She is the Escape Boss [Quick Transmigration]

Promoting Science In The World Of Supernatural (10)

[We will be using thunder/heavenly judgement/trial interchangeably from here. 雷劫 Lei Jie, or thunder trial, is a heavenly trial of passage for one to ascend from a moral to an immortal or one of a lesser immortal to a higher immortal. The person undergoing this trial usually has to withstand some lightning strikes and the trial ends when one hears all the “correct” number of thunder strikes, therefore the name thunder trial.]

All plans to arrest Lin Xiaotang were abandoned by the authorities, as it became evident that she was a supreme being on the verge of ascending to immortality.

 How could she be bothered by those who spoke ill of her?

 Her realm of thought had transcended to a realm so otherworldly and distant that mortal troubles no longer affected her. As she had said herself, those who opposed her would not be alive if she willed it.

 Even the people who were present, including those with high moral values, were powerless in the face of Lin Xiaotang’s overwhelming strength. 

Some of them even expressed deep regret for not trying to know her or befriend her when her app first appeared.

 Throughout history, there have been individuals of extraordinary talent who achieved enlightenment and became immortal on the spot. Yet, even in this era of declining metaphysics, they were fortunate enough to witness such a genius! Lin Xiaotang’s words of advice, though few, held great weight. 

They believed that with her guidance, they could easily overcome their limitations and make significant progress in their spiritual practice.

The metaphysics masters who had come to surround and suppress Lin Xiaotang did not cross her mind as she was amidst the lightning. She was surprised to see that thunder judgment existed in this world, as the heavens seemed to have arranged a catastrophe for her upon discovering her extraordinary strength, urging her to ascend quickly. 

Fortunately, immortals existed in this world, so she would not leave the world immediately. Despite the thunder trial being an accidental disaster, it had an unexpectedly positive effect.

 The formation in the building was destroyed by the thunder, and the people who were hostile towards her changed their attitude, looking at her with awe and fanaticism, almost kneeling down before her.

Shen Shu, who used to feel incredulous and anxious, was the only one who still had such thoughts in this situation. However, in the current circumstances, no one paid attention to her thoughts.

 As Lin Xiaotang completed the nine thunders and regained her composure and abilities, a shrill siren suddenly sounded outside the building. 

Three police cars rushed to the front of the office building, and several police officers with guns aimed at the people in the ruins with great caution.

“Raise your hands! Don’t resist!”

Everyone: “…..”

Crowd: ? ? ?

Wait, how did the police get here? !

Could it be that Lin Xiaotang just called the police? Confronted with the guns of the police, the people from the metaphysics circle had no choice but to raise their hands obediently and come out of the office building in despair.

 Priest He felt a tinge of embarrassment as he had called the police earlier to stop Shen Shu and sabotage her plan, thinking that Lin Xiaotang was an innocent victim of framing.

 Little did he expect that Lin Xiaotang was actually a powerful figure who had kept a low profile.

Furthermore, due to the commotion caused by the robbery, the police had mistakenly assumed that something significant had occurred at the scene and had dispatched a team of officers.

The police officers were treating the situation as if they were facing a major threat, and it was likely that the people from the metaphysics circle would be forced to stay at the police station for a while and undergo interrogation.

This situation gave many masters in the metaphysics circle a headache.

 While they didn’t believe they would be convicted by the police, as they hadn’t had time to do anything, the uncertainty and potential interrogation added to their concerns.

Only Shen Shu’s face turned pale instantly.


Lin Xiaotang did not leave this world or go to Heaven after the disaster, but instead suppressed her breath, concealed her strength within her body, and continued to disguise herself as an ordinary person.

She was, however, a fairy walking on land.

Those who saw her pass through the disaster spread the word about her.

Almost everyone in the metaphysics community now understands that the app’s founder, Lin Xiaotang, was also an immortal.

To say nothing of continuing to talk about her, some feng shui masters have already begun to purchase Lin Xiaotang’s possessions or attempt to create a relationship with Father and Mother Lin.

In private, some fanatics even erected a statue for her, bathing and burning incense every day and offering sacrifices.

Lin Xiaotang: “…..”

It didn’t have to be so extreme….

She went from being despised by everyone in the metaphysical circle to becoming a “Immortal” about whom people fantasise, making Lin Xiaotang uncomfortable for a while.

However, these issues are readily remedied, and Lin Xiaotang was content with no further problems.

The police immediately apprehended the individual who had frequently injured ordinary people and intended to frame her.

That afternoon, the police escorted these plain-clothed Taoist priests, Feng Shui masters, monks, and others to the police station for questioning.

Those who had done nothing wrong but had been duped were naturally released.

However, some of them who had terrible intentions and sought to use the chance to murder Lin Xiaotang discreetly were not disregarded by the police.

With so many individuals gathering in one area to plan an attack against Lin Xiaotang, a leader must be in charge.

This commander was most likely tied to the actual murderers of those crimes.

It didn’t take long for Shen Shu to show her tail, and the police discovered that she and Lin Xiaotang were enemies.

Shen Shu had been on the mountain for more than 20 years and had not had much contact with others, so how could she endure professional interrogation?

Not to mention that she had just witnessed Lin Xiaotang transcend the disaster with her own eyes, and her mind had blown.

Others couldn’t ignore Shen Shu’s appearance even if they wanted to since it was so guilty.

The two police officers who questioned her looked at each other with confidence.

Thanks to their efforts and some metaphysical methods of special departments, Shen Shu accidentally revealed more and more information.

She didn’t intend to lie, but the lies she made up on the spur of the moment were exposed almost instantaneously.

Shen Shu eventually conspired with a number of bad feng shui masters to defame Lin Xiaotang, but was caught by the authorities.

Not only that, but Shen Shu once snatched Lin Xiaotang’s partner and purposefully forced Lin Xiaotang into a ghost marriage by a witch, which was also exposed.

“I didn’t do it, and I never hurt her.”

Shen Shu’s expression changed dramatically when she realised the cops were practically investigating her.

She bit her lip and attempted to keep her cool on the outside, but her fingers clung to the corner of her garments and said coldly, “I didn’t do anything, and Lin Xiaotang’s affairs have nothing to do with me.”

She didn’t want to go to jail, if she went to jail, her life would be really ruined!

Therefore, she could never admit that she did these things!

“This… what should I do?”

Liu Yi from the special department had a headache after discovering Shen Shu’s guilt: “Team leader, in her situation, should we let her go or not?”

Because the process of utilising metaphysics to kill was too mysterious, obtaining evidence was impossible, and it was even conceivable to kill in a perfect secret chamber, the state typically ignores conflicts in the metaphysics circle.

Even the applicable legal treaties were ambiguous.

As a result, under typical circumstances, after apprehending such feng shui masters who made an attempt, they can only educate them a few times at most before releasing the individual.

The cops would have done nothing as long as these feng shui masters insisted on doing nothing even if they figured out the truth.

Not to mention going to court, whether she can be convicted or not would be a question.

After all, in a society ruled by law, evidence was required for everything.

Shen Shu didn’t know much about the law, but she had been in the metaphysical circle for so long that she was familiar with the unspoken laws.

Many evil feng shui masters have caused the deaths of common individuals, and they have also utilised this to simply escape from the police station.

She instantly calmed down after the initial shock and even offered to leave the police station.

“Just a few more days.”

“It may not be long before the relevant laws and regulations come out,” the team leader stated significantly, looking at the serene and composed Shen Shu.

Before, the country couldn’t control it, not because it didn’t want to, but because it couldn’t.

But now, since the appearance of Lin Xiaotang’s APP, even ordinary people can have abilities comparable to masters of metaphysics.

In this example, the occurrence provided an opportunity for the government to change the law and implement new policies.

And, in order to give the new legislation authority, a typical case like Shen Shu had to be harshly punished as an example.

Want to maintain your upper-class status with the title of Feng Shui master?

The sarcasm in the team leader’s eyes became stronger at the thought of this.

No matter who they were, as long as they committed something wrong, they could not avoid the law’s punishment.

As a result, Shen Shu was still detained in the police station for the next few days.

No matter what she said, she still hadn’t been released.

As time passed, her heart became more and more flustered.

What made her even more worried was that the few wicked feng shui masters who had worked with her were also caught one by one using Lin Xiaotang’s APP.

What the heck is going on!?

Why were they being arrested by cops? Where did the authority to detain them originate from?

A dreadful omen rose in Shen Shu’s heart in vain.

On the other hand, all of Shen Shu’s and others’ misdeeds have been publicised on the Internet at the orders of the relevant departments in the outside world.

It wasn’t only her; the terrible feng shui masters who worked with her also had their harsh cases freed.

For a time, all netizens were frightened by these murders.

[I’ve never seen such a shameless guy; even if you rob someone’s fiancée, you still intentionally injure someone? How can someone be so cruel!?

[I also don’t think this Xiao Chen is a good person because he revealed his birth date.

[Let me mention this privately to the people in the same circle: Shen Shu’s image in the circle previously was very pure and lofty, but she was not at all lenient in charging fees. The wicked spirit could be expelled with one APP, but she demanded 3 million, which did not pay off. There will be no refund because, after all, she is a master.] [In the same circle, because my aunt believed in science rather than metaphysics, she noticed Shen Shu was too young and suspected her of lying.] [Although it is not good to accuse people of lying, is it essential to exact such harsh vengeance? Isn’t this excessive?] [You don’t understand upstairs, Feng Shui masters are honourable in Shen Shu’s eyes, while ordinary people are pariahs.]

Even though Shen Shu was hesitant, the thing she was most concerned about occurred——

She was entirely wrecked and abandoned by the entire country in less than a half-day.

But along with the crusade, there was another voice of discussion.

Not only were they not weak, they even aroused the thinking of a wide range of people.

[These terrible feng shui masters are too terrifying, using feng shui metaphysics to kill people; how can regular people stand up against them?

[Thanks to the country and science, the APP was created.

[In fact, many metaphysical masters are quite good. Previously, when my three-year-old daughter was haunted by a spirit, Mr. Yang Ming rescued her.] [I, too, had a Feng Shui master who noticed an issue in our household and assisted us for free. He is a really good-natured, approachable, and self-restrained individual.] [There are good and terrible people, but metaphysics’ power is too mysterious. Is there no law to prosecute those who use metaphysics and Taoism to harm others?

On the last day of comments, the number of likes reached as many as one million.

And the final verdict was naturally on the side of public opinion.

“Defendant Shen Shu committed intentional homicide and defamation, and was sentenced to death and deprived of political rights for life!”

In the dock, after hearing the judge’s final verdict, Shen Shu shuddered and fell to the ground with a face ashen.

She never imagined that she would be sentenced to death!

Shen Shu looked around helplessly, hoping that someone could save her.

But what she received were only scornful and happy glances from the audience and the media.

“It’s a death sentence, it’s really heartwarming!”

“Great, such a bad person, that’s how it should be!”

“That’s five lives. In order to frame others, she is so cruel.”

“Our typical feng shui master isn’t like her!” It’s awful that she has damaged the entire circle by herself…”

Listening to those rustling murmurs, Shen Shu suddenly remembered that she had heard at a previous gathering in the circle that Priest He would not spare Lin Xiaotang because of her.

What was she thinking at the time?

This was Lin Xiaotang’s life, she reasoned.

Furthermore, it was a good thing for her to utilise her life to be cautious against the ignorant world.

Who would have guessed that the person who startled the world with her death would now become her?

Is this karma?

Shen Shu wanted to laugh a little.

Smiling, Shen Shu’s tears fell.

The cold and indifferent woman in the past turned out to be so embarrassed in the face of death.

Lin Xiaotang sat silently in the theatre, calmly watching this scene.

In this sense, the original owner’s retaliation can be termed revenge.

Although Xiao Chen avoided legal punishment, his mistake will be “punished” by Father and Mother Lin.

There seemed to be an issue with the Xiao Group’s economic chain these days, right?

However, these two have nothing to do with her in the end.

There were more important things to do after her.

For example, how to integrate metaphysical strength with modern medical care.


Finally, in this world, Lin Xiaotang lived to be in her forties.

Metaphysics has advanced as a result of her work, and the level of technology and medical treatment has significantly improved.

Lin Xiaotang became acquainted with her task object, Xu Junran, as a result of this.

It might be that Lin Xiaotang may have achieved his ambition of “purifying all beings” previously. He no longer went out as frequently as in the original plot, but instead sought a mountain to live alone.

But once Shen Shu, the person he liked, was punished, he emerged from the mountain and met Lin Xiaotang.

“You’re not Lin Xiaotang.” After seeing her, Xu Jun said firmly.

Lin Xiaotang did not deny it.

Xu Jun can live for hundreds of years, and his cultivation was deep enough.

Lin Xiaotang took a look and found that he was actually one step away from ascension.

Such a person could see that she was not the original owner, which was not a very unexpected result.

“What do you want?” she asked.

“Let me join your team,” Xu Junran urged, adding, “I can provide you with a lot of mysterious Taoism that has been lost.”

In the original plot, Xu Jun became the villain because he couldn’t ascend for a long time, lost his direction, and eventually became extreme.

But now he has a better option in front of him.

Lin Xiaotang decided to accept him as a special member of the medical and biological research team.

Later, she launched several anti-cancer drugs, in which Xu Junran had a lot of credit in.

Xu Junran obtained a lot of merit by relying on these medications, and he eventually survived the heavenly trial and rose to immortality.

Actually, this may be regarded a task achieved.

This place had nothing particularly sentimental about it. Lin Xiaotang followed into the abyss and left after finishing the project at hand.

The day she went, auspiciousness plummeted from the sky, immortal songs lingered, and the golden light of merit almost completely covered the sky.

Since then, the world has left a legend about her.

———End of this chapter. 


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