Ye Sasa?

“Ye Yiyi, I know you must be blaming me deep down, but what are you doing with such a pitiful expression?” Do you want everyone to think I’m a bully?

“You are too scheming, can’t you say something directly?” Ye Sasa sneered, seeing Ye Yiyi’s reluctant smile. I despise dealing with hypocritical people like you the most in my life.

Ye Sasa was always excluded by other women her age because her personality was too straightforward and simple, and she found it difficult to integrate into the circle of those aristocratic young ladies.

As a result, she despised those weak women, believing them to be hypocritical and always pretending to be innocent.

Who was Ye Yiyi, who always bowed her head and didn’t speak, giving a pitiful look, pretending for?

Ye Yiyi’s situation in Ye Mansion became increasingly embarrassing after Ye Sasa’s exclusion.

Even some of the servants looked down on Ye Yiyi. Despite being a genuine young lady, she appeared to be a straightforward individual.

As the saying goes, something either erupts or perishes in silence.

Ye Yiyi’s mentality was completely distorted after receiving coldness and being gaslighted by the people around her for a long time.

Seeing her parents’ and brothers’ meticulous care for Ye Sasa, Ye Yiyi’s jealousy was like a wild beast, biting her heart fiercely and making her miserable.

These people, in particular, regarded her with suspicion and vigilance, as if she intended to harm Ye Sasa.

Clearly, Ye Sasa’s life should be hers.

Ye Sasa should be the person who has to grow up in a poor farm family and live a life inferior to pigs and dogs.

Ye Yiyi could have persisted, but when she was sixteen, the fiancee the Ye family found for her was also smitten by the eccentric Ye Sasa.

He told Ye Yiyi that he couldn’t fall in love with a hypocritical woman like her; he would marry her but not touch or fall in love with her.

Mother and Father Ye didn’t like her, so she should forget about it.

After all, Ye Yiyi and them can only get along for two or three years at most after which she will get married.

But her future husband would treat her like this for the rest of her life because of Ye Sasa!

What went wrong for her? Why did God punish her in this manner?

Is it true that as long as Ye Sasa disappears, she can reclaim these people’s attention and love?

Under such circumstances, Ye Yiyi’s buried resentment burst forth completely.

She spent a long time and painstaking effort devising a plan to have Ye Sasha die by accident while out.

Of course, the villain, Ye Yiyi, did not have a happy ending.

Her scheme was quickly exposed, and she was destroyed as a result. Mother Ye had hair was cut by hand and she was sent to the nunnery, where she spent the rest of her life in a daze.

Ye Sasa, on the other hand, eventually married the prince and lived a happy life.

She became the empress, the most honourable woman in the world, after her husband’s rebellion was successful.

Lin Xiaotang felt even more sorry for Ye Yiyi after recalling the entire plot in her mind.

She had the impression that Ye Yiyi had arrived at that point because everyone around her was pressuring her.

After all, Ye Yiyi was essentially a child who longs to be loved.

If Father and Mother Ye’s attitude towards Ye Yiyi was not so indifferent and defensive, she might be able to endure silently for the rest of her life, just like Ye Yiyi’s soft bun character.

Lin Xiaotang’s mission is to save Ye Yiyi and give her the freedom she deserves.

And, according to the original plot, Lin Xiaotang felt that the life Ye Yiyi desired should not be the kind of life in Ye’s mansion.

What she desired was a life like Ye Sasa’s, which everyone admired.

Lin Xiaotang was fortunate in that this was not a difficult matter for her.

This mission world was in an ancient setting, and the original owner’s dynasty was in the midst of internal and external turmoil.

The royal family’s life was prosperous, luxurious, and comfortable, but the common people lacked food and clothing.

Every now and then, news of a civilian uprising would arrive in the memory of the original owner.

On the other side of the border, the Huns were keeping an eye on them.

If the current emperor is a wise monarch, these upheavals will pass quickly.

But unfortunately, the emperor was muddle-headed, and only recluses in the harem every day to have fun with his concubines.

– Troubled times.

The word popped into Lin Xiaotang’s mind instantly.

Thinking of this, her eyes flashed slightly, and she gradually had an idea in her heart.

Those in House Ye despise Ye Yiyi, the true daughter, and the heroine Ye Sasa didn’t take Ye Yiyi seriously; wasn’t it because the family who adopted Ye Yiyi was poor and lacked power and influence?

What if the Ye family lost their power and became ordinary people, while the Lin family, who raised Ye Yiyi, rose to supremacy?

What if, like Father and Mother Ye, Ye Yiyi’s adoptive mother only values her adopted daughter, Ye Yiyi, and ignores her biological daughter, Ye Sasa?

Lin Xiaotang reasoned that because Ye Yiyi desired to be loved by everyone, she would give her an identity that would be envied and admired by the entire world and satisfy her wish.

This time, let Ye Sasha live Ye Yiyi’s life.

———End of this chapter. 


  1. oh its gonna be lit in the capital

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