She is the Escape Boss [Quick Transmigration]

Promoting Science In The World Of Supernatural (8)

Ghost marriage? !

Shen Shu’s face softened slightly as she heard the news, but her tone remained cool and calm: “What ghost marriage?”

She had never engaged in the occurrence in which Lin Xiaotong was forced to marry a ghost from beginning to end, and it had nothing to do with her.

At most, she just did not report what she knew, but her relationship with the Lin family was unquestionably terrible.

“What exactly are you still pretending to be innocent about here?”

Hearing her say so, Xiao Chen was amused: “If it weren’t for you, would the witch go to Lin Xiaotang?”

Xiao Chen and Shen Shu have known each other for two years and shared a strong relationship. He could know Shen Shu was lying as soon as he heard it.

Shen Shu had lied before, but Xiao Chen felt she was quite interesting at the time, and that this cold-hearted Feng Shui expert was so cute.

But now, hearing that Shen Shu was still there claiming not to know anything, Xiao Chen felt she was acting pretentiously, making her hypocritical.

Shen Shu’s heart skipped a beat when he realised Xiao Chen’s attitude was wrong.

She pretended to be calm by biting her lower lip: “I’m not sure what you are talking about.”

“Do you think everyone is a fool?” “Why do you think I told you about Lin Xiaotang’s birthday?” Xiao Chen snarled as he interrupted her.

If he had predicted her intentions, how could Xiao Chen be out on the street with people discussing such intimate information?

And the witch as well. It was estimated that she could see Shen Shu’s purpose from the minute she opened her mouth.

Her use of Lin Xiaotang’s birthdate to match for her son’s ghost marriage was only a plot within a plan. After all, Lin Xiaotang came from a good family that only believed in science.

If it occurs, it will be kept between the three of them as a secret.

If it doesn’t work out…

Xiao Chen reflected about the different pressures from the Lin Group in the previous days, and his mood became increasingly angry.

He hung up the phone without waiting for Shen Shu to say anything.


Shen Shu’s fingers trembled slightly as she listened to the phone’s beeping sound, and her face turned pale.

Xiao Chen’s demeanour clearly indicated that he would place all of the blame on her.

She’d be done as soon as that witch confessed about her!

No, she had to figure something out.

Shen Shu’s eyes fell as her fists tightened involuntarily, her nails deeply embedded in her hands.

Do you want to do something to the Lin family yourself?

No, everyone has an APP now, and the Lin family will definitely download it too.

Furthermore, Lin Xiaotang was able to access this app two months earlier, indicating that she was most likely one of the developers.

Lin Xiaotang must be protected in this manner by someone from the government. If she makes a hasty move, it may not be of much use, and she will be caught.

But, in order for them to continue their investigation, she will undoubtedly be involved.

She wanted to stop them, and even if the witch confessed now, she needed to find a method to keep them at bay.

Otherwise, her 20 years of hard labour will have been utterly in vain…

Shen Shu’s eyes flickered slightly, unsure what she was thinking.

If she couldn’t do it, it didn’t mean that others couldn’t do it.

She couldn’t be the only one in the current metaphysics circle who was unsatisfied with that APP.

Even if they are angry, they will not express it openly on behalf of the country.

Those who have gone astray, on the other hand, rely on the use of Taoism to injure people in order to gain fortune.

They are considered disgusting by those who build and research apps.

And she just happened to know that there were so many wicked feng shui masters.

Even the country could not defend Lin Xiaotang if she gave them certain information and operated on them correctly.


Lin Xiaotang was unaware of the conflict between Shen Shu and Xiao Chen.

She just happened to come upon some rumour while reading the news.

It was reported in the news three days ago that Xiao Chen’s female companion at a certain banquet was no longer Shen Shu, but a young model they had never heard of before.

This is something that many people relish.

This fun-loving swinger had earlier told the media that he had found true love and resolved to mend his heart and “keep his body like a jade” (chastity) for the person he loves.

His nature appears to have remained constant, and the so-called prodigal son was really a joke.

After noticing this gossip news, Lin Xiaotang was a little surprised.

After all, after meeting Shen Shu, the male protagonist Xiao Chen cleaned himself up and avoided those folks in the original plot. 

This happened unexpectedly now.

Lin Xiaotang pondered about for a time and couldn’t figure out why this happened.

Apart from studies, it appears that she did nothing else after crossing over?

She has only met the hero and heroine once.

Could this have been the butterfly effect?

Lin Xiaotang, who had never experienced love, had no idea. Shen Shu and Xiao Chen had not had time to grow together, had not faced the test of life and death, and their bond was frail.

What, Xiao Chen liked was just the mysterious, powerful, cold, and gorgeous Feng Shui teacher Shen Shu.

Shen Shu was just an average woman when she lost that layer of filter.

And a playboy like Xiao Chen has seen his fair share of women.

The Xiao Group, as the party that had torn up the marriage, suffered from oppression and isolation from the Lin Group while the Lin Group gradually expanded upwards and successfully promoted to the first class giants.

Within six months, the Xiao Group had incurred significant losses, with numerous branches collapsing.

The Xiao family had considered fighting back, but the state was supporting the Lin family from behind. 

Xiao Chen had been at the company for three or four months to preserve the situation, frequently staying up until three or four a.m. before falling asleep.

Father and Mother Xiao were even more disappointed in this aspect.

Every day, they questioned Xiao Chen, asking him why he had forcefully ended the marriage in the first place.

“If you want to play, play outside; why should you give up your marriage?” Father Xiao chastised Xiao Chen angrily for the umpteenth time.

“Would our family be like this if it weren’t for you?” The haggard mother Xiao stood back, wiping away her tears. “Even if you end your marriage, if you had a better attitude and not offend them, wouldn’t that be okay?”

Even if Xiao Chen still loves Shen Shu in his heart, those feelings have long ago faded under the torment day after day.

However, Xiao Chen and Shen Shu’s connection has nothing to do with Lin Xiaotang.

Lin Xiaotang put the incident behind her after she was mildly surprised.

She went out to perform duties with people from different departments the next time, in addition to completing her studies.

Although she simply had an idea when she joined the state’s special department, it was pretty exciting to go out to handle cases and hear various stories about people and ghosts.

Lin Xiaotang received a text message from Father and Mother Lin on this day, after returning from handling the matter, urging her to come to the study as soon as possible.

When she arrived, she discovered that the witch who forced the original owner into the ghost marriage had been caught. 

The witch suffered backlash and became exceedingly physically weak after Lin Xiaotang crossed over and slapped the male ghost to death.

She hid in order to avoid the enemy and repair her body, and the Lin family did not find her until a few months later.

Lin’s father and mother investigated the witch before she returned to find out the truth.

After some rigorous investigation, they discovered that the witch obtained Lin Xiaotang’s birthdate because she overheard someone on the street discussing it.

The witch identified the two persons as Shen Shu and Xiao Chen.

“I really didn’t mean to hurt your daughter, it was them who wanted to hurt people!”

Looking at the enraged father and mother Lin, the witch argued vigorously, “I can feel the woman speaking to me. She had glanced at me several times before, and she is well aware of what I am doing. She consciously wishes… to…”

The witch’s eyes widened and her voice stopped halfway through the words.

She opened her mouth wide, as if she were being strangled by an invisible pair of hands, her old face flushed red, but she couldn’t say anything.

“I… ah… help, help me…”

The witch gripped her neck in pain and made a desperate cry for help.

Her eyes almost fell out of their sockets when she said the final few words.

“How is this going?!”

Father and Mother Lin had never seen anything like this before, and they were terrified and frozen right there.

But it was too late by the time they reacted and trembledly grabbed their phones from their pockets.

The witch ultimately collapsed in front of them after a few seconds.

She had died.

She died of asphyxiation, it was discovered during the examination.

Obviously, she was murdered via metaphysical means.

Lin’s father and mother were at a loss for words when they saw the witch’s body and could only send a text message to her daughter and ask her to come back and take a look.

After that, they called the police and told the police what happened.

Parents Lin were not embarrassed by the police because there were several security cameras in the study and the surveillance film could verify their innocence.

However, after witnessing a person’s death with their own eyes, Father and Mother Lin were still concerned.

“What should I do, Xiaotang?” Mother Lin inquired, “What the hell is going on here?” Was she killed by someone? Could it be in Shen Shu’s hands?”

“It could be her,” Lin Xiaotang replied indifferently, “but you all try to be cautious these days.”

The witch had already died when Lin Xiaotang returned.

The yin above the witch’s corpse had almost gone when she gazed at it. It appeared that the murder had specially chosen a Taoist technique that was not easy to be traced.

It was not surprising that a witch would be silenced.

It was just, killing individuals in front of Father and Mother Lin… Shen Shu, was she really so brave?

The heroine Shen Shu was the one who harmed the original protagonist. Lin Xiaotang was not surprised, because the male and female protagonists were not always good people, and she had already met other main characters with negative qualities.

However, after viewing the plot, she may have a better understanding of the heroine Shen Shu.

Shen Shu was incapable of using such arrogant tactics.

Shen Shu’s character like to wait for everyone to go before taking action in secret.

Lin Xiaotang grimaced slightly as she observed the witch’s anguished expression.

She always felt that the death of the witch was probably just the beginning.

There may be some conspiracy behind this.

And this conspiracy was obviously aimed at her.

Sure enough, Lin Xiaotang guessed right.

Three or four incidences of bad feng shui masters occurred in Huaihai City the day after the witch died.

All of the victims died in public, choking for no obvious reason and halting breathing for a few seconds.

In this context, the police promptly formed a task group to conduct an investigation.

However, the findings of the study kept many people mute.

These victims were, without exception, all those who held a grievance against the Lin Group.

And the evidence they left all pointed to the same person: Lin Xiaotang, the eldest lady of the Lin family.

———End of this chapter. 


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